
Sneak Away



08-21-2014, 05:49 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The girl released a heavy breath as Aurelio suggested she speak about her small predicament with her mother, the sound almost a laugh. Right. She was just going to walk up to her mother, who was constantly under pressure about her station as a rogue and her family's safety, and tell her she wanted to leave. Of her two parents Ashtoreth had always been the more strict, the more worrisome, the one who felt the weight and pressure of responsibility the most. Vaishya might have still been young, but she was not stupid. Bringing up something like that, knowing her mother, would likely break the poor woman.

"Easier said than done," she answered quietly, nearly at a whisper, as her expression darkened. She hated that her mother was constantly so anxious, so caught up in her fears that she could hardly make the most of what was offered to her in the moment. But Vaishya could, or at least she liked to think she could, and intended to do that now with this enlightening conversation.

Suddenly she did not want to talk about it anymore and desperately tried to change the subject, "If you're free to go as you please, how long will you stay here?" The grey youth's eyes were curious as she watched him, not altogether against possibly running into him again. She was very much enjoyed speaking with Aurelio, had managed to relax enough even to divulge a little about her self to him even if she still remained nameless. For the time being, he was the closest thing she had to a friend - Cador being her brother did not count - and since she had learned so much from him already she was reluctant to lose that contact.



1 Year
08-21-2014, 06:09 PM

She seemed all too eager to change the subject and he came to the logical conclusion that he had pried too much. Keeping up the nice ruse, he continued to answer her questions. "Well young darling, I'll stay until I get bored of the place and then I'll move north a bit. It's an endless cycle." He admitted as he looked at her with a frown. It seemed that she thought she was stuck with no way out. There was always a choice just sometimes it was hard to see it. He turned to walk away only to go a few feet and sit down to face her. He looked at her curiously.



08-22-2014, 01:06 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Until he was bored. Not exactly the kind of answer she had anticipated, but it made sense. He was free; he had nothing but boredom and entertainment to determine where and when he went, unhindered by anything. She was envious in her own way, but at the same time discouraged knowing one day he might suddenly disappear from this area, seeking fulfillment elsewhere. And then her acquaintanceship would be done and over with and she would not know where to find him again if she wanted to. Not that she knew for certain yet that she wanted to keep in touch with him; it was just the most exciting encounter she had had in her short life and was a shame to her that it might be over so quickly.

For a moment, she thought Aurelio's point of boredom had already arrived when he suddenly got to his feet and started to pad away, leaving her sitting alone with widening eyes. Was that it? Was their conversation going to be over just like that? Hastily, to prolong their meeting, Vaishya hurried to her paws and took a quick step after the timber-colored youth, only to have him stop after mere feet to sit down again facing her. As before, she did not immediately follow suit and remained on her feet, though now it was to be ready to follow, at least for a short distance, if he intended to get away from her. Her wide eyes stared at him with some of the same uncertainty as before but now caution was replaced with curiosity.

"You're not leaving now, are you?" she asked, trying not to sound over eager or too invested in their conversation though she was. What had started as an accidental meeting had quickly turned into one of her most enjoyable ones. As if it might somehow keep him there longer, she added, "You don't even know my name yet." Not that she was entirely averse to "young darling." It was really starting to grow on her.



1 Year
08-26-2014, 05:09 PM

The girl asked him if he was so ready to leave because he did not know her name yet which had caused him to turn to her and give a soft smile. "Young darling, I think we've both realized at this point that you would not give that up." He would counter as he gave her a questioning look. "Though, if you are willing, a name would be lovely." He offered, still curious but no longer willing to push for the information as he remained sitting down on his rear. He would draw a slight breath as he wondered what the young darling had for a name.



09-11-2014, 12:43 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

The smile alone that he gave her was nearly enough to steel her resolve in telling him her name, pushing her toward possibly turning their acquaintanceship into a fledgling friendship. It would have been her first, short-lived as it might be, but because of that reason alone it seemed all the more thrilling. And tempting. Quickly she tried to reason if there would be any lasting repercussions from it, whether it might somehow upset her mother to know that she was making friends with random strangers that she met that chose to call her "young darling" in place of a name. But no matter what her mind came up with against the idea, she had really already made up her mind.

With gentle encouragement, Aurelio left the conversation open for her to supply her name if she wished to, making it clear that he was not going to press. Pity. Drawing it out a little longer would have been fun too. "Vaishya," she answered at length, adding as an afterthought, "Vaishya Adravendi." Just a little there was a hint of pride in the speaking of it attached with her pride for the mother and sibling that remained, her broken little family that still managed to function if not a little wobbly on its hinges. It was a good broken little family, and she thought it appropriate to make that known.

And now that she had spoken her name, now that the timber-colored male knew who she was...what could she use now to get him to converse with her longer? "So does that mean you're leaving now?" she asked, unable really to stop herself. Just slightly her disappointment could be heard in her tone, and maybe just a little it could have been seen about her eyes, but for the most part Vaishya remained still, waiting to know whether she would need to say her goodbyes or not.