
Here without you baby



6 Years
Extra large
05-11-2015, 04:44 PM

The more intimate corners of a relationship where far from Glacier's mind, the alluring scent of her might have driven him to confessing the feelings for her that he had kept locked inside, but that was all that it would get from him. His love for her wasn't just about attraction, it was about who she was and who they where together. Watching her open up to him, seeing the joy on her face as they wondered off on adventures, it was impossible not to love Anais, and how perfect they where together.

The thoughts of future had come to both of them, and no matter what he did Glacier couldn't see a working answer, certainly he never expected what Anais said next. Her first part, about not wanting to leave him was a shared worry and he shuffled his body a little closer so he could wrap his thick, luxurious tail about her side in an attempt to comfort her. However, she would then mention talking to her family and he lifted his head from where it pressed against her own. He didn't move it far, only to better look into her features and tilt his head in a questioning manner. Before he could wonder for too long about where she was going with this she would continue, and he would let out a soft, painful breath and close his eyes. She wanted to leave her family for him, leave those she loved when even she herself had said in the past that it was impossible. “I could never ask that of you, Anais” he whispered softly, hating the impossible situation, because he knew also that he couldn't leave the family that needed him. However, a little selfish hope did spark inside at her words. She wanted to leave her family and come and live with him? He could scarcely let himself dream, to think of her in their pack, of her always being near by and when he needed to be in her presence he would need only call her name or walk a few steps to be at her side. When he wanted to show her the wonders of the world she would be right there, and he would need only take her by the paw and show her the glow worms of the caverns next to his pack, to show her what the ocean looked and felt like when warmed by moonlight. He closed his eyes, and allowed himself to imagine.





5 Years
05-11-2015, 10:33 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She heard the sigh he exhaled, the undertone of sadness it carried, and her ears pinned more tightly to the back of her head. She knew it sounded crazy, especially after previous conversations they had had. But things were not the same now as they had been back then. Then they had still been just friends during that conversation, and her feelings for him, though growing steadily by the moment, had not yet been realized as what they were now. Nor had she understood how much he cared for her in return. What they had now was greater than friendship and begged for attention, love, and care, and she was eager to see it grow further.

"I know, I know," she hastily whispered back, speaking over the last of his words. Her eyes searched his face, desperate to find any hint that what she was suggesting might actually be a secret wish of his too. "You're not asking. But I still want to. I've wanted to since you first mentioned it, even though I said no." She could still feel that ache of disappointment when she had told him she had to stay with her family, when she realized there was a part of her that really wished to say yes to him. He might not have asked now, but he had once, and the offer still lingered teasingly in the back of her mind. And given everything that had happened, everything they had said to each other, it was even more enticing than before.

Did he still think this was because of him? That he had somehow convinced her this was what she wanted instead of it being her decision to make? He was wrong if he thought it, but more importantly she wanted him to know it. "Glacier." His name was spoken softly, tenderly, to get his full attention. "It's my choice. I want to be with you."
Art by Arin

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



6 Years
Extra large
05-15-2015, 05:11 PM

Even before Glacier had finished speaking, Anais had started. He shut his lips and found her eyes with his own, a sad, but also mischievous smile was starting from the corner of his mouth as he watched her. He stayed silent and let her say her piece as she went on the explain how the idea had been eating away at her. His smile grew a little larger, through it was still soft and concerned. In truth, when he had made the offer it wasn't to ask her to leave her family, it was only to say the door would always be open for her, if she needed somewhere to stay, hide out, find safety, or get away, his home would always be there for her. It seemed she had taken it more literately as an offer to move and live with his family – something that he did in deed wish for with all his heart but who he would could never have allowed him to ask it of her, to place that temptation before her when he didn't see how it could possibly work.

Well, it seemed he had already waved a temptation before her and now the idea was to her worth the pain of leaving her family. A part of him regretted putting her in this situation, but so much more of him wanted to wrap her up in his arms and take her away from here.

Anais wasn't finished saying her part yet and as she whispered his name it would bring his attention away from his thoughts and back to her. Automatically his lips formed her name and he whispered it in turn “Anais” he replied I'm his gentlest tone. “And there is nothing in the world I want more, I told you once my door was always open to you, and I mean that now more then ever” he promised her.





5 Years
06-08-2015, 08:09 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

It felt like a heavy weight had lifted off of her shoulders when Glacier answered her, accepting her decision without argument. She had thought he might try; he knew family was important to her, as important as it was to him, and that leaving them would be a challenging, difficult thing to do. He had not tried to press it, nor had he really made any intentional temptations about the thought, but Anais felt as if she had been right about the prospect of them living together being appealing to the both of them. It made her smile in both relief and happiness, and her tail beat softly against the ground behind her as she sealed her fate. She was going to move to Donostrea and live with Glacier. It was possibly the most thrilled she had felt in some time.

But in the same instant, she was nervous. Her mind was made up, she had no intentions of backing out of her decision or allowing anyone to change her mind, but she was not free to simply leave as easily as that. She owed her family an explanation, needed to tell them of Glacier, his importance to her, and her desire to follow him to where he lived. They'll understand, right? she wondered nervously, her head lowering thoughtfully while her ears shifted to display her inner uncertainty. They were the most important individuals in her life. She hated to think that she might disappoint them by following where her heart wished to go.

She tried to shake the uneasiness with a smile as she reached forward and pressed her cheek to the mountainous blue wolf's, closing her eyes and basking in his presence, his warmth, his love. He was so strong, so sure all the time; she wished she had even a fraction of that self same confidence and comfort. Drawing back, her golden eyes sought out his silver, trying to her best to mimic the strength that he exuded so flawlessly but finding that she fell short on her own. But with him... "Will there when I tell them?" she asked, requesting his presence when she gave the big news to her brothers and sister. Having him there to remind her of her choice and the certainty in it would undoubtedly help her along. The golden wolf shifted her weight slightly, looking hopeful and nervous all at once. "I'd really like for you to meet them."
Art by Arin

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



6 Years
Extra large
06-17-2015, 11:07 PM

Glacier couldn't help but imagine all the things the two of them could do with the freedom of living together. No longer was it a journey to see her and never again would they have to worry about time when it came to their outings. He could take her to wondrous sights, they could watch the sun set and she could fall asleep in his arms beneath a starry sky and she would be safe she would always be safe with him. He couldn't be entirely happy with the change however as he worried about how the change might effect her. The biggest part of that was her family, he knew she was adaptable and simply moving to a new home wouldn't faze her, but breaking the news to her family and potentially leaving them behind was asking a lot of her. It asked in fact, more then he was willing to take and it was only because she offered it no just so freely but with determination that they considered it.

As he worried, she would move forward to rest her soft cheek against his and he closest his eyes and let out a soft breath, her presence instantly calming to her and he enjoyed the feel of it, of the one he loved being beside him. She moved away from him and he opened his eyes again to look into her golden pools. “Of course, if that is your wish, it would be good for them to know who it is your moving in with, too...” he added in, realizing he would be both meeting her family for the first time and taking her away from them in one fell sweep. They might not think well of him and he did not want to alienate her family with a hatred for him – he would have to do his best to show them he loved Anais and wanted only to give her the world.





5 Years
06-19-2015, 03:23 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Anais nodded her head, certain that Glacier understood the significance of what she was asking him. There was more to it there than simply standing at her side as a source of moral support, and even more still than just getting to see her family and learn their names. It was a peace of mind that could only be given to them in this way, an opportunity for her brothers and sister to see who it was that she was going to be with and understand just from watching the two of them that she was not making a wrong decision. The golden girl wanted her family to be as confident of her choice as she felt, and having Glacier there, to even speak his side if he wished, seemed the surest way to do it.

And he agreed. She smiled again as she realized it, relieved to know he would be there and nervously excited to see how he would interact with her family. They were the most important wolves in her life, the ones whose opinions she valued the most, and she still wanted desperately for everyone to be happy. Herself included. "I think the sooner I tell them, the better," Anais muttered, clinging to the certainty she felt about her decision to fight off most of the anxiety surrounding the telling of the news. Going through with it was the only way she was going to be truly happy, and for that she needed not to lose her nerve. She drew in a deep breath and released it slowly, steeling herself, and with a nervous smile at Glacier - the wolf she loved and hoped to be with above all else - she got to her paws and turned with a step away, pausing just long enough to be sure that he would follow as she led the way back toward her family's temporary camp.

-Exit Anais-
Art by Arin

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.