
Smoke and mirrors



9 Years
Athena I
03-16-2016, 02:59 PM

Leo glanced up at the sound of paw steps and saw Rivaxorus coming forward as the first to arrive. He'd give his nephew a similarly forced smile and a little dip of his head in response to his greeting. He felt like he was doing pretty well until his sister hurried toward him with some kind of news, only to have her words stopped by his own expression. Dang it, he thought he was hiding it better than this. A heavy sigh passed his lips and he gave a short shake of his head. "We'll talk later, okay, Ama?" He knew if he started talking in depth about everything now he wouldn't keep it together for the rest of the meeting. He dipped his head to press his nose to his sister's cheek and made himself give her a smile before motioning for her to go sit with the rest of them that were arriving behind her. "I'll come talk to you after the meeting."

He'd watch as Xephris, Ashelia, Valefor, and Nalamimi all came toward their gathering, soon followed by Athena and her daughters. It was good to see so many of their members responding so quickly. It still amazed him that Fiori had grown so much in such a short time, even though he knew he had Riv's band of friends partially to thank for that. Speaking of, he'd watch Zephyra come in next and soon after Tiburtius would join them. So far so good. He smiled slightly when he saw Jackson and Razor walk in as well. He was happy to have his nephews here at least. Bright Moon and Arivae would follow soon after and he was very happy to see that Arivae was up and about again. It had been a while since he had seen her. He wouldn't be satisfied that he could start the meeting until he saw his mother though. She walked into the clearing and he'd breathe a small sigh of relief. She hadn't been at their last meeting and it felt like they hadn't spoken in months. At least he didn't have to worry about her being missing as well.

He looked around at the group, mentally counting heads and seeing who wasn't there. He didn't see any sign of Ara, Novel, or Hymn and that worried him a bit. He wondered if perhaps the three of them had gone somewhere together... Ah well. There was nothing that could be done about it now. He gave it another minute for everyone to get settled before he cleared his throat and lifted his voice so everyone could hear him. "Thank you for coming so quickly everyone," he'd begin, pulling a slight smile onto his lips. "We have had many wolves join the pack since our last meeting so I'm sure there are some faces here that you might not recognize. Please make sure everyone feels at home here and get to know everyone." He'd pause for a moment, trying to decide if he wanted to cover this bridge first. "I might as well get this out in the open now since it is so obvious... Svetlana is not here and I'm not sure where she has gone. If you could please keep an eye out for her I would really appreciate that." He tried very hard to down play how serious this could be since his children were sitting just a couple feet away.

Moving on quickly, he added, "On a much happier note, I want to announce that Rivaxrous has taken on the role of Archduke and will be helping me in the day to day functions of the pack. If you need need anything while I'm not around or busy I trust that he will be able to handle it." He'd give his nephew a little smile then before going on. "That being said, there are still several of my higher ranking positions that are still empty. I hope that will encourage some of you to be more active and strive for those positions."

He paused for a moment, looking out over the crowd of wolves gathered in front of him. Twenty one faces in the crowd... He remembered a time not long ago that there were maybe ten wolves at these meetings including himself. "I suppose that is all I have for you as far as business things goes... I'm just happy to see all of you here. It means a lot to see Fiori thriving and growing so quickly." A slight smile touched his lips. "That's all. Thank you all for coming. If you need anything feel free to come talk to me."

"Talk" "You" Think