
Broken Pasts and Broken Hearts

Thaddeus Rogue

04-09-2013, 09:53 PM
Thaddeus felt the world close in on him, yes he was happy that he was with his family but he felt the walls of pack life closing in on him. He loved Gargie and Crusade but it felt like they where pressuring him to stay, try and make a life where they could see him everyday. Crusade kept hinting at the open Beta position, well hinting is a bit of a understatement, she was a bit overbearing about it. Thaddeus Rogue heaved a heavy sigh. He had only been there a few weeks and he already felt the pull of wondering, but he would hold off for as long as was possible. For he was only reconnecting with his long lost brother, someone that he thought dead. Gargoyle was also hiding something from him and Rogue felt it was his job to find out what, for what else where brothers good for, if not to bust his brothers chops now and again.

Thaddeus was out hunting again, like he always did when a pack took him in. He felt that he needed to provide for his host pack instead of taking from them. The habit started when he was in the Miner Blood Wolves pack, now he just does it to make his trespassing easier to the packs he stayed with, and most welcomed his expert hunting skills, skills that started from his strong nose and tracking ability. Thaddeus Rogue nosed some brush stirring up the scents, testing the smells. He smelled rabbits, foxes, and versus other woodland creatures. He circled the brush, picking out the strand that had been the hare. It would make a good snake to him and any other wolven he found on his way back into the heart of the pack lands. Glaciem was not starving, but they where not as well off as they could be, the lead hunter was one of the positions open, and other then beta, it seemed Crusade thought him perfect for it, and made a commit about it every time he brought a kill to the others in the pack.

On the third circle Thaddeus picked up the strand of the hares scent then in the batch, Now that he had a trail, the hunt should go quick. He trotted forward his nose to the ground, his mind in hunt mode. It did not take long for him to see the furry creature grazing on some grass. Thaddeus did not hesitate, as the wind was in his fever already and the animal had its back to him, he pounced on his lanky legs and made the kill swift. It was one of his easiest hunt in a long time, maybe today was his lucky day.