
Witty Title



9 Years
Athena I
08-26-2015, 06:08 PM

ooc: sorry so late with my reply! Life got real cray real fast. I'd like everyone to reply again by September 2nd <3

Slowly pack members would trail in, but the first wolf to appear was actually Arivae, Tiburtius' friend. He gave her a smile, pleasantly surprised by her promptness. "It's good to see you too, Arivae! I'm glad you're here." Soon to follow was his mother. Her proud look wasn't lost on him and he couldn't help the wide grin he gave her in response. It made him feel good knowing that he was doing good in her eyes, even if it was just a silent glance that said so. Then came Amalia and he chuckled at the wink she shot his way. He returned it with a smirk and a silent thought of needing to spend more time with his sibling soon.

His ears would perk at Svetlana's voice as she greeted him and his head would turn so his gaze could find her beside him, his tail instantly wagging behind him. "Hey there, Svet," he replied with a happy grin. Tiburtius would come next, his nephew's attention obviously focused on Arivae. He wondered if they might eventually become a couple sometime in the near future.. they were both growing up after all. He chuckled softly to himself at the thought before turning his gaze to watch one of the boys that had come with Alamea's group, Eirik he thought his name was, followed by Play and Sarai. He was a little disappointed in the turnout, but as he made a mental list of the wolves that were missing he felt a little better about it.

"Well then, I suppose we might as well get started," he began, glancing around at the group with a smile. "I assume you must all know by now, but since it's never been officially announced I'll start with the fact that I am now the Sovereign since my mother passed Fiori on to me. Nothing much will be changing with the structure or laws of the pack, just a shift in the ranks. Epiphron will instead be on my Council." He breifly smiled at his mother before going on. "Of course Amalia will still hold the Head Medic position and Athena will be one of our Head Sentries. Svetlana has also agreed to take on one of the Council positions. If anyone needs anything these wolves will be more than happy to help you. Of course you're more than welcome to come to me directly as well."

"With all that said, there are still positions to be filled. I'll be looking for another wolf to be on my Council as well as another Head Sentry. If you are interested in either of these positions please let me know so I can put you in for consideration." He turned his gaze to Eirik and Sarai, since they were the only ones there that his next words applied to. "I would also like to begin moving our general members up into their proper positions. Eirik and Sarai, if you would let me know which specialty you would like once I'm done I would greatly appreciate it." He turned his gaze back to the general crowd and paused breifly.

"I won't say too much about how small the turnout for this meeting is since it would be preaching to the choir to do so. But just keep in mind that these meetings are important and spread the word to anyone that isn't here that I do expect them to come to all meetings and training sessions from here on out. I suppose Absinthe and Bacchus have left for their trip as well as Novel and Ara. I'm not sure where everyone else is, however, so if everyone could just keep an eye out for them and make sure they are okay I would appreciate that." He smiled softly and gave each member another glance. "But thank you to those of you that did come. I like spending time with all of you. Now, anyone that needs to speak to me please come on up. If not, you're free to go unless anyone else has something they would like to say."

"Talk" "You" Think