
Wrass Litter, the Second!



7 Years
Extra large
08-26-2015, 12:16 AM (This post was last modified: 08-26-2015, 12:16 AM by Quelt.)
Full Name :  Laysan Destruction
-Laysan, a breed of Albatross  CLICK FOR IMAGE
Alignment : Neutral
Gender : Female
Design :  #4
Quick Description :

A Medium sized female(33”) with Lavender eyes. Her base coat color only described as a light brown in hue. Dark brown covers her ears and down her back, only to tip her tail along with white streaks that bring out her body.

Personality :

This is how Laysan will be at birth, any and all of these traits are susceptible to character development.

+Acessible, Agreeable, Aspiring, Colorful, Clever, Capable, Confident, Creative, Dedicated, Friendly, Funloving
-Blunt, Gulliable, Boisterous, Critical, Clumsy, Demanding, Envious, Impulsive, Meddlesome, Naive, Passive

At the start of her life Laysan will try to be someone great. The pup will want to live up to her mother and her father’s legacy within the pack. In order to do this, she is clever to pay attention, quick to try and take in lessons at any time in her life. Though, to try and be different she will make every attempt to be different and creative. Thinking out of the box on problem solving, and how to get through tough events in her life. Wanting to be someone that her siblings older and littermates look up to. Always ready to be a call away, she doesn’t entirely disagree on anything. Her idea’s are pure and with the kindest intentions.

Confident she will try to appear, friendly to everyone unless proven otherwise on rare occasions. She loves to go out and have fun, rather than be cooped up in a small den all day. Laysan does however try to avoid getting into too much trouble, she wants everyone to like her. Her impulsive nature can come into trouble when this happens, mistakes will be made even if they were not intentional on her end. Dedicated to her family, her friends, and whatever task she has at the time. Her sense of will could grow to be something great.

Laysan will never sugar coat her thoughts, she has yet to learn the term “think before you speak”. Truthful in all her form, she may seem a bit mean and blunt. Coming off as slightly annoying as for her constant need to be speaking to someone. When the time comes, she can be quiet, but she loves to tell stories and instill in conversation with others. Sadly, mistakes hit heavy in her heart. She is critical of herself and what she does, never wanting to mess up. Even if she knows it’s okay to make mistakes, it can bring her to near tears to be scolded.

She isn’t the most private of a pup. If you are doing something, expect her to want to tag along or see what it might be that you are holding. Though, she is more inclined to believe the impossible. She is easily tricked, and easy to please on most area’s of the world. As any pup can be she is demanding of answers, and for things she doesn’t understand to be known in that little head of hers. She would never hurt a fly, but under her frustration and anger may turn to being passive aggressive.

RP sample:

There was a task to be had here, she knew that perfectly well. With her paws on the ground, her rump in the air and tail wagging back and forth. Laysan could see it in her sights, it was the tail of some sort of adult who had been talking to his mate. A wide smile strewn across her face as she dug her tiny nails into the dirt, where there wouldn’t be much traction. The location the pup had chosen to hide behind was a cluster of bushes, green and lush to the point where maybe only the whites of her body would be showing. Whatever these two were talking about, they would soon be disturbed by the curious young one stalking their tail.

Laysan would steady herself, saying it over and over again to stay steady. Her back paws weren’t easily kept still with the slight patterning of her toes on the dirt. She would burst in all innocently like, and then ask them what they were talking about. She didn’t care what it was, even if it was the most boring subject on the planet. All the pup knew was that she HAD to know what it was. With one more thought of confidence she would jump, falling face first into the rump of the male who was twice to three times her size being an adult.

For a moment things went black and she was confused backing up around him until she was in the middle of the two of them. Looking up with her lavender eyes she blinked and smiled. Suddenly all the doubt went away and her tail was wagging back and forth. ”So what are you two talking about?” She had done it! She had completed her task. The male tilted his head at her as the female would only let out a small giggle. Perhaps, she would learn what they were speaking of another day when she was much older.