
Let It Reign {Claiming}



7 Years
Dire wolf
01-16-2016, 01:14 AM

"Speech" thoughts actions

ooc. Late posting for the win, apologies, but vacations throw me off, yaknow?

Her brother called as loudly as to be expected from someone of their size, and it must have echoed for miles. Others would come, she was sure of it. Her brother sounded like a much more powerful beast than he was, boasting wisdom and strength where it was minimal at best. If they showed, there was no telling if all would stay. What would he have to say, anyway? Uh, yeah, hi, my name is Mithras and I'm starting a pack. Join me and I can almost promise my sister won't attack you at some point in the future? Also, there will be snacks! That was probably very close to the mark. It would be nice to see what mongrels this land could dredge up to join their ranks, of course. There wasn't much to be impressed by around here. Still, the titan almost couldn't be bothered to attend the meeting. Her brother knew she would be with him to their death beds, whomever fell upon it first. She rolled over, wedging herself tighter under the boulder. Damn it, she was tired, and she could sleep for hours yet. The sun wasn't up, for Gods' sake. Her brother was most definitely an idiot.

She could practically feel every footstep, as they hurried to where Mith had called them. Hell, if she could get any sleep, it would be a miracle. Growling as loudly as she pleased, she kicked her way out from her place half beneath a monolithic stone. Heaving to her feet, the cosmic goliath swept her amethyst gaze over the horizon. Fine, to the meeting it was. Soft steps would make little, if any sound, as her lengthy limbs pulled her onward. Stony expression just short of an outright glower, she surveyed the crowd around her brother. Gods above, they were going to be the biggest of the bunch even now. No matter, size wasn't everything.... right? the children she called her nieces were present, looking irritatingly precious. She lumbered closer to the outskirts, having done her best to try and tune into the grand speech her brother gave. What a drama queen. The tail end of it caught her attention, horribly pretentious and so very Mithras. It was, of course, in the common tongue. She remained miserable at speaking English. The scents became a riot as she approached, and she suppressed an expression of shock as best she could. Well, alright. Every single member of the group agreed to follow him, and she snorted derisively. Idiots. She was stuck with him, thanks to their shared blood, but they could be free of this lunatic for their whole lives, and never have to put up with his shit. What was the matter with all of these wolves?

There were splashes of colour, almost outrageous as those of her family. Finally. "During the day, more wolves might 've showed, you know." She announced gruffly, quirking a brow at her brother. She sashayed around the crowd of those who'd just vowed their loyalty to him. It wasn't a half bad turnout, honestly. The softest of smirks touched upon her features. She slid forward, and finally got a good look at her brother. He looked delighted, and it made her happy to see it. Ew. She stretched out her neck to nuzzle Mith, just for the hell of it. "Kako i sekogaš, brate moJ, nema da se oslobodime od mene. Se nadevam deka ḱe imaat golem čin na čekanje za vašiot drag, omileni sestra." She drawled, dropping onto her haunches beside him. It was brazen, and she did it so casually that it bordered on rude, but who was going to stop her? There was no one alive who had authority over her anymore. It felt good to have the band back together, even with the addition of the wee ones. Oh, and the several others who'd just joined the merry group of misfits. The celestial giant leaned just so to look upon Faria, and grinned at her. "Dali ste sigurni deka ste podgotveni za ova, Hobitot ste vie?" She questioned, only half joking. this was going to be an adventure, no way around it.


01-16-2016, 08:56 PM

The youth was late. But that didn’t mean he wouldn’t show. No, when he heard Mithras’ call he knew he had to be there. So bounding through the snow the mute wolf would go, his mind, his thoughts, focused on finding the astral man. He was certain that his brother, Domnio, would be there as well. It wasn’t like Dom to really wander far, unlike Anselm had. Likely worrying his brother to death to boot. The young man would keep his ears flicked back, worry gnawing at his gut. Would Domino yell at him?

How he despised yelling. How he despised how he was unable to talk back. All he could do was stare at the other wolf, mouth unmoving, as they tossed their words at him. But Anselm wasn’t always so down about not being able to speak. Actions spoke far louder than words, and for him touch was everything. You could learn so much more about a wolf if you just interacted with them, rather than exchange a conversation. Life was strange in teaching him that lesson.

Anselm would arrive to find many strangers there. Finding his brother he would slide up beside him, giving an apologetic nuzzle under his muzzle. His ears were lowered, along with his tail, as he looked up to Mithras with his bright purple gaze.

As the man gave his cry, giving official birth the the new pack Anselm would allow his tail to raise slightly. He’d thin approach Mithras, tail beginning to wag, and head dipping down respectfully. He could not give his verbal oath to the pack, but Anselm hoped that the astral man might understand his meaning in the bow. He was here to serve a greater purpose. He was here to be part of Argead.




6 Years

01-25-2016, 09:11 PM

If he was being honest with himself, he didn't have the faintest clue why he was here. He'd just heard the call, and he'd headed toward it. The worse case scenario was that he wouldn't want to stay here, and he would leave. Mithras didn't strike him as the type to chase down deserters, and truthfully he thought he might be happier with Steel gone. Stony, silent Steel.

He felt nearly invisible, save for a smile that came from Faria as she joined the group. He returned the silent greeting with a pitiful nod of his own. The others were all but strangers, and his hard gaze would sweep over the group quietly as Mithras began speaking. His ideas for Argead did not sound awful - but he admittedly retracted at the talk of helping one another and contributing. He didn't know how to do that. He knew how to survive, and anything else was just a bonus.

He swore he felt himself visibly wilt at Faria's heartfelt agreement to be there for Mithras. But someone else caught his eye; a woman that had come to sit beside him, someone he'd met some time ago, but had not forgotten. Briefly, subtly, something in his gaze changed - a glimmer of hope, perhaps, in the darkness of his crimson stare as he managed to barely smile. "Sure, I'll join," he said half-heartedly, loud enough for Mithras to hear before the howling began, and before he fell into an even deeper silence than he thought possible.