
Lo, there do I see my father (RAID)



4 Years
07-24-2015, 10:41 PM

Go, go, GO! Warja zeroed in on the large boy who snarled. He seemed game, so he was her target. Kicking off sharply, Warja was out of line and racing forward with her sights set on her soon-to-be opponent. Hackles lifted as she ran, her defenses quickly falling into place. Her head lowered, ears flattened, eyes narrowed and lips curled. The little healer's tail lifted to flag straight out behind her for balance. She kept her stance wide, her knees bent, toes splayed, weight centered and her nails gripping into the dirt as she ran.

She aimed to approach the chocolate-masked boy head on with the center of her chest lined up with the center of his chest. Warja intended to wait until the last possible second to make it seem like she was going to run into him head on before quickly sidestepping to her left. In doing this she hoped to line the front of her right shoulder up with the elbow crease of her opponent's right foreleg. Raising her right forefoot (her weight redistributing to accommodate the move as she did so) Warja sought to slam it down on the toes of her opponent's right forefoot. She sought to pin it beneath her. As she did this she jutted her right shoulder forward, intending to drive the bony front of it into the elbow crease of the boy's right foreleg. Warja hoped these two move would aid one another and worsen the damage done. By (hopefully) pinning the forefoot and then running into the foreleg, she hoped the force of her shove would painfully wrench his shoulder and strain the fibers that held it in its socket, and in doing so, render the limb useless for the time being.

Crown rolling to her left so that her muzzle rose to her right, Warja's jaws flung wide as she sought to bite into the center of the meaty exterior of her opponent's right shoulder. She intended to drive her fangs in deeply and achieve a hold that would cause a tremendous amount of pain and hopefully, combined with her other attacks, overwhelm the boy and force him to submit.

Round ONE of TWO




5 Years
Extra large
07-24-2015, 11:04 PM

That one. He eyed the smaller man with the dark spots around his eyes. Yes. That one was his. Gaze darting around, the brute cast a possessive glance around himself to make sure none of his packmates were eyeballing his target. Casually he started to set his defenses. He widened his stance and bent his knees slightly as his toes splayed and his nails tipped down to dig into the dirt. Along his back, his hackles rose as his tail lifted to become level with his spine. His ears flattened and his eyes narrowed, his lips curling to wrinkle the skin around his eyes. He rolled his shoulders forward and tipped his chin down modestly to make his throat an undesirable target. The brute lazily found his center and balanced his weight over it, muscles tensing as he shot another glance around. The massive brute wasn't very good at speed and he looked every bit like a lumbering slowpoke. He was going to stick with that charade until the last possible second. It was true to an extent, but he did have speed. It just came in short bursts.

One such burst he was getting ready to use.

Kicking forward suddenly, Laufey attempted to close the distance between himself and his opponent rapidly. He wanted to approach his opponent squarely head on. A split second before his attack, Laufey dodged to his right in an attempt to line the front of his left shoulder up with the crease between his opponent's left shoulder and his chest. Laufey jutted the front of his left shoulder further forward in the hopes of driving the lower portion of it into the aforementioned crease. He intended to partial dislocate his opponent's shoulder and render it useless for the remainder of the fight.

As his shoulder jutted forward, Laufey's left forepaw rose. He attempted to slam it down on top of the toes of Miksa's left forepaw in the hopes of straining the fibers that held it together, temporarily rendering the paw useless and pinning it beneath his hefty weight. As he did this his weight redistributed among his other three paws.

Finally, Laufey's head crown tipped to his right so that his muzzle rose to his left and his jaws flung wide as he attempted to lean forward and bite into the left side of his opponent's neck. He aimed to sink his lower teeth into the crook of his opponent's neck just below his left jawbone and to the left of his windpipe. His upper teeth searched for a higher target, seeking to drive in directly behind the curve of Miksa's jawbone and directly beneath his left ear. Laufey sought a grip that would allow him to control of his opponent's head.

Round ONE of TWO

This character is prone to acts of EXTREME violence when provoked. If this makes you uncomfortable do not thread with him.

Katja the First


8 Years
07-26-2015, 05:41 PM

She felt Frith shift to drop his left foreleg off her back, as he pivoted away from her and the jarring strike of her shoulder against his as minor bruising spread along the front of her shoulder, her jaws snapping together on nothing. She planted her forelegs and stepped her hindquarters to her right, pivoting as she followed to keep facing Frith, aiming to face him directly head on. As she moved she shifted her forefeet to keep her from getting twisted up, carefully keeping her paws hip- and shoulder-width apart as the paws returned from each step. Her knees and elbows were bent, all her joints loose and fluid as she moved. Her paws were spread wide for greater surface area for traction, the toes flexed to drive dull claws into the earth to propel her. Her head and tail both balanced level with her spine, her head pulling back slightly as her shoulders pressed forward to bunch up the scruff of her neck, her chin tilting down slightly to protect her throat. Her hackles raised, and her ears pressed back against her head as her eyes remained narrowed.

With her pivot, his attempt to slam his shoulder into her side failed to make contact. His paw scraped down the front side of her left foreleg, leaving minor welts along the midpoint of the foreleg down to her wrist, the faint stinging leaving her unphased. His teeth grazed her left hip rather than her spine as she had shifted to follow his motion a split second after he had and lagged a moment behind him, allowing his teeth to catch her before she got entirely out of his reach. Moderate lacerations arched down her hip a couple inches in front of her tail from just below her spine down for several inches.

Shifting her weight to her hindquarters, she rounded her back to bring them beneath her. Her hindpaws digging into the dirt she twisted to bring her right shoulder forward, and in a swift, powerful motion sought to thrust up and to her left, attempting to use the point of her right shoulder to strike the lower left side of Frith's trachea a few inches above where it connected his chest in an attempt to deviate the tube, hoping to crush the cartilage and ruin his breathing. Simultaneously she attempted to hook her jaws around the front of his throat at the jawline - her upper teeth seeking to sink in just behind and below where his jaws were connected on his left side, and her lower teeth seeking the same target on the other side - in an attempt to scissor together in a strong grip and sever or crush his upper trachea and the veins and arteries that ran along the back of the jaw. Her left forepaw, the weight already off it and slightly raised for her attempted strike to his throat, sought to wrap around the outside of his right foreleg to hook on the back of his ankle in an attempt to jerk it toward her as she pushed off with her hindquarters, seeking to pull it out from under him and disrupt his balance.


Round 2/2
OOC Notes:



5 Years
07-26-2015, 09:44 PM
Frost watched as a couple more of her pack mates and intruders came, seeing Felicien charge head on at one of the intruders startled her. Were they supposed to fight them, Frith would be the next to start a battle. He yelled charge giving the order to fight them, Frost stood there slowly watching her pack mates get into fights until it was just her and Varda not being attacked. She didn’t like the idea of fighting them but they didn’t seem like the type to listen to reason nor did the rest of the pack in not asking why they were here. Frost just felt strange being here the only peaceful one in the bunch, if she was going to remain this way she had to leave or else she would just get in the way. Frost lowered her head as she turned around to try and leave, sometimes she just wondered if she picked the right pack.

OOC: leaving cause ooc reasons
[Image: V140qFa.png]
[Image: frost_by_reflectedmemories-d8kgz78.png][Image: mOf6wyP.png][Image: cb5d7e52a9afe4eb62f9acc9360938aa-d96nk17.png]



3 Years
07-27-2015, 02:44 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

It happened much too quickly. With one fight already initiated, it was clear more would be breaking out in a matter of moments, and the sound of Frith's rallying cry caused Miksa to visibly flinch. This was it; they were going to fight these intruding individuals to try and drive them back, and Miksa knew deep down he was not prepared enough for it. There was no time to question his decision in following his packmates here, no time to finish sizing up the opposition in order to try pairing himself with someone that he thought he might at least hold off for a bit, if not miraculously defeat. Even in the night, their eyes seemed to flash with a hunger for battle, and as one set of brilliant blue eyes fixed upon him he had only a second to process that he had been targeted before the large, shadowy figure lunged.

Instinctively - he was not consciously aware of what he was doing - Miksa set what few defenses he had the forethought to in the span of time it took for Laufey to reach him. He braced, squaring his stance as he crouched into it to lower his center of gravity and gripping at the earth with his toes and claws as if already holding on for dear life. His head lowered, causing his neck to align with his spine, and as his shoulders tensed, sensing the frontal attack, they rolled forward. His tail flagged straight out behind him, rigid as he prepped, and more from anticipation of being run right through his yellow eyes narrowed and his ears tucked, tensely awaiting the moment of contact and hoping he would not be crushed simply from the impact alone.

He was not crushed, no, but his shoulder felt like it might have been. Blinding pain flared from Miksa's left shoulder as his opponent threw his weight against it, wrenching it in the socket and straining against the muscle and tendons that held it in place. Tears blurred his vision, the terrible ache unlike anything he had ever felt, and whether or not it had truly been dislocated the damage was still severe enough to limit its use. Against the weight and force of his opponent, Miksa stumbled back a step but managed to catch himself between his three other uninjured legs, his injured left foreleg going limp as he tried to pick his paw up just off of the ground. He felt rather than saw Laufey's left forepaw graze his toes, knew with a panicking shock that he would be pinned in place if the shadowy attacker succeeded in forcing his heftier weight on that foot, and quickly attempted pull of his left forepaw back and away before a hold could be secured, though likely at the expense of further pain in his shoulder from the movement and tension in his sore muscles.

While he wanted nothing more than to forfeit, afraid that he might not be able to tolerate much more damage than what had already been dealt, he knew better than to think it would be acceptable, at least by his terms. He had made the decision to defend his home, and now he was going to keep his word. He could barely think around his panic, though thankfully the ache in his shoulder had already begun to dull from adrenaline, and desperately Miksa tried to make his first, meager attack. Still standing shoulder to shoulder with Laufey, Miksa attempted to turn his head slightly to the left to turn his muzzle toward his opponent, his jaws opening as his lips peeled back, and aimed an attempted a bite at the back side of Laufey's left shoulder, hoping to catch his top left canine tooth into the top of the shoulder and the bottom left to find a home somewhere in the middle of the broad muscle.

As Miksa attempted his bite, Laufey's bite hit but landed slightly offset of its destination because of the turn Miksa made with his head. Instead of the bite securing a grip just along the left side edge of Miksa's jaw, his opponent's upper teeth sank into the flesh covering the bone just slightly forward of its intended mark beneath the ear. The lower teeth, rather than easily scoring into the flesh beneath his jaw, just barely scraped in beneath the bone to secure a hold as Miksa's own jaws parted. The side of his jaw stung, almost burned, from the pain as the muscles on that side of his face contorted with a wince, and Miksa hoped against all hope that he would not simply end up collapsing at his opponent's feet, too weak to handle his pain and press on with the fight.

for dominance

The Judge


07-28-2015, 06:51 PM
Due to Fate not posting in the allotted time Warja is the Winner by default! Fate must give up by either fleeing, surrendering or passing out.



5 Years
Extra large
07-28-2015, 06:54 PM

Success! Laufey resisted the urge to roar his approval. His shoulder struck home, the blow jarring him back slightly and rattling his teeth. A mild bruise was sure to form across the front of his shoulder later, but the brute was unperturbed. It was a small price to pay. His paw stomp earned him some amount of success and while he was unable to pin his opponent's left forefoot to the ground, Laufey did succeed in inflicting mild welts and gouges across the top of the toes of it.

Pain set his nerves on fire as Miksa's bite landed. The boy succeeded in sinking his fangs into the meaty exterior of Laufey's left shoulder. Miksa's upper left canine dug in just below Laufey's left shoulder blade and his lower left canine drove in approximately four inches directly beneath it. Each tooth sunk in deeply and each created a moderate puncture wound. Laufey bristled and tensed all over, his rigid hackles standing tall over gooseflesh as the sensation of of being bitten rippled through him and caused his muscles to coil tightly. His lips peeled back farther and his narrowed eyes seemed to go black as his pupils dilated and the bunched skin around his eyes grew deeper. Laufey's ears slammed back against his head and his nostrils flared as a white hot rage overtook him, the feeling quickly becoming crystal clear to those around him as a savage bellow left his lips.

While roaring his disapproval at being bitten, Laufey sunk his teeth into his opponent. He didn't hit his intended target, but nonetheless he succeeded in inflicting harm. The damage was moderate, but the grip he achieved wasn't as solid as he would have liked. Nevertheless he intended to use it to his advantage. Keeping his paws firmly placed slightly wider than shoulder and hip width, the brute splayed his toes and dug his nails into the dirt. He bent his knees and elbows, the former bending slightly further as Laufey shifted his weight to his hind legs. Even with the majority of his weight on his hind legs he kept his forefeet on the ground. Laufey's tail flared up behind him for balance. His biting hold was weak, but he still hoped it could be of use. Trying to drive his teeth in deeper in an effort to keep his grip, Laufey sought to thrash his head from side to side in the hopes of worsening the wound considerably. He wanted to put his whole upper body into it, to not only jar the head of his opponent, but to (as much as the size difference between them would allow) shake him like his favorite squeaky toy.

With his weight already shifted to his hind legs Laufey had no trouble in readjusting his weight slightly to accommodate the sudden rise of his left forefoot. Sending it earthward, the brute sought once again to pin his opponent's left forefoot. As his forefoot fell, Laufey suddenly sprung forward  (using his coiled hind legs to kick off and hopefully pack a punch) as he sought to once again drive the front of his left shoulder into the crease between his opponent's left shoulder and chest. All three attacks would hopefully come together to serve a greater purpose. While he certainly hoped to worsen the wounds he'd already dealt, Laufey was also hoping to his attacks would overwhelm his opponent. He hoped the thrashing would disorient him and when Mika went to correct his balance, Laufey's shoulder throw and paw stomp would trip up the smaller man and cause him to fall to his (Miksa's) right.

Laufey may have started the fight, but that did little to slow the rage he felt at being bitten. He would put his opponent on the ground if it was the last thing he did.

Round TWO of TWO

This character is prone to acts of EXTREME violence when provoked. If this makes you uncomfortable do not thread with him.



1 Year
07-30-2015, 02:14 PM (This post was last modified: 07-30-2015, 02:17 PM by Fate.)
Sorry this is late, I hadn't seen the tag for Fate until after the fight defaulted. -feels like an idiot-

The boy had been overly content with fighting, but when the woman reached him she overpowered him, making him very uncomfortable. He would no doubt submit himself to rigorous training with his father and the rest of his family because of this. He noted the woman on top of him, feeling a level of shame about him as he submitted to her. Anger bubbled inside him as he gritted his teeth, refusing to look her in the eyes. Annoyance filled him, knowing that he could not protect his lands. The chocolate masked boy let his eyes snap shut as he froze underneath his opponent.


The Judge


07-31-2015, 12:41 AM




- 2 “As he lifted his paws to take his next step, he’d instead want to continue lifting his front legs” (How close to Katja is he? Must be close enough to wrap his legs around her but it’s not stated.

Total: 8

- None!
Total: 10

+ 1 (hackles) + 1 (eyes) + 1 (lips) + 1 (head) + 1 (tail) + 1 (knees) + 1 (weight) + 1 (shoulders) + 1 (chin) + 1 (toes)
Total: 10

+ 2 body chest to neck slam
+ 3 Bite to right face
+ 1 right eye gouge attempt
+ 1 right face grab attempt
Total: 7

- First round!
Total: 10

Total for Round One: 45 / 50


- All clear!
Total: 10

- 0 none
Total: 10

+ 1 (stance) + 1 (knees) + 1 (weight) + 1 (head) + 1 (tail) + 1 (shoulders) + 1 (chin) + 1 (ears) + 1 (eyes) + 1 (toes)
Total: 10

+ 1 leg grab
+ 2 body throw attempt
+ 3 bite to adominal attempt
+ 1 grasp attempt
Total: 7

- First Round!

Total: 10

Total for Round One: 47 / 50



- 1 “The man would seek to pivot on his front right leg” (Did he hop? Did he slide? What did his other 3 legs do? How was this movement attained?)
- 2 “To slam the point of his right shoulder into her soft middle of her left belly” (You said you were in a T shape. Did you pivot or turn or duck in order to shove your shoulder into her belly?)

Total: 7

- 0
Total: 10

+ 1 (eyes) + 1 (ears) + 1 (feet) + 1 (hackles) + 1 (knees) + 1 (shoulders) + 1 (chin) + 1 (tail) + 1 (spine) + 1 (toes)
Total: 10

+ 2 shoulder slam to gut
+ 0 leg scratch attempt
+ 3 bite to spine
+ 1 grab attempt
Total: 6

- 1 mild bruising to upper left shoulder
Total: 9

Total for Round Two: 42 / 50


- All clear!
Total: 10

- 0
Total: 10

+ 1 (stance) + 1 (knees) + 1 (toes) + 1 (claws) + 1 (head) + 1 (tail) + 1 (chin) + 1 (hackles) + 1 (ears) + 1 (eyes)
Total: 10

+ 3 shoulder to throat
+ 3 jaw bite
+ 1 maim/severity
+ 1 leg grab
Total: 8

- 1 mild scratches to left foreleg
- 2 moderate lacerations along hip
Total: 7

Total for Round Two: 45 / 50


45 + 42 = 87 / 100

47 + 45 = 92 / 100

And the winner is...

Frith must give up by submitting, fleeing or passing out.


- mild bruising to shoulder - 1 OOC week to heal

- slight bruising to left shoulder - 1 OOC week to heal
- moderate bruise between shoulders - 1 OOC week to heal
- mild scratches to left foreleg - 1 OOC week to heal
- moderate lacerations to left hip - 2 OOC week to heal


Tips for writing and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here):

I was blown away by you, missy! You did amazing in this fight, your moves were very creative and your dodges were realistic. The only thing I'd offer for you to work on is being very clear how you are moving, and to make sure the attack makes sense with the positioning. That's about it! Keep being epic. :D

Holy cow you both are such beasts! I really don't know what to give you here. Your attacks were very creative, and I absolutely loved reading them. The dodges made sense, too, which is hard to do. Keep being beast!

- By [Arin]



3 Years
07-31-2015, 06:53 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

It became clear almost immediately that Miksa's idea to pull his left forepaw out from under Laufey's before his opponent could pin it was more sound in theory than it was in practice. As he drew the paw back, causing the aching muscles of his left shoulder to cry a vehement protest, the tops of his toes began to burn, and though he could not quite fathom why through his distraction the picture was clear on his foot. Welts were raised along the tops of his toes, shallow gouges cut from the topmost layers of skin, where Laufey's claws had intended to dig in and hold him in place and managed to inflict minor damage as the foot was pulled away. It still hurt, in an uncomfortable sort of way, but compared to his shoulder that still throbbed it was bearable.

To his surprise, and relief, the bite he had intended for the back portion of the shadowy intruder's left shoulder made contact, his upper canine sinking in behind the shoulder blade and the lower puncturing the shoulder four inches below that. Miksa wrinkled his lips back as he further narrowed his eyes and continued to tuck his ears, concentrating forcefully on an attempt to bite down harder now that he had a hold on Laufey with the hopes of keeping it through whatever may come next. From the sound of his opponent's cry, he sickeningly suspected retaliation was quickly on the way and almost dreaded having made a successful attack for it. In preparation - of what he had no clue - he kept his weight supported between his three uninjured legs, tenderly setting his left forepaw upon the group to take some of the pressure off of his left shoulder. His knees stayed bent, keeping his center of gravity low, and, though it still hurt, he kept his shoulders rolled forward protectively, the front of his body tensing in expectation of Laufey's next attack.

Sure enough, the intruder wasted no time as he roared, and Miksa felt the force of Laufey's bite on his lower jaw tighten. The teeth pinched at the skin and muscle covering his jaw, painfully straining at the flesh that had already been torn by the initial punctures, and again Miksa winced from the pain. Laufey began to thrash, shaking his head roughly back and forth, and with the bite securing his hold to Miksa the younger and smaller wolf had no choice but to be jostled by the motion. He clenched his eyes shut as more tears filled them, straining now himself to maintain a biting grip on Laufey's shoulder as a sort of stabilizer. Either way, his head felt rattled, his jaw now ached, and his face stung even more painfully from the bite wound that had been worsened from the harsh movements of Miksa's opponent.

With some effort he managed to keep his footing as he was jostled around by Laufey's thrashing, his tail flagging outward and making rudder-like motions to assist with balance and the toes and claws of his uninjured legs digging into the ground for purchase and traction. He thought he was safe, or at least as relatively safe as one could be within the grasp of their opponent, but Laufey made it clear he was not. Unexpectedly Miksa felt his attacker's left forepaw once more come down over his own left forepaw, and still disoriented by the thrashing he did not have enough time to react and avoid it. The shadowy wolf's larger paw covered his, the weight behind the stomp successfully pinning his foot beneath it and scraping the rough pads over his now sensitive toes.

Almost in the same instant Miksa felt the contact against his already injured left shoulder as Laufey sprang forward, a near perfect replication of the initial attack that had started it all. Tears returned to his vision for a second time, and at the pain that flared in answer to the attack Miksa was startled into releasing the bite he had been trying to hold against his opponent's left shoulder. With his left forepaw pinned, he was forced back at a stumble and just about lost his footing entirely as his right foreleg buckled halfway, compromising his stance and balance. Things were not looking good now, and in his rising panic Miksa reached out to his left, toward Laufey's left shoulder once more, and attempted to make one last bite against his opponent. His vision still blurred by tears, he rather blindly tried to sink his left canines again into the side of Laufey's left shoulder in mimicry of his first bite, aiming slightly below the top curve of it where his upper left canine had found purchase the first time because of his now-lowered stance. Miksa hoped against all hope to inflict at least a sliver more of damage before his opponent completely got the upper hand.

for dominance

The Judge


07-31-2015, 09:55 PM (This post was last modified: 07-31-2015, 10:50 PM by Evelyn.)





-1 shifting his weight how?, I can't assume
-2 which eye are his left foreclaws aiming for?  which eye are his right foreclaws aiming for? I  know it's fairly obvious but I can't assume.
-2 what angle is he attacking Kapra at?

Total: 5


- 2 you need to attempt to close the distance

Total: 8


+ 1 for each seen

Total: 10

+ 1 left claw attack +1 maim
+1 right claw attack (one of Kapra's eyes is already blinded**)
Total: 3

- First round!
Total: 10

Total for Round One: 36 / 50



-2 where on his face did Feli's left paw land?
-2 where on his face did Feli's right paw land?
-1 where is he attempting to bite?  you say below the throat but how far?  The neck is a fairly large target
-2 what part of his body is he trying to push into Feli?
-2 where on Feli is he trying to collide his body?

Total: 1


- 0 none seen

Total: 10


+ 1 each seen

Total: 4


+3 bite +1 grip attempt
+2 shove -1 for clarity

Total: 5

- First round!
Total: 10

Total for Round One: 30 / 50




-2 how is he shifting his balance? is it on just the two legs?  Is he throwing it forward? Is it an even mix of the two? do you mean he'll distribute it to four when he lands?  I feel this is particularly important in knowing how effective the attack will be
-2 how is he trying to bite Kapra's muzzle?  Across the top?  The side?  Both the upper and lower jaw?  Just one?
-2  What happened with Kapra's shove?  I know it's vague but how did Feli take it, especially as he was up on both hind legs.  Was the counter for the bite meant for the shove as well?  If you're assuming he's shoving with his head how is a simple

Total: 4


-5  the attack landed on his face, there was no mention of the other eye being taken and it was stated that there was pressure.  It was vague but still a response.  As a side note, while it's true if an opponent is vague you can specify, but that never includes a maim.  Permanent maims can only be done in a maim fight unless permission is received from the opponent or the opponent explicitly states it themselves.

Total: 5


+ 1 each seen

Total: 4


+ 3 bite +1 grip -1 clarity

Total: 4


- 0 none this round due to counter

Total: 10

Total for Round Two: 24 / 50



-2 where on his muzzle was he bitten?
-2 what side of Feli's neck is he aiming?
-2  what is he trying to plow into Feli?  Is he shoving with his mouth?

Total: 4

- 0
Total: 10

+ 1 for each seen
Total: 6


+3 bite -1 clarity
+2 shove -1 clarity

Total: 3


-2 moderate lacerations to muzzle

Total: 8

Total for Round Two: 31 / 50


62 / 100

61 / 100

And the winner is...

Kaprasius must give up by submitting, fleeing or passing out.



- …nothing to note

- Moderate lacerations to muzzle - 2 ooc weeks to heal


Tips for writing and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here):

I'm sorry I've got to make the notes quick.  I've been working on this since 5:30 pm and I still need to pack so I can get home.

•  DEFENSES bit both of you in the butt, especially you Nyx.  This is a fairly simple way to boost your score.  The clarity also needed quite a bit of work…. really all this is in the deductions above and you both have been fighting here long enough I feel a lot of what I'm saying is redundant.

Also, I am aware the score is very close.  This fight was nearly a tie but after going over it about 5 times I'm fairly content with the scores.  If you feel that something in the fight was judged unfairly you'll need to take it to another judge as I'm fairly set on my deductions for this.

* KEno, Eve dared me to re-title the challenge, but in all seriousness you NEED to state what a fight is FOR in the first round of a fight or it could be defaulted against you. You may have noticed a crack down on this in recent weeks.
** Nyx, I couldn't find which eye Kapra lost and I didn't want to waste too much time hunting for it, might be useful to include in his appearance unless I completely missed it.


- By [Lunarcat7]



4 Years
08-01-2015, 12:02 AM

Malice-less excitement in the face of victory transformed the woman's features and Warja went from a battle sneer to an expression of unabashed glee in a matter of heartbeats as she stared down at her opponent. The submission wasn't a true showing of her skills, but it nonetheless pleased her that she painted a scary enough picture to freeze an opponent in place.

Giddy, Warja leaped off her downed opponent in search of another. Her head snapped around as she searched for a new target. This raid thing was fun! Ah HA! There was an all white woman with funny eye markings and a mismatched gaze (Varda) just standing there looking fretful. Lips curled back in a toothy grin to wrinkle the skin along Warja's muzzle and around her eyes. Everyone else appeared to be engaged. It looked like it was just the two of them. Her eyes narrowed and her ears slicked back once more.

Itching for a fight, Warja bound forward in the hopes of approaching her opponent's left side with the intention of lining the bony front of her left shoulder up with the meaty exterior of her opponent's left shoulder. She hoped to straighten out and reach this positioning in a perfectly straight line; her body in a rigid line. Still grinning, she watched her opponent for signs of a pending attack. Warja made no move to hide her intentions as she moved. This was a raid, after all. She wasn't here to hand out flowers and the opposition knew that. As she moved she adopted a fighter's stance; her knees and elbows bent ever so slightly, her stance widened so that her paws were just over shoulder and hip width apart, and her toes were splayed with nails tipped down to bite into the dirt. Behind her, Warja's tail lifted to hang level with her spine for added balance. Her hackles stood tall and rigid, and ran the length and width of her back. There was a whimsy to her movements that belied her readiness and if one wasn't looking the little details might go unnoticed; the tense way she held herself, the tightly coiled muscles that were primed and ready for quick movements; the lowered chin that loosened the skin at her throat. She was ready.

Kicking forward suddenly in what she hoped was a surprising burst of speed, Warja sought to close the distance between herself and her opponent rapidly. Jutting her left shoulder out with the intention of using the bony front of it like a lance, Warja bent her knees further as she sought to drive the aforementioned shoulder into the outside of her opponent's left elbow. She wanted to hit the joint squarely in the hopes of forcing the leg to buckle and to painfully strain the fibers that held the joint together in the hopes of temporarily rendering the limb useless. As she did this Warja lifted her right forefoot and snaked it forward blindly in the hopes of sneaking it under her opponent's chest and hooking her wrist around behind her opponent's right foreleg. She aimed to hook her wrist around the middle of her opponent's foreleg and drag it under her (Varda's) chest. These two moves were supposed to work hand in hand; the first would hopefully cause her opponent to stumble and the second, once her opponent's balance was (hopefully) compromised, would force the taller woman to tumble to her (Varda's) right.

Fixing her eyes on another target, Warja's jaws flung wide open as she went in for a bite. She sought to bite into the meaty exterior of her opponent's left shoulder. Her upper teeth were aimed at the center of the outside of Varda's left shoulder and her lower teeth were aimed to sink in approximately four inches directly below that. Warja hoped to sink her fangs in deeply and drive them together in a damaging and painful hold.

Round ONE of TWO




4 Years
08-03-2015, 05:56 AM
ooc: Riv told me to ignore Vereux's fight post, so I have.

Oh, what an easy target she had to be. With the rest of Threar engaged in individual fights, the young woman had to be quite noticeable to her opponents. In case she was to be attacked, her posture hesitantly fell into a fighter's stance by copying the sparring forms of her family she managed to briefly glimpse at. Her bent limbs were planted at an even distance apart with toes splayed and claws dug into the soil. Alabaster head lowered to align with her spine and silky straightened tail as hackles raised to protect her neck. Shaking shoulders rolled forward, muscles already tense with unfamiliar adrenaline. Unwillingly, she pinned her ears to her skull though it seemed more out of fear than a despised eagerness for battle.

It hadn't occurred to her that her opponent would strike from her left side, and a startled shock it was when the intruder collided with the bony front of their shoulder ramming into the Varda's left elbow. The impact made the leg buckle, though she swiftly steadied herself by replanting her left forepaw. A moderate bruise blossomed in its wake, mingling with the pain that flooded to that area. Whipping her head around to see her attacker, narrowed eyes spotted a smaller female cloaked in hues of silver and ebony within the dim light. When her opponent's right forefoot was about to make contact and potentially grip her own right foreleg, Varda lifted her right forepaw only to blindly attempt to stomp on her opponent's right forepaw in the hopes of crushing her toes with as much of her (Varda's) weight as possible. Subconsciously ducking the planned bite upon her left shoulder, she crouched down, tilting her head to her left and seeking to bite her opponent's right forelimb (just above the elbow) with average force. Throughout the process she would attempt to yank the limb to her (Varda's) right, seeking to strain or dislocate the joint. However, her opponent may be able to pull the limb away to safety just in time, if she remained alert.

Varda vs Warja for DOMINANCE
Round one of two




6 Years
08-03-2015, 12:11 PM

When he saw with his single eye that Kapra had been taken out as to say his hackles had raised. The male's ears found themselves pinning to the back of his head, tail leveling with his spine. Vereux's toes splayed out into the dirt and his eye narrowed on his opponent. Seeking to close distance he would break out into a run approaching Feli from his left side(at a right angle). Jutting out his right shoulder, he would aim for the flesh just below the elbow to dislocate the leg with as much effort as he could. His weight separated on his three paws to steady himself. The male scrunched up his scruff to protect his neck, and tightened his abdomen muscles as well.

Parting his jaws to a straight position, aiming directly for Feli's back just below the scruff where his spine was located. His chest attempted to press up against the male, trying to shake his head back and forth to tear into his opponent. Keeping his right eye focused on him the best he could, as his dug his claws into the dirt for more traction. Preparing his body for any attacks afterwards.

Vereux vs. Feli for raid
"I speak"



4 Years
08-04-2015, 08:40 PM

Contact was made; the front of Warja's left shoulder slamming into her opponent's left elbow. Before Warja could begin celebrating, her other two attacks and their failures soured her mood. Her bite missed entirely and what did her attempt to drag her opponent's right forefoot towards her chest get her? PAIN. Her opponent's right forefoot slammed down on top of the upturned inner side of Warja's right forefoot. The force of the blow made her toes squash together and the accordion-like squishing distributed the force exerted upon the toes and lessened the damage to them. Her toes popped, but no significant harm was done. Instead a moderate bruise would later form across the side of her innermost toe and the lightly strained fibers that held the foot together would complain when walked on.

Warja snatched her right forefoot back immediately. Gingerly she placed the smarting toes back on the ground, and after a moment of testing them, bit the bullet and evenly distributed her weight across all four legs. Her stance remained slightly wider than hip and shoulder width, her knees and elbows were bent slightly, her toes splayed and her nails tipped down to dig into the dirt into the dirt.

With Warja's positioning unchanged (her left shoulder even with Varda's left elbow) Varda's attempted bite to Warja's right elbow missed its target completely since Warja's right elbow wasn't in range. Instead, Varda's bite sunk into the lowest part of Warja's left shoulder directly above where her shoulder connected to her elbow. The force behind the subsequent yank tore open a moderate bite wound as Varda's teeth ripped free. The wound hurt terribly, but Warja wasn't easily cowed. Her retaliation came swiftly.

Hoping to strike before Varda had the chance to move her face out of range, Warja rolled her left shoulder in and down in the hopes of removing her wound from harm's way as she sought to use the muscular outside of her left shoulder as a battering ram. Kicking off with her hind legs, Warja shoved hard to her left in the hopes of slamming the middle of the meaty exterior of her left shoulder into the plush tip of Varda's nose. Warja was hoping to cause severe pain as well as make her opponent's eyes water and her nose bleed.

As she did this Warja's left forefoot rose and attempted to slam down on top of Varda's left forefoot. Warja intended to pin her opponent's foot beneath her weight as she shoved to her left. While doing this Warja instinctively redistributed her weight across her remaining three grounded paws, which her smarting right forefoot loudly protested.

Warja's head also darted to her left. Jaws parting, Warja lashed out and attempted to drive her upper teeth into the middle of Varda's forehead between her ears. Warja's lower teeth would hopefully sink in directly beneath that right between her opponent's eyes. It would be hard to get a grip over such a tight area, so Warja's goal was to slam her jaws shut and shred the thin skin covering Varda's forehead. Such a wound was likely to cause permanent scarring. Head wounds wept terribly and so with this in mind Warja was hoping her opponent's own blood would temporarily blind her.

Knowing that getting her face so close to her opponent's was just asking for trouble, Warja kept her eyes narrowed and her ears pinned. She also kept her lips curled high in the hopes of wrinkling the skin along her muzzle and between her eyes in the hopes of giving further protection to her eyes. Her hackles stood straight and tall, and her tail rose behind her to lay even with her spine. Warja was tense, her muscles held taunt for quick movements. No matter what her opponent threw at her next Warja was ready...

Round TWO of TWO




4 Years
08-06-2015, 03:28 AM

Occasional success was encountered with her attacks, surprising her that she could actually do something, despite having zero experience. Really, she had no tactics or plans; her only strategy was to make it all up as the fight carried on, though she dreaded every moment of it. Perhaps improvisation wasn't as bad as she had thought, until the tables began to turn. Her stomp landed just as planned, however, her opponent - the cunning thing - brought her right foreleg out of range, making Varda's bite land upon the female's lower left shoulder. Though it wasn't the foreleg that she had desired, a bite was better than none regardless of the position; and she had certainly inflicted some sort of wound. The thought briefly startled her; she was hurting someone, and that wasn't the Varda she knew inside out. No, she had to hurt them. They were invading her home and harming her family; she had every right to unleash her anger. Distracted with her thoughts, she clearly didn't see her opponent's left shoulder on a collision course towards her face, which rammed into her nose, startling her in the process. As a result, her nose felt oddly twisted, as if it had been shifted out of place, although, that was nothing compared to the severe bruise forming upon her nose, which stung on the inside with presumably blood. Following the impact, hackles bristled furiously with her lips curled into a snarl, scrunching her cheeks and protecting her teeth in the process, the last expression she ever expected to be upon her complexion. Instinctively, her jaws attempted to lunge out to grip the centre of her opponent's left exterior shoulder with as much force as she could summon, hopefully just in time before the female pulled it away from her face.

Before her opponent's left forefoot successfully pinned her own left forefoot, Varda quickly shifted two steps to her right before attempting to turn her body in a fluid two-hundred and seventy degrees rotation to her (Varda's left), slightly stepping forward in the process. The left side of her head would be alongside her opponent's right exterior shoulder with the rest of her body aligned straightly. Her weight redistributed upon her spaced-out limbs, which remained bent at the joint with her abdominal muscles unusually tightened and toes splayed, gripping the ground. Because of this, the female's jaws that aimed to shred the thin layer covering her forehead only happened to graze the skin upon her neck as she turned, though it was the least of her problematic injuries. Without a pause after the repositioning, she attempted to slam her left flank against her opponent's right exterior shoulder in the hopes of causing bruising or even making the smaller foe lose their balance. Whilst she did so, Varda's chin tucked, ears flattened and eyes narrowed as her jaws unhinged, seeking to grip her opponent's lower scruff and clamp down upon the area with as much force as possible. She'd do whatever it took to drive out these intruders.

Varda vs Warja for DOMINANCE
Round two of two



08-06-2015, 08:22 AM

He had won. The man was bested, but was the battle over? No. Félicien was prepared for retaliation as his narrowed eyes scanned the crowd of those who still remained as bystanders. His hackles remained raised, his ears pinned flat against his skull. Head remained lowered, aligned with his spine, and chin tipped in towards himself. His eyes would settle on a dark furred man, one who he assumed would be his next opponent. His muscles were tense, his weight evenly distributed across his four legs. Claws would bite into the soil, toes and legs spread out over the earth. Finally his tail would remain raised as a banner behind him, aligned with his spine to assist with his balance in the coming battle.

Lips would snarl as the other began to seek to close the distance. Félicien would turn to face his opponent, spinning towards his own left in a tight circle so that he and the dark male were head on. He would throw his weight forward, aiming to meet the man with a slam into his body. Félicien would feel the bony part the other man’s right shoulder digging into his left forechest, about three inches away from the very center of his chest.

Félicien would also attempt to shift his own head to the left, to snag onto the man’s right side of his face. Top part of his jaw would seek to land above the man’s damaged eye while his lower jaw aimed to land onto the man’s upper cheek and sink in a hold. In doing so he hoped to prevent any bites from his opponent. [Attempted Counter For Vereux’s Bite].

Félicien vs Vereux For Dominance / Raid || Round:: I / II

Note:: To clarify Félicien is not going for a maim attempt on Vereux’s eye, but biting around it to try and temporarily blind / hold Vereux back from using his jaws.

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Eldarwen

The Judge


08-09-2015, 09:12 AM (This post was last modified: 08-09-2015, 09:18 AM by Evelyn.)
And the winner is...

Felicien! Due to Vereux not posting in the allotted time, they were disqualified from the fight. Vereux must now give up by either submitting, fleeing or passing out. Felicien may now do a dance for winning against two wolves, cause who wouldn't? Because Felicien is strong like ox and has taken down two opponents, he may now rest a glorious rest, and is no longer allowed to fight anyone else in the raid. So kick back, relax, and watch others fight.

The Judge


08-23-2015, 01:12 PM




- 2 "Kicking forward suddenly, Laufey attempted to close the distance between himself and his opponent" (How much distance is between them? How much reaction time does Miksa have?)

Total: 8

- 0
Total: 10

+ 1 (stance) + 1 (knees) + 1 (toes) + 1 (nails) + 1 (hackles) + 1 (tail) + 1 (ears) + 1 (eyes) + 1 (lips) + 1 (shoulders)
Total: 10

+ 2 left shoulder ram
+ 1 paw slam
+ 3 left neck grab
+ 1 grip attempt
Total: 7

- First round!
Total: 10

Total for Round One: 45 / 50


- All clear!
Total: 10

- 0
Total: 10

+ 1 (stance) + 1 (knees) + 1 (toes) + 1 (claws) + 1 (head) + 1 (shoulders) + 1 (tail) + 1 (eyes) + 1 (ears)
Total: 9

+ 3 bite attempt to left shoulder
+ 1 grip attempt
Total: 4

- First round!
Total: 10

Total for Round One: 43 / 50



- All clear!
Total: 10

- 0
Total: 10

+ 1 (hackles) + 1 (lips) + 1 (ears) + 1 (eyes) + 1 (stance) + 1 (toes) + 1 (Nails) + 1 (knees) + 1 (tail) + 1 (balance)
Total: 10

+ 3 head thrash/worsen damage
+ 1 paw stomp
+ 2 body shove to left shoulder/chest
Total: 6

- 1 bruise to left shoulder
- 2 moderate punctures to left shoulder
Total: 7

Total for Round Two: 43 / 50


- All clear!
Total: 10

- 0
Total: 10

+ 1 (lips) + 1 (eyes) + 1 (ears) + 1 (balance) + 1 (knees) + 1 (shoudlers) + 1 (tail) + 1 (toes) + 1 (claws) + 1 (gravity)
Total: 10

+ 3 bite to left shoulder
Total: 3

- 3 severe lacerations to jaw
- 1 moderate bruising to left forepaw
Total: 6

Total for Round Two: 39 / 50


45 + 43 = 88 / 100

43 + 39 = 82 / 100

And the winner is...

Miksa must give up by submitting, fleeing or passing out.


- light bruise to left shoulder - 1 OOC week max to heal fully
- moderate punctures to left shoulder - 2 OOC weeks to heal fully

- slight bruise to left shoulder - 1 OOC week
- Moderate cuts/bruises to left forepaw - 1 OOC week
- severe lacerations to left of jaw, starting at ear to joint. 3-4 OOC weeks to heal completely and requires a healer.


Tips for writing and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here):

Excellent spar! The only thing I want to mention is that you should always say how much distance is between yourself and your opponent, if only to give them the correct ammount of reaction time. :)

Great spar! Excellent emotion and psychological responses, amazing outlines of realistic injury as well! What got you was the lack of attacks, though I could tell that ICly Miksa wasn't the most confident sparer. Good job.

- By [Arin]

The Judge


08-23-2015, 01:39 PM




- 2 "Waja bounded forward in hopes of approaching her opponents left side" (How much distance is between them? For reaction time.)
Total: 8

- 0
Total: 10

+ 1 (eyes) + 1 (ears) + 1 (knees) + 1 (stance) + 1 (toes) + 1 (nails) + 1 (tail) + 1 (hackles) + 1 (chin) + 1 (lips)
Total: 10

+ 2 shoulder ram
+ 1 right to right foreleg grab
+ 3 bite to left shoulder
Total: 6

- First round!
Total: 10

Total for Round One: 44 / 50


- 2 "Varda lifted her right forepaw only to blindly attempt to stomp on her opponent's right forepaw" (Warja stated this move was directly during/split second after the shoulder throw. How did Varda have enough time to get shoved back/stumble, look at Warja, attempt to stomp during this small time frame AND duck her remaining attack?)
Total: 8

- 2 "During this process she would attempt to yank the limb to her" (This is a nested attack with slight PP. Not only would you have to assume the bite landed for this "process" to work (the PP) but you also didn't give your opponent enough time to react. You must be sure the bite lands (aka, they respond with a move) before you try to worsen it.)
Total: 8

+ 1 (knees) + 1 (stance) + 1 (toes) + 1 (claws) + 1 (head) + 1 (hackles) + 1 (tail) + 1 (shoulders) + 1 (ears) +1 (balance)
Total: 10

+ 1 paw stomp
+ 3 bite to right forelimb
Total: 4

- First round!
Total: 10

Total for Round One: 40 / 50



- 0
Total: 10

- All clear!
Total: 10

+ 1 (balance) + 1 (knees) + 1 (toes) + 1 (nails) + 1 (eyes) + 1 (ears) + 1 (lips) + 1 (face) + 1 (hackles) + 1 (tail)
Total: 10

+ 2 shoulder to nose
+ 1 left to left paw slam
+ 3 bite attempt to forehead
Total: 6

- 1 slight spraining to left forepaw
- 2 moderate lacerations to left shoulder
Total: 7

Total for Round Two: 43 / 50


- 2 "before her opponent's left forefoot successfully pinned her own left forefoot, Varda quickly.." (How in the world did you have enough time to bite attempt Warja's left shoulder AND! move to dodge the remaining attempts?)
- 2 "With a pause after the repositioning, she attempted to slam..." (How? With what force? Did you have momentum? Without properly explaining the force behind it, the "slam" could easily be just a shove that doesn't leave any damage.)
- 2 "seeking to grip her opponents lower scruff" (You didn't give enough time to respond to your other bite.)
Total: 4

- 2 "Multiple attacks" (You cannot bite, move then bite again. That is assuming your previous bite landed and you don't give your opponent enough time to respond.)
- 2 "Over/unrealistic dodges" (In this move particularly, you dodge practically everything that realistically couldn't have been dodging. By letting one move of a simaltaneous attack land, then attacking your own AND moving to dodge the other attacks (that would have landed during your attack realistically) you are in essance powerplaying. There is only a few seconds per round, and in those few seconds you can only do so much. Taking realistic damage is so much better than unrealistically dodging everything.)
Total: 6

+ 1 (balance) + 1 (toes) + 1 (chin) + 1 (ears) + 1 (eyes) + 1 (jaws) + 1 (muscles) + 1 (hackles) + 1 (lips)
Total: 9

+ 3 bite to left shoulder
+ 2 shove to right shoulder
+ 3 bite to scruff
Total: 8

- 2 severe nose bruise
- 1 slight lacerations to neck
Total: 7

Total for Round Two: 34 / 50


44 + 43 = 87 / 100

40 + 34 = 74 / 100

And the winner is...

Varda must give up by submitting, fleeing or passing out.


- slight spraining to right forefoot - 1 OOC week to heal fully and tender to walk on
- moderate lacerations to left shoulder - 2 OOC weeks to heal fully, might require a healer

- Moderate bruise to right shoulder - 1 OOC week to heal fully
- Severe nose bruise - 2 OOC weeks to heal fully plus dampened sense of smell untill healed
- Slight lacerations to neck - 2 OOC weeks to heal fully, might require a healer


Tips for writing and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here):

Excellent once again, just watch those distances!

You did well in this spar as well! Just be careful of movements and time. There's only so many seconds per round and you MUST give your opponent enough time to react to one attack. Over dodging is also an issue, especially when done in unrealistic ways. Allow your wolf to get injured, you lose a whole lot less points than if you go to unrealistic measures not too. Keep it to one attack per body part per round (1 bite, one throw, one paw-type attack) and you'll be fine!

- By [Arin]