
take my hand



7 Years

08-24-2015, 10:01 PM

As he settled before two old allies, he heard the paws of another wolf. Ears quivered backwards as his head turned slightly, seeing Lillie settle in behind him. He gave her a brief nod, but offered no other greeting to the yearling. She was silent as well, and for that he was grateful. This was clearly business of such, and while he was glad that she was here to observe and listen, he didn't wish for any interruptions. Turning his full attention back to Katja as she took the lead, he assumed that she was once more leader. His head tilted to the side as he listened to the words that she shared with him. Mmm, alcohol, huh? It sounded interesting, and something that seemed would not be for the children. Katja told him that she had samples of something that she named mead, a stronger drink. Whatever that was. He had to admit though, his curiosity was peaked. While Abaven didn't really have any large celebrations or ceremonies, he was interested in at least smelling and tasting this substance. The less harsh brew was something that he wanted indeed, perhaps in celebration after the rotation of groups or at births. "And if we want more after these samples, what are you asking for in trade?" He was no fool, there was always something in trade. And this was Katja, it did not surprise him that she had set this up.

He blinked slowly when she moved on though, stating that Kassander was going to stay in Abaven to level out what they had been owed. Oh, he had nearly forgotten about that. "Oh, perfect timing on that, actually. That would be good, thank you Katja and Kassander." Bass said with a dip of his head, looking at the man with a smile on his face. "It will be nice to have you around for awhile, Kass. Please make yourself at home." But once again she moved right along, placing the samples before him. Rising to his paws he sniffed at both jars. The mead hit him in the back of the throat, and he pulled back as he sneezed. Oh man, she wasn't kidding when she said that it was strong! He then sniffed at the ciser, which smelled like honey and sweetness. It was that one that appealed to him most, since he did not have larger celebrations within his pack. "The ciser appeals more to me, as we don't often hold large ceremonies here. They both smell so good though, I have never encountered a drink like this... And the effects of them?" Bass asked with a brow raised. He had never encountered this before, and the fact that it had to be brewed like some sort of herb concoction made him think that it had more of an... unstabling drink.
