
Pulling me back



7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
08-25-2015, 08:01 AM (This post was last modified: 08-25-2015, 08:02 AM by Cascade.)
OOC: changed the rating to M because SEX TALK and thought some people might be uncomfortable with it.

The first to arrive was her eldest son, and he was clearly pleased to be able to say that he'd beaten Vana there. Cascade winked at him. "I'm sure she'll have something to say about it." But Vana, who appeared next with as close to a stately, dignified appearance as she could manage, was clearly doing her best to not say anything, and Seraphim pranced in with all his usual enthusiasm and verve. Her three beautiful, wonderful children. Well, time to get to business.

"So," she started off nearly as soon as Phim had made his disheveled appearance. "I'm glad you all made it, because I called you here for a lesson." She paused in case anyone wished to voice displeasure, but quickly continued on anyway. "This is a life lesson, and an important one." She settled herself and used her tail to brush flat a patch of dirt between her and the three children. "Now, you're all yearlings. You're fully grown, you're old enough to leave the pack if you really wanted to. Hell you're old enough to lead your own packs. But you're still maturing, physically, and there are a few things I neglected until now to tell you because it wasn't really necessary. But you're of an age now that it's going to start being very important to you to learn, because there are wolves who will take advantage of a young wolf and if you don't know what they're doing, you may not realize the dangers of it. So... let's talk about sex."

She found herself suddenly very glad that Valentine would not be here for this particular conversation. If he asked what prompted it, would she have to lie to him? Her loyalty to Valen was absolute, but she had promised Mercy she wouldn't tell anyone. It was a sticky situation, no doubt, and she was glad not to be facing it quite yet. Though the thought of Valentine sitting through a sex talk with their children was hilarious to her. Well, she wasn't going to dumb it down for them to make it more comfortable a lesson for either her or them - they were going to be having sex someday, as little as she wanted to think about that, so they would need to know.

"You know the basics. Boys and girls are built differently, and if a boy and a girl mate they make babies. But I've never really gone into the details, and it is important for you to know. You are old enough now that there's really no point in pup-safe euphemisms for your parts, so we may as well start there." Using one blunt claw, she doodled a simplistic stick figure of a wolf. "So, we may as well start with females because let's face it, our exteriors are a bit simpler. A female's exterior sex is the second thing down on their rear under their tail." She raised her brow at them with a half smile. "You all know what the first thing is for since everyone has one. That's the anus - a female's sex is under that, and is called the labia." She poked at the stick figure to make a dot in approximately the right spot. "A male's sex is a little more complicated, or at least there's more of it visible." She drew two circles between the stick figure's hind legs. "These are the testicles. They're what makes it so that mating will actually make babies, instead of just being sex. They make the semen that helps make pups." She drew a line on the stick figures belly.

Her tone brisk and business like she continued on with her lesson without sparing a thought for anyone's potential embarrassment. "Males have a furry little pouch on their abdomen called a sheath. We've all seen it. But inside the sheath is something called a penis. When a male is ready to have sex the penis swells and the sheath is pushed back, and he puts the penis inside the female and... well, at that point instincts going to take over and they'll copulate and the male's body will release semen in the female and if she's in heat she'll more than likely get pregnant. Females can get pregnant even if they don't seem like they're actually in heat, so it is important to be careful. I wasn't in heat when I got pregnant for you three, so it's a very good thing I was in a position to be able to take care of my pups and that you had a father who wanted and loved you as much as I do. Not everyone has that, and not every wolf who says they want to have sex loves you. A lot of them will say it just to get the sex they want and then drop you... and when there's the possibility of pups that makes things very, very difficult."

She brushed her tail over the dirt again, wiping away the stick figure, and fixed them all with a very serious stare. "I'm not telling you this so you'll go and do it. All three of you are way too young for sex. Your bodies, and your minds, aren't fully mature and it's physically and emotionally dangerous for you to do this right now, but I don't want anyone to trick you into it because you don't know how it works." She held their gazes for a beat longer, then relaxed. "So... any questions?"

Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

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