
Can't Say You Won't {MEETING}



4 Years
Athena I
11-13-2016, 11:36 AM

Piper giggled when Merlin licked her face and grinned as she watched him bound around to greet everyone. She always thought of herself as pretty hyper and friendly, but her litter mate always beat her those regards. The melancholy radiating off of a lot of the wolves around her didn't go unnoticed, but she made an active effort not to think about it. Instead she focused on her father as he began to speak and talk about all the things he had on the agenda for today. She couldn't resist a glance at Finch when he mentioned the mentors and started switching a few of them around. She returned her sister's smile, her tail wagging a bit behind her. She was kind of glad she didn't get her mentor switched and she was sure Finch would get around to training her more. She wasn't too worried about it.

Her ears perked up and her gaze turned back toward Bass when he mentioned a hunt out of the pack lands and maybe getting Dart to do some training in fishing. That would be fun! She grinned again when Merlin enthusiastically volunteered and she was quick to nod in agreement as well. She was also really excited about the idea of a big tournament for spars! So many exciting ideas! She grinned up at her father happily, her tail wagging away behind her. She couldn't wait to do all of the things!

"Talk" "You" Think



9 Years
11-13-2016, 01:02 PM (This post was last modified: 11-13-2016, 01:03 PM by Storm.)

Though she could not see the silver women's ears swiveled back and fourth on her head taking in the sounds as others arrived to the meeting. She would pick up the greetings among the others and would find herself suddenly feeling out of place. Why? Well the only she knew was Bass and he was holding the meeting. She was anxious of what others would think of her and being the new kid on the block. It made some anxiety and butterflies arise within her body and she shifted uneasily. Though she was soon comforted as Jack fluttered down from the tree, landed on the ground, then hopped over until he could easily groom the fur of her chest. The bird made a smile tug at the blind women's lips at the comfort the bird tried to give her. A gentle and small lick was given to the top of the birds head a quiet act of thanks from the silver women. The bird then settled to lay between her front legs and watched the others quietly.

The silver women once again relaxed just as Bass begun the meeting. Ears stood tall and straight on her head as she intently listened to the words he spoke. Within his first set of words Bass had directed a question in her direction, one he had asked upon their first meeting. She had already given him an answer and her mind had not changed. The Silver women nodded her head agreeing once again to take on the young healer and teach her what she could. She would need to howl for her after the meeting to meet with her and hopefully do some herb hunting with her. She would also need to call the healer's meeting together soon so she could teach some of the members about healing.

She continued to listen as he went on explaining what his upcoming plans would be to try and boost some activity for the pack. He spoke of a tournament to invite other packs to which she felt was a good idea for bonding with packs that he held alliances with. He offered a rank to someone within the pack before he finished out what he had to say opening the floor for discussion. Everyone was quiet and so far had not offered any further ideas to help boost some activity from the pack. Jack lightly nipped her with his beak knowing she had some things to say and it made the silver women shift before quietly clearing her throat.

"First I would like to ask for Quake, wherever she may be right now to meet with me after the meeting. I would like to get started right away. Secondly I would like to let everyone know that as soon as I have my herbs together I would like to call together a lesson for any who would be interested in learning. First lesson will just be the basics and everyone is welcome to come." she started hoping that others were listening.

"I also would like to throw a suggestion onto the floor to help with pack relations and getting the supplies we may need for the winter. My suggestion would be trading which we can start with other packs for right now. Taking the supplies that are unique and plentiful to the pack territory and trading with other packs for the herbs or prey that is unique and plentiful to their areas. This can even be skills as well. For the longest time it was how my family tribe had survived since most of us were healers we traded our skills for food and training in other skills. It could also be a great way to help us become rather diverse in hunting, healing, and fighting techniques." she said hoping that this would be some help to the pack.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: pV7voRu.png]
[Image: 6qyNX6O.png]
Storm is completely blind
Storm's Companion Eli (Wolverine) is assumed to be with her at all times


11-13-2016, 01:16 PM

Her lilac gaze drifted from wolf to wolf around her until she finally heard Bass speak and she lifted her attention up to him. Nothing too terribly surprising this meeting. Mentors needing to train their apprentices, new wolves in the pack, plans for things to do in the future. She made a note to look out for the pack hunt later. If they did indeed go to do that then she might as well take part. After all they all had to eat and she might as well take the opportunity to be more involved. She was, of course, more interested in the mention of a sparring tournament. Anything dealing with fighting was automatically in her comfort zone. She did like the idea of making a winner takes all tournament out of it. That certainly appealed to her competitive nature. It was still odd to her to fight not out of necessity. As she looked around at the other wolves in the pack, she wondered to herself if any of them had ever had to fight for their lives. Everything seemed so calm here, she highly doubted it. Who knew, maybe she was wrong and she just so happened to join during the dullest time in this pack's history. When Bass opened the floor for suggestions her eyes went to one of the newer members, Storm she presumed since she started out by addressing Quake, when the darker colored woman began to speak. All good suggestions she supposed. She had never been all that interested in healing, but she understood its purpose and had paid enough attentions during her lessons as a child to patch up a wound on the battlefield. When Storm was done she waited a beat in case Bass wanted to reply or any additional comments to her suggestion were to be made before she spoke. "If anyone is interested in practicing before this sparring tournament I would be happy to practice with you," she said, glancing around the group as she spoke. She didn't have much to say like Storm did, but she figured now was as good a time as any to offer it.

Art by Evelyn

Sparrow I


7 Years
11-14-2016, 11:00 PM
As Sparrow entered, the adorable Merlin bounced up to her.

"Sparrow! You're back! Where've you been? Did you do anything interesting? Was it fun? Can I come with you next time?"

Sparrow laughed, "I've been... around." She wasn't lying. She didn't know how to describe everywhere she'd been.

"I did a lot of interesting things, and it was very fun," she continued, thinking about her adventures. She thought it had to be a lot better than sitting around the pack all day waiting for someone to call a meeting.

"Next time? You can come if Dad says you can." Sparrow nudged her brother, glancing towards her father. She sent a mental apology to him for setting Merlin on him later.

The meeting wasn't so terrible, but Sparrow had no real suggestions. She hated how small it was here, or how small it felt, but she loved her family. Ah, she always felt so trapped now. She felt wrong staying in the pack, but she felt wrong leaving too.

Sparrow remained quiet as others spoke up. She noticed Lillianna hadn't been around and hoped the woman had found another play-thing to torment. The small girl didn't really have anything to say, so she remained seated, hearing the others out.



9 Years
Dragon Mod
11-16-2016, 12:36 AM

This meeting didn't make her feel like the last one had. And in a way, she felt a little relieved...that is, until Bass gave her a new mentor. Crimson gaze widened a little in apprehension, the girl feeling somewhat embarrassed that she still had a mentor at her age. But could it be helped? Starling had skipped out on her, and she was forced to learn on her own but to no avail. How could she learn about medicine if she had no idea what the herbs did, let alone what they were called? Kakashi has vague knowledge of the most basic and common herbs, but beyond that it was a complete loss. She wondered who exactly her mentor was, neck craning slightly as she tried to spot the new member that would be training her. She didn't have long to wait, because soon after Bass finished, Storm spoke up and addressed her, wanting her to meet up after the meeting. Quake said nothing, nodding in her direction (though she had no idea that Storm was blind). As nervous as she was, she was quite determined to learn all she could so she could help her pack and stop feeling like a useless lump.



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