
even a god-king can bleed

Helios I


9 Years
08-24-2014, 06:09 PM

Helios listened to his wife with a raised brow, worries had wormed their way into his gut at the news of his niece and yet despite that a small smile would rise unbidden to his face at the idea of them ruling side by side. A small lick against her cheek was all he would do before more members began to drift in and he acknowledged each with a nod of his head. Russet eyes registering each familiar and strange face.
The man could not stop the small grin as June joined them, the girl had been hesitant when he had first met her upon the borders but that she was here now helped to put some of his doubts to bed and he dipped his head slightly in recognition. He cast gaze about as he realized Chione had separated herself off from the group and he offered her as comforting a smile as he could before a familiar and slightly unsettling scent reached him.
Russet orbs met his ghostly form and Helios felt his stomach jump. Apollo had decided to join them then, he put on a strained smile for the boy, their fight not quite forgotten. Still he was glad to see the albino boy was doing alright. There beside him? the russet man fought the urge to jump up then but the small figure moving at the base of her paws kept him rooted. Panic struggling to claim a hold of him. He had to hold out, it would do no good to frighten the non-blood members of the family, this was Olympus matters and they would be dealt with by Olympus?s only.
The man remained silent as Natalya spoke, he had no prepared speech so was glad she was willing to be the one to address the gathering. He nodded at regular intervals giving his silent agreement as was needed. Then she would turn to him asking if there was anything to add and he shook his head, voicing his choice for his wife?s benefit only. His eyes never leaving the woman and the child. Helios shifted as non-family filed out slowly. A dark figure moved towards his great-nephew and he realized it was time to act.
Rising to his paws he stepped forwards, his voice becoming the commanding voice of an alpha; something that had taken him a few weeks after promotion to master. ?Nemesis move!? He picked up his pace intending to head off the gold and black male, a snarl already bubbling in his throat. The normally calm man was on fire, pure rage filling him up, rage that the boy had the guts to show his face here, rage that after all the brat?s family had done he would walk ever so confidently within his territory. Helios? father had died at the hands of the male?s family, and he would never let them forget it. Orbs flited to the woman briefly and an enraged growl rose from his lips, how dare they show their faces!

talk, think



4 Years
08-24-2014, 06:58 PM

No. It was happening again, she was completely losing her bearings in the world. And as an adult, she wanted to find her place, and Olympus had not proved anything as worth to her. She was ambitious, wanted to serve well as a leader, but however connected she was with this family. Being Virgil's niece in law wasn't exactly a glorified position. The young girl wanted to make her decision there, but did Olympus have any healers? Arian gave a sigh, she waited for the male to finish before stepping forward to say something to both him and Natalya. "No one really knows me within this pack, I am Syrinx' niece, cousin of Virgil's children. They were the only reason I decided to come here after losing my position as heir to Seracia when it was taken. Considering I am not related to any Olympians aside from Virgil's children, I have no right to ask for the position of Oracle. I would like to train anyone who wants to learn the art of healing, before taking my leave from the pack. Virgil told me I was the only able healer, so I don't want to rob this pack of any needs." Her tail flicked for a moment.
Part of her wanted them to offer her the position of oracle. But if not, she wanted to teach whoever she could to become the next healer before leaving the pack. Which had to be said now, otherwise she wouldn't be allowed to leave later. Respectfully she looked painfully at the leading pair. It was clear cut in her eyes that she had cared greatly for Virgil and Syrinx let alone the children she had never been able to meet if they were ever to appear here. Arian bit down on her lip, she was sick and tired of life throwing her for a loop. She needed to follow herself, and not other people. But whatever answer she was given would decide her fate for the future.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



3 Years
08-24-2014, 07:20 PM

The meeting was, for the most part, ignored by the girl. She felt sick, uncertain, but she knew one thing; she did not want to be in Olympus. The burning desire to leave this place and never return was so strong, and the girl would wait until all was said before lifting her baby-blue hues to Natalya. She was a stranger here anyway. The mini-form of her birth mother would rise, not looking to those who were her 'siblings'. None of her other littermates showed. She was alone here. She was never meant to come to Olympus. Her destiny, her hopes and dreams, her home, lay elsewhere.

"I request the right to leave Olympus." Svetlana's ears would lay back against her skull some. She wouldn't look to Andi, who had tried so hard to encourage her to make the best out of it. But their blood wrote their destinies in different lights. The girl would feel her fox shift beside her, Korrin looking around at the others. The russet man was getting agitated with some others who had showed... though for what reason was his business. She was surprised that Svetlana had made the request to leave... at all. The fox knew it was the right choice to make. Svetlana refused to be happy here.

"Hear Me Talk,"
"Listen To Korrin,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
[Image: svetlana_by_myowncuttlefish-d963v5e.png]
[Image: svetlana_by_reflectedmemories-d8khd1u.png]
[Image: sig_zps8805ea78.png]



08-25-2014, 01:00 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She did not know exactly what she expected of these Olympus wolves, but despite her decision to join them she felt awkward in their midst. Her gold and purple eyes skimmed from one strange, unfamiliar face to the next, her ears set back anxiously against her head. Thankfully her children stayed close, which provided at least a little sense of comfort knowing they were safe and within her sight. Despite feeling odd and out of place, Ashtoreth still tried to convince herself that this was the right decision for her family. They could be safe here, they could learn to fit in. They just needed time was all.

A sense of relief came over her when the dark lady Natalya called them all to order, explaining to them why it was she to conduct the meeting and not their leader, Virgil. Just a little that bit of anxiety returned in knowing the pack was undergoing a leadership change, but she did her best to stifle it, drawing in a quiet breath and releasing it in a hushed sigh. Maybe the timing was right. Maybe it was this new leadership that could prove to be the most helpful to her and her family. She glanced toward both of her children curiously, gaze alighting first on her daughter and then on her son. What were their thoughts? Did they care or were they indifferent to her search for a home to take in them all?

New rankings were explained and Ashtoreth listened with quiet attention, ears perking once at the mention of a hunter's rank and then folding soon after at the mention of combat training. As much as she would have liked to think herself capable of defending herself in a fight, the lean grey hunter knew she did not have it in her. She was a poor fighter in every respect, and she feared it somehow hindering her family's chances here. But she needed to try. To ensure their survival, she needed to do everything in her power to get them a stable home. Which meant undergoing this training.

The majority of Natalya's announcements seemed to have come to an end, and already there were those few within the pack that were beginning to voice their preferences and decisions regarding what she had told them. With a nervous glance around, Ashtoreth wondered if she was free to speak as well. Would it be out of line for her to say anything about her own preferences? Would it be offensive for her to assume she was still being considered to join? Her hesitation cost her her moment to speak, the male Natalya had introduced as Helios quickly reacting to the presence of someone in the crowd. Ash pressed closer to her children at the outward display of disdain, unsure what it meant for the pack or for her considering she was present. Eyes shifting between Helios and Natalya, she remained quiet and watchful, worries suddenly making her uncertain.



2 Years
08-25-2014, 03:41 PM

His aunt's words were enough to draw a fear reaction from the stoic boy, his hackles raising at the knowledge that his mother had been hurt so badly by her birth that she must go away. She went on to explain new ranks but he sat stiffly, unlistening. His mother was hurt, sick, unwell, and he had not even been there when she gave birth to his new siblings. What kind of a disgrace for a son of Olympus was he anyway?

His orange gaze dropped to his paws, and the mountainous young man hunched in on himself miserably. It took a while for him to register his uncle's voice shouting at Nemesis for something but when it did his head came back up to stare, his eyes opened wide in shock. Why was uncle Helios shouting at Nemesis? The sight seemed to provoke a similar reaction in the female next to him, who moved closer to her young children.

"It's all right," he told her soothingly, wondering if that was even true or not. "I'll make sure you and your pups will be ok."



7 Years
08-25-2014, 06:53 PM (This post was last modified: 08-28-2014, 09:39 PM by Natalya.)
so, there will be another meeting posted once this gets toward an outcome, it will be liquid timed to immediately afterward. every non-family wolf at the meeting except svetlana will be tentatively ranked in the base ranks until said meeting takes place.

dee/solo is going to start a thread where the non-family wolves can interact while they wait, i would appreciate and enjoy it, but it is up to you!

please post a formal exit at some point and have it take place as soon as the demand is made. the thread will continue forward for family as if all the other members have already departed.

She had been prepared to wait patiently for each member to voice their desired ranks. She was able to deliver only two responses before chaos broke loose. She first turned Syrinx's niece. "It is correct that you have no right to take the position of Oracle, as you are not family. However, I would offer you the position of Atomist, lead non-family healer, if you can prove to me that you are as capable a teacher as you claim to be." She then turned her attentions to Svetlana and a friendly smile crossed her features. "You have every right to leave, child. Return to your home in Ebony."

Her smile quickly faded as the words finished leaving her mouth, her head snapping in the direction of the sound of her enraged husband. The fury in his voice caused her to jump to her feet in a half-defensive position and finally test the scents around her. This one wafted finally to her nostrils and she growled quietly. So the wretched cousin had indeed decided to return, and to attach himself to Nemesis once again. Natalya's voice boomed as she addressed the crowd before her, determined to get to the root of this problem immediately. "All non-family members must leave immediately - please find your way to the Emerald Valley and wait there. We will reconvene there once this situation is resolved and your ranks will be decided."

Her feet then carried her to her husband's side, where she would stand in silent support of his surely imminent tirade. It was more his place to deal with this problem than hers, but Natalya felt no less passionate about it. The lower family had done nothing but harm hers, and she would be damned if she let such an ingrate slip in among them without answering for the crimes of his family and himself.


08-26-2014, 12:37 PM

Slowly coming out of his sleepy haze, the boy wouldn't really catch or understand what his mother was telling the group of wolves. Something about people being punished, difficult pregnancy that lead to her and papa leading, then a long list of something called ranks and what they were, laws that he didn't understand at this young age. The boy yawned once more, front half of his body lowering to the ground, then paws rubbing at his face to get rid of the last of his sleepiness.

Sitting back up the boy looked out at the crown, fiery orange eye calm, and a bit bored. Were all of these people part of the pack? A small grin began to form as he thought about it, were they all family or friends of his family? Or strangers? His head tilted to the side in thought, mind beginning to wander.

Suddenly his father moved, quickly drawing the child's attention. Not only that but his father's voice was much different than Hercule's was used to, demanding, powerful. He also snarled at a dark man with strange markings, what was going on? Quickly he'd rise but instead of following his father, the boy remained where he stood, looking up to his mother very confused. What did the man do wrong? All he did was sit by another wolf and talked to him, he didn't hurt him at all.

His mother would move as well however after addressing the group, moving to take her place beside papa. Quickly the boy began to worry, ears folding back against his skull, a paw hanging hesitantly in the air, unsure if he should remain where he was or join his parents should anything and happen.

Awesome image by Shelby <3


08-26-2014, 03:47 PM

The meeting would begin to dissipate slowly, but Charon still remained. His smile was totally believable as he looked at the russet pup, wagging his tail at the thought of combat training. And in all honesty, it didn't sound like such a bad idea. He needed to train if he was to go to war.

But then a problem emerged as the Patriarch called out to Nemesis, telling him to move. The ebony brute kept his mask in place as he spun about in shock, brow furrowing with worry as the leader confronted him. He backed down immediately as they came face to face, flinching at the snarl that rolled in his throat. Golden eyes would hesitantly flick upward, and he would wait there in silence as the Matriarch asked everyone to leave as soon as possible. Everyone but family, of course.

The two men did not move at all for a moment, where the leader stood tall and aggressive and his relative shrank back into his skin. It was a strange feeling, going against your instincts and your morals. All Charon wanted to do was leap forward and rip out the throat of this bastard before him. But he stayed where he was, massive figure bent and cowering as he stared up at the Patriarch. Then he would speak, letting his voice crack once or twice for good measure. "Have I done something wrong, my lord? Please accept my deepest apologies for whatever it is you condemn me for..." and the Olympus boy bowed even deeper as he redeemed himself.

He would rise a bit, but only enough as to look around at the relatives who remained. "I assume that you are judging my character based on my blood, are you not?" The behemoth spoke softly, a contradiction in itself. His eyes burned with the desire to be forgiven. And every bit of his show was flawless, there was no way of denying it. "My kind and gracious lord, I beg of you," Charon said. "Do not condemn me for the dark deeds my fathers have committed. For I am an entirely different man."



08-26-2014, 07:35 PM

She didn't care about what the ebony woman said. It was all heard, though it went in one ear and out the other. None of this pertained to her. She had only one mission here, and that was to show and tell. The none essentials would be dismissed, leaving behind on the Olympians. Her face would remain stoney, despite Apollo's obvious distress and anger that she was here. Her gaze remained focused on the alpha pair. The Queen took no notice of her and her child. However, the russet King seemed to notice. She struggled to keep a smile off her face, though her lips still twitched.

He would rise, moving forward with purpose and aggression. Muscles would flex, preparing for a fight. She would defend her adoptive son to her dying breathe. But the aggression was for her, not yet at least. A paw would lift and pull Hypnos farther under her and closer to her belly. Her eyes would lock in on the scene as it unfolded. The King approached another man, Charon, another lower Olympus. She would be next no doubt. Excitement quivered in her bones as she waited. His gaze would flicker to her, lips curling as a growl left his maw. Clearly he did not welcome them, though they were family and they did still have a place within the pack, whether or not he liked it.

Her gaze would slide to Apollo, a brow lifting ever so slightly. This would be the ultimate test. Was he truly on her side? Did he truly care for her as he claimed? Standing beside her would only deepen the wedge between him and his parents. It would be quite the scandal. A higher Olympus beside a lower Olympus. Oh this was only the beginning. It was a leap of faith trusting that he would not let harm to come either of them, a small part of her was nervous, would he protect them? Of course.

Charon would speak, his tones sincere and posture submissive. She wanted to gasp in shock. Surely this was just an act? Could one of her own truly be so forgiving? It was a fight to keep any emotion off her face as Charon spilled apologies and begged for forgiveness. Fool. Anger would begin to churn in her belly, but now was not the time to act rashly. She needed to remain cool and composed. She allowed a mask of shock to slide over her features as she watched with mock horror. Each emotion was sincere in appearance, everything needed go off seamlessly. Perhaps after she could catch up with Charon and see just how sincere he was.




4 Years
08-28-2014, 04:06 PM

ooc: Arian is going to leave for Ethereal, so please have it where what she says is just before the demand.

Arian would have to decline, she craved for the adravendi family. She realized that she always would. No matter where or who they were, it was like she was drawn to them like a magnet. No longer having a strong connection with her mother, and only Denki knew where her father had went. She wanted to find herself in anyway possible. So she shook her head, "I thank you for the offer Natalya but I have family elsewhere that I wish to regroup with. I hope Olympus will prosper without me." the girl dipped her head.
Then suddenly there was some tension to be built up between the others, making the healer step back. The demand was made, but Arian had already said that she was leaving so when she left she wouldn't be coming back. She looked at the alphess hoping she understood this. She would have stayed longer but Olympus was fine, dipping her head Arian left for pack lands elsewhere.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



1 Year
08-28-2014, 05:51 PM

A frigid wave overcame the boy as Natalya spoke. Every word that left her lips hit him like physical blow. He felt gut-punched, his lungs struggling to function properly as if a great weight pressed on his sides. He was shocked, caught completely off guard by this twist of events, and fearful for his mother's safety.

His first reaction was to want to go after her and aid her in any way necessary.

His second reaction was to feel betrayed. Why hadn't she told him she was leaving? She hadn't even said good-bye.

There wasn't time to dwell on it, though. A rough command from his uncle started the boy out of his thoughts. He froze; as an heir he was rarely ordered around and therefore unaccustomed to thoughtlessly acting at the urging of others. It only took a couple of heartbeats for him to process what what happening and the conclusion he came to only served to draw out his inaction. If Helios had been expecting an immediate response he was surely disappointed. Nemesis was thoroughly confused by his uncle's aggression. Why was he acting like that? Charon was cool!

"But Helios," As his uncle neared the boy would begin to move reluctantly from Charon's side. His mother hadn't raised a respectless brat; as little as he liked it, he knew he no choice but to comply. Still, he could and would complain until commanded otherwise. "He didn't do anything wrong."

"Speaking" Thinking



3 Years
08-29-2014, 12:35 AM

Svetlana would breathe a bit easier as Natalya gave her the permission to leave. Some of the light returned to those light-blue orbs, relief spreading through her. She would rise, glancing a soft look towards her adopted littermates. She was sorry she could not make it here for them. Wanted to make it work. But Svet didn?t want to be here... She wanted to go home. To revive Ebony... Help rebuild it... And maybe... One day... Make it into something new, and shake the curse that followed the name of her mother?s pack.

Things were escalating as well, it seemed a battle was damn near ready to break loose. It was in the paws of the alpha pair now, however, and with a nudge to her friend the gray-black girl would leave. It didn?t take long for her to break into a run, paws leading her in the one direction she longed the strongest to go; Home.

-Exit Svetlana-

"Hear Me Talk,"
"Listen To Korrin,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
[Image: svetlana_by_myowncuttlefish-d963v5e.png]
[Image: svetlana_by_reflectedmemories-d8khd1u.png]
[Image: sig_zps8805ea78.png]


08-29-2014, 12:37 AM

What on earth was going on? The crippled boy would give a small whine, ears pinned flat against his head as the russet man started to get angry at another. He was black and gold marked... He kinda looked like his momma! Gaze would flick towards him, wondering if he was part of the family she talked about. But why was the russet man so angry, looking at him like he wanted to fight? The light boy would press into Chryseis belly, worry filling him. He was getting scared. If that man would be so mean to the other wolf that looked like his momma... Would he yell at her too? Hurt her?

Hypnos would shiver some, another whine leaving him. ?Momma...? Gaze would flick to Apollo. He?d protect them, wouldn?t he? He was family... He had been with them. He had to! He couldn?t let his momma get hurt. Gaze was fearful, but there was something else stirring too. Something more bitter. Had the other really done nothing wrong? He would swallow, sure his momma would protect him, and Apollo her. They?d be okay... Wouldn?t they?



08-29-2014, 12:35 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

A young wolf beside her - one of the blood-related Olympians she had to assume - turned and addressed her, his tone and words meant to comfort. The gesture was sweet, and under different circumstances she would have appreciated it more, but worry had her too firmly in its grasp. Her nervous, two-toned eyes stared at him a moment, a boy really barely out of puphood, possibly no older than her own children, before they swept back toward the dark colored woman and the man who now ran the pack. Would they need protecting? Was there a possibility things could get that out of hand at a mere pack meeting?

The commanding voice of Natalya cut through the air, through her mind, and the order spoken was acted out almost immediately. Ashtoreth did not have to be told twice to leave the discomfort that had so suddenly sprung up here, over some past action that she could only assume was before her time here. And it must not have been something easily overlooked either. The lean grey hunter hurriedly rose to her feet, reaching out to nudge both Vaishya and Cador roughly against their necks. "Let's go," she spoke to each of them in turn, urging them to their paws with nervous glances toward the family of wolves and the chaotic mess they seemed to have stumbled into. As she turned to lead her children away she hoped it would be settled, that she had not made a mistake in thinking her family might find stability and safety here after all.

-Exit Ash and kids-

Helios I


9 Years
08-29-2014, 10:37 PM

The pack milled about him and he silently cursed himself for his haste, but it was too late to take anything back now. Finally they began to leave, streaming out and he could feel the tension in the air. The boy shrunk back and he felt his wife move up beside him. For a brief moment he flicked his gaze back towards the woman and another growl rose in his throat, he wanted them off his lands now!
The boy cowered and spoke snivelling words, and Helios felt his ire rise. This was their kingdom and yet they had dared show their faces here and then demand reconciliation? The boy seemed sincere enough, he could not deny that and yet as he begged forgiveness Helios wanted nothing more than to lunge forwards. Too little, too late. ?I am.? He responded to the brat?s question, his tone brooking no argument.
?And yet when we lived in closer proximity I never saw you nor any of your blood reach out to seek redemption. Never have I seen you or your kin offer service in the name of my own family as the gods demand of you!? His voice was rising, those gathered needed to know, those that didn?t know needed to be aware of the evil in their midst.
?Your kind turned their backs upon their own family and the gods, but not before slaughtering a family member in cold blood. My own father! Killed by his own nieces and nephew! Sin runs in your blood!? He was filled to the brim with rage. ?We sought to leave the sin behind, you were to be free to continue on as you saw fit, so why is it you demon follow so closely! There is no forgiveness for you or your like!? His gaze flashed up to Apollo, the boy would have to make his move soon, the woman seemed to be sending him pointed glances. The albino boy would have a choice to make, he would have to pick which side he wanted to stand with, and he needed to know that if he picked these bastards he would not be allowed back.

talk, think


08-29-2014, 11:16 PM

Everything was happening much too fast for the man to follow. His little brother moved closer to Chryseis, his eyes coming up to meet his salmon gaze. He nodded softly, pointedly putting himself in front of the two when his father moved from the stage. He was not all too impressed about the woman showing up with the kid, but he would talk to her at a later time, now he watched as his father lunged towards the golden marked boy, watching with a stony face as the boy cowered before his father. It was then that Helios turned and looked at his son, making the albino man swallow hard. He was pointing this at him, making him chose if he were to stand beside Chryseis or to stand with his family. His stone face broke, confusion and the feeling of being lost washing over his pink tinted features. A single paw rose as his gaze flickered between the two groups, his heart torn.

"Father..." He said softly, his ears pinning flat against his skull. A low whine left his maw as he felt torn in two. "Father, I love her. I can't just walk away." He said softly, his paw landing on the earth once more. He looked back at the black and golden woman, a small smile on his muzzle. He had never admitted that before, not out loud before. He had never told her, but he had just spoken the words. Apollo couldn't just leave her though, he was tied to her in more than just one way. But his father, his mother, they should understand, could they not? He was being forced to choose between love and his family ties, and that to him was not something that he could just... decide.

talk, think


08-30-2014, 11:51 AM

Charon could hardly believe this bastard. Even as the ebony boy submitted to him he continued to growl and simmer like some kind of hormonal bitch. Really, what was this? Was he so high and mighty that he wouldn't accept the sincere-sounding apology of his own blood? To anyone who didn't know the thoughts in his mind, Charon seemed to be totally genuine. He was penitent and polite, bowing down instead of holding his ground. So why was the king still angry?

The russet man began to shout at his kin, asking for explanations that Charon truly could not give. "Please, my king," he begged. "Do not condemn me this way. Those events took place before my time, I was no more than a pup when those sins were committed..." Golden eyes sought to meet the gaze of the king. Helios was his name, the brute had heard Nemesis say it as he protested.

"Lord Helios," he murmured, looking about at those who remained. Several cowered, confused about what was going on. Some stood tall next to Helios, most likely the wolves old enough to know about the sins. "Look at the wonderful kingdom you've created here. It stands tall, and I stand alone. All I ask is for your forgiveness, and that I may be accepted into your ranks as family. Your father's was not the only life taken that day. I grew up without a mother and without a home. Please accept me, all I want is to belong..."



08-30-2014, 02:33 PM

The tension was palpable. The russet man continued his verbal assault and suddenly it all made sense. His father was one that had been killed so long ago. Now that explained his hard feelings. Her only distraction from the impending battle was Hypnos soft voice. Her gaze would immediately drop to him as he willingly pressed himself against her belly. "Hush, its okay." She would smiley gently, placing a light kiss on his head before lifting her gaze once more. The King had now shifted his attention to them, more specifically, Apollo. She could see it, it was written all over his face that he was demanding a decision from the pale man. Unease radiated from her secret lover, his pinkish ears falling back against his skull, a low whine leaving his cherry lips. She was about to lean into comfort when his words stilled her. All function stopped, she sat still as a statue, unable to move, all she could do was look at him with wide fathomless eyes.

Forgotten was Charons babbling in an attempt to please the russet king. Forgotten was chaos that was unfolding around them. She would try to meet his gaze, if he would allow it, and indigo orbs would swell with rare, unspoken emotion. "I....I love you." It was a strange admission as it rolled foreignly off her tongue. Never had she made such a statement, even to her own family. A small smile would toy with her lips as peered up at the ivory man. Never could she had predicted such a stranger turn of events. Sure she had cared for him on a deeper level, sure she thought about spending the rest of her life with him, but never had she imagined falling in love with him. From the very beginning he had been a welcomed tool to use in her plans, but it had all shifted. The countless nights, the hours of carnal pleasure, it had all added up to one strange feeling that swelled in her heart and suffocated with her. Love. The ebony queen did indeed love him.




10 Years
Athena I
08-30-2014, 10:44 PM

She knew she was late. Incredibly, massively late. After she talked with Natalya to explain where she had been and her current condition, she had retreated back to her den, the place that had kept her safe from the outside world the last few days. She had been a roller coaster of emotions and she was exhausted. Mentally and physically exhausted. She had collapsed in her den and fallen asleep, finally able to rest a little easier knowing that her sister forgave her for her mistakes. However she was only able to nap for a few minutes before she woke up to the sound of Natalya calling everyone together. Phoebe groaned and rolled over, fighting sleep as she tried to wake up enough to pull herself to her paws. It took her several minutes and lots of willpower to crawl out of her den with a yawn. Her steps were sluggish, the knowledge that she was going to be late not making her any more eager to hurry.

When she finally arrived it seemed she had missed quite the dramatic gathering. She saw her brother clearly agitated, but for what she couldn't be sure. It woke her up immediately and her silver gaze darted from what seemed to be one side of the family to the other. She padded over to stand near Natalya, unsure of what to do. She only knew that whatever happened she had to support her sister and her brother. Of course she wasn't blind. She saw who was here, but she had no context as to why or what they wanted. For now she would remain silent, merely watching and waiting.




7 Years
08-31-2014, 08:46 PM

Too much. Too much was happening. The Matriarch had been standing at her mate's side, supporting him in his verbal onslaught on the cursed cousin, her silence speaking volumes for her. She was vaguely aware of other voices around her, of Phoebe's sudden presence at her side. The only thing she was trying truly to be alert for was the positioning of her three young children. Part of her wanted them gone with the non-family, safe from the harm that witnessing this chaos could do. But the other part of her, the Olympian part, knew that they needed to see this. They needed to know where they came from and what awaited them in their futures.

Something came between Natalya and her thoughts though, drawing her attention from her youngest children to her oldest living. Apollo. She heard the distance in his voice and understood why she hadn't noticed him before. He was just far enough away that she couldn't smell him without searching. She would have been excited to know he was there, but a series of small events immediately replayed in her head. It made sense now. That small pup voice she'd ignored, the woman comforting it. Helios had told her about his argument with their son. Natalya had hoped that she would have the opportunity to speak with him as a mother, but he had been absent. She'd assumed that he had left them for good but... He was here. With the child that she'd abandoned for him to find.

It was apparent to her now that some of Helios's words had been directed at their son and she was beginning to understand why. The woman who stood with him was another of the wretched sinners that dared share their name. Natalya's eyes narrowed into a glare as she turned her blind gaze between the two traitorous cousins. "Apollo, you would love her knowing who she is and where she comes from? Your grandfather's death came at her family's paws because of jealousy. They would've lived comfortable if not for their rebellion." Her attentions turned back to Charon, her voice rough. "You claim to wish for redemption, but how can you prove that you are not simply a pawn in your family's wretched plan? We need more than your simple words before even considering letting you reside among us, let alone letting you live."