
First stop~



7 Years

08-24-2015, 07:36 AM
"Italian," she echoed him, head tilting to the side. Oh, so the family knew it? A gentle smile graced her maw; tail wagged lightly behind her. Yeah, it definitely was easier to speak when no one could understand you. She often wished she knew another language for just that purpose, and... well, learning something like that she felt would be enjoyable. "W-would you teach me?" she asked, hesitantly, her tone having a slight edge of fear  fear of the answer being no.

Her ears flattened when he gave her that look, and she shifted uncomfortably. She had to admit, he had a point, but the thought of apologizing to that... to that bitch filled her with utter repulsion. And he was right about her starting it, sort of. They kinda both started it at the same time. Of course, that argument would have absolutely no effect on the boy at all, she already knew it. So she kept her mouth shut, just nodding wordlessly. She couldn't resist a snort at the last bit. That was true, she definitely wanted face-eaters on her team. They weren't fun to fight against. It was worth considering, at least.

Her ears raised back up as he continued, her uncomfortable feeling fading as he continued speaking. Another laugh emerged from the teasing question. "I'll probably avoid that for now on," she agreed. The smile then faded, replaced by a rather serious expression, and she nodded silently. She didn't have much a response for that - other than maybe appreciation .

She nodded at the correction, muttering it under her breath to try to commit it to memory. And she needed a flower, not a leaf? Okay. Meadow sweet. She could.. try to remember that. She liked meadows, right? Meadows are sweet? She couldn't even think of something to remember it with. She nodded at the instruction to flex her jaw, she'd remember. Especially after that scolding. She nodded more as he added on, before opening her mouth to repeat the information back to him - to make sure she got it right - when his smile widened, spoke Italian, and he darted away. She followed more slowly, head tilting as she looked down at the white flowers. "Finalment?" she questioned, butchering the pronunciation rather gruesomely. "Does that mean finally?" It sort of sounded like it did... and, well, she was curious. "And is that meadowsweet?" There weren't berries, so she figured it couldn't be elderberries because... berries.

Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.