
Exactly as I say



6 Years
Dragon Mod
08-27-2015, 03:24 AM (This post was last modified: 08-27-2015, 03:28 AM by Sin.)

"Because she places no trust in them, let alone give them a reason to trust her." It was a simple conclusion based on what he had learned of her so far. And he'd be lying if it weren't true, but so far he'd observed that it seemed to be true. That would be his first response, he didn't really have to think much about it. It was obvious, after all. The woman's next words would draw a rather rude laugh from his maw, starting as a low rumbling chuckle until it grew louder and louder, teeth bared as a sneer began to present itself. Was she serious? Was this woman a figment of his imagination or was she real? This pack was getting more amusing by the second, oh how he would be sad to leave simply because he would miss all the stupid things this pack did.

"At this rate, I don't care if the pack hates me. I didn't come to make friends, I came because Arian made a promise she couldn't keep. If I wanted to challenge some low level pack, I would have challenged one already don't you think? In fact..." His fur would bristle only slightly at the thought of stealing a pack from another, though it wasn't Threar that he sought. They were soft and out of the way, no recognition. No, his stealing a pack from them would do nothing. "I was already making plans about something like that, until your little President decided she wanted to use me here against Yfir." A smug look would break free, though for good reason. "Because she needed someone stronger to help, because she's too weak to do it alone."

He stood then, fur bristling more as his lip curled to reveal glinting yellowed fangs. "I've been working hard for my future. I do not expect handouts like some beggar rogue!" He snapped. These poor creatures knew nothing of him, and only liked to assume they did. Oh how they were wrong..."I doubt the fact that Sonticus would be useful. The pack is hardly useful on it's own, barely surviving and barely able to defend itself because your President has too much fear and doubt. I would not be surprised if Yfir succeeded in driving you all out of these lands."

talk, think