
Darkness falls



9 Years
08-25-2015, 02:27 AM (This post was last modified: 08-25-2015, 02:29 AM by Arcus.)
A gentle smile touched his lips as he looked at her, grinning as she questioned him. She always seemed to question him, and yet it never made him angry. He just smiled and held onto the truth she wouldn't accept as if it were his own secret. Perhaps she'd know one day, just exactly how much she helped him, did for him...just by being around, but it seemed like it wouldn't be today. "I want to protect you, from all the evils of the world." He said with a gentle smile. "You're too pure to be weighed down by darkened clouds..." He wanted her light to shine bright for eternity, wanted to always feel the warmth that lived there in her eyes. It was a gift she had been blessed with that he could enjoy in quiet admiration.

He'd turn his head back then to look up at the stars, sighing so softly. "I'll be devoured by my storms day soon. But your light tends to fend them off. Just thinking about you and planning to meet up with you has...dissipated them." He whispered delicately, his eyes narrowing slightly as he looked beyond sight, sighing gently. "I don't want you to waste your energy on worrying for me...What'll happen will happen, and it'll be my destiny I'll have to face." He was the roving storms, a breath taking sight and a disaster upon the earth. One day soon he would fulfill that destiny, even if he didn't want too. So he'd look at Shaye, and smile softly. "In the meantime, I want to do everything I can to pay you back....for the added time you tack onto my calm before the storms.." He gave a toothy grin before he rolled onto his belly, tail swishing behind him as he laid his head on his paws and looked at her, only at her. "So, I'll be your genie. Ya got three wishes, three things I can do for ya or teach ya. What's your first wish, master?" He'd grin brightly then, eyes shining in the floating lights as he gazed at her.

"Burn Baby Burn"