
Do you have what it takes? ; Healer Training



5 Years
08-24-2015, 12:03 PM

Lior stood up even straighter when she awaited the feedback on her process of treating a wound. She knew it was rather flawed in a some way, though how bad she didn't know. It was the difference between life and death should this have been put into practice. And so the grey healer in training would take her verbal licks as constructively as possible. Terrae had been one to receive praise as well as a spot of advice for his treatment, Lior mentally congratulating him and offering a nod his way. She had to remind herself not to feel bad about not knowing these things and instead try and remember what Orchid had said to use in treatment.

And so came to her diagnosis, Lior trying to ingest what Orchid was saying was the right way to do things. Orchid corrected Lior's failings, her whole process, and at the end the grey woman could only give a shallow nod. Lior pawed Voltage's shoulder with a half hearted smile. "Sorry I killed you." But back to regarding Orchids prying in the dealing of a neck wound.

"I, ummm..." Lior paused in thought, remembering just now at the prompt what her father had said was the main killer next to blood loss in the battles he had been apart of. "I was thinking shock." Lior tried to add, know that she should've said it to begin with. Grey ears flicked back as the she wolf fidgeted under Orchids gaze. "Aloe could also be for the itching. Stop themselves from opening the wound on their neck with a scratching." Lior gave a deep breath, shoulders sagging as she stared down at Voltage's troublesome scar. At each step in Orchid's re-treatment of the wound Lior would simply nod and file away the herbs and processes the orange healer spoke about. With a sigh she would look back up, a glance given at Terrae, before nodding at Orchid to continue the lesson.

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'

Table by:: Evelyn

[Image: lior_by_reflectedmemories-d8khd2n.png]