
Birna vs Mercy

Mercy I


5 Years

08-24-2015, 03:56 PM

She nodded to Birna as greeted her as well, watching as the other woman moved away. Mercy did not move with her, but just aimed to keep them face to face as the taller woman moved back slightly. As she waited, Mercy easily set her own defenses. Her pale ears hugged her skull as her neck moved to align with her spine, chin tipping downward towards her chest. Elongated tail moved upwards to align with her spine as well, legs equal distance apart as he bent lightly, toes spreading as her nails bit into the soft earth. Purple eyes narrowed as her lips pulled up into a snarl, her shoulders rolling forward as her neck scruched along her scruff. Birna said she was going to take the first one, and she would allow it. Excitement bubbled up in her belly, but it took away the bit of nerves that threatened to take away her concentration. Birna growled, and the fight was on.

Mercy stood stalk still as Birna charged at her, Mercy's shoulders rolling forward more in anticipation of the taller woman slamming into her. But it would seem that Birna was more crafty than that. No longer were they completely head on, Birna had shifted her body slightly to the taller woman's own right. As Birna's teeth flashed in the corner of her eye Mercy attempted to swing her head to her own right, avoiding the teeth around her ear and jaw. But she did not fully evade the bite, Birna's teeth cut into the left side of her neck in the midway point between her jaw and shoulder, on the outside portion of her neck. She did not manage to get a grip on Mercy, teeth sliding passed the rest of her neck. They were only minor lacerations, but they still stung like a bitch. Hissing between clenched jaws she spent little time focusing on it. Letting the adrenaline take over, Mercy's gaze focused on the taller woman once more. As soon as the other woman leaned back and raised herself up slightly, Mercy took action. The pale woman attempted to duck down, hopefully putting herself just below Birna's raising arm. Raising her head upwards, Mercy's jaws parted as she tried to rise up and grasp Birna's throat. Her upper jaws aimed for the left side of Birna's neck, on the outer portion just three inches down from her bottom jaw, as her lower jaws aimed for the underside of her neck, midpoint between the sides and just over her esophagus. Mercy aimed to bite down just hard enough to crush down on Birna's neck and hopefully blocking off her breathing long enough for the larger woman to black out. At the same time, Mercy aimed to roll her shoulders forward and slam her chest into the lower portion of Birna's chest, hopefully setting Birna more off balance and knocking the larger woman on her side. In a last ditch effort to bowl her over, Mercy adjusted her weight to her own left half as he picked up her right front paw, aiming to snake it around Birna's hind left leg and pull her own leg back towards her chest. Mercy hoped to take out Birna's back left leg and throw her off balance.

ROUND 1 of 2

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.