
Stepping Stone {Abaven Meeting}



7 Years

08-30-2014, 05:11 PM (This post was last modified: 08-30-2014, 05:11 PM by Bass.)

At last everyone had come, although there were at least three wolves missing. Abigail, Vendetta, and Umbra had not shown up, telling him that they were no longer among his numbers. He sighed softly, leaning against his sister slightly as he looked out at his members. "Thank you everyone for showing up and showing Abaven that you are still among our numbers, with our family." He flinched slightly, this talking was not very pleasant on his injured jaw. He flexed it slightly, waiting a moment before he went on. There was going to be a lot of talking, he needed to get used to this. "I would both like to welcome Motif as your Azgrat and Quelt as our new Kashkar. He challenged me for rank, meaning that no one can challenge for that rank for two weeks now." He paused, both resting his jaw and letting the members congratulate his members.

Moving on, he closed his eyes for a moment. This next part was not easy. "There has been a lack of wolves showing up for training, or coming in late. This is not acceptable if we wish to go as a family and a pack. From now on, failure to show up to one meeting will result in a demotion of rank. If you do not show up a second time, you will have to challenge either me or Motif to prove that you are still part of this pack -- or leave." He knew that this was a rule that may not be taken well, but he needed to be more strict to keep an active pack. "Of course if you are not well, you will be excused. I will not force you to fight while hurt or sick."

His golden eyes scanned his members, a small smile on his face. He was still trying to get over the hurt from losing his fight for Irune, but he needed to focus on his pack. "Also, the Kashkar rank has been put in place and Qelt challenged for it, Naharar is now the beta rank and considered to be almost as high as Azgrat, and will help run the pack. This rank will be able to accept wolves into our rankings, as well as be in charge of all the guard training. This rank will be able to be challenged for as well." There, that was all he needed to say. Letting out another sigh, he looked around again. "If anyone has any questions or concerns, now is the time to ask. If not, than this meeting is over and you may leave."

*OOC: posting order doesn't matter for this round, just everyone post again please! You wolf can stay and ask a question, or poof. Second round due by September 13th*



7 Years
Extra large
08-30-2014, 05:44 PM

ooc: This will be quick, since Levi is mine they are just gonna leave in this post ^w^.
Quelt's eyes sparkled with delight once Bass announced his new rank. Despite losing, he still gained a rank where he was high on the charts. Only Motif and Bass were above him. His tail would mildly flick, but he kept a keen smile on his face. As he shifted with his sour left shoulder. The shoulder would scar, but that was okay. He stood tall and then dipped his head thankfully. When the meeting was starting to disipate he took Levi and nudged the boy a little.
He and Levi would head for Renhet's den, perhaps she would finally want to come out now. Or at least be healthy enough to do so, after all Darrah was already running around like the little bundle of joy he was. Things were coming for the better for him. And it was making him happy, even with the emotional stress he felt.

[Image: OvmqSCr.png]

Chrono I


5 Years
09-04-2014, 10:24 AM

The male listened intently to what bass had to say. He had been to multiple meetings in Tortuga, and he knew how to react in the group. Though he normally stayed quiet, and just left the stage silently without a single word, he felt like speaking from inside himself this time.

He waited until bass had finished everything, not taking his orbs off of him. "I have been working through some things lately." Him and Esper were planning to have children very soon, and the thought of become a father absolutely terrified him. But he was setting it aside now, he made his decision and the only task left was to speak to Esper. "But I promise I am in one-hundred percent for you. Let me know of any training soon."

Chrono was to be a warrior, but he desperately wanted to learn the ways of healing as well. He had spoken to Roman of training in both strength and herb, and she had given a name. But he had no clue who the wolf was and had no time to find them to even start. So he brought it up among the other wolves this time. His eye turned to Esper for a second before coming back to Bass to speak once again. "If I may your honor," He scanned the rest of the pack wolves as if speaking to them in hopes that someone would speak up and offer to help him, "I would also like to take interest in healing. If you will allow me to train both, though being a guard I will favor over more."

Walk "Talk" Think



7 Years

09-04-2014, 11:03 PM

Some wolves were quick to leave, but Chrono spoke over the crowd. The Azat turned his golden gaze to the man, his smile soft. "Of course Chrono, I appreciate your words. You're home will always be here, if you need to think things over I will not force you into things. The next training shall be soon, I was thinking of having one on one spars with all the warriors we have here. Well, me and Motif both taking on some of you." He admitted, his eyes glimmering. The training with Bevroren had gone quite well, but it was now time that he tested their skills with his own power. That way he could help them personally. He trusted Motif's judgement, and knew that she could test them as well. Plus, she seemed to rather like that.

The man would go on, asking to train in both herbs and fighting. The pale boy could not help but blink in surprise, a large smile on his maw. "Of course Chrono. I am sure that Harmony will be more than happy to train you in both, and it will be good to have a warrior on the battle fields who can tend to wounds as well. Any callings for the healers you may answer." He was glad that he was taking an interest in Abaven, enough of one to study not one, but two fields of study. Pride for his members serge within him.



4 Years
09-06-2014, 05:49 AM (This post was last modified: 09-06-2014, 04:11 PM by Nona.)

Nona listened intently to what Bass spoke about. This new rule was one that she didn't like but she saw the importance of it as well. The earthen toned fae spoke in a gentle and soft tone like she always did for the most part "I shall take my leave now, Bass, you know if there is anything you need me to do just let me know" She then looked at Motif and Quelt "Congrats to you both and you should also know that should need me for something to also just let me know" She bowed her head politely towards both Motif and Quelt before standing up and slowly making her way back to the rapids. Indeed if they did need her that would usually be where she was. Letting her mind drift off into places unknown she was quiet with her leave after what she said. Her tail hanging low and head down she would fade off into the distance to where she could be found. Perhaps they had questions for her but if they did she already told them where they could find her, the monument rapids the most beautiful place in all of her home... Abaven.

-Exit Nona-
-Allen (her mate) is allowed to join any thread Nona is involved in-


09-06-2014, 12:15 PM

The young king's words would reflect maturity and growing dominance. Ah, he would grow well into the role of alpha. Authority and new rules would be mentioned. Ones in which set well with herself. It was nice to have structure and ensure no wolf was a mooch. The succubus would have nothing to say - no special request or suggestions at this point. Though, surely she would have some as she became more familiar with Abaven and its members. Venus eyed the multicolored wolf as he would speak of learning healing. Mmm, she herself could use some lessons in the craft. With knowledge came power. Though, she would take it upon herself to seek out healers in a different time.

Body language would react in agreement with the master's newly placed rules. Head would bow gracefully in the king's direction whilst marbled eyes gleamed in approval. No word would be spoken from onyx lips as she would make her leave from the scene - going back to her usual duties of keeping the peace and guarding the borders.

-exit Venus unless stopped-

my actions |
my words |
my thoughts