
he comes



5 Years
01-01-2015, 08:57 PM

Walk | Talk | Think
Anais was not at all sure what Glacier meant by associating her with those that he referred to as his Wind and Sea. Both terms seemed strange to her in the sense that he had mentioned them - did he possibly think she reminded him of a beach or shoreline that were familiar to him? - but maybe he had his reasons. If she remembered, she thought she might ask later. It could very well have been related to the fact he was so reluctant to mention anything about those he traveled with, which she realized belatedly. Either way, it seemed inconsequential now in comparison to her search for Lebrah. 

Her attention remained focused around her, listening and looking through the woods as she waited to see if any answer was going to be made to the call she had made. It was quiet for a moment, as she had already anticipated it to be, but catching her off guard and taking her by surprise she heard the voice that she hoped to hear. "Lebrah!" Without a thought, without warning Glacier, she was off, her quick hunter's paws making quick work of the distance between her and her adopted son. 

A warning to her companion did not seem necessary as he kept pace and even gained a lead on her, reaching the tree that Lebrah stood within before she did. Her eyes immediately went upward to the branch that her son stood on, awkwardly sticking close to the truck so that he would not fall. "Oh Lebrah," she sighed, a touch of amusement suddenly stealing through her. How in the world had he ended up there? Glacier, the kind soul, offered his assistance, and Anais quickly added, "Don't worry, Lebrah, Glacier here is a friend. He won't let you get hurt." 

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



7 Years
01-09-2015, 11:59 PM

The first wolf to arrive was not Anais, but a very, very big blue male who knew his name. The boy let out a gasp, gazing down at the stranger. "You big blue creep! How do you know my name? Where is my mom? If you took her imma... imma hit you real hard!" he called, hugging closer to the trunk of the tree. He was trying to scramble backwards closer to the tree, when he saw Anais. Letting out a happy bark his tail wagged, nearly upsetting his balance and had him toppling over. She said that the blue man, Glacier, was a friend. "But you don't have any friends!" he said, before realizing that it sounded rather rude. A blush ran under his pale cheeks and he bit his lips, golden eyes boring into the woman. "Well, not any that I haven't met. He's all big and blue Anais!" he didn't really know why that was an insult, or a reason to not like someone. But... it was all he had. And he was in a tree.

He glanced down at the big man, but didn't know if he liked it. He was blue so... he didn't like him! Yeah! That's it. So instead of jumping into Glacier's arms he stretched out his front legs, reaching down and stepping on his shoulders. Jumping from there, he slid down the man's back and tumbled towards Anais. "Mommy!" he wailed, feeling a bit wobbly now that he was once more on flat ground. Lebrah pressed himself into her chest, curling her head around her neck. Eying Glacier, he sent a huff his way. "I don't like him... he's blue," as if he hadn't made that very clear. Apparently blue was an issue, even though he had blue on his own body! Apparently this boy was a... colourist?

table by argent/neffs



6 Years
Extra large
01-14-2015, 02:35 PM (This post was last modified: 01-14-2015, 02:36 PM by Glacier.)

Glacier would look up in amusement as the strange wolf began to insult him. He would also realize for the first time that the wolf was not the pup he was expecting, his amusement would turn to a frown as he slowly moved his eyes from Lebrah, to Anais who was with him now. He tilted his head a silent, but obvious question in his eyes as he did so – she had made Lebrah sound like her child but he could see now that this was far from the case, this wolf might well be older then Anais! And certainly there was no family resemblance.

His eyes moved back to the excited, pup like adult stuck in the trees. Still attempting to get a grip on the situation and still holding his massive bulk against the tree. He made no comment to the wolf's strange words, he could see the potential of its truth – if Anais had no friends it would explain her weary approach to life, but she would have no more need to stress over that – even if he was her only friend, he was determined to become one that could allow her to see the world without fear.

The wolf would finally start to come down the tree, using Glacier's own massive back to slid from the tall branches into the ground. The brute held steady beneath the (definitely not a pup) bulk that was still much small then his own abnormal build. On the ground, the pup/adult was no less insulting then he had been in the tree. Apparently, his deep blue coat was reason enough to dislike a bloke that lent you their aid. “So... this is your 'pup'” he would tease the tiny wolf as he pulled himself down from the tree, shaking out his coat and moving back to Anais's side.


Art by Arin





5 Years
01-14-2015, 03:12 PM

Walk | Talk | Think
As much as she wanted to seem supportive of her adopted son, it was hard for Anais not to smile as she looked up at him standing upon his tree-bound perch. It was rather silly, all of it, but she was sure if she dissolved into giggles it was only going to make matters worse. She bit her lip gently, trying to keep her face from breaking out into a brighter smile than the wobbly one that shifted about her lips presently though Lebrah's quick return that she had no friends did the trick in making it go away. She felt a sudden embarrassment slip over her, coloring her cheeks beneath her fur as her yellow-gold eyes went wide and her jaw fell slack. Maybe it was the fact that the answer was true, at least as far as recent events went, but it still was not something she would have voluntarily told Glacier on her own. 

Though he obviously did not trust Glacier, Anais was relieved when Lebrah finally extended his paws toward him to step and slide down the larger male's back until his stumbling paws finally hit the ground. The grey and gold girl stepped forward with a bright grin, bracing herself as the exuberant feather-marked wolf tucked himself against her and wrapping her own neck around his as she nuzzled him back. "I'm glad you're safe," she told him through a relieved voice, drawing her head up and away from him so that she could peer at both him and Glacier as he went on making accusations about the male being blue. Well, it was true, but for some reason that seemed enough of a condemnation to Lebrah to warrant not wanting to associate with the large but kind male. 

Her smile was apologetic as she turned it on Glacier, though his teasing remark only managed to draw her make it more sheepish as her ears pulled back awkwardly. She knew it must have looked silly, a fully grown wolf being her adopted son, and she could only imagine what Glacier thought of it. "My son, yeah," she answered, dropping her gaze away shyly as she once again offered Lebrah another nuzzle of comfort since he still seemed determined not to like the blue wolf. "Lebrah, Glacier helped you down from the tree," she said softly to him, trying to coax him into realizing that the blue wolf was not a bad guy, "You don't want to say anything nice to him for that?" 

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.