
Braggarts and Thieves

Káti 1


1 Year
08-23-2015, 05:23 PM

Káti watched as the other Diamachi filed in, feeling much more secure with them around though he wasn't terribly frightened of the large, strangely colored man.  After all Tally didn't seem bothered by him so he couldn't be that bad.  Wraith entered and shot him a glance and Káti, unnerved, quickly looked away.  The other boy intimidated him.

The boy's ears would perk up as Mithras mentioned a game.  Ohhh a story telling contest?  Káti eyed the strange tooth curiously then looked back up to Mithras as he finished speaking.  He fidgeted for a moment before speaking up.  "Oh, well… I have a story I could tell. It's one my mom used to tell me when I was small."  Saying the word 'mom' made him finch in sorrow just a bit.  Not knowing where she was or what had happened still made his stomach knot.  "It's the story of how bears lost their tails.  A long, long time ago Bear had a long and luxurious tail, the most gorgeous tail of all the forest creatures!  He was very proud of his tail and would often flaunt it in front of the other creatures.  Well this didn't sit to well with Fox who was jealous of Bear's tail and felt that his own was just as beautiful if not more so.

One frosty morning in late, late fall Fox was out hunting when he spied a man fishing through a hole in the lake ice.  The man had dozed off and next to him was a string of a dozen fish!  Grinning fox snuck up next to the man and grabbed the string of fish, bolting away with his stolen prize.  The man awoke and gave chase but crafty Fox was able to outwit him and get away.  Frustrated the man gathered up his things and left.  Fox laughed as he watched the man go before his eyes fell on the now abandoned fishing hole.  He had an idea.

That same morning Bear awoke and went for his usual morning walk around the lake.  Today would be the final hunt for food before he would begin hibernation.  As he walked to the lake he caught the scent of fish and followed it to find Fox sitting at a hole in the ice with a dozen fish!  Bear's mouth watered as he spoke, 'My Fox, that is a lot of fish.  How did you manage to catch them all?'   Fox smiled and replied, "Why bear it's so easy I just dip my tail into the water through this hole in the ice and I wiggle it from time to time until a fish bites it then I just pull it out.  Why Bear… with your beautiful tail I'm sure you'd be able to catch even more fish than me!  I think I've caught plenty for myself you're welcome to use my fishing hole.'

Bear beamed at Fox's praise of his tail.  Why yes, surely he could catch more than Fox and what a delicious meal they would be right before hibernation.  "Thank you Fox, I think I'll give it a try."   Fox gathered up his fish and left as Bear sat down to fish, he stuck his tail far into the water.  He wiggled it and waited.  Then wiggled it and waited some more.  And then some more.  Poor Bear waited from morning til evening but not one fish would bite his tail!  'That darn Fox' he muttered.  'I see now I've been tricked.'  As Bear went to stand he realized he couldn't move!  He'd been waiting there so long that the ice had frozen over the hole and his tail was stuck!  Oh no!  Bear pulled and pulled until SNAP!    His tail broke as he tore himself free.  His beautiful tail was gone!  Somewhere not far off Fox was giggling at his trick.  It's always dangerous to blindly believe what someone tells you.  And that is why bears now have short tails."  

Káti grinned, hoping the others liked his story.  It was his favorite bedtime story and he'd often ask his mother to tell it over and over…  Káti's grin faltered and he looked away as he felt tears welling up in his eyes. He missed her.
