
Broken Pasts and Broken Hearts


04-10-2013, 12:34 AM

Mahniya had been here for a long while. Seasons came and seasons changed and Mahniya remained the same. The two toned dame remained the silent tragic beauty. Her coat was seemingly flawless, long strands, soft as silk fluttered in the breeze as her form glided across the ice. Her bodice was slender, thin, perhaps bordering anorexia but not quite there. She was a magnificent creature, thin musculature rippling with every step she took. She glided more than walked, silent, cunning, watchful.

She rarely spoke, even with Gargie's teaching of freedom, the concept was still foreign to her. She hunted without being told too, slept when she grew tired, drank without supervision, but did little else without consent. She supposed that was an improvement, she had her own den, but she rarely slept within it. The solitude made her antsy, nervous. Her master had kept her forever glued at his side in case he wanted anything. She was not good at being alone, never had been, never will be. She often braved the bitter chill, sleeping a few paces short of another members den.

Today she found herself on the outskirts of Glaciem, her pace a steady trot. Her blood colored eyes missed nothing, every flicker, every shift of the snow, every gentle caress of winter... she was at peace today. Her mind did not brood on days past, she was not reminicising of punishments or commands, today her mind was light and airy. She was healing, getting better, at least according to Gargoyle. Surprise flickered in her gaze as she came upon another. A figure she had not seen in years, one she had thought to never see again.

He seemed distracted, disoriented and despite the black stain that she made upon the snow, he did not seem to notice her. She paused a moment, ears flickering forward, attentive, watchful. He looked troubled, as her master had when he discovered his illness. She had not liked the face painted upon her master and she did not like the expression upon him now. She glided forward, slowly, so as to not startle him. "Thaddeus Rogue... it has been a long time, what troubles you so?" Her voice a soft soprano, gentle and barely a whisper vibrated through her larynx. She wondered where he had been and if he remembered her at all.
