
Simple & Clean [Pack Meeting]



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
06-07-2016, 10:23 PM

The first to speak after her was Vereux, a brow raising and a surprised expression forming on her features at his request. While it was something to think about, especially if they were to be mates soon, she didn't think she needed the help at this moment. No, not until later and things were official. She looked at him thoughtfully, meanwhile Amachi and Galahad both voiced what they wished to be. And moments after, all hell broke loose. Her head turned sharply to find Kharnage, amber gaze wide in surprise at his outburst. Then Dragon chimed in, and it seemed her kids were in an uproar because he simply asked something that she hadn't even gotten the chance to answer.

Her ears flattened, pelt bristled at the hostility that was being thrown around. Abelinda spoke, and while she was grateful that the older woman spoke with a degree of sense, she wasn't happy at all with the obvious hostility that half the pack was showing, namely her children. She had been so taken by surprise by it all, that she didn't say anything until after Lykosspoke. Her mind reeling and the words barely heard, but hear them she did. Finally, before anyone else could say anything, she uttered a sharp bark and stomped her foot in frustration and anger. Her usually soft gaze turned sharp, hard amber eyes falling on her children.

"You will not talk like that again! I did not raise you to be inconsiderate young men! He simply asked, not demand! You all attack him because you do not trust him, yet you've not tried since we've been here. I am very disappointed in you all." Honestly, she couldn't believe the words that had come from their mouths. But if this is how they wanted things to be, then they would reap the consequences. "If you feel so strongly about loyalty and proving your worth, then I expect you four to do the same. Don't be hypocrites, or there will be repercussions for such hostile behavior." She turned her gaze to the pack as a whole then, "I expect that from all of you. My children will not be given special favor just because they are alpha children either. You will all work for your place here, and will earn the respect you seek, and," She looked to Lykos,he was the one putting emphasis on the loyalty part after all. "You will all prove your loyalty one way or another. I will not tolerate any form of Disloyalty."

Taking a deep breath to calm herself, she shook her pelt a little to relax her fur. Her gaze slowly softened, but still remained sharp. "For now, Vereux will be a Herbalist, along with Abelinda. Amachi, Galahad, and Liar, you will be Braves until you decide to seek higher positions. Gryphon, Lykos, Kharnage, and Dragon, you'll hold the rank of Novices. Your mentors will be determined after the meeting." She sighed as she finally relaxed a bit more. The first meeting hadn't gone as she expected, but she was certain it wouldn't be the last time it turned out this way. "I will not tolerate this kind of behavior within the pack. Sort it out peacefully. Get to know each other, because whether you like it or not, you are a pack now. And I will not have us be put in jeopardy because you refuse to get along. Anymore issues, speak to me privately." That was it, right? "I want to see you four after the meeting." She looked to her kids again for a brief moment, ears flicking. They were all pretty much dismissed now, but she left it open in case anyone else had any other questions, or anything else to say.
"Talk" "You" Think


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