
Taste of adventures past



6 Years
Extra large
03-24-2015, 05:47 PM (This post was last modified: 03-27-2015, 10:50 PM by Glacier.)

His subtle movements to scoot closer and keep her warm turned out to be the right thing to do as she leaned closer to him and the two where comfortably, and well pressed into each others sides, her head against his fur, his head against hers and enjoying the brilliance of the night together. He was well aware of his feelings now, and did not know if she shared them. All he knew was that she enjoyed his company, and he knew also, now, that he would be there for her for the rest of her days – or for as long as she allowed. He would protect, and watch over her, he would love her, weather she shared those feelings or not. Glacier didn't love easily, but when he did, it was everything.

He could almost hear her thought process, which was accompanied by thoughtful noises, and a surprising 'oh' he lifted his head slightly off her own to better peer down at her, his look amused as he waited for an answer, which he was sure was about to come. What he didn't expect, was the sadness in her tones as she went on to explain what her favorite place was. His eyes widened as he settled his head against her again. Her parents where dead? How had he not known this? He knew she wasn't exactly alone in the world, but definitely her world was smaller then he had realized. He was ashamed to have missed this important fact, in their fun and adventures, and he wondered when she had lost them – before he had known her? “It sounds like the most wonderful final resting place” he replied gently, squeezing her gently with his head and body before realizing the pressure.

He would nod lightly, letting her feel the movement through her fur through she could not see it, when she asked if it was her turn now. She would turn things back to lighter thoughts as he asked what animal he wished to be. “Hmm, not something I've thought of before, but I was to say the first animal that comes to mind, I would say... A Polar Bear. They are strong animals, ferociously protective of their family, which is their young, and even better suited to the ice then I, so perhaps I have a lot in common with them – except of course their isolation, I would never leave my siblings” his words where thoughtful, and a little amused. He didn't want to be the one asking all the hard questions, so he settled on one more, well he hoped, lighter question before eh would begin moving on to the ones he really wanted to know. “What is your favorite time of day?”





5 Years
03-24-2015, 06:08 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She felt the hold Glacier had around her constrict as he did his part to comfort her, a gesture that was somewhat out of time but one that was entirely welcome. It was never an easy thing, bringing up her parents like that, and often the timid girl chose against it as a means of keeping those saddened thoughts at bay. But there was something healing about talking about them, and especially to Glacier, that made it actually okay in the end. And since he was so close to her, and growing closer the longer they stayed friends, Anais knew he had a right to know that about her. It was sad, yes, but it was a truth of her life, and she wanted to share those past events with him. "It really is," she answered quietly, glad at least that her parents had a beautiful place to rest now that they were no longer among the living.

Her question moved the game along, and she seemed to have caught Glacier a little by surprise with her unexpected question. Her tail wagged in delight at knowing it, though it was his answer that actually drew a genuine laugh from her. A polar bear? She should have known! He certainly reminded her a bit of a polar bear. He had the size down already, and that protective streak that he mentioned. Though he was right about the isolation; that sounded like the worst of all the polar bear's qualities. "I think they would miss you too much," she added as he spoke of his siblings. After knowing Voltage a little better, she was sure losing Glacier to his own devices would have distressed him something terrible since he was all about keeping everyone close and happy.

The questions were turned on her then, and the one Glacier chose was one that made her grin again. Hmm, what was her favorite time of day? She only needed a second to think before she answered clearly and decisively, "Morning. Maybe not sunrise 'cause that's really early, but after that, when the sun's up and everything's starting to get warm. I like the light and knowing there's still a whole day ahead of me that I can fill with fun things." Of course, fun things for was a relative thing. Hunting was fun, as was spending time with Lebrah. And then there were her adventures with Glacier. Hmm, what to ask now..? "I know it's kind in your name, you really like the cold?"
Art by Dancing Crows

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



6 Years
Extra large
03-24-2015, 06:29 PM

He was glad she found amusement in his answer, her laughter was honest and sweet, the sound of it instantly lightened the atmosphere again. He couldn't bring her parents back for her, but he could put a smile on her lips again, and that was something. She would agree with his assessment it seemed, and he found himself wondering what animal she would picture herself as, surely it must say a lot about her – but her was determined to keep a few of the questions fresh, he could always bring it up later if the game carried on. “I think its more the me missing them part that makes it impossible” he teased lightly. Thinking of missing people, he didn't want to miss Anais, he didn't know how long he could go on without her beside him, to the point where he would probably be visiting her until she was sick of him, despite the decent distance that would soon pop up between them.

He laughed himself at her answer – so she wasn't an early bird then, but neither was he. Far more often he stayed up late into the night, and slept the morning away. “I can see that fitting you. Me, I like the late evenings, when things start to cool off and the deep blue shadows take precedence against the land” he admitted, still grinning.

Her next question was actually one he had been waiting for, the first time she had seen him was on the frozen lake, and yes it was in his name... but was it who he was? “I do, but not because its my name. I rather thing that I was named aptly then I developed because of the name, after all part of the reason I love the cold is out of my control – the size of me, the thick coat, all add to how I run at a warmer temperature. Hot days are torture to me, whereas the cold doesn't bother me, and I find it a relief.” he gave her the most in depth reply he could, starting with the physical attributes first. “I also like the mystery of it, snow for example puts a fantasy light on reality, and on the ice you think you can see such a distance, but nothing is as it seems” he went on to explain his personal preference to it, smiling as he thought of prey or hunter hiding beneath the snow and other ways in which ice could be a mystery.

“Anais” he said, his voice was soft, but serious, the different tone perhaps warning her that his next question was important to him. “When we first met, you where very afraid, but you where curious, it was an odd mix, like you wanted to see, but you couldn't it made me feel like you weren't always afraid. Did something happen to you, Anais?” his voice was very gentle, and his anxiety for her potential answered was very well hidden.





5 Years
03-25-2015, 02:09 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

It made her smile to think of how close Glacier was to his siblings. It reminded her very much of the connection she felt with her own brothers and sister, how strongly she was tied to them and how their own wants dictated her actions. Limiting as it was, her bond with them was still a good thing. She could not imagine going through life without them beside her, could not fathom what the loss of her parents would have been like to deal with alone. If she had felt lost and adrift even with them around... But now was not the time for dismal or sad thoughts. She and Glacier were playing a game, and she had already alluded to unhappy things once. That was plenty more than enough.

Her friend added his own thoughts to his question regarding a favorite time of day - his answer which Anais thought should not have been surprising at all since she had drawn some correlation between him and the incoming night just a moment earlier - before he answered her curiosity with honesty. That, too, should not have been surprising either. She had suspected it, but hearing it stated plainly from the glacial giant's lips solidified it in her eyes. He was of the cold and bracing winter, in name and in personal preference. How lucky, she thought. It would have been so unfortunate if he felt his name was wrongly chosen or incorrect in some way, considering the implications it had. Though Anais would have been the first to speak against him being a hard mountain of ice; he was far from it as far as she was concerned.

The conversation changed again, moving along as it was again Glacier's turn, and she should have known that something was coming by the tone of his voice when he said her name. His explanation of her during their initial meeting brought back the unpleasantness she had been trying to avoid, and she could feel that little nervous side of her begin to rear its head. She shifted beneath his touch, comfortable next to him though her thoughts were anything but. She did not answer right away, and when she did she spoke very softly. "I'd gone adventuring, too far from home. I found a wolf, sitting by a river eating a fish, and because fishing was always special to me I tried to make friends with him. Only..." Anais could see him, his predatory smile, that knowing glint in his eye. She could almost hear the double edged words he had spoken to her still, words that had gone above her head because of her naivety at the time.

She shifted nervously again. "He wasn't a friend. He wanted to take me, and keep me, and he could have had me." Her father had been so angry when he had found out, and though she had known that something had been wrong there he had needed to bluntly point it out in order for her to finally realize just how much danger she had been in. "But he got too bold and decided to tell my parents, as if it was my choice to go away with him. They knew though," she added, still seeing the anger and hurt on their faces, "They knew I was scared. They chased him off, and...I was too afraid to go off on my own again." All those adventures she had missed...all because of him.

Anais closed her eyes against the image of him and turned her face into Glacier's shoulder again, letting his warmth, his scent, his comfort, his compassion, drive away that horrible lingering memory and replace it with something wonderful. He had unknowingly changed so much in her life, returned her to a place that she had lost all hope of returning to. Even without her growing feelings for him, he represented a great deal to her.
Art by Dancing Crows

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



6 Years
Extra large
03-25-2015, 02:28 AM

He could feel her shift and become uncomfortable, and wondered if perhaps he had gone to far. He wanted to be there for, to know the things that happened to make her the wolf he had come to know, to help her in whatever way he could, and part of that was to build on her confidence. She was a bright, sunny and sweet thing, and knowing how frightened and shy she could be effected him. Of course, he knew she needed come caution, especially moving so far away, if she was ever in danger he might not be able to hear her and come to her aid. The thought of anyone trying to hurt her.. he had to push the thought down and lock it away before he could get angry and defensive, he took a calming breath, and his attention was back on Anais as she spoke in soft, subdued tones.

She would start to tell her story, and he would know he had been right. Someone had frightened or hurt her. He tried to hide the tensing of his muscles as she told her story, knowing the blood lust he would feel to rip into any who dared hurt this precious, sweet creature beside him. He didn't want to interrupt her, but he couldn't help himself, in a pause of her speech he would draw her closer, through his protective movements would be at odds with the words he spoke. “You are no ones to claim, and no one will ever dare again” he said simply, his words plainly a threat to any who dared try.

Anais would turn her face into him, and her would pull her close and hold her in the protective cradle of his arms. His own heart was beating quickly, with a mixture of feelings. There was that raw anger inside of him, now he knew that someone had indeed frightened her, and how close she had been to danger – through it sounded like he had not actually gotten the chance to hurt her, but that didn't matter, he had intended and tried to, and that was enough for Glacier – if he ever tracked that wolf down, he would be dead.

The quickness of his heart was also for the closeness of her, the need to protect her was rearing up uncontrollably inside of him now, and with it brought a tidal-wave of affection, love, for Anais. He would never again be naive of his feelings for Anais, he was deeply and madly in love with her, and only her. From now and for forever, he would always be hers.
He struggled to get a grip on himself, and well he didn't let her go, he did lift his head and try to peer down at her. “You didn't ask me a question, but that's ok, i'm a terrible person and i'm going to skip your turn” he teased, his affectionate voice was light, breezy and tinged with his accent. “Anais.. I would like to ask you, have you ever fallen in love?” he asked, throwing caution into the wind, knowing that if he could find or make the opportunity tonight, he would let her in on the secrets in his heart. If she did not want him, he would remain her loyal friend if she would have him, and if not, then a secret protector – not stalking her, no, never that, but he could find ways to ensure her safety and happiness in the world.





5 Years
03-27-2015, 08:57 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Just as she turned herself into him, Glacier drew her closer, sheltering her from the cruel world and those thoughts and memories that haunted her. Time seemed to mean nothing to them, and even now they haunted her, darkening what had otherwise been a beautiful evening. Anais tried not to think about it and instead tried to focus her mind on the better things that had happened since then. She was happy now, brighter again, and as close to her old self as she ever expected to be. And it was mostly in part to the wolf she stood beside, who had taken the time to build her trust, to earn her friendship, and to slowly steal her heart.

Tears misted her eyes as she snuggled further against her large blue friend, remnants from those dark, scary memories of an earlier time and a different young woman, but already those visions felt further away, driven back. They were a part of her past, evil truths that had happened, but that did not mean that they would control her. No, Glacier said she was free of anyone's claim, and that even meant the demons that followed and lurked in her mind. They would not hinder her or ruin her time with her friend, and as the tense unease that had stolen over her began to leave and relax her body beside her sturdy companion she sighed.

Her thoughts had been in such a mess that it took Glacier pointing out her forgotten question to jog her memory into realizing it had been her turn. She chuckled, gently and quietly, as he told her that her turn would be skipped, and Anais made no objection as he went ahead and pushed their game onward. She expected something easy, something light, something to take her mind off of the story she had just been asked to tell, but the question posed to her was anything but easy. Love? Unbidden, she blushed, deeply and fully, and was glad that she still pressed her face into the wolf as she felt her body tense just slightly again, in his embrace and where he might feel no less. Oh goodness, where had this question come from? Could he tell how her feelings for him had deepened? Was that why he had asked? Could it possibly have had anything to do with his own feelings? Was that too much to wish for? Was that what she wished it was?

Anais was fully conscious of the fact she was putting off her answer, which only made her more embarrassed and nervous - was her delay giving too much away already? Oh, but what did she say! "I-I don't know," she answered softly, the stutter unavoidable as she still kept her head tucked but turned so that her muzzle and words would not be muffled by his shoulder. Was it love? Was that why she felt so flustered, so hopeful, so scared? She had liked others, yes, but this... It was different, it felt like more. Was love the more she had been sensing? "...what does it...feel like?" She narrowly avoided another stutter as she spoke carefully, but at least she had managed to answer him. It was still an avoidance of the question, but she could not imagine saying what she thought her true answer was, that she honestly thought she might be in love now.
Art by Dancing Crows

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



6 Years
Extra large
03-27-2015, 09:15 PM (This post was last modified: 03-27-2015, 09:17 PM by Glacier.)

She would again tense, and he knew he had caught her unawares with his question. He was a little breathless himself as he waited for her answer. He didn't know what to expect from her, would he hear of past loves? Or perhaps even current ones? That thought twisted his heart and he pushed the idea away. He was forced to continue to wait as no answer was forthcoming. After a few heartbeats he found himself looking down at the girl in his arms again, who had pushed her face into his thick coat. His expression in that moment was a strange mixture; it was fond, amused, exasperated, and weary. He had no context to go on as to why she delayed her answer – if the delay had something to do with him, or just a reluctance to speak of past events.

When she spoke, it was with her sweet, shy stutter and he knew he had embarrassed her, and he hoped he hadn't frightened her back into her shell – he hadn't seen her truly shy since that first day. Since then, he had seen her bloom, seen her delight and love of adventures and her burning curiosity. He had seen her sweetness, and shared both laughter and silence with her. It was strange, both the feeling he had known her all his life, and the one where he felt like he had still just met her and knew so little.

Then, to his surprise, she would ask him what it felt like. His surprise would come out in the form of a soft chuckle, and he would lower his head his muzzle in the soft curls of fur on the top of her head, breathing in the luxurious, familiar scent of her before he spoke. “I don't know, I'm not exactly the best judge – I've only done it once” yes, he had only fallen in love once, with Anais, a realization he had come to right here on this cliff top, with the soft wind and the scent of salt in their fur, in the dying light of the sun and the following glimmer of moonlight.

“Anais...” he said softly, letting his voice drift off with a gentle nudge of the wind, as he lifted his muzzle out of her coat and finished speaking. “You know its well and truly your turn right?” the serious tone instantly melted to amusement as he finished his question.




5 Years
03-27-2015, 10:24 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Anais waited eagerly for Glacier to answer her timid question, for him to enlighten her about what it felt like to be in love. Did he know? Could he tell her? Would it all add up to what she had been feeling, what she suspected was love now? He chuckled, the pleasant, amused sound confusing her as she did not quite understand it, but the easy manner in which he nuzzled her head lessened the strength of that confusion. There was no enlightening answer from her friend who deemed himself unqualified to answer it, though he did divulge a little fact that instantly piqued at her curiosity and took hold of her full attention: he had been in love once.

The girl's golden eyes blinked, a little shock going through her. Glacier had fallen in love? With who? How long ago had it happened? What had happened? Her thoughts whirled with the new revelation, demanding answers that she did not possess the courage to ask, and her heart twisted as she tried to formulate answers of her own. Who had managed to capture his attention so? Was this an old flame, or...recent? Was this someone that he was still in love with? The thought that it might be someone else, that there was a girl somewhere that had stolen his heart, left her own cold and anxious, desperate in its own way, and stole the smile from her face. If he did love someone else...what did that mean for her own feelings? For her heart?

He said her name and she tensed, her heart constricting nervously in anticipation, though of what she did not know. Only a simple reminder of her turn in their game came from his lips, and she felt a strange mixture of relief and disappointment. "Oh," she breathed, feeling as if she was being tossed back into the game and struggling to get her bearings back again. A question, a question, what did she want to ask? Who did you love? But no, she was afraid of that answer, and it was best to avoid it. She needed something else. "Um, how..." Anais began with a murmur, though she had no question ready. "I mean..." Where had all of her questions gone? Why could she think of none now? One, she just needed one. "Who are you closest with? Out of your siblings?" There was a good one, though even she knew answering it was going to be tricky. Not even she could pick her closest sibling, but she had had to ask something.
Art by Dancing Crows

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



6 Years
Extra large
03-27-2015, 10:48 PM

His cryptic answer would do little to enlighten his little Mouse, but now, even after mentally declaring his intentions to court her and find out if she felt these things for him too – he had fallen short at the finish line, pulling up amusement about himself and he waded through his own confused mental state. Perhaps, in all things in Glaciers life, he would do this one slowly as well – spend time with her, give her flowers, take her on fun adventures. Well he had already somewhat been doing this somewhat, he hadn't done it with love in mind, just friendship and joy in spending time with her.

Anais's reactions however would not go unnoticed, and he could see her reeling with confusion, perhaps struggling to think what his words meant. He wondered.. did she realize he meant her? A glimpse of her crestfallen expression did little to enlighten him, her momentary disappointment really could be from either direction.
The observatory giant, it seemed, was utterly blind when it came to his own love life.

Her breathy reply to his statement sent a fluttering in his own heart and he held her a little tighter. Throughout everything it seemed the two had only gotten closer and closer until no space remained between them, and neither moved to change that now. He loved holding her in his arms, the scent of her was all about him, mixed in with his own in perfect harmony. As he kept his gaze upon her, he would watch her struggle for a question, starting her sentence one way, before changing it to another. She would return the questioning to family, and he would feel the soft flutter of disappointment in his chest. He still didn't know if she had ever loved another, her question had been vague, and well it hinted that she had not, he still couldn't be sure...

“Well, I would say Voltage – he's my litter mate, so i've been with him for the longest, and we've always shared the responsibilities of ensuring out families safety. We'll obviously I love them all with all of my heart, i'm closest to him” he concluded, and fell silent for a moment as he contemplated a question of his own. His common sense told him keep the questions simple, fun, and easy, well his heart wanted to know her secrets, who she was... and if she could love him, as he dearly loved her. “Hmm” he said, stalling for time as he let his mind whirl and contemplate.

After a moment of agonizing in some attempt to find the right question, that allowed him to pry without upsetting her, he relaxed and smiled, he was over thinking this. “Whats your favorite flower, my Little Mouse?”





5 Years
03-31-2015, 12:48 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Anais leaned against her giant friend as she listened to him tell her about his closest sibling. She should have guessed it, and knew now that she had already suspected it. He and Voltage were complete opposites, as different as two wolves could get, and yet even she had been able to see the love between them, that bond that would always keep them together. Though her heart was still anxious, nervous for herself, she smiled for them, happy at least that they had a bond as deep as those she felt for her own siblings. It was incredibly nice to see another family as closely knit as her own, who had values that she too possessed and took strength from.

There was a moment of silence that followed his answer, a time which she thought he took to think of another question to ask her. He was not running out of ideas, was he? She hoped not. Even if their questions had delved into uncharted waters for her and churned up memories and feelings she had not confronted yet Anais was not at all eager for their night to end. In fact, the longer she stayed wrapped up in Glacier's embrace, snuggled close to him beneath the starry night sky while he lay his head atop hers, the less she wanted to leave him. Nothing had been said to Lior or Lebrah before she had left, and they were well past the point Anais had suspected to return by. Would she really eventually have to leave this place and part ways with him once they got back to her home?

Distraction came in the form of his question, and she was puzzled for a moment as she thought of what her answer was. "I'm...not sure," she stated, the pause in her speech this time only due to her own inability to pin down a specific type of flower that she preferred best. Flowers and plants were typically Lior's thing, as she knew the most about them, but because she knew so little in comparison Anais gave the best answer she could. "I like the bright ones," she explained, "I don't know what they're called, but they have a lot of yellows. Or at least the ones I've seen do." Maybe she should have asked Lior more about them. She sighed, almost a laugh, and added with a kind of sheepish tone, "I don't know too much about flowers." Maybe she needed to pay more attention when her little sister talked about them.

With it being her turn again, Anais wondered where she ought to steer their conversation. Something light, something fun. She wanted to feel comfortable and carefree again, and she was sure Glacier was willing enough to play along to help her feel that way again. "Can you fish?" she asked, tempted to angle her head up to peer into his face but resisting as it would have meant pulling too far away from him. Instead, her ears perked, listening closely as she offered an answer of her own. "My mom loved fishing. I think she hoped I would be a great fisher too, but I didn't get her natural skill for it." Okay, maybe that was a little too personal and delving back into painful territory, but it was also nice to speak of her mother again. When was the last time she had spoken about her parents and what they had been like? It felt strangely freeing to mention one of them now.
Art by Dancing Crows

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



6 Years
Extra large
03-31-2015, 03:01 PM

It was getting late, there was no trace left of the sun and the world was dark, glowing with the lights from the stars and moon. As it was he was surprised Anais hadn't mentioned anything of the time, normally she was eager to return to her siblings and Lebrah, worried for them of course with that big heart of hers. He knew he would have to bring it up eventually, he needed to know what she wanted and intended to do, so she would not regret staying out so late and that he could of course escort her home safely.

He would come to that soon, but he would hang on to the moment a little longer, enjoying this peaceful time with her. He had asked her the question of flowers, and her answer would be hesitant, unsure. A smile would twitch at his lips, it would seem every one of his questions was difficult for her in some way, even when he tried the simpler ones.

She would explain that she liked bright flowers, without giving any sort of indication of what she meant, except that they had a lot of yellow. “Sunflowers, buttercups, yarrow, marigold, iris yellow roses?” he asked, a deeply teasing tone entered his question as he sprouted out the names of the more common yellow flowers seen in day to day life, teasing that he, the silent Titan would know more flowers names then the pretty girl beside him. He wasn't actually a flower person, more of a person who valued knowledge – he had a lot of useless, random facts piled up in there.

She would promptly ask her question this time, so he wouldn't be tempted to steal her turn again. He would see her ears twitch up towards him and knew that he was eager for his response. She would mention her mother, and he caught no hint of sadness at the mention of one of her parents who had passed away. “Have you ever attempted ice fishing? Where you find or dig a hole in the ice to fish through? I've done that before, but no other form of fishing” he would admit, smiling down at the girl, even if she couldn't see. “I would say I was about average at it really. So Anais my question is, how late did you want to stay here? You know your welcome to stay the night here, or we can stay up as late as you want before I escort you safely home, or I can go back with you and stick around a little longer there, its entirely up to you” anything for you he thought wistfully.





5 Years
03-31-2015, 09:34 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

As Glacier rattled off different flower names, Anais laughed in earnest, a quiet but pleased chuckle. She did enjoy his gentle teasing, and was surprised that he could name so many flowers off the top of his head right there. A few of the names she even recognized from when Lior had tried to tell her, but none of it had stuck. If he named the flower she envisioned in her head, she did not realize it and had no way of assisting further than what she had. "I wish I was more help," she added, nuzzling again into his fur in a sort of apology. She would be sure to ask Lior about it later.

The talent that she had asked about seemed not to be an unfamiliar one to her giant friend, though his means of fishing was indeed different than what she had been taught. Where she waited in the water, allowing the curious fish to drift closer and within reach, Glacier's involved a different waiting game atop the ice. It sounded strange to her since she had never seen it done or tried the technique herself before, but Anais supposed it worked just the same. "I've never done that kind of fishing," she muttered softly, thoughtfully, wondering if it was any more challenging than river fishing was. Maybe it was. Just fishing out of a small window instead of having the whole river around you... It sounded hard to her.

It was once again his turn to ask a question, and with the ones they had just exchanged she felt a little more relaxed and eager for whatever he might have devised to ask her. Surprisingly it was far from the subject of flowers or fishing, but instead addressed the lateness of the hour and the deepening of night. Anais's ears folded a little as Glacier brought it up, half expecting him to suggest they start back for home already. But he reminded her instead that she was free to stay, and how - and more importantly when - they parted was all up to her. Never? she thought, though she knew well enough that was impractical and silly to wish for. Of course they were going to have to part ways eventually. His family lived here, and hers...hers was moving.

She pondered at first having him escort her home and then convincing him to hang around for as long as he was able, but the thought made her uncomfortable. Since she was sure they had never met, she was unsure what her brothers would think of her mountainous blue friend and worried that their protective streaks would be turned upon Glacier for his generosity with his time. Not to mention there was Lebrah, who still remained convinced that blue was the root of all evil and that Glacier could not be trusted. "Can I stay?" Anais asked in a small voice, finally lifting her head up and back enough to peer upward into Glacier's face. Her ears were angled back nervously but her bright eyes were ever hopeful, expressing more than she probably wished for him to see. Would everything be okay if she spent a night here? With him?
Art by Dancing Crows

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



6 Years
Extra large
04-01-2015, 02:11 AM (This post was last modified: 04-01-2015, 02:11 AM by Glacier.)

Anais's laugh was carefree, and happy, a beautiful sound, music to Glacier's ears. His grin would only widen, buried in the soft tresses of Anaia's fur, as he enjoyed the sound of it – and the beauty that he had been the one to bring it from her. She would however apologize for not being any further help and he would know his suggestions wouldn't ring any bells. She snuggled further into his coat, and he didn't regret a moment as he held her close. He couldn't care less about how late it was, he didn't feel tired even for a moment, not when he was so awake and alight with energy and love for this girl beside him. She wakened him from his mental, snowy isolation, she brought him to life and he warmed himself by her flame.

The topic had moved on to fishing, and she would admit that she had never tried it his way before, “And I have never tried yours” he added teasingly, so they had both delved a little into fishing, just from totally different worlds. He wanted to try it her way, wanted to do so with her and to watch her show him up, he could only imagine how much fun that would be.

With his question that centered around the time of night, he would feel her ears twitch and raised his head enough to watch them fold slightly against her skull, and he looked down at her for a moment with furrowed brows – was the idea of leaving as terrible for her as it was for him? When she answered, his hear melted for her. And he would feel her head start to lift up towards him, and he would lessen the slight weight he had resting against her skull so that she could do so freely. When she peered up at him, his next breath would tickle down to her nose, and he would be stunned for a moment with how close her face was to his. All he could do in that space of moment was look into her eyes and lose himself there. When the dizziness receded and he was able to speak, if, perhaps, a little breathlessly, he did so. “There's no other way I would rather it” he promised her.

He had to pull his head back slightly, to breathe in fresh air from the ocean, taking in the breath she breathed out was intoxicating, and his senses where reeling from the wondrous scent of her. “When.. when where done here we can go back down into the cave we entered to come up here, and there's a comfy corner there you can sleep in, and I can sleep by the cave entrance, or outside, or whatever your most comfortable with” he ensured her, once he had his senses more or less under control.





5 Years
04-02-2015, 08:57 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She had hoped as she angled her head to peer upward at Glacier that at the very least he might smile and agree to let her remain with him for the night, so that they would not have to part once he escorted her home safely and soundly. The desire to stay where she was, wrapped up tight within the big blue wolf's warm embrace, was Anais's only wish, and she was still so nervous that he might change his mind and tell her she needed to get back home. He knew how important family was, after all; surely he could see how she was placing them second in this, taking a moment to be selfish and to think only of her own wishes and wants. But it was only one night, just one...

As she met his eyes, however, their dark silver depths alive within the shadow of his face, the grey and gold girl felt her worries dissipate into the air around her, released from her in a soundless sigh. They were so close that she could see every angle to his expression, every slight movement that he made, and could feel his breath upon her. The look on his face... What did it mean? For that moment, there was nothing to fear - not a broken heart, not unrequited love - but only curiosity. What was he thinking? What would he say? She felt her heart quicken at the sight of him like that, stirred into wanting to reach up and touch him and wondering what he would do if she did. Does he feel this too?

Glacier's answer when he spoke was soft, airy, but in agreement with her request. She was going to stay with him, here in his home. Even as it sped, her heart swelled, and at last Anais felt herself smile again. Her joy was contained behind that smile and her bright gold eyes, though her tail did wag of its own will as she met her friend's gaze. The fears of a moment ago stayed temporarily distant and were replaced by something positive and hopeful. He was letting her stay! That had to mean something, right? And, oh, surely he must have felt what she did when she looked up at him? At least a little bit of that feeling? She wanted very much to snuggle right back into his shoulder, to not move an inch until daylight came and morning took her home, but as he offered her potential sleeping arrangements she began to realize there were better places than a cliff's edge to actually sleep here on the Obsidian Beach.

"Maybe we can continue our game there?" she asked, assuming it might be a good idea. It was getting rather late already, and she was sure the lateness of the hour was eventually going to creep up on her. But she did really want to keep talking with him and playing this game that he had devised. Anais liked being able to ask him questions, even if she struggled to think of them, and enjoyed too answering his even if some of them were at times tricky. And, she assumed, so long as they kept their game up, she supposed they would stay close like this too, which she wanted most of all.
Art by Dancing Crows

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



6 Years
Extra large
04-02-2015, 09:24 PM (This post was last modified: 04-02-2015, 09:27 PM by Glacier.)

He knew how easy it would be to lose himself in the scent and presence of Anais. He knew also how much he wanted to, for her to be the only person in this world. He lowered his head again, his breath would tickle the tops of her ears and he would find it utterly impossible to dismiss how close she was to him. What was it that stopped him from opening his mouth and letting out these feelings in words? Not that speech had ever been his strong point, but still, to say it, to make it all a reality, this reality that he wanted so badly. But he knew himself well enough to know why, that he couldn't put that on her, couldn't put her in that position. If she did not return the feelings, it would embarrass her, ruin the moment, and put her in a bad spot. If she did... if she did return the feelings, then what then? She was leaving with her family, and he would be staying here with his. Was it better this way? This sweet friendship with no strings attached, only moments of peace and happiness together, without the heart break, when there was no answer that would bring them happiness in a relationship.

His thoughts where far to heavy and out of context with the serenity of the moment, and he pushed aside his melocony to examine later, alone. Right now, the only thing that mattered was ensuring Anais's happiness. She was certainly all that in the moment, with his agreement for her to stay, he would see her utterly aglow with the moment and he would bury his face in the soft fur at the top of her head, and breath in the beautiful happiness that seemed to radiate from her.

When she spoke next, it would be to turn their attention back to the game he had begun. He lifted his head to grin down at her once more. “I'm going to take that as being your question, and the answer is yes” he said, with deep amusement, and already began shifting his weight to rise. he also ensured he was in place to help her do so to, in case she was stiff with sitting here in the cold for so long. it was probably wiser to bring them both back down anyway, where they where protected from the wind and it was warmer, and if she wanted to sleep she could any time she wanted. As they began walking back down into the cave he would speak, keeping the game alive “And then I would ask you..” hmm, he hadn't actually considered a question yet. “Is there something generic that scares you, like.. spiders, or dark spaces” he asked as they slipped inside the cave and he would lead her to a cozy corner.





5 Years
04-02-2015, 11:13 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The smaller wolf stretched and reached upward to press back against Glacier when he leaned in to turn his face into the top of her head, seeking each moment of contact that could be gotten from him. She enjoyed it so much, too much, and knew that what she had thought was just a crush had developed into something different, something deeper. It was scary to think about, even scarier to speak of as she had realized when her mountainous friend had nearly touched on the subject only a few minutes before, but this, these little touches that meant so much more than friendly gestures to her, were as close as she was going to get to expressing herself. At least for now, while she still struggled to gauge Glacier's own sentiments and to gather the confidence for her own.

Without even realizing, she had forfeited her turn in asking her question, but rather than be disappointed over losing a turn she only grinned, her tail wagging again. That seemed such a small price to pay for getting their game to move to a different location that would suit them better, especially with the current time. He rose slowly, and a little stiffly she began to do the same, needing to pause and stretch once she had gotten to her feet. Her gaze turned one last time to stare out at the bright night sky, the shimmering waters, and the sparkling shoreline with a secretive smile, already claiming this little hidden treasure as one shared between herself and Glacier, and before he could get ahead of her she turned to follow behind him down the narrow path back into the cave below.

Before they could even get back inside, the game was already continuing, and as she followed behind Glacier Anais had to think a moment of what spooked her. A generic sort of fear? Did she have one? Bugs? Not particularly. The dark? No. Oh. But that did remind her of something else from her childhood, something that had stuck with her over the years despite rationality arguing against it. Her ears splayed slightly, embarrassment seeping into her smile as she trailed after her friend into the dark interior of the cave toward the corner he had mentioned. "It's...kind of silly," she started to say, pausing to chuckle sheepishly at her own expense, "but when I was little I was told this one place had a monster in it. It was this strange, unnatural red thing that some wolves used to den in, and because it was so weird looking I was convinced that the monster was real and was always too afraid to get close to it."

She could still see the red barn that stood on the Range, and still felt a little unsettled by the unnaturalness of it. "It still kind of gives me the creeps." Did that count as a generic, irrational fear? A scary monster living in a barn? And, because he had brought it up and she was feeling particularly curious now that she thought about it, Anais turned the question back on him with a little tilt of her head in the darkness, her smile audible within her voice. "Do you have one?" What could possibly scare Glacier?
Art by Dancing Crows

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



6 Years
Extra large
04-03-2015, 12:10 AM

As he asked his question he would look back at her in time to admire the embarrassed expression that displayed itself across her features. His lips would twitch in a secret smile this time, rather then a full blown one. She would start to speak, which also explained her expression and answered his question, and he gave a soft, warm chuckle. He nudged his shoulder against hers as he stopped so that her next step brought her beside him, and he could look into her eyes and speak. “Dont worry, i'll protect you from any weird red monsters” he promised, and one lid would drop down over his silver orbs in a playful wink.

She would turn the question over to him, and he hesitated again, full on facing her as he answered the question, at first he would do so teasingly. “Fears? I have plenty of dislikes... like the heat, or being away from my family, but fear?”
he paused for full impact, and his grin widened slightly as he waited, to give the impression that the giant Glacier had no fears. After a moment however, he would nod his head, turn back to the direction he was walking and answer her. ”Only one thing really comes to mind, for me I am absolutely terrified of the idea of something bad happening to you, or my family, and the idea of me being powerless to stop it” he shook his head, his throat working with emotion as the thought came to the forefront of his mind, he wanted, no, needed to be able to protect his family and loved ones, and the inability to do so would kill him.





5 Years
04-04-2015, 01:06 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

The amused chuckle the large wolf gave was something Anais had expected. Even she could see the humor in her story now that she had grown up, though maybe not entirely grown out of it. Of course, she knew better than to think she would still run into some monster inside of the place - a monster that she had not even the slightest clue about what it looked like save for its name of Sharp Tooth - but she was kind of glad to have brought it up. When was the last time she had even thought about that time, when her family had lived on that pack's lands? What was it's name? She was sure it started with an S... But as Glacier made his promises of protecting her from any scary monsters, she let the thought slide. Whatever the place had been called, whatever the monster of her imagination was, she was at least wholly and completely safe here.

Another little laugh answered Glacier's wink as she came to stand close beside him again, her shoulder touching his, and with admiration and confidence in his words she smiled openly upward at him. There was very little waiting for an answer as she turned the same question back around on him, and with a tone light and playful her friend made to answer as if he feared nothing in the world. His obviously joking tone drew out another laugh, another tail wag, but it was only when he began to explain the truth of his response that her thoughts shifted and she felt the serious overtone to their conversation return to weigh over them.

Anais fell into step beside him as he resumed leading them to her corner, listening intently as he revealed to her his biggest fear and watching him closely within the dark of the cave. His family...and me? Considering his fear, she knew his family made sense. They were extremely important to him, part of the reason for his existence. But her? Could she really be so important to him to cause him to fear for her safety? What did that mean about her importance to him? About the look he had given her? Could there really be more here than she had expected?

Oh, but she needed to do something quick about that tone of his. The worry that the thought infected him with was audible in his voice, as if he was already leading himself down scenarios where those important to him were outside of his reach and subject to tortures while he could only watch. Herself included. "Hey." She tried to get his attention, bumping her shoulder a little more roughly against his - something she was sure would hardly budge him at all. "You don't have to worry about me," Anais assured him softly, offering him a bright, confident smile, "I'm done doing reckless things." No more exploring on her own, no more trying to make friends with everyone that she met. Not without Glacier.

She leaned in to nuzzle his shoulder again - something she seemed to be doing a lot more of lately - doing her best to be reassuring and supportive as he spoke of the deep workings of his mind and heart. In no way did she want to make it seem trivial or unnecessary, but they were all safe right now. Letting it worry him already was not going to do him any good. Turning her eyes back toward the dimly lit interior of the cave, toward the place that he led her, she asked quietly as she remained at his side, "Is this the spot?"
Art by Dancing Crows

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



6 Years
Extra large
04-10-2015, 08:11 PM (This post was last modified: 04-10-2015, 08:12 PM by Glacier.)
The carefree nature Anais was boosting, was a balm to his spirits. He could remembering vowing that he would make her laugh, and time and time again he seemed somehow, almost without trying to find a way to do so. Each time she did so it would warm him, thaw away at his heart until he felt it might just melt into a gooey pile in his chest. He already knew he was helpless in her paws, he would do anything for her, wanted to do anything for her, to be there for her for as long as he lived. One could almost consider this evening and night a date, starting with bringing her a flower and taking her to watch the sunset, to end the night with a game to better understand each other, to simply enjoy the company of the other. An amused grin tugged secretly at the corners of his lips at the thought, because he knew also that it was one he wouldn't be sharing with Anais, not yet anyway.

The latest line of questions brought more amusement from Anais, and he would hear the gentle swish of her tail as it swayed behind her, before stilling as he turned the conversation to one a little more serious, to fully answer her question he did have to bring a more intent tone to his words, that something happening to her or his family was a dire idea to the Titan. Before he he conjure up any further thoughts on his answer, of his family or sweet Anais getting hurt, she would bump her shoulder against him. Her touch was an instant balm, even as it tingled his skin with the sensation of her being so close to him. If her intent had been to elbow him roughly, that would be lost on him as she folded into his thick coat and hide with the nudge.

“You mean, your finished doing reckless things without me, right?” he shot back, a teasing twinkle was in his eyes, daring her to challenge him, daring her to challenge herself with reckless fun that the two could attempt – like the exploring of the caves and anything else the two could do together. She would nudge him again with her muzzle and he leaned into the caress, smiling down at her, and nodding his head in a slight movement at her question. He moved forward to shuffle about a bit of old grass and other random soft substances that had been used to create a more comfortable, if slightly abandoned spot in the cave. The next question that slipped from his muzzle would surprise even himself with how personal it was. “Have you ever thought of having children?” he asked.





5 Years
04-11-2015, 12:36 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

The very idea of what Glacier suggested was thrilling for the girl. After nearly being kidnapped, Anais had resigned herself to a fate dictated by her parents, and then by her brothers when her parents passed on. She knew then that the world was too dangerous for her to simply run about wherever and whenever she pleased as she had once done, and she even feared the malevolent beings who hunted in those lands. Safety had become first. Now, however, the dangers were starting to feel less threatening, and the world less scary. Compared to Glacier everyone else looked tiny, and when she was with him she felt freer than she ever had. Just imagining spending a day going somewhere new, somewhere exciting with him, caused her to break out in a grin and her stomach to flutter with nervousness and excitement. Yes, she would only do reckless things with him.

He stepped forward after confirming that they had reached her designated spot, and the grey and gold wolf hung back to watch as the gentle giant rustled with the fixings of the space. It seemed like a nice little corner, plenty cozy enough for a night here, and she tried not to think too much about the care he was taking to make the space just right. Maybe that was just his natural courtesy to everyone. Or maybe I'm just as special to him as his family.

She was pulled from her thoughts by the unexpected question posed to her, and for a moment she was too startled by it to even think of an answer. Children? That seemed even more unexpected than the question of if she had ever been in love. Oh, and why did him asking leave her feeling a little flustered again? "No," she finally said after a short pause, her brow furrowing a little as her gaze continued to remain fixed on the bedding that Glacier was settling into place, "I've...never really thought about it." And how could she when she was already caring for a baby brother and a pup-like adult? And especially when she still felt like a child herself at times, pretending to be grown up, when she was with them? It was hard work, she knew that now, though very rewarding. Only she was less certain she was ready to try it again so soon.

Afraid that the circumstances behind her unexpected wealth of knowledge on the subject might dim the mood of their conversation, she tried answering more lightly, "Does Lebrah count?" Her tone was joking, sheepish, but the new subject rewarded her with a sudden pang of guilt that robbed her of her smile. Where was he tonight? Was he looking for her? Would he be worried if she was not there? It was one thing for him to stay the night away from the Fjord of his own choosing, but for her not to be there when he went to curl up in their den... "Do you think he'll be okay?" Anais asked softly, second guesses beginning to fill her with uncertainty. It was only one night, but was that asking too much?
Art by Dancing Crows

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.