
Problems - Open


04-10-2013, 06:59 AM

Time was a wrathful bitch. Stealing from him time and time again, and he knew little how long he could possibly endure losing more and more. Here stood his daughter that had been vacant for so long, and while most family reunions would be excitable, interesting, events he was stuck with the truth that this evented was swathed in memories, and not all of them were anywhere near pleasant. How could he change things? How could he heal the heart of his daughter? She was not a cruel creature, she was wounded by death, like so many others. To be honest, it was not her that was failing him, however, he could not answer himself as to how he had failed her. Happiness, pleasantry, all were so preached on by the dulled, brunette king. Where had she been during the discussions?

Warmth radiated from her body like it radiated from his own, and while he could only have the forethought she did not enjoy the embrace hardly as much as he did he would look directly at her back, his skull draped across her shoulder, and he dreaded letting go of the girl. Would it be the last time? Could he...make her stay? Convince her? Work her through the things that writhed in her mind? He wanted more than anything to have the ideal, perfect, family, but he knew it would be a challenge and he would have to speak perfectly.

Words ripped from her mouth and it took him a minute to register what she met, however, upon her second line, eyes would widen just a bit and tears would beg to fester in his gaze. He thought that perhaps she meant Erani, but no, she meant Guinevere. His sweet, sweet Guin. Head would fall slightly and he would release eye contact for a moment, gathering his sporadic thoughts. Such an intelligent young girl stood before him, and that was the key word. Young. Inexperienced. All of his children were so youthful, so innocent. ?Your mother loved you so much, and I can honestly not love anyone else like I loved her, Eos,? A small smile would dance across his lips and he would look up at her, ?Death comes for us all...your one day you. Your parents are supposed to go before you, to path a way,?

He did not speak from anything more than a position of a loving father. He spoke from a position that just needed his daughter and needed her to understand. However, she was wrong, and the realization of what she said invoked quite the reaction from the massive king. His head would shake back and forth, his expression would morph into that of pain, and he would look at her with eyes that almost pleaded with her to stay home, ?Eos, you belong with me. You are my daughter. You are ridden with terrible, terrible things the world has shown you, and I?m sorry. I am sorry that as a father I failed to protect you. It is my fault, and to be clear...I can?t find this out of necessity. Syrinx much like you,?