
Darkness falls

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
08-25-2015, 02:39 AM

She snorted when he spoke of protecting her from evils. Everyone seemed to think that evil was always just around the corner, but sometimes you just had to open your eyes and see the good. She saw the good in Arcus, he was sweet and noble, and she knew, just knew he would be there for her if she ever needed it. Maybe that was the problem with people, and their apparent terrible world waiting just around the corner, they forgot to see that everything had some good in them, if you just stopped to look.
She did a lot of exploring, of meeting new people and going to strange places, hell, she had even gone onto the battlefield, another apparently dangerous place, and she had met a friendly guy and he had taught her how to defend herself. Perhaps she shouldn't be surprises that he was sweet – he was related to Arcus after all.

She frowned when he spoke of being devoured by his storms. “You cant be devoured by what you are, storms come, and they go, they can be amazing, and terrifying, but they don't tear themselves apart – other things maybe, but not itself” she huffed, why did he always have to speak like that? Sometimes he made it sound like he expected to die young, like he thought his life would be ripped away from him. She shuffled on her bed of leaves and moved to place a paw against his chest. “Your not going anywhere, and i'll worry about you as much as I want, its my energy to waste” she said, argumentatively. She watched him as he rolled over, his eyes locking onto hers, and she found herself a little breathless. She realized how little space there was between them, and it seemed to make her dizzy. “wi-wishes?” she asked, her thoughts scrambled. Had she taken a moment to think about it she might have tred differently, but in that moment the silly little thought she had had early popped into her mind, of wishing she knew how to spar. “Teach me to fight?” she asked softly, already savoring, wondering, about her other two wished. She giggled softly then “My stormy genie”

"Burn Baby Burn"


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