
Draw a line across the middle of your broken heart



3 Years
08-23-2015, 06:25 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

It did not surprise him that the meeting started off talking about the raid. It was probably the biggest thing that had happened to them, or at least was to his recollection since he had joined. Not even the festivities the pack had been a part of during that period where he had become part of Threar rivaled the excitement of that night, though the excitement had not been the enjoyable kind. Miksa's yellow eyes lowered to his left leg at the mention of it, and though he had been entirely inexperienced during the battle, he still felt a small sense of pride for what he had done. He had helped defend his pack and learned a great deal in the process. It was a step in the right direction.

The talk moved on to promotions, and absently the white wolf listened as names were called. Hearing his own name caught him off guard, and with his heart jumping into his throat Miksa quickly lifted his gaze to stare at Novella, nervous and then stunned as she labeled him and a few of her children Chapters in the pack. A promotion... He had gotten a promotion! It was so sudden, so unexpected, that he could not quite process it yet, and continued to stare somewhat blankly as the Author as she continued conducting their meeting. I'm a Chapter. It was even weird to think about, and he was sure it was going to take a while before he could truly accept that it was true.

He was too far in shock to register the talk of demotions, but the news about the newest additions to the pack brought him back around to the conversation. Though it made the side of his face twinge uncomfortably, made his bite wound sting, he smiled, albeit painfully. That was happy news indeed, and he was glad for the alpha pair. They deserved that small happiness, and he suspected the rest of the pack would feel the same. He glanced around at them as if looking at them for the first time, feeling at last like he was a part of them.