
Greener Pastures [Abraxas Meeting]



5 Years
Dire wolf

04-23-2017, 05:54 PM

Amon drew himself upwards. Everyone seemed keen enough on the idea, and he gave the group a wry smile. Each day, another step forward. He felt an incredibly strong sense of pride, knowing who and what that the wolves who stood before him were. He thought their ancestors would also be proud to see them in that moment. He felt the eye of the Fallen God upon them, heard his whispers in the roar of the surf.

Some had questions, as he had expected. Archon was the first to speak up, asking further after the pack there. Amon's lips curled into a graceful smile and he pondered, having not given the matter the necessary meditation yet himself. "As to the mongrels, there is more to learn before assigning ourselves enemies. In the northern lands do as you please, but as for the territories here, we need to find out how many are here and who their allies may be." He looked over the rest of them. "And as loathe as I am to say it, we will have a hard time conquering this realm with just the lot of us. Even in the Fallen God's grace the numbers aren't exactly on our side." Amon's face soured as he said it, but there was no point in denying the truth. Skilled and fearsome as each (well, most,) of them were, they could hardly face an army alone. And anyways, there was no denying the usefulness of allies if they were able to be used as meat shields in the battles to come...

His sister spoke, and he nodded to her. Pyralis had always had a good mind for strategy, and he made a note to pull her aside soon and ask her to scout a pack border or two with him. "Agreed. We all need to know more before making any sort of plan." He then quirked a brow. "As to bison hunting, I think that sounds like a marvelous idea. Perhaps we could even use your captive to bait the bulls first, if he makes it that far." Somehow, Amon doubted that he would. He made quiet note of Ana speaking in low, hard tones to Abyzou, but paid no further attention to the matter. Instead, he turned back to the whole of the group and addressed them all with a smile. His voice was sweet, both low and cruel. "I look forward to hearing tales of the coming moons. I say we let Auster know that we've arrived, hmm?"

There was a glint in his eye, a bit of fire, as he tipped his head back and let loose the beginnings of a deep howl. The sound echoed up and out of his chest, bursting out into the air in clear. It was a joyous song, something that mingled kinship with homecoming and a whispered threat of war. The power that surged in the air around him, surrounded by his family as he was, filled his lungs. He felt a fire in his veins, and he wanted nothing more than to tear across the land and leave fire in his wake. Yes, the coming moons would be sweet indeed...
"Talk" "You" Think

OOC: Meeting concluded! Feel free to reply Amon's little family bonding moment there at the end, but otherwise, let the plotting continue!

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!