
You got the bullets, I got the gun


01-22-2015, 01:48 PM

(OOC: I'm assuming he won't be here for the tournament but posts because)

The boy moved to Kylar's touch, a playful smile as he walked by and joined Cataleya. He sat back in place and waiting for the meeting to start, which wouldn't take too long.

She would speak of the challenge that Amarant had followed his grandfather to, that of which he failed at his goal but the pack was handed off anyway. A new enemy was handed to them though, their neighbor in fact. Amarant didn't like all the violence and enemy talk, but sometimes he was oblivious to the fact. She stated her new children as prince and princess, too bad he couldn't be a... grand-prince or something. Promotions, whatever. Amarant didn't care about all this squabble... but his was a little sad to her the tiny girl would be sent away to learn healing abilities.

But he was somewhat excited about this tournament... That was until she stated that spars would be held. The boy wasn't very experienced, and he felt he wasn't paired fairly in their training. Or well, the girl he was partnered with didn't seems to have a fair advantage... Even if he did well or not, he didn't like to fight against others when he wasn't in danger.

Cat would fall silent, and he could tell by her travelling gaze that she was just waiting for the others. He would sit and wait to make sure there wasn't anything else important for her to say. He loved to get under Cat's skin but he was still respectful.

Walk "Talk" Think



4 Years
01-22-2015, 07:05 PM

After the slow arrival of the remaining members of Arcanum, the Queen would begin to spill the details and announcements their minds needed to know. There was news of Solstice, now disbanded. She gave an unsurprised snort, agreeing with Cataleya's remark of the cowardly leaders. Pantheon had also landed under Arcanum's watchful eye, although this hardly took her interest. Promotions would soon be passed around as Aerndis and Skadi rose as the pack's lead fighters. A low, barely silent, growl of annoyance would vibrate through clenched jaws. The woman shot a sharp and swift glare at the two promoted females. If only her slowness had not interfered with her actions. The position could be hers and yet it wasn't.

However, Arcanum was in need of hunters and an open position laid for a lead hunter. She would not want to displease her ruler by letting such an important matter slide, even if fighting and war was more her style. She was unsure if she would gain recognition and respect as a lead hunter but if she could, the position might be her perfect opportunity. The thought was tucked away in her mind as she intently listened to the rest of the Queen's speech.

Arcanum's standings with Imperium seemed to be strong as Cataleya spoke of an upcoming tournament in the late spring. There were to be spars and a hunting feast between the two kingdoms. Did the warrior see this as another opportunity to improve her loyalty?

"I also believe this tournament will be an excellent event." Vocals would raise in a cold tone. No other wolf happened to want the position of lead hunter and so it would be hers straight for the taking. Again, there would be no begging in her words, only a smooth and fluent wave. "I would be more than willing to take the rank as Comte. Any test I am prepared to undertake. "


[Image: 4LyHbab.png]


01-28-2015, 01:13 AM

Niketas sat quietly, watching the last few pack members as they arrived and settled in for the meeting to start. The most notable of these of course would be his sister. His acidic gaze followed her golden form as she moved toward Majia to press against her before heading toward him and sitting down beside him. Despite his irritation at the world it still made a small smile curl at his lips to see his smaller sibling. He would give her a small nod in return to her question. "Of course, Freya. Any time."

Catalya would finally start the meeting. Luckily there wasn't a whole lot to be said, but a few things did stand out to him. This issue with a pack called Pantheon and the tournament that she spoke about them hosting with Imperium were certainly something for the aspiring warrior to take note of. If nothing else it meant he had plenty of fighting to look forward to. However he also noticed Catalya's pointed looks and comments toward his sister and he finally glanced down toward Freya curiously, wondering what exactly was going on. He was sure she would tell him all about it later.

Talk You Think

SkaĆ°i I


3 Years
Extra large
01-28-2015, 05:27 PM

For reasons unknown to her, Skadi suddenly had the urge to look over her shoulder. In doing so she caught her apprentice staring at a large male with a rodent companion. She too glanced at him and, finding nothing particularly captivating about him, came to the conclusion that her little Atka was preoccupied with empty-headed thoughts of the heart. Seeking to remedy this, the huntress immediately leaned towards the girl with the intention of sharply nipping one of her sooty ears. "He has yet to earn your attention. So don't give it to him."

The meeting got underway. When it was announced that she had been given the rank of Marquis, Skadi dipped her head to acknowledge her new title and the one who had given it to her. Her expression remained neutral; if she was pleased with her rise through the ranks, the huntress made no move to express that feeling.

The queen continued to speak, offering warnings to the lazy members - warnings that managed to bring a faint smirk to Skadi's lips. When it came time for the Marquis pair to call the warriors together, she would be merciless in punishing those who chose not to show. It was a rather exciting thought.

The meeting ended with the promise of a tournament which had Skadi wondering: if someone dared to sit it out, could she punish them too?

"Speaking" -- Thinking



6 Years
01-28-2015, 06:22 PM (This post was last modified: 01-28-2015, 06:22 PM by Caeto.)

Caeto took his eyes off the black boy to look at Cataleya as she started to speak. But not long after, his eyes moved to his paws when she spoke of the pack they tried to disband with their own claws. He was a little relaxed as the word or a tournament would go on, happy to see that there was someone they could play nice with. He was sure it would turn into a death ring of a hundred wolves blood and bodies in the center. He planned on going, but didn't really want to participate. Hopefully he could sit and watch.

Unsure if there was anything else to be said, he would stand to look at Cat once again and then turn way, looking at his half brother his whole turn. And he would make his way around the wolves to leave. Maybe it was about time to leave this place, but he didn't know if that was a good idea.

-Exit Caeto-

Walk "Talk" Think