
Not in the mood



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
08-26-2015, 04:47 AM

The much younger girl would not answer her, instead only gave her a silently given nod. Avalon would not attempt to speak further until after the fight, sensing that she wasn't the only one that needed to release her frustration. Quickly, she would set up her defenses. Fiery optics narrowed, brows creasing to protect her eyes. Audits folded tightly against her head, though she was doubtful that the much smaller girl could reach them anyway, it was better safe then sorry. Her tail flagged out like a banner, ready to aid her in quick movement should she need it, her knees bent, legs equidistant apart and her weight evenly balanced. The woman's toes spread as her claws scraped into the dirt, finally her head lowered over her throat and her chin tucked to protect her throat which was more in the smaller girls reach. As the smaller girl suddenly kicked off towards her, Avalon's hackles rose and her teeth bared in a sudden snarl, face contorting into something fiercer then she really was. Her shoulders rolled forward not only to protect the sides of her jugular, but to potentially use to tackle Lilliana as well.

Avalon would mirror Lilliana's movement, keeping them head on with each other. At the moment of potential impact, as Lilliana rose to try and bite her face, Avalon lifted herself slightly as if pushing off in preparation for a jump and would attempt to slam the bony part of her chest directly into Lilliana's windpipe (Or beneath her jaw) and hopefully choke the girl and use Lilliana's lack of frontal balance against her and/or knock her over, as well as cause heavy bruising if she was successful [Counter]. As she did this, her jaws would open with bared fangs as she ducked her head to her right and slightly tilted her jaws leftwards in an attempt to grasp the left side of Lilliana's neck within her jaws and attain a grip. However, Avalon herself would not go unscathed. Instead of teeth meeting her face, Lilliana's bite would land on the front part of Avalon's upper left shoulder. She growled in pain as tooth met bone, though it was thanks to the bone there that no major damage would be dealt. Flesh tore, and discomfort would brew as Lilliana's teeth dealt moderate bite wounds.

Avalon would see this as an opportunity then, as she pressed forward and attempted to use her now aching shoulder blade to further press into the younger girls jaws, to pry them open and hopefully cause her discomfort. Due to the proximity as well, Lilliana's attempt at scratching her face with her claws would bode unsuccessful, instead her blunt claws would cause mildly annoying scratches beneath Avalon's chest but did nothing but cause a few hairs to fall. It was at this moment, that Avalon would raise her left forepaw and attempt to pin Lilliana's right forepaw to the ground. And given Avalon's greater weight advantage, she hoped she would be successful in limiting her opponents movement.

~Fight Stats~

Avalon versus Lilliana for Spar

Round/Move:  1/2




Out Of Character Notes: Wrote this at 4am so bear with me. If you need clarification text/skype/pm me thanks <3


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