
You Better Be Good To Me



04-17-2013, 06:26 PM
Collision's arrival was alongside Neo - and she wondered just how their meeting at the borders had gone. The beta wasn't sure what to say to the male, but she would find time to talk to her adopted brother as soon as she could. Hate her he may, but she wouldn't let him blindly hate Valhalla, at least hate them for the proper reasons, right? She quieted, listening to her eldest brother talk about alliances, and they were two that brought her joy at first. Glaciem had always been their sister in arms, and Seracia was a pack that she recognized and she was glad that they were on good terms because she was trying to make a relationship with Gideon work to the point of knowing whether or not they had a future together.

Yet his next bout of news brought everything to a screeching halt. The she froze, her eyes widened at the information that replayed in her mind - she was being married to Maverick. The name was somewhat recognizable, he had been mentioned as family to Gideon and heir to Seracia's throne. She was being sent off to secure an alliance, and what better way than making one of your sisters another pack's possible future queen? No, it wasn't the politics of it that made everything in her hurt and filled her head with colors of white hot and splatters of red. It was that she hadn't been told about it, she hadn't been consulted and this was her life that was in consideration. She wasn't a bartering chip or a pretty little prize that he could offer in condolences of an alliance. She was this pack's beta! She had fought and accepted members and done everything that she could to make sure that it flourished.

Cairo had... he had wanted this to be theirs, didn't he? His sons and daughters, he wanted them to have a constant, a place that they could always call home. Yet it wasn't her home anymore - she was to live somewhere else, somewhere far, and leave her family behind. And she couldn't even do so with a male of her choosing. Her ears flicked back, and she struggled to calm her heavy breathing to listen to what else Collision had done without she or Aislyn or... had her mentor known that she was to be sent away all along?

She cued in at Neo's name, and her pupils dialated as she pinpointed him with her gaze. He had not simply run away and found a girl? He had... betrayed them? The girl tore her gaze away - she was a fool. She had fought to bring him back into their family, but he was nothing but a betrayer. Aislyn's words echoed within her head for a moment, a question of whether or not she would be able to punish or kill family should the moment arise where it is necessary. She still wasn't sure herself, as no matter how much anger she felt looking at Neo she couldn't imagine him dead and her feeling obligated to do so. Yet she had no reason to think that it would be hard for Collision - he didn't seem to care for them much at all. She had idolized the male in her younger years, ignored the feelings of being ignored and placed aside for his own duties and... this was all that she needed to know that he had never truly cared about her.

She held her emotions in as well as she could, her lips twitched in agitation, her eyes pooled but the tears did not fall, and she kept her head level as she nodded - agreeing to systematically go through the motions long enough to decide how Neo was to be punished. Lastly she heard that Epiphron would be placed as alpha to Valhalla, in place of Collision's own mate, Soliel. She... hadn't known that the woman was sick - and there was a pang of guilt within her, because she had once been mindful to hunt for the woman and here lately she had been a bit preoccupied.

"Congratulations." She whispered to her sister, trying her hardest to look happy for her because she was. She had known from the beginning that the only lupine that could surpass her, that could take everything that she had trained for and hold the rank with more dignity and honor than she herself - was Epiphron. From the very beginning she had considered her sister her best and only true competition within Valhalla, and look where she was in the moment that she had the audacity to forget it? "Leadership suits you." She held back laughter, letting her smile spread over her muzzle, it was a graceful movement, executed with liquid ease - but one that she found she couldn't hold. Because not only had she passed her in rank, she had managed to be a more useful part of Valhalla than she had, and she hadn't even had a place in the council to do it. Collision saw her as someone that he could depend on, someone eloquent and beautiful and damn strong enough to handle the job of working beside him.

He needed her more. They all did.

This wasn't her home anymore - and unlike Neo, it wasn't that she wanted to leave - but she was being sent away.

Perhaps though, that was for the best. Because she couldn't look Collision in the eye anymore. Although she could never hate her eldest brother, she had loved him far too deeply - she didn't feel anything good toward he or toward herself when she did.



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-17-2013, 07:03 PM

Nova settled beside her, obviously still sleepy, and she nestled her muzzle into the powerful shoulder of her mate, before she pulled her head away as Cormalin arrived and greeted her. ?Thank you, Cormalin. How are those bruises? And lively as always. I think there?s a horse in there somewhere, the way that one kicks and writhes.? Her words were voiced in a teasing chuckle as she returned the lick to her shoulder with one to Cormalin?s shoulder. Deep blues turned to the horse as she arrived. ?Good day, Obsidian. How?s training going?? To Nova?s question, she smiled. ?Nothing yet, there are still members coming.?

Her attention was captured by Chrysanthe?s arrival. She watched the young Beta make her way to Aislyn?s side with pride in her eyes. The young lass had nearly reached her full height, and had filled out to be one beautiful wolf. Another arrival tore her eyes away from Chrysanthe. A young black and grey male. Rumble? Morgan?s son? Well. It was good to see him back. There had been word that he?d died. Still another wolf arrived, this one unfamiliar. She was white, with crystalline blue eyes and a sweet face. Soon after her, another new face made its way into the gathering. Was that? Her memory aided her. Yes, it was. A Tortugan. Well. What was this about?

Epiphron?s arrival caught her eye, and again, she felt pride for the girls she?d raised well in her heart. Epiphron had grown into a beauty as well, and sitting beside Chrysanthe as she was now, it was like fitting to pieces of the same stone together. Chrysanthe?s dark face and left ear, and the dark right ear of Epiphron. Both beautiful, both strong. She wondered when she would have the honor of meeting that young gentleman of Epiphron?s.

Leon was next to arrive, taking a place beside Epiphron and leaning to speak to her. Syrinx made his appearance, greeting his sisters, but settling beside the new white female. Oh, there was Rayne, taking a place among them. She?d been a good student so far, eager to learn and quick, as well. There was Ashtoreth, arriving. Her amethyst eyes seemed to linger on Leon for the longest moment, and Erani hid a smile in the guise of smoothing a wayward tuft of fur on Nova?s head with her tongue.

And then her heart gave a painful pang as she saw Neo arrive. Not only had his hatred grown since she?d seen him, he looked as though he?d been starved, or become ill. She gazed toward the male as he took a place far from the rest, hackles raised, eyes flaming. Preston settled beside her, saw his brother and began toward him, but stopped before he?d finished a step. She turned her head away. It hurt to see Neo this way, so changed from the intense young male he?d been.

And finally, Collision finally made an appearance, and deep blue watched him coolly as he took his place at the head of the Pack and began speaking. Where was Cairo? She hadn?t seen him much lately, not since the day Eos? Where was Eos? Her head jerked away and she looked around for the third daughter of Cairo. No where. Soleil and her pups were absent as well. Her attention was drawn back to Collision. What did her mean ?The alliance with Glaciem has returned? When had there not been one? Her eyes narrowed as he went on to say that an alliance had been formed with Seracia. Well, that would make Epiphron quite hap-- A price? Her eyes narrowed to slits as Collision turned to Chrysanthe. His next words made her jowls lift to bare her teeth. From the way he said it and the wary way he looked at Chrysanthe, he hadn?t even had the sense to ask Chrysanthe?s feelings on it!

The rumble in her chest rose. A mother?s fury whipping through her body. Her eyes iced over as she stared at the Alpha she had thought so promising in the beginning. She saw only disappointment. Sure, an alliance made would be a success. But A leader needed to consult with those included in the arrangements before he even made them. Her eyes flicked to Chrysanthe, wondering how she would take this. She would be strong, for Valhalla. But Erani wished she would fight for her say.

Her eyes turned to Epiphron. Maverick was Epiphron?s love. Erani was no fool. She could see how Epiphron had felt for him. Love couldn?t be hidden, no matter how hard you tried to wipe it from your face. She knew Epiphron would be devastated by this. What would happen to her? Eyes whipped back to Collision as he went on. He explained that he wanted the Warriors to find Sparring partners. Oh he would be popping in would he? Would he even be home? Her ears pulled forward as he told for healers to be ready. And there they had it. Official Enemies with Tortuga.

And now to the subject of Neo. With each word, Collision lessened himself in her eyes. Slave. This was not how Valhalla did things. Not in her eyes. He was hurting her children. No matter Neo?s faults and shortcomings, she would always see him as a son. Luna?s Light she needed to speak to Cairo.

Collision seemed to be having a hard time picking what to say next. Finally, he addressed the hunters, and all able to hunt to catch as much prey as they could. And then he addressed Soleil?s absence. Her canines flashed angrily. Weakness?! She had been ill for Luna?s sake! And where had he been? Gallivanting off ruining the lives of Chrysanthe and Epiphron. She did feel a proud swell as Preston got a rank lift, but what was a Centurion? But she knew no amount of high ranking would make Epiphron feel better.

It seemed he had no more to say. She rose, for the first time feeling a foul mood since she?d become pregnant.

?I am a member of this pack. Of this family, and I claim the right to speak my mind, for some of what you have told us does not set well with me. First, I have questions, and with all due respect, Collision, I hope I can trust you to answer them honestly. What do you mean by ?The Alliance with Glaciem has been returned?? When did the alliance ever get threatened? Glaciem has never once been a threat to us. It was Glaciem that warned Valhalla of the Eruption coming. If not for Glaciem, there would be no Valhalla. We would be ash in the old land.

?Second. Did you ever think to ask Chrysanthe how she might feel about being married off to someone she doesn?t remotely know? An Alliance with Seracia is wonderful, but will the cost be what you think? Or will Chrysanthe be miserable with someone she may not ever be able to love? Or who may not ever love her. Love is what makes a successful Alpha pair. Did we ever have problems while Guinevere and Cairo were mated and happy?

?Third. Under your rule, our alliance has been threatened, we are losing a promising beta. We have managed to become the official enemies of Tortuga. And we have a Slave. And we could very well end up in a war no one wants. The only good so far is a new Alliance, and even that comes with sadness. Do you see any happiness for her marriage on Chrysanthe?s face? Look in her eyes. Is she happy? You are sending her away from the home she loves. From her family. Family is what makes Valhalla strong. It?s what Cairo made Valhalla to be. A strong family who communicates with each other.

?You have been absent. You?ve made a decision in a young wolf?s life without even asking her if that is what she wanted in life. Your children have been searching for you and not finding you.?
Her anger was eased a little as she finished her tirade. Her eyes softened slightly as she looked at the grey toned Alpha. Honestly, he seemed to feel as unsure about the goings on as anyone here. Chrysanthe?s pain was evident to her. She could feel it with the surety of a mother.

?I know being an Alpha is a struggle. I watched Cairo go through hard times and good times while I?ve been in Valhalla. I know he?s made mistakes, and he has atoned for them, let the past go, and that is what made him great as a Leader. And just as wonderful as a friend and a Father. I beg you to go to Soleil. Support her as she recovers. Stay home and be with your family. Throw away this nonsense of Slaves. That is not Valhalla?s way. I have spoken my piece. My anger is that of a mother?s. I see my daughter up there, hurt that her life has been decided for her. I beg pardon for any disrespect shown.?

She rose further and looked toward her daughters. They weren?t her blood, but they were hers as much as her own litter would be. She offered her comfort in that gaze, before turning and slipping away. She felt sickened by what had happened today. Her head and tail would not lift from the low positions they held. She would be losing Chrysanthe. That piece of her heart hurt. Epiphron would be heartbroken. That place hurt, too. Neo had been made a Slave, forced away from his happiness. Another hurting place in her heart. Why was her family being torn apart like this? What had happened? She slid away into the forest and went back to her den at a slow trudge.

-Exit one depressed Erani-



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-17-2013, 08:30 PM (This post was last modified: 04-17-2013, 08:34 PM by Epiphron.)

Before long, Neo showed his pathetic face, and though he seemed far weaker than she had ever seen him, somehow he was still seething with anger. She didn't blame him entirely -- he'd left Valhalla for a reason, and certainly wasn't impressed with being dragged back here. She wondered who had done it, and why, but supposed those things would be address in this meeting. Epiphron's gaze followed Neo, eyelids narrowing over sapphire eyes until they were merely slits from which she scrutinized him. She truly had no interest in conversing with him, nor did she want to give him the satisfaction of noticing her fiery gaze, so she averted her attention to Collision as he began to speak. Vibrant blue gaze fixated on her oldest brother as he began to speak. He was certainly following nicely in Cairo's footsteps, his presence strong and uplifting, despite his seriousness. The girl straightened her back, ears perked attentively. For a moment Maverick completely slipped her mind, as the girl was rather curious as to what Collision had to address today.

He first announced that the alliance with Glaciem had been kept. A gentle smile graced her lips -- perhaps she should visit them sometime, with approval, of course. Genesis had seemed an honorable enough creature, and she was certain that if her brother approved of the alliance, the whole lot of them were certainly more than decent. He also explained his own brother had been crowned Alpha. He went on to announce that they had forged an alliance with Seracia. Epiphron's jaw unhinged, a barely audible gasp escaping her throat, a sound she hadn't meant to make and hoped nobody heard. This would be good! The possibilities suddenly seemed suddenly endless, but in the same breath, Collision shattered what felt like all of her hopes and dreams. Her heart had surged in her chest, and then subsequently fell to the ground and smashed into a thousand tiny pieces.

Chrysanthe would be wedded to the Seracian heir. To Maverick. Eyes widened slightly, but she skillfully contained the horribly surprised expression that threatened to overtake her. Her gaze would fall to her sister; as hard as her sister tried to compose herself, Epiphron knew the girl better than most did, and what she knew was that Chrysanthe was not happy. Not at all. She was effectively being traded away, used like a pawn in a game. She knew the honor with which Chrysanthe had accepted the position of Beta, and how dedicated her sister had been to training and assisting the pack to her fullest.

Epiphron felt her own upper lip quiver, suddenly feeling defensive for Chrys. But she dared not to argue with Collision, especially if the marriage would bring the packs a strong alliance that would certainly last for generations to come. Her slight anger soon faded and she felt her posture slacken, her mind whirling a thousand miles a minute. Not only was her sister being given to Seracia, perhaps to someday rule, but the girl would be marrying the very boy she was falling in love with. Did he know? He'd never mentioned it to her. Would it be a surprise to him, or was he simply enjoying her company while he could, before he was wedded off to a stranger? Her outward demeanor was one of slight confusion, but little else showed through her composed expression. Erani and Syrinx were the only ones who knew of her feelings for Maverick, and she hoped neither of them would say a word. She didn't want to think of Maverick or the fact that Chrysanthe would be the one spending the rest of her life with him. Would they fall in love? Have children? Would they coexist, as equals, or would something deeper grow between them? The mere possibility of that was hard to think about.

In that exact moment, Epiphron's young heart broke instantaneously. Maverick, in an instant, was gone, forever out of her grasp. Not only would distance separate them, but something far more strong. Epiphron would never betray Collision's decision, she would never betray her sister.

She knew it was stupid to care so deeply for him in the first place. So stupid to let down her guard, to trust that whatever they had would work out between them. Should she find him, talk to him? It wouldn't soothe the pain she suddenly felt. It would likely agitate it, make it even more unsettling, more unbearable. This was what true loss felt like -- and she was losing the boy she was falling in love with not to just anyone, but to her sister, the sister she envied and cared for so deeply. The sister that probably didn't even want to leave Valhalla, let alone be married off to one of Seracia.

Collision went on, explaining that ranks would be adjusted slightly, that warriors would need to find sparring partners, that Tortuga was now an enemy... and Neo had been the one that betrayed them. The emotion that threatened to take over suddenly appeared as she gazed at Neo, eyes burning with something akin to hatred. She could not afford to cry right now, no, she needed to be strong for Chrysanthe and Valhalla and Collision. But she could glare at Neo, the betrayer, and take out all her anger on him in a single glance. She should've seen it coming. Her brother's words seemed to wash over her, her vision growing blurry as tears welled in her eyes. She held them in, her head bowed slightly toward the ground, hoping nobody saw the emotion that had crept onto her face.

Her attention was snatched away from whatever was lurking in the depths of her mind as her name was spoken. Muzzle jerked towards Collision, eyes once again widening. She would become alpha, at his side, due to Soleil's sickness. It was all wrong, all so wrong... shouldn't Chrys be in this spot, and she in the other? Her stomach turned and her heart thumped weakly in her chest.

Hadn't she always wanted this? She should be honored, should be proud and overjoyed and everything else. But she knew she hadn't worked as hard as Chrysanthe, though certainly Collision saw potential in her, to not only promote her, but place her at his side. As Alpha. Leader. She would never dream of arguing, of questioning his rule -- she would be foolish to deny such a grand opportunity. Epiphron rose to her feet to near Collision, nudging her brother's neck with clear affection and gratitude. There was no smile on her face, but she was able to look her brother in the eye. "Thank you, Collision. And congratulations, my dear brother Preston -- and you too, Chrysanthe." Her sister would surely catch the turbulent storm of emotion in her eyes -- she wanted so badly to talk to her, but not right now. Her congratulations was sincere, though she was fairly certain her sister wasn't thrilled. She would accept her duty with just as much grace as Epiphron. The sisters would grin and bear it, like they always had, like they always would. Chrysanthe's duty was not preferable, but important, and needed; she would not argue, either. She would accept her fate, perhaps with a heavy heart, but with the grace and dignity of a princess.

Erani then spoke up, clearly upset with nearly everything that Collision had said. She flashed the healer a pleading stare, not wanting her to get herself punished for her or Chrysanthe's sakes. They would persevere, as they always had, but Erani's motherly instincts were strong, and she was ridden with hormones from the pups kicking inside her belly. Epiphron lowered her head, eyes cast to her feet as Erani's pained words echoed all around her. This was not helping, not at all...


04-17-2013, 09:34 PM

They all came one by one, two by two. It didn't matter when, they all came at the summons. The one presumed as Alpha came and took his place where he belonged. Ebony ears pricked forward to listen. At first he had believed the white female was going to be making the announcements, but it seemed she wasn't. He listened attentively though.

The other male spoke of an alliance with Glaciem. A pack he was familiar with. He remained silent. He had no thoughts on the subject other than the fact it was pleasing to hear that the pack would flourish with one less threat, not that Glaciem was a threat. The alliance was Seracia also seemed like a pleasant one, though he didn't know of them either.

At least, it seemed okay.

A low rumble reverberated in his chest at the mention that a female was going to be married to a male of Seracia. Fenrir was one who believed in taking a mate with someone you loved, not with someone another wolf set you up with, not because it would be to benefit your pack. Family bonds were supposed to benefit a pack, not animosity towards another for pairing you with a wolf you didn't even know.

Fenrir held his tongue long enough to hear that someone was being replaced by another female as Alpha. Bi-colored gaze looked at the girl to be married to the boy known as Maverick, then trailed to their new Alphess. Fenrir was rather good at reading wolves, not the best, but it was quite evident both were holding in a lot of pain from the way they reacted. They both seemed to want what was best for their pack, but they didn't seem to like it one bit.

The news that Valhalla and Tortuga were announced enemies and that they had a slave was new to him. Disapproval shot through him. He liked Cairo a lot more than this male. Cairo seemed to make decisions for the betterment of the pack. This male had a clouded sense of judgement about what was right and wrong it seemed. His decisions clearly weren't thought through. They weren't benefiting the pack like they should have been. In fact, it seemed as though it was causing a disturbance, as was expected with something like this.

Erani stepped forth and seemed to be the only one to truly speak her mind on the matter. He commended her for her bravery. She would probably be scolded for it later, but they could be scolded together. His large from went forth and Fenrir kept his tail low and yet his head remained proud. Proud for who he had become as a wolf and proud to be a Valhallan. He felt that, as a member of Valhalla, he had a right to voice his opinion on any things decided. It was how packs were run and how they improved and functioned as a well oiled unit.

"Since when did Valhalla have slaves? Have we stooped so low as to emotionally torture the ones we supposedly care about. It does not right his wrongs, but taking away a wolf's freedom does not sound like Valhalla. Not the one I knew under Cairo's rule."

he made it blatantly known, as he spoke Cairo's name, that he was not using the name lightly. It was obvious he was comparing Collision and the former Alpha, and that his loyalties still lie with Cairo, not this kid who thought he knew what he was doing. Regardless, his tone was respectful and stoic as usual. In fact it was probably the most anyone would ever hear from him at once. He was a wolf who spoke his mind and would happily suffer the consequences for it later.

"I also have no regrets in saying this, but do you feel proud in causing your family pain? I look at the girl you're marrying off to some Seracian, and the girl you just promoted to Alpha. Both are young. One does not seem ready for marriage and the other does not seem experienced enough to take on such a role. It seems as though you're setting Valhalla up for failure by making rash decisions. Cairo would have never done such a thing, not without thinking it completely though first. And as far as declaring enemies with Tortuga, how smart is that? The last time I checked they never actually made a move against you. I know I haven't been around, but both packs are still standing. Had there been a war I'm positive that only one pack would remain. Regardless, both are not ready for war or any fighting, why can't we coexist in peace?"

He remained standing tall, watching the Alpha with a guarded expression. His words were not to be taken lightly and he made it know that they weren't. He was intelligent for his age, more so than others. He truly wanted nothing more than to flourish in a peaceful environment. One where the pack and his family was safe. He also didn't want to see his mother thrown into any war, but he wouldn't mention that. His loyalties were not to be questioned.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-18-2013, 11:20 AM (This post was last modified: 04-18-2013, 12:14 PM by Epiphron.)

Epiphron's gaze quickly was redirected to a black-furred brute that spoke up upon Erani's departure. The girl couldn't bring herself to watch Erani go. She was upset herself, and seeing her caretaker's own pain would do nothing to assuage the situation. The unfamiliar male spoke up rather quickly, stating his displeasure with the fact that Neo had been taken as a slave. She had no idea who he was -- she really ought to be more involved with the pack, with getting to know the newer wolves. No, she HAD to, now that she was Alpha. It was her responsibility now.

The girl's expression changed quite suddenly. Collision's judgment seemed to be coming under question, and she shot Fenrir a less-than-pleasant glance. "Neo's freedom is not being taken away, he has forfeited it," she retorted, her voice sharp and quite void of the typical sweetness that her tones held. "If what Collision says is true -- and I have no doubt in my brother's words -- then Neo has betrayed information about our pack to Tortuga. After giving him everything and more, he has still decided to go against us, and for that, a punishment is warranted. Neo was well aware what he was doing, and his betrayal will not come without a price." His departure had hurt them all deeply, but he'd done far more than just leave. His punishment had yet to be set, but it would be fitting for the crimes he had committed.

Fenrir went on with his concerns about the situation, and her eyes burned as she watched him. The two wolves who's lives were changing most drastically -- Neo didn't count, as he had earned his fate entirely -- had no qualms with undertaking the duties they had been given, but the others seemed inclined to defend them. No. She didn't need to be defended; was her uncertainty so readily visible that even this stranger to her could see it? The girl straightened herself, finding strength from somewhere deep within to strand tall and confidently. Later, she could cry, she could whine and act like a child, all alone in her den, but the time for that was not right now. Collision's choices were being attacked, and the girl was growing irritated.

"I could ask for no greater privilege than serving my family," she explained calmly. Yes, the position of Alpha was not just one of power, but something far more important and crucial. She would lead her family, be responsible for their safety and well-being. Their happiness, and their survival. "I will admit I am inexperienced, but anyone who knows me, knows that my family is the most important thing to me. Collision would not have chosen me if he had any doubt that I could do this. I will do everything in my power to ensure this pack flourishes." Whatever that was, she did not know. Collision would help her, her father would help her, Valhalla would not fail under her rule.


04-18-2013, 11:22 AM

Collision had just arrived and spoke. Ookami shifted upon the ground as one piece of news cane right after another one. Her ears pinned to her head as he spoke about an arranged marriage for Chrysanthe. She understood as to why he decided to do this, but she knew by the look upon the child's face that she was in a shock. That is what Ookami saw at least. The next bit of news that Collision had presented is the announcement of them and Tortuga were enemies.She came to her paws in a rush as he announced that Valhalla had a Slave. Her ears pinned even more to her head, this was not the way of this pack.

And by the other comments from the members they did not think so either. "With all due respect Collision, why do we have a slave. I was unaware that is how this pack handled things. I know it is your call, but if we start taking up Slaves we might as well be like Tortuga. I think we should Banish Neo from this pack, at least then we will still hold the morals that this pack lives by."

Ookami finished what she had to say, and she hoped that he would conciser that. If this Pack becomes one that welcomes Slaves, then she rather be somewhere else. Ookami Did not take a seat next to Thane, instead she stood there watching the scene unfold.


04-18-2013, 11:51 AM
Cyanide grew still, the ex-Tortugan who still reeked of her old pack, blending to the best of her ability as Collision approached the gathering. She relaxed only minimally at his appearence, she was confused why none of the pack had questioned her presence here but she certainly wasn't going to complain. He, hopefully, would ensure she remained safe, lest one of them decide they had a grudge against Tortuga, with the intention of taking it out upon her. her eyes flickered back and forth as voices spoke out against the Alpha, one after another or so it seemed. Her audits swiveled, careening this way and that, missing nothing. Some defended the ex-Valhallen restored, others defended him. Some protested the rights of marriage and questioned the dames ability to rule. Her ears pinned back against her cranium. Irritation flooding her veins, as her muscles locked down. What was this blatant disregard for their King? It did not bode well with the seasoned assassin.

A snarl would erupt from her maw, soft, swift, deadly. Enough to gain attention and nothing more. She was not usually one for speech but she deemed it necessary now. "Enough. Have you no respect for your King? He has ensured strong alliances, that will not only benefit, but will last, binding the packs of Valhalla and Seracia by both blood and friendship. Life may not always be perfect but he has done what is best for the pack as a whole, as a good King should." her voice was cold and detached, but blunt and to the point. Her gaze would turn to Collision, two toned eyes gleaming and she dipped her head in submissive apology.

"I apologize if such is not my place but such blatant disrespect does not sit well with me." Honor and respect were the two nuances that drove the assassin. They had been hammered into her since her early years as a pup and they would never leave her.


04-18-2013, 12:47 PM

He didn't understand any of it. It hurt his head, everyone was so happy at the last pack meeting and now this, his mate shattered at heart, it made him want to kill something, badly. Everyone was upset, and even though he didn't know them it hurt him to see them so. His eyes looked to Collision, but he said nothing, it was not his place, he was still nobody amongst his pack. Just a big black brute. He rose as Erani finished speaking and looked about the others as she disappeared into the forest, towards heir home. Bonds broken, love smashed, loyalties wavering. It was too much for him to bare. The thought of slavery did not bode well with him, but treason against one's own family is worse a crime. At least in his mind. None the less he turned, eyes to the ground, not having the will to speak his mind about what should or shouldn't be done. He tailed off after Erani, soon catching up with her and nuzzling her gently, deciding not to speak until she had spoken to him.

-Exit Nova-


04-18-2013, 01:13 PM

((sorry for taking so long, shit in the fan over the last few days >.>))

The dark and cream hued male had initially had no intention of attending the pack meeting, enough though it have been Aislyn's voice that had called them he had remained by the river, laying with head on his paws. He allowed his mind to drift slowly with the current before finally heaving himself to his paws. He should go, if he was truly going to try and be a part of this he had to give it everything. But there was no way Aislyn would forgive him for being late. So with that thought he lept forward into the river, soaking himself thoroughly before hopping back out. He shook quickly and allowed his head to drift towards the sound of the howl and soon his body followed. There was no hurry or rush to his pace, a steady trot carrying him ever closer to this meeting, the first one he had ever attended since Diesal had disappeared on the Vacanse. He shook his head, throwing those thoughts out as he approached, a strong, commanding voice (Collision's) carrying even to where he was, outlining alliances with other packs Friction had heard of but had never had the chance to meet or explore.

Head lowered quickly as he came closer, noticing that he was coming from slightly to the side of Collision. He slowed to a walk, Moving to sit at the outskirts of the pack, obviously the odd man out of the group. But as the topics continued he realized that he had a very bad vantage point of Collision and the expressions of the wolves he was referring to. He stood and slid around a bit more to see the group of higher ranked wolves. He was drier after his walk but he turned his head as he moved to look at Aislyn and nod his greeting. He wasn't sure if any of what Collision was saying was good or bad, though from the expressions as he glanced around he could only assume bad. He didn't want to be the only one smiling in a sea of grim faces. So finally he took his seat as a white woman began speaking, lashing out rather harshly at the alpha, though Friction had no clue what was going on anymore. Not that he ever knew what was going on here.

He would have to ask Ais if he ever had the chance.

Where he stopped he slowly lowered himself to the ground, thankful to the larger pack size and the fact that everyone seemed to be voicing their displeasure with various parts of the news that was discussed. He remained silent, watching carefully and mulling over every topic discussed. Sharp blue eyes slid over every wolf as they spoke in turn, different ones bringing up different topics that Cillision had said. Many brought up a wolf named Cairo. He was wearing a frown by the time the soon to be alpha female finally spoke, saying she would do what she had to to make this pack flourish. It made him settle a bit more but more arguments sprung up, wolves piping in and speaking their opinions as Frictions gazed jumped from the mouths that each voice came from. He gave Aislyn a pained look, this was not what he wanted to bring their child into. Such unrest, she had spoken so highly of her pack but here they were griping and split decisions. Though almost everyone seemed to feel sure that their Alpha's decisions were wrong. He was shaking his head when he stood and turned to go back to the river, hoping that Aislyn would follow.

-exit friction-


04-18-2013, 02:38 PM

Evelette reclined gracefully to her haunches, tail coiling around her thighs as she waited whatever news the Alpha had. She had not actually met Collision, only Syrinx, and mentally, she made a note to visit with him soon. It was terribly rude of her not at least to introduce herself, ah well such things would have to be for a later time. he had more important things to attest too than a new member. Perhaps within the coming weeks. Valhalla seemed to be vast in number, wolf after wolf came one by one and out of the corner of her eye she caught sight of Syrinx, a gentle smile lighting her maw.

He greeted his relatives, with a gentle nudge or a soft caress, but surprising her greatly, he came to sit beside her. She got over her shock quickly, honored that the heir to the throne would choose her, of all people, to recline beside. She dipped her head, a show of gentle respect and offered him a gentle smile. "Hello Syrinx, I hope the days have treated you well?" her tones were light and gentle, she paid no heed to the horrid scar that marred the underside of his jaw.

Collision spoke, his words a steady drawl and the reaction from the wolves around her was instantaneous. Ranging from just plain fury, to acceptance, she immediately grew uncomfortable. She knew know of these wolves, their stories, their pasts. She had hoped to discover more about Valhalla, but she felt so much like a stranger intruding she discarded the idea as quickly as it came. These were affairs she had no part of, knew nothing about and quickly she rose to her pads, brushing her maw against Syrinx's shoulder, her tones muffled into his fur. "Perhaps we could speak later my friend? These matters do not require my presence." She muttered just loud enough for him to hear and quickly retreated.

-Exit Evelette unless stopped-



04-18-2013, 05:19 PM
As Collision finally appeared the brute let the news reach his white lined ears. An alliance was great news, but the news of an arranged marriage to keep it had washed away the slight smile on the brute. Thane looked over to Chrysanthe and saw negative emotion in her eyes; this was not right, why must she be sent away without her own say? It was clear that the others were shocked at this news too and saw the sadness in the dame's eyes. Thane knew how she felt, he knew the feeling of having no decision at all. But alas that hadn't been puled through due to the death of everyone. Therefore she had died before any actions further than the plans had been taken. The wolf knew this was for an important alliance but it wouldn't make Chrysanthe happy. It would be better if she had a choice to do as she wished and not have to be wed to a brute she did not seem to love.

Next came news of Tortuga being their enemy along with Neo being stripped of his rights and be put as a slave. What kind of pack was this? Last time the male checked there had been no slaves of any sorts here. What did it make them to be the ones to takeaway a wolf's rights and name? Sure he knew Neo had done bad but why not banish him? And what of the disdain towards Tortuga...what if a war were to break out?

The brute stood up as wolves began to speak but he said nothing. Aqua blue eyes focused on the crowd as they gave their say in the news. Even Ookami spoke against the fact of having a slave in the pack. Cyril shifted on his back and spoke quietly into his ear so no other but him would hear.

"Master Thane I recommend you do not say anything in opposition to this."

Thane nodded as he had already knew not to in the first place; yet he moved stood by Ookami and watched everything unravel.



04-18-2013, 05:35 PM

His head would swivel around he would face them all with certainty that he was making the proper decisions. His ears would flicker to the subtle blow of air that sifted by and his mind would come alive with thoughts of what was happening. And that, was when the peace broke. Erani's chords erupted into disheveled, disrespectful, rage and an angered look would become present in the sire's gaze. His lips would furl into aggression and as she spoke out he could feel his hackles begin to bristle. 'Cairo's rule...Cairo's time...Cairo...Cairo...Cairo' His thoughts of the man did not grow ill, no, not once, but immediately he was filled with the thoughts that there was no way Erani could ever usurp her obsession for the brunette ex-king.

Her consistent whining would become the bane of his existence, Soleil had not been nearly such a bitch while she was pregnant and Collision was going to put a stop to it. A deep growl rumbled through his chest as many others began to follow suit and speak out in rage his lyrics would finally burst with power and disappointment, "Silence!" His chest seems to vibrate and his eyes rage upon Erani, "You will bring things of order and vehemence like this to me in private. You are stripped of your rank, Erani, you can resonate as a civilian," It was the first time Collision had ever punished a member of Valhalla. It hurt him so.

"As for the rest of you," his gaze would carry, mostly, to Fenrir, at least initially, "This is, first of all, no longer Cairo's rule. Secondly, you seem to over-exaggerate our intent of slavery in Valhalla. We will not beat Neo, we will not condemn him to hell. He is merely going to be under careful watch. He will not be allowed to harm Valhalla further," His ears would pin back and he would sway his tail readily, "As for the Adravendi traditions, that you know nothing of, silence yourself. Cairo most definitely would have betrothed one of his daughters, it is not uncommon in our family. And why...have I chosen Chrysanthe to be married? Because, I know how powerful she is. I know how much she can bring to this pack. I know how strong she is. How dutiful and beautiful she is. She's more powerful than any of the Adravendi children, mentally, and I trust her with this more than anything. Epiphron, you doubt her skill as a leader? Perhaps you should spar her and see if you can stay on your own two feet? Amusingly enough she's come close to tripping me up a time or two. She's smart, quick, and I trust her more than anything to help Valhalla prosper,"

"Tortuga knows information that is otherwise questionable. I do not know the extent of what Neo has said against us, and I would rather be safe than sorry. I have three children, Fenrir. If they are dare threatened by a Tortugan, because I failed to protect this place, then it would fall on us all for failing. I have not once said 'let us charge into war' no, I merely said that we are enemies. I am not going to bring war unless they make the first step. You are excused, if you feel like discussing war tactics with me you may do so proceeding this meeting, because war is not on the table at the moment and I will not have civil unrest here," he would finish his words before he would ascend from the rock upon which he was perched and his eyes would lazily swing to Ookami as she also spoke out, "Valhalla does not handle slaves in a way that means I'll be tearing him limb from limb, and If i banish him, he'll just run back to Tortuga and further sever the bonds that keep Valhalla as a whole," she had committed no sin as there was nothing in her language that was condemning of himself, there were merely questions and suggestions, not a blatant disregard for her social standing.

Leon I


11 Years
04-18-2013, 07:22 PM

Leon would remain silent, sitting amongst family and waiting for the inevitable news - whatever it may be. He assumed it would have something to do with the rank changes he'd heard of recently. He only hoped the change would be for the better, and not the worse. Leon trusted Collision's guidance, even if he didn't know the man all that well. Leon regretted that, as Collision was an adopted family member, it seemed Leon had been detached from everyone recently. A sigh would have slipped from his lips had he not caught it prematurely and sent it back into the depths of his chest to linger until a more opportune time. Collision came, calling forth and heralding the news. It seemed Aislyn had only been the one to gather the masses, not address them. It seemed fair enough.

Leon would sit placidly through the news, hearing intelligence of a betrayal, a betrothal, and many other things that caused him alarm. The most appalling being that Valhalla had made an official enemy. The warrior male shifted in his seat, almost wondering if it was wrong for a tiny part of himself to be joyous over the possibility of war. Yes it was wrong indeed, but he could not squelch that part. Spars were to take place, everyone should pair off. Leon knew he would start at once, hoping to pair with as many wolves as he could - as many would allow him. It would be best, since as of now he was ranked as lead warrior. He tried to shift his mind to other things, like his cousin's upcoming betrothal to a Seracian. Some form of family protective nature rose up inside him, but Collision was no fool, he would not send his sister to an unsafe place. A mere flick of an ear was offered, mostly out of surprise than concern. Collision was King, his word was as good as law.

As the Valhallans began to rebel - at least verbally - Leon felt himself tense, ready to break up any squabbles that might come forth. He saw no reason for them to act as they were, but felt he had no authority to say anything about it. Instead, a mere growl shuddered in his chest, probably inaudible to anyone else but those closest to him. Cerulean eyes sought out Ashtoreth, but from his angle he could not spot her. Surely she had showed up? When things had quieted, ranks had been stripped, and Collision once again had order in the gathering, Leon would lift his haunch from the earth and slip forth toward the King, head dipping respectfully. "Cousin, should you need anything in the upcoming days or weeks, I am at your service. I would be willing to discuss tactics, or help with the sparring, or anything else you ask of me. " With a gentle smile the Adravendi bachelor would pivot after a due amount of time and skirt past the others to go about his business. If Collision or anyone else had words to speak with him, they could stop him.

Exit unless stopped.


Aislyn I


Extra large
04-18-2013, 09:51 PM


She remained quiet, giving each wolf a half hearted smile as they showed up. She loved them all, but she really wasn't in the mood for this. She was due any day now, she was in no position to be attending pack meetings, let alone starting one. But, her lord had requested one, so she obediently followed his orders. When he arrived she returned his smile with one of her own, then listened to his speech. So, he was trading the beta to another pack eh? And the ranks had changed? And a few alliances had been created and held together. Pools of blue danced from each wolf who protested the lords wishes. A growl vibrated within her chest, but thankfully it was shut down quickly. She would let Collision deal with the disobedient wolves. This was no democracy, this wasn't the loner lands. They needed to respect their lords decisions, after all, HE was the alpha. Though, her heart did sink a bit when he mentioned his wife. She was sick... and replaced without a second thought. She could only wonder how strong their relationship truly was. Her eyes danced from face to face, but laid upon Friction when she saw him. He looked... uncomfortable. She wished he would have sat by her side, he was certainly allowed to present himself as he... boyfriend. It was an odd thing to say, but they weren't mates just yet. Would he ever ask her? She didn't know. He gave her a pained look before turning away and leaving. Her ears folded flat, her mind drifting for a moment. She wanted to chase after him, but she needed to hold her place her, beside her alpha. She was the beta after all, she couldn't just leave whenever she wanted to. No, her duty required her full attention no matter what the circumcises were. She waited for the meeting to be over so she could be dismissed, she honestly didn't have much to say here. The kings word was law, and she could back him up all she wanted, but in reality she would be wasting her breath. He could handle the protesters himself, he was a powerful lord.


04-18-2013, 11:07 PM

Ears would flick to each member who had something to say. He only truly listened to the girl. Epiphron. He said no more on the subject but merely swiveled his head to hear more as more and more wolves spoke their opinions. He knew he was right. No he had not been a part of Valhalla for more than a week, but he had also been born in their old homelands. He was an intelligent creature and observed many things, and it was impossible not to notice things had changed drastically. He was aware that Cairo had raised Collision to be an Alpha, but he couldn't help but put his two sense into things. Despite the popular belief that Alpha's word was law, a whole pack could easily over throw and Alpha and replace them if they did not like such things. He had witnessed it himself. A pack was a democracy and each member deserved to be heard, regardless what the 'Lord' thought.

The Tortugan caught his attention and Fenrir gave her an amused look. Ah. A traitor to his mothers pack. Her words were nothing to him. To him her words were an act, a charade to parade herself to "prove" her supposed loyalty. He was aware of the true nature of Tortugans and he wouldn't trust her as far as he could throw her. The same would go for other wolves. Collision wasn't making very many good first impressions either. He didn't seem to think things through, at least not without consulting others before making decisions. Whether they benefited the pack or not, it was causing unrest, just as was expected when there was a lack of communication among the ranks. Yes. A Democracy was the way to go, whether he understood that or not.

The slightly older male then rung out an order. Silence? An eye brow raised and his gaze suggested slight amusement. Temper temper. Not good. He thought. He clearly didn't like that he was being second guessed.Must be hard trying to fill such big paw steps from the wolf who led before you. He only stayed silent against such matters because the girl, Epiphron, had told him she was fine with such things. He still strongly disagreed with many things, but she was grown and made her own decisions. If she wanted to let them fuck up her and her sister's life then she could go ahead. He had no power to refuse to let it happen. As far as the slave went he had nothing more to say. He would watch the boy and keep an eye out for any marks that suggested he was being physically abused, but he would give Collision the benefit of the doubt. He he said they wouldn't punish him like Tortuga punished their slaves then so be it. He'd believe it for now.

As far as the two packs being enemies he had a bit more to say on that. It made him slightly uncomfortable. He didn't want the feuding packs to actually enter a war. If Tortuga found out that Valhalla had declared them full enemies then it could end badly. One single wolf could start a war because they wished it. One wolf. All it took was one Tortugan stepping out of line and antagonizing Valhalla and that would be it.

"May take you up on that offer Collision, but some advice shall be given from experience. Make little rash decisions. Might get over thrown that way if your members don't like the majority of them. Then true civil unrest will become and Valhalla will become weak. I do not wish to see that happen. Valhalla is strong, but every great nation falls unless handled with proper care. Perhaps we shall meet on better terms next time. This has been a piss poor first impression my lord."

With that the great brute dipped an ebony and crimson head low to the ground in an exiting bow of respect and a with a tail flick he was gone. He was certain he would be summoned later. He had spoken his mind, and it seemed as though it wasn't quite appreciated. To him that did not matter. A pack meeting was to hear the member's thoughts, right? Otherwise what was the point in having a pack meeting? Head remained high and yet tail remained low as he exited not looking at any of the others. He felt pleased with himself. He'd stayed true to his character at least. He truly believed he was speaking his mind in the best interest of Valhalla. Nothing more. Nothing less.

-exit Fenrir unless stopped-



04-19-2013, 09:26 AM

Ookami stood there and listen to others speak their minds. Then Collision too spoke to those who had asked questions and statements. She still did not sit, she was alert as to what was going around her at the time. Then collision spoke to her about that Valhalla did not treat slaves, as to beating them, and tearing them limb from limb. She eased up a bit as those words were spoken. She understood as to why Neo will not be banished from the pack.

Ookami gave Collision a slight bow as she spoke. "I understand" She said as she then went back to a standing position. Ookami knew that this meeting will no longer involve her. Her questions were answered and she was satisfied. Ookami nuzzled thane, gave Collision a bow, and proceeded to leave the meeting until next time.

[Exit Ookami unless stopped]



04-19-2013, 10:36 AM
Thane listened as Collision bellowed his reply to all. There was no further thought about the news in the brute's mind. He then decided it was time for him to go for his mind inquired no more.

Thane nodded at Collision respectfully and smiled as he returned Ookami's nuzzle.
The wolf turned then and proceeded on his way. The bird on his back stayed perched in the same spot yet looked about the area with his golden eyes.

-Exit Thane Unless stopped-



04-19-2013, 01:33 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

At least one other arrived after she had, and Collision right on his heels. She watched their leader as he prepared himself to speak, wondering what sort of news he had for them. Thoughts of the new ranks Leon had hinted at came back to her, but having little to go on she had to wonder whether or not more of that would be revealed. Curling her tail around her side, she straightened as Collision's direct gaze took in them all and he began the meeting in earnest. He spoke of much - alliances, betrothals, promotions, even a drastic demotion among the family - and she blinked her gold and purple eyes at the surprise of it. He certainly had been busy of late to have so much on his plate. She turned her eyes to the wolves in question, the ones he had mentioned specifically, and thought she saw surprise on their faces. Would they be okay with these changes? She was too far away to say anything, and Collision was already speaking again, to which her ears perked. A hunt? She would have to find Thane after this.

To her surprise, it was the soft spoken, sweet tempered healer Erani who stepped forward and spoke next, and Ashtoreth sat wide eyed and blank faced as the motherly wolf said her piece, followed by more and suddenly everything was much more chaotic than it had been a moment before. Already she wished to slip away from the meeting, but there was so much going on, so many more questions being asked that a part of her wished to stay and listen as much as the other part of her wanted to go. So she sat rather uncomfortably, listening as words were traded until Collision called for order and a final word was given over all. And at the first moment she could, she rose with a nod of her head and slipped away quietly to see about finding Thane somewhere in the departing masses to coordinate their hunts.

-Exit Ashtoreth-



04-19-2013, 05:40 PM
Erani was so quiet, such a sweet softspoken individual. Her splurge of passion definitely surprised the yearling. She had already resigned herself to whatever fate that Collision had assigned her, forced to trust him because what other choice did she have? Of course he wouldn't send her somewhere that she would be unsafe, but he hadn't even for a moment considered her feelings or happiness and she was always considering his and Valhalla's and although she wouldn't argue, wouldn't relent, she couldn't help but feel her lips quiver as she thought of how unfair it all was. Yet it didn't matter,Collision was King and she was practically a member of Seracia now - there was nothing that she could say or do to change the Lord's ruling - he had probably already spoken to the Seracian King about making her one of Maverick's many wives.

Because surely, he did not tie her to a Kingdom to who's traditions he was oblivious to - that would be rather silly.

Her gaze softened at Erani's questioning, and they were questions that Chrysanthe couldn't help but wonder about as well. Glaciem held a bit of family to her, didn't it? She wasn't sure who or what, but they were a sister pack to Valhalla. She wondered when it was threatened as well, and she glanced at her Eldest brother as the healer asked for information that the alpha really should have given along with his words. His second hit home - she herself wasn't asking for much, only that she be spoken to. That she be considered, that she be thought of... why had he no time for her? Love was what made a successful alpha pair, that was what she had seen in her time on this earth... although now that Epiphron was alpha she wasns't sure. Infact, she was a bit confused, because as happy as she was that her sister was queen, she had to wonder why she was queen and Syrinx wasn't made secondary alpha. He was the heir after all... but once again she held her tongue. Judging by the anger flashing in her elder brother's face, these meetings were called to talk at the members, not to them. Questions were to be held privately - even though Collision himself was often too busy to answer questions.

Chrysanthe gathered herself up and stood beside the female, hoping that her mother wouldn't get in too much trouble for asking questions that honestly should have been on more than just her mind. She nearly hissed at the woman that spoke up and hadn't been part of the pack long enough to smell like it. Her cold words were as distrespectful as Erani's motherly passion, but apparently that was alright because she wasn't questioning the King. Her tail gave a distinct twitch, and she took the time to close her eyes and take a breath to calm her growing anger and nerves.

Other members were starting to leave, and Chrysanthe only stayed because she was waiting. Waiting for her eldest brother's response. If he was any good as a King he would calmly answer the questions that were asked, and smooth his members doubts. Should Erani need to be punished for distrespect, he would take it into stride, she had faith in him that his expression would smooth and he would speak to the mother of his younger brothers and sisters with the respect that she deserved as their mother figure. But he didn't. He yelled, he snarled and acted like he was fucking mad. She bristled beside her mother, her eyes narrowing to slits. If he dared approach her like he was going to lay a paw on her she would fight him right then and there to keep she and her pups safe.

But thankfully he held his place, stripping the best goddamned healer that this pack knew of her title. The yearling actually snorted as he made the decision. Did he expect her to keep acting as this pack's healer? To keep saving lives when she had been stripped of the title? If she was going to be a civilian once more, she had less obligation and that was it - because clearly her title came with no respect. He hadn't answered a single one of her questions and concerned, only snapped at her for being concerned for her pack and children.

Oh how badly she wanted to leave this meeting behind her. Her eldest brother was doing nothing but dissapointing her glorified version of him. She had admired him for so long, looked upon him as a child did her eldest brother and a lower ranking member did their alpha. Now she wasn't sure what she saw, but she certainly didn't like it.

His next words were hard to keep from rolling her eyes at. There it was, the root of the problem and the proof that he had snapped at Erani because of nothing but hurt feelings. He was tired of being compared to Cairo, her father, and the alpha that most older members here had served far longer than they had him. After that she barely listened to him as he spoke of Neo and his slavery, of traditions that apparently they were all so very ignorant to yet she nor her siblings had been taught in their lifetimes of being a part of the family. She sighed when he complimented her, not believing that he meant a word of it. She was a trading piece, an item, something to ensure that this pack and Seracia would be strong alliances. Nothing more than a shiny medal being given in return for an alliance. Mentally stronger, that was bullshit - Epiphron was sharper, wittier, more brilliant than she would ever be. Her eyes glazed over, loosing the spark that they had held when she first entered this meeting.

Gone were her hopes of being important to these wolves within Valhalla. Gone were her dreams of being beside Gideon James as she did, in place of the warm memories that she made with him, there was only the cold feeling of loss. As Erani left, she followed after her, feeling that she should thank her for standing up for her in a way that she herself could not - and apologize for getting her stripped of a rank that meant nothing in the face of this pack's "king." She was so sorry. The healer had stood up for a girl that wasn't even going to be a part of Valhalla for much longer. Idly she wondered when the wedding was...

Feeling that she no longer had a place within this meeting, she left it behind her. A blank stare and a head held high out of nothing but selfish pride and the inability to show weakness in front of so many others, she let her paws carry her away.

-Exit Chrysanthe-


04-20-2013, 09:00 PM

It didn't take long for more wolves to arrive. Most she didn't know, but one stood out in particular. Hated filled his eyes, his posture aggressive. She didn't linger long on the thought before Collision made his appearance at the meeting, taking his place up front, beginning his speech. Glaciem alliance had been retained? Something had happened with Glaciem? She was unaware. A second alliance with Sercia. Chrysanthe being married off? Eyes shifted to the young female, shock seemed to color her features. So Collision hadn't told her of his plans? Odd. Ranks blah blah. The mentioning of Tortuga caught her attention. Official enemies. She shifted uncomfortably at the thought of what that could bring. Audits shot forward, posture stiffening. Betrayed. Slave. The words seemed so foreign. Since when did Valhalla start taking slaves? Sure the brute named Neo deserved punishment, but to be enslaved? Things started to click together and slowly her gaze slide towards the hate ridden wolf. Perhaps this was the wolf that Collision spoke of. The meeting proceed with more wolves she only knew of being promoted to new positions within the pack. However, familiar lyrics soon reached audits, causing her skull to swing towards the ivory dame. Anger rolled off her, words pouring out of her jaws. Brows lifted in surprise in the sudden outrage from the Healer, who was normally so kind and gentle in her ways. At the end of her rampage, Raynes gaze slide back to Collision, hesitantly awaiting his reaction before Erani left the meeting. Congratulations where exchanged before others began to protest about having a slave amongst the ranks. The atmosphere among the pack grew tense, disagreement being spoken while others spoke harshly against those who questioned their Alpha. Wasn't the Alpha suppose to do what's best for the pack? Was a slave really the best?
Ears soon lay flat against an ivory skull, Collisions rage ridden voice cracking the air. His words were harsh, angry as he stripped Erani of her rank. A growl rumbled from the young healers chest. Without Erani there would be no one to heal others, or finishing the training of young healers. She rose to her paws, "With Erani stripped of her rank, then who is to continue training the healers? Who is suppose to help those in need?" Tail was low but twitched angrily at her heels as she spoke up, voicing her displeasure at what was such a rash decision. Of course Erani could have brought this up in private, but this was a pack meeting, where things were suppose to be discussed. Eyes zeroed in the Alpha, waiting to see what his answer would be. Without a healer, the pack was vulnerable, especially since he had gone and made enemies with Tortuga. She didn't care what else he had to say to defend himself. Her only concern was for her teacher. Anger bubbled up in the white she-wolf. How dare he. So much time had pasted since she had last gotten truly angry over something, having suffered so much lost had nearly broken her spirit. But she stood, blue and gray orbs watching, waiting, tail low, skull lifted ever so slightly, pelt beginning to bristle. She wasn't sure what consequences she would face for her outburst, but she demanded an answer.
"speech" thought