



6 Years

08-26-2015, 01:08 AM
Esa grew more curious as Neith spoke again, revealing that no matter how far she traveled, she was always drawn back to where her sister resided. It was an interesting thought, but the more she listened, the more she felt a sting somewhere deep in her heart. Esarosa had a sister too, her only littermate... Elysia. Yet, she had never thought of returning home to see Ely, or any of the family she had left her behind. Did that make her a bad sister? It had been a long time since she'd thought about any of them. She'd been too busy exploring... or was she just running away from it, pretending like it didn't matter? She'd left as a teenager, and she'd grown since that time. It's too far away now, I can never go back, she reasoned with herself. For a few moments, her emerald gaze would stare through Neith as the thoughts flooded her mind. Would Elysia be running the pack by now? If so, how was their father? Had their mother ever returned from the distant pack of healers?

She shook herself, trying to dislodge the thoughts. She hadn't thought about it in so long, and now was not the time to start. "I don't really have anyone tying me down," she said, her voice quivering just slightly before she continued on more calmly, "But I've been thinking I need a group... I don't think I'll ever join a pack, but it gets lonely, you know? It'd be nice to have somewhere to go to call home, a place with no responsibilities, no boundaries and no rules..." She took in a deep breath, looking to the dense undergrowth that surrounded them. Would Neith understand what she meant? Esa wondered if such a thought had ever crossed the she-wolf's mind, and if it hadn't, what would she think now? "I need to be free, I love exploring and doing things in my own time," she went on, tilting her head slightly, "But it'd be nice to come back to familiar faces when I'm tired, you know? Without being judged, without anyone wondering where you've been and demanding answers." She sighed slightly, daydreaming at the thoughts a bit, then realized she'd spoken too much again and waited quietly to see if Neith had anything to say.