
Round Em Up [Optional Fight Training]

Mercy I


5 Years

01-25-2016, 05:32 PM (This post was last modified: 01-26-2016, 02:35 PM by Evelyn.)

The pale woman watched as Einarr left, a single brow rising at his departure. "Rain check, then." she muttered. It was then that Esti spoke up, and her lips curled upwards into a snarl. She didn't want to just sit here while the younger ones got taught. Irritation flared through her and she stood up, about to follow Einarr out of the meeting. That was, until Hati spoke. She turned to the hulking beast and eyed him with her glimmering purple eyes, a certain mix of respect and fear in her gaze. She was always cautious around Hati, but she couldn't help but he jealous of his prowess and power. It practically throbbed off of him in pulses, it was impossible for anyone not to see it. Mercy couldn't help but grin and chuckle at his words, head shaking slowly side to side. "Why don't the adults just get into some good ol' bloody battle while the tykes learn things?" she suggested, gaze drifting over to Birna. She had more respect and fondness for that woman, not Esti. Plus, she was dealing with the whelps.


Art by endless-adventure

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
01-26-2016, 02:45 PM
Cas just watched, smiling a faintly ironic smile as Esti got her little lesson started, a smile that clearly declined Esti's desire for her to hop in and help teach them. Nope, she had taught her four these basics already in addition to hunting, she'd earned a break from child rearing at this point. Surprisingly, Hati snapped out a gruff correction, drill sergeant style. Good for you, old man, getting into the spirit.... though the disgruntled expression he wore said he was NOT in the spirit. More like, the spirit of getting your teeth pulled out or all your fur removed. Mercy's comment did draw her attention, and she cast a laconic, raised-brow glance her way, from her position sprawled on the ground. "Sit and listen, Mercy, not even you know everything about fighting. Learn p a t i e n c e - " she drew the word out before continuing with "Be a good example for the midgets."
Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
01-26-2016, 09:21 PM

So, at least some of them seemed eager. One of the youngest Valentine pups- Rhyme- spoke up, saying you needed ten defenses. That earned him a smile and a sharp nod from Esti, "Yes, ten defenses total." The boy moved to demonstrate them and the other boy- Ash's- explained some of the defenses, "Very good Mieu. That's exactly right. Distributing you weight and keeping your legs bent is important so you can be ready to move in any direction either towards or away from your opponent. It also helps you not to fall over. What happens if you fall over in battle?" She let the question hang in the air.

So far, the pups were doing a great job. It was the adults who were acting like children. Haiti snapped in, offering what Esti could have guessed was advice. She supposed he was right. Esti stifled a chuckle, "Hati is correct, you don't want to open your maw until your attack, otherwise your opponent will grab onto it. Also as Hati said, you want to protect your neck, otherwise, you could get caught in a bad situation." She looked over the crowd, there was no use in sugar coating it, "To put it bluntly, if you're in a real fight and you fall over or get caught with your neck exposed, you're as good as dead."

Nodding to Lykos, Esti pointed her attention to him, "You're almost good, but you're a little stiff. Also it might be best to keep your tail even to your spine or- for boys- curled down to protect your sensitive parts."

While the pups were eagerly trying hard, the adults- bless their hearts- were being just the worst. Mercy complained, and Cascade shot her down. Esti debated on whether or not to say anything, but decided to make it her next point, "Mercy and Cascade both have good points," she started, looking at Mercy evenly, "Fighting each other is one of the best ways to train yourself and each of you are free to call for a spar whenever not just during training. However," Esti's eyes fell on Cascade, "No one knows everything about fighting, so it's always a good idea to try to learn from others, either after you spar them, during the spar, or during a lesson. Always observe others and their moves and intents," Her eyes drifted back to Mercy for a moment, "It's one of the best ways to find their weaknesses and an opening for an attack."

Eyes looking back over the crowd, Esti took a breath, "OKAY! We understand defenses a little better now, but what about attacks? What are some ideal attacks? Is there a difference between the attacks a big wolf should use and a small wolf?" Esti let her question end her spiel for now, looking around to see who would answer first.


OOC: Four rounds to be a real training and get points and stuff so just bear with me. Also optional spars will happen at the end. Next round due WEDNESDAY the 3rd. They can be short responses, reactions, questions, whatever.


01-28-2016, 07:17 PM
Simmy would let her attention rove over each wolf. Whether they were a pup or an adult, she was merely watching. Yet, when the big man with the skull on his head started shouting the young girl would jump. He was loud! Not only that but he sounded like a jerk. She would flick her ears back, keeping her comments to herself as she tried to mimic her brother Lykos and the other boy who were practicing their defenses. As the leader of the gathering spoke up again, letting another question hang in the air, Simurgh would eye her. “You can lose. Or die.” Her words were short and to the point. Falling over in battle would not have a happy ending.

Simurgh would allow her body to become less tense, though she took a moment to adjust herself to get the defenses to fall in place naturally across her body. Her shoulders being rolled forward felt weird, and her stance might have been too wide, but she was still in the learning process at least. The lesson would move on while she practiced and she would allow her amber orbs to stay focused on the white and black woman.

“Low for small, high for big. Big ones could try slams, while smaller ones should work on tiring out the big ones and avoiding powerful attacks.” The child would fall silent after that. That was just how things worked when she played with her siblings. Would that be true in real fights as well?


02-01-2016, 03:02 PM

Mieu would jump as the black male started to yell. He didn’t like the loudness of his voice, and the praise of the white and black female would hardly get any notice as the young male tried to calm his emotions. Heck, had he been younger he might have even started to cry. But no, he was strong! He was tough! He would swallow hard, trying to calm his racing heart. No, he was scared. That guy was creepy. The sooner he started to be honest with himself the better. These wolves were... Different from him. He wasn’t sure if Ash was like them but... Mieu knew he was different. These wolves were harder... Colder... Mieu would let his gaze trail to the earth. He didn’t know how to answer the question that Esti asked about attacks. He just kinda tried to do what he could. There was another who’d speak up, and Mieu would glance at her, then at Esti, his ears pinned flat to his skull. He felt uncomfortable...


Birna I


5 Years
Extra large
02-01-2016, 07:52 PM

Birna chuckled at the impatience of her fellow adults. Granted she'd have preferred to have been notified that the training meeting was meant more for the young and new rather than the more experienced members but that didn't mean they couldn't contribute. Hati was quick to voice his opinion in his usual gruff manner, followed by several others. Once again Birna held her peace. Part of her wanted to jump right in, to begin the teaching process now but she knew she was inexperienced when it came to instruction of younger wolves. For now she would continue to listen and observe. To gain a stronger grasp of her pack mates temperaments and personalities. She would not interrupt to answer Esti's second question. It was important for the pups to answer first then she could offer her opinion after.

[Image: 262ny8g.png]



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
02-01-2016, 09:36 PM

Many had shown, and Avalon sat quietly as she listened to Esti. It was...different, sitting among a group of those she didn't know, but she would learn to live with it. This was her pack now, and these were her pack mates. Amber gaze watched her children as they voiced their answers, her ears picking up the answers of the children and other young ones that were not hers. She remained silent throughout the training, allowing for the youngsters to absorb the knowledge. That is, until some of the adults started complaining! Particularly the deranged male who wore a skull on his head. Her eyes narrowed ever so slightly as she stared at him, though she forced herself to remain relaxed. His words of...rough advice, were directed to all of them she assumed, but not directly to her children. She would not have allowed the man to speak to her kids in such a manner, but it wouldn't earn him much respect regardless of his status or who he was. She didn't know him after all, and she had refused his help after the challenge of carrying her pups to Imperium. She didn't trust him, and she didn't know him. He didn't look like the kind of guy that she could get along with, let alone hold a decent conversation with. That aside, she returned her attention elsewhere and watched as the children practiced their stances.


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
02-03-2016, 07:28 PM

He listened intently to the words and instructions of everyone around him, watching with curiosity as Rhyme and Lykos and a few others practiced their stances. He craned his neck as he watched, ha! This looked too easy! He grew a smug look as he sat there and listened, and when the scary looking ruffian yelled at the other kids, his fur ruffled up as he stared indignantly at him. What a meanie! He wouldn't talk back though, he knew his mom would be mad with him if he did...on top of that, the scary looking man had some advice, and in a way he was right. Okay...maybe totally right. He cringed at the thought of someone snapping his jaw off if he made a mistake like that, so he took each word in like a sponge from those who were giving advice.

At the question of what attacks would work for small and large wolves, he listened to his sister give an answer. That sounded right, right? He wagged his tail then as he looked at the woman who called herself Esti, "Larger wolves might have the advantage with weight, and less speed...smaller wolves have a disadvantage in weight, but they can be faster. So...that means smaller opponents should go in low and quick and bigger wolves should try to...knock over smaller opponents and get them on the ground?" Okay, so he didn't exactly know. But he was trying. Maybe he could put this to the test against someone smaller then Simmy! He could fight her! The thought excited him, so maybe he would fight her after this.


Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
02-04-2016, 02:47 PM

Rhyme felt rather accomplished as Mieu listed off a couple of the defenses he had shown, but the young, and rather jumpy Rhyme, hadn't expected Hati's interruption. As the gruff man focused his attention on him he'd jump slightly, snapping his jaw shut quickly. With the slip up he would not receive any praise from Esti, and found himself less enthusiastic about participation. He'd keep quiet afterwards, listening as the other wolves spoke. The adults seemed more than frustrated at having to go through a full lesson, and by that time he didn't know what to do. He'd look back over to Mieu, who was seeming just as nervous as he felt.

There were a couple more wolves who found their voices and answered Esti after he had tried to, and already it sounded like their answers were better than his. The young Imperialis was already convinced he needed to learn a whole lot more about fighting, but it was obvious after this lesson that it was going to take a lot of work. Was he ever going to be as great as his dad?



7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
02-06-2016, 09:54 PM
Watching the pack members shifting and reacting to each other was worth every minute of being there without being able to add to the chaos herself - one of the downsides of being Valen's partner. Curses. She kept her expression remarkably bland as Esti continued her lesson, only the faintest of skeptical smirks wrinkling her scarred muzzle as she returned Esti's look. Oh yes, you are clearly in charge, she giggled in her mind. It was funny, really. When did Esti start caring about anyone in Imperium exactly? The complete turnabouts some wolves made after they came into contact with Valentine amused her to no end - Rhythm's suddenly being completely ok with Imperium's violence and Valen's proclivities, Esti's sudden play at responsibility and being the Great Warrior. She blithely ignored her own change in behavior, something that was easy to do as it had stemmed from her children rather than the alpha. But most amusingly - or sad, she couldn't decide which - was Hati's change. Poor dumb bastard lost everything he had and latched on to Valentine, and now here he was teaching everyone else's brats to fight under someone else's command. Sad sad sad. As she watched the big black brooding beast growl and grumble and bitch at the kids, she waved the tip of her tail in tiny circles and - totally responsibly barely - fought to keep a toothy grin from breaking free.
Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-06-2016, 10:13 PM
Hati subsided with a grumble after his initial outburst, slouching where he was and glaring around him. Judgmental Sonticus bitch had started glaring at him when he snapped at the rodents - if she wasn't one of Valentine's current favorites he might have rearranged her face. Instead he just glowered back at her from beneath his mask, gold eyes to yellow, one black lip peeling back to show fang. She could keep her prissy attitude to herself. The pups were Imperium now, and they would get Imperium training, instead of growing up to be whiny bitches like the pack Valentine had stolen the brats from, and if she didn't like it she could shut the fuck up. She'd been treating him like scum from the moment he'd shown up at the challenge and he was sick of the snooty cunt looking down her nose at him. She wanted to go, they would go, here and now, training or not.
Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
02-06-2016, 11:21 PM

Ahh, peace. The adults seemed to settle down for now. Mercy especially seemed to fade into the back ground. The new woman, Avalon, shot Hati a scrunchy-faced type look, Hati glared back at her, and Cascade mused around. Esti shot her a look with a raised eyebrow. What was that look on her face? She didn't think the woman was going to be a problem, even if she was making faint faces and calling out the other members. Esti respected Cascade, and Birna similarly. As for the other adults, Esti wasn't totally sure. As for the pups, she was just glad they were playing along.

Simurgh offered some good answers and Esti nodded approvingly. The other pups kept silent until Dragon spoke up. Again, Esti nodded, "Now, I'm no expert on short attacks, but low and fast is about right. Large wolves can do stomps, slams, shoves, whatever. Small wolves can go for the tender, lower areas. You guys are exactly right! Good job!" Esti nodded firmly again. What else was there to fighting?

Esti looked around the group all looking nervous. Ah yes, "Okay! That brings me to a good point- confidence. In a fight, you can't lose confidence. Stay determined. So what if the opponent bad-mouths you or says you're dumb? You don't have time to care, you gotta go in, acting like your the best. That said, you also can't let you ego get inflated. Even if you won a hundred fights, you can still lose. Fighting is about balance or something. You have to fight with confidence as if you're the best, but keep a level head on you, as if you're one of the not-so-great." Esti really didn't know how to explain it, "You can know all your attacks and defenses, but if you wimp out, or try to turn tail and run- you lose. In some cases, that can mean your life. However, if you go in too boldly, you might miss something- which can also lead to defeat. It's important to keep a level head on you, no matter if it's a spar or death match. If you lose your head, you're dead, got it?"

Esti hummed to herself for a second. She needed to give the pups something to respond to, or they could just zone out and not learn anything, "Okay, confidence time and honesty time. I expect all of you younger ones to answer. So, what's one way you can work on keeping your confidence up while not getting too eager? Also, what is one thing you want to work on as a fighter? After we get answers, how about we break into spars and get this shhhhh-tuff into practice?" Esti smiled lopsidedly. Was she allowed to say shit in front of pups?


OOC: Four rounds to be a real training and get points and stuff so just bear with me. Also optional spars will happen at the end. Next round due SATURDAY the 13th. They can be short responses, reactions, questions, whatever.

Birna I


5 Years
Extra large
02-07-2016, 12:59 PM (This post was last modified: 02-12-2016, 10:51 PM by Birna I.)

The pups answers were simplistic but they were thinking along the right track.  Again, Birna would hold back.  This was Esti's meeting after all so she would let the other woman lead and direct it but she did wish to participate at least a little and she would nod at Esti's words. "Perhaps we can go over specific targets later, height and size will factor into what targets may be more likely to be successful.  If you're a small wolf trying to leap for a larger wolf's eyes your balance could be put at risk, opening you for your larger opponent to knock you over.  Likewise a larger wolf going in for a lower target, such as the wrists will lose momentum as they crouch down for the target giving a smaller opponent a chance to use their superior speed. If you're trying to get under a larger opponent you must be careful and make sure to cause them significant pain or read their movements or they could try to smother you beneath their weight." There were fighters that fought like berserkers, she was guilty of this and they needed to be aware that every attack and target had it's advantages and disadvantages.  Rarely was there ever going to be a perfect attack.  "It's important to have a repertoire of targets in mind based on you opponents size.  This isn't to say you can't go for certain targets.  As your opponents position changes so will the targets, risks and the chance of success.  Practice will make perfect in this."

Birna would fall silent as Esti continued speaking of confidence.  She caught the gist of what Esti was trying to say though it would seem the other woman wasn't quite meant to be a public speaker as she talked about balance.  Birna would add in a few more words. "Esti's right, fights can always go either way.  The environment can affect the outcome, health and previous injuries can affect the outcome.  You or your opponent may just have a bad day.  No one is above defeat or any below victory.  Over-confidence or self-depreciation can be your greatest enemies."  She smirked a bit as Esti's 'lose your head, you're dead' comment.  That was a good way to put it.

Her last question was addressed to the young ones and thus Birna would fall silent again.

[Image: 262ny8g.png]

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
02-08-2016, 12:02 AM

The realization that one of his biggest weaknesses would be his confidence was not surprising to the young wolf. He knew he wasn't as brave as Rhys or his dad, or even his mother. Any one of them would have been eager to speak up at this training, but as more and more voices were added the less he felt like he wanted to give up his input as well. "I expect all of you younger ones to answer." He'd swallow hard as the words were said, taking in a nervous breath as Esti finished her speech. He did not want to be the first to speak, at this point he wasn't sure he wanted to speak at all. He was sure he was going to get tongue tied. Thankfully Birna was quick to reiterate, "No one is above defeat or any below victory." He really could do this, but there would be a lot of hard work and determination to go into it.

The first step was confidence wasn't it? Time to put that hard work into practice and speak what had been asked of him. He'd take a deep breath, letting go of his worry and just let the words fall from his lips. "I need to be more confident." He'd say, obviously not with an incredible amount of said confidence, but he felt good that he hadn't misspoke yet. "And, um.. just lots of practice." He'd end on a quick note, feeling his bravery leave him as he noticed again the many many pairs of eyes around the group. He found himself wanting to look for reassurance, but there was no one to offer him that soft comforting smile. He'd find himself sinking back down, curious about what might come of the other's answers and who would even want to practice spar with him.


02-18-2016, 06:43 PM

Ooc:: So sorry about the wait! Gonna get up my other reply for Simurgh ASAP!

Mieu would listen as Esti took charge of the meeting again. He tried not to focus on the skull bearing wolf, nor the lady who was the mother of some of the other pups present. He was trying to focus on what she was saying. Low and fast... That was his best bet against most of his opponents. He was about as small as they came, and the boy was determined to do something for the sake of Imperium. But not having Ashmendai present put a small damper on his can-do spirit. Would he really ever be good enough?

The thoughts would churn in his head unwillingly, so much so that it was starting to make him sick with worry. He didn’t want to be a disappointment. He wanted to make everyone proud of him! But did he stand a chance? Did the others already think of him as some joke? Mieu would shift on his paws. Gaze would shift to the woman, Birna, as she added her own two cents in about fighting. There was a lot to take in.

“As Rhyme said, practice is key.” Mieu would speak up again, finding his voice. “There is going to be more than just simply listening and watching. Actively working on your own confidence and fighting technique is the best way of improving them. Try more spars, even if you’re unsure if you’re stronger than your opponent. Spars with less risk for practice can lead to a better chance of success on more dangerous fights.” Mieu would dip his head.

“I want to work on getting stronger. To not let my size define me.” His blue eyes would hold a certain shine to them as he kept his gaze fixed on Esti. “If I can just get over the fact I’m small, and work on attacking better, I’m sure I can become a better fighter in time.” His voice might not have been at full volume, but Mieu truly believed what he was saying.



02-18-2016, 06:50 PM
So she had been right? Simurgh was pleasantly surprised but she would not let one correct answer get to her head. The quiet girl would listen and watch as Esti and Birna both spoke in turn, followed by two of the other pups. Simurgh would consider her own answer before she softly spoke. “I’m not so sure what can boost my confidence.” The she pup would say honestly. “But whether confident or not, you should still try to do what is expected no matter the task.” Simurgh would glance towards his siblings before glancing back at Esti.

“That might help.” She’d say softly. “...and... I want to increase my ability to focus. So I can predict my opponent.” The girl would glance to her mother after she finished speaking. Was that good enough? She’d been doing more than enough talking in her own humble opinion and she was ready to do stuff rather than just sit here jabber jawing.



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
02-25-2016, 06:11 PM
The meeting seemed to be more of a success for the younger ones, while the adults put in their input. She would remain quiet for the most part, letting her children soak in the knowledge provided by the more experienced members. Avalon had been in a few spars, but it was a field she wasn't an expert in to say the least. She had some wins and losses, but she was learning still about the different mechanics that would determine a win and a loss in a fight. While she mostly used her size in most fights she did, she had only really fought smaller opponents...except for Mercy who was about her height. Still, it was beneficial for her to learn these things as well. When her daughter looked at her for what seemed to be approval, Avalon nodded and smiled gently at her daughter. Glad to see they were participating with eagerness and enthusiasm.


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-26-2016, 01:00 PM
The lesson turned from actual fighting to some touchy-feely nonsense about confidence, drawing his attention away from the snooty priss with a snort. Was this fight training or dance classes? Feelings? Feelings had no place in fighting. What was next, sportsmanlike conduct? "If you can't feel confident," he grunted with a faint sneer at the words, "don't feel anything at all. Just act. Don't tell yourself 'I'm going to do this,' just do it. If you waste time trying to decide if you are confident, or if you are too confident, you're going to second guess yourself right into a grave. The way to confidence is through action, not feelings. The more you do it, the easier it is to do it again, and again, and again." He felt itchy, too contained, and so he shot to his feet to pace, his words coming in a low growl. "Are you afraid to fight me?" he demanded of Rhyme. "Are you?" he growled to Dragon. And to Lykos, "Or you? If you aren't you're stupid. I'm big, I'm strong, I'm experienced. Those are good reasons to not want to fight someone. That's not a lack of confidence that's realism. But if you had to fight me, you can't curl up in a ball dithering about how you're not big, or strong, or experienced enough. You shut that the fuck off and you just do it anyways. Whether you win or lose and what happens after don't fucking matter, just the fight matters. Action will lead to confidence, not feelings."
Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
02-26-2016, 01:41 PM
Cas' ears pricked up at Hati's sudden delve into the philosophical, and the tips quivered with the effort to not laugh. It wasn't that he was really adding anything new, some of the kids had already professed that practice would help their confidence. But he had given her a new angle to work with, in his own way, and hiding a grin behind Super Serious Cascade-face she added, "Hati's... right." Ish. "Sometimes there doesn't look like there's much difference between a lack of confidence and an accurate assessment. If someone's bigger and stronger than you, realistically it might be a harder fight for you. That's true - that's not necessarily a lack of self-confidence. But the difference is in whether you are focused on their skill, or if you're dwelling on your perceived lack thereof. When I stand toe-to-toe with Valentine getting ready to spar, do you think I think, 'man, it totally doesn't matter that he's six inches taller than me and outweighs me by like a million pounds' no way, I am very much aware that he is bigger and more skilled than I am. But in the end it doesn't matter. His strengths can be used against him just as much as any of our weaknesses. If we second guess ourselves and say, 'man I'm just not good enough' we never will be. But if we look at an opponent, and instead of saying, 'man he's way bigger and stronger than me, I'm toast,' we say 'oh hey, he's not paying attention to the sand under our feet, I bet I could get him to slip in it if I tried,' that will make all the difference in the world. It's just a matter of changing the perspective of your observations away from what is bad towards what you can use."
Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
03-06-2016, 05:11 PM

Birna backed up and elaborated on Esti's words. She sent a silent thanks to the woman. She was more... thoughtful, Esti guessed, so her words were more eloquent... or something. After Birna finished, Esti listened to the pups, then to the adults. She was glad they were... getting into it? Though Hati was harsh, Esti agreed with him. Cascade also elaborated and Esti nodded firmly. Finally, something useful from the adults. As everyone concluded speaking, Esti took a step forward, "Okay, so we know about the basics and about what we need to work on. The best way to work on them is, of course, sparring." Esti smiled, looking across the group, "Hati, Avalon. Mercy, Cascade. Simurgh, Rhyme. Birna... I guess it's us." She looked at the warrior woman, "Ok! Break apart and go spar! Let me know who wins. Remember, no maiming!" the giantess sung as she turned from the group to find a spot for her own spar.


OOC: Had to move some things around. I want these posted as soon as you guys can. By next Friday? Try to stick to default times of three or four days if you can. I don't have a preference for rounds, but it gives the judges more to go off of if you do two rounds. If a 2-round fight is completed with the standard default time, I will give the winner a custom animated pixel table. It's not much, but it's free and it's not available in my shop, so... idk... -bribes-

Hati Vs Avalon
Mercy Vs Cascade
Simurgh Vs Rhyme
Birna Vs Esti