
Love Is Not A Weakness [Meeting]



7 Years

04-06-2017, 01:36 PM

Slowly, members started to trickle in. Each wolf who came up got a dip of his head, a smile still on his lips. Storm's children were some of the first to come, his tail thumping on the ground a few times as they took their seats. When Aella's question came he chuckled softly, his patient eyes finding the young female. "It's a meeting, little one. Just sit tight for now, okay?" One by one they came in, but when Dart made his way to a seat he eyed his friend in alarm. It wasn't hard to see that the fox was down, he knew him well enough to see that he was faking it. His smile faded, ears pulling back ever so slightly as his gaze stayed trained on him. Bass wasn't about to call him out in a meeting, but he tucked it away to seek out the bushy tailed critter later.

A few members came in late, but he didn't comment on it. With the heat they had all been a little slow, and Bass was determined to keep his mood up. Harmony came and sat beside him, pressing into him gently. Leaning down to nuzzle her ear, he placed a kiss on the top of her head before looking out at the wolves gathered. He took note of those missing, Liviana, Renhett, Lyre, Chanel. The four females scents had been a wisp at best, most of their dens growing stale already. He let out a soft sigh, but made no other comment on it. Wolves constantly came and went, he would have just liked to know in advance. But four out of his large number... well he couldn't complain about that.

Licking his lips, a grin reappeared on Bass' face as he cleared his throat, the gentle spray of the river on his back cooling his overheated coat. "Thank you everyone for showing up tonight. I know that summer has been hard on us all, the heat has kept us all feeling rather lazy. Hopefully with autumn on the way we will all be a bit more productive, mmm?" His tone was teasing, it wasn't like he had been on top of calling meetings and trainings anyways. "To start us off, I would like to welcome Storm's five pups into the world. They are growing fast and fiercely, I doubt they will be without mentors for long. Children, you need to start thinking about what path you'd like to follow and let me know so I can start thinking about mentors for you." He looked at all the pups, scattered around the semi-circle. "Abaven, please welcome Aella, Corentine, Derecho, Cloudburst and Tyranis." Pausing, he allowed the little ones to stand as their names were called, his heart warming as he finally welcomed pups again. The last had been his last litter, and Qualm and Quake. Goodness, had it really been that long?

Moving right along, he turned his gaze to the older members of the pack. "I am on the look out for wolves to step up and take the lead in some of the roles. I am not too proud to admit that I need help, I cannot constantly call for a training in every rank. Prima Guardia, Prima Guarire, Prima Pattuglia, and Prima Medico all need wolves to claim the title. It would be expected of you to at least call a training a season, as well as be on the lookout for mentors and apprentices to assure that they are being taught well and properly. They will report directly to me on how everyone is doing and let me know when a rank up is needed. I can no longer look after every single rank, a lot of you have been holding well to your duties and I could use the extra paws. Please step forward now if you think that you can fit these roles. You will be put on trail of a season, if I find that you are not taking care of your tasks, I will replace you." Bass' voice was level and calm, his shoulders rolling as he left room for wolves to come forward. It was getting too hard for him to look out for them all and wolves were often forgotten about because of this.

"Speaking of apprentices, I believe that our current apprentices have been in training long enough. Merlin, Sandpiper, and Quake, you are all now an official member of your ranks. If you still want training from your current mentors, I am sure they won't mind. This means that I fully expect you to keep up with your roles." Bass smiled at the three of them, his tail moving across the ground behind him. Was that all for now? He believed so. This was the first meeting in a long time that he didn't have to berate wolves, it was... nice. Nice and normal for once in his life. However, he didn't like all the glum looks on a few members features. Blowing out a sharp huff, he stood up and gently pushed away from Harmony. "I know that times have been tough. I know that I haven't been the best leader at times. We've had a hard year, all of us. But I am always here, no matter what the reason. My ears are always open if you need something to get off your chest, and I will help you the best that I can. We're a family, all of us. If we can't be here for each other... well then what's the point in all of this? Abaven may not be the strongest or loudest pack, but I believe that we are the most united. If you feel differently, then perhaps you are not using all the outlets that we have here for each other." The Primo's voice took on a more strong note, his words packing more of a punch as he gazed at each and every one of his members gathered before him. He knew that some struggled with feeling as one, but he could feel it all in the air. It might be a bit sappy, but hell, it was true.

ooc// Wow that was a nice meeting. xD Sorry for the wait! Second round is mandatory and due by the 14th. You MAY exit in your second post. <3

"Talk" "You" Think



4 Years
Athena I
04-06-2017, 05:56 PM

She smiled while she watched other pack members slowly roll in and join the group that had begun to gather here at the edge of the rapids. Of course there were a few missing members, but for the most part everyone she was looking for had come. When her father spoke up to start the meeting and began to introduce Storm's pups she curiously looked around so that she could put some faces with the names. How exciting to have pups around! She certainly hoped one of them might want to play with her at some point. What if she got to mentor one of them! That would be amazing! Her chest welled up with excitement at the thought. She had so much fun during her few training sessions with Finch so hopefully she could be a fun mentor too.

When her father asked for anyone that might be interested in stepping up into the higher ranks her tail wagged against the ground a few times and she opened her mouth to reply... but then closed it again with the realization that she was really still an apprentice. She had trained with Finch a couple of times now and she had tried to work on doing patrols more often, but she didn't know when she would be considered not an apprentice any more. She let the moment pass by with just a flick of her ears... only to have her father declare that Merlin, Quake, and herself were now full members in their ranks. Well, that answered her question at least! Was it too late to ask about those bigger ranks? Was she even qualified?

She kept quiet while he spoke of how they were all a family and how they should be unified. She smiled while she listened to her father and appreciate how passionate he was about what he was saying. She truly loved her father, she always had, and it made her heart happy to see him in a better mood than he had been as of late. She just wished she got to spend more time with him so she could learn more from him. She considered asked Bass now about the big pattuglia rank, but as she glanced around at ones like Dart and Lilliana and Finch that had been in their full rank for so much longer than her it made her uncertain. She kept quiet for now, looking around at them to see if anyone else would speak up for the rank.

"Talk" "You" Think


04-07-2017, 09:46 AM
Her grin stayed on her face when he answered and she obeyed; although she had a thousand questions others had begun to arrive and it stole her attention. She noticed Tyranis brush past her and a slight scowl formed on her brow at him. But her eyes turned to the grace of her sister, Corentine, and her mother Storm. She breathed in Corentine's calming scent and greeted her in an excited whisper, "Hi!" She was slightly put-out by Derecho going to sit next to others, and jealous that she hadn't thought of it. But it was too late to move so she stood where she was, glancing at Derecho, Tyranis and Cloudburst, leaning against Corentine.

Bass - the Primo - watched them all as they arrived and spoke up. His voice was loud but gentle; commanding their attention in the best way. She watched with wide chestnut eyes and nodded as he spoke, as if she knew what he was talking about. She puffed up with pride when he mentioned the five pups - them! to the whole pack and her tail wagged behind her, shaking up dirt around everyone. She blinked with plain curiousity... What was there to choose from? How would she know? What was she going to be?! She wanted to ask but something held her back and she managed to hold it in throughout the rest of the meeting. She felt a pang of envy at the previous litter; who had been rewarded with full ... hood. Something. Pass? They passed whatever it was they had gone through. She didn't even know what roles she could be yet! But she admitted that the wolves gathered all had a certain elegance that said they deserved it.

She was moved by his closing speech and swallowed a lump in her throat, glancing at her family. She loved them all but felt... Confused. How come sometimes it felt more like they were five warring clans than an allied unit? She glanced at them feeling a flicker of shame. Perhaps it was her fault... She had not really spent much time with Corentine, Cloudburst, or Derecho... And then there was Ty; a whirling hurricane, the brother she wanted to want her. So many emotions bubbling already within the young pup's heart, trying to discern what the word family truly meant.



9 Years
04-08-2017, 09:10 PM (This post was last modified: 04-08-2017, 09:12 PM by Storm.)

The women was quiet, her ears flickering about listening as others appeared and keeping an ear towards her children. This was their first meeting so it was important for the little ones to listen up. She also took notice to the more upbeat vibe she was getting and glad to hear that Bass seemed a lot better since the last meeting. She was relaxed in her spot, her mind wondering what the Primo had to say at this meeting. She was also wondering if there was any new members to the pack (aside from her brood). She was wondering if he had any events planned or if there was any promotions in store.

Soon her thoughts were drawn away as a male's voice spoke to her. Turning her head to the male she let her nose take in his scent recognizing it since he has been around the pack for a while. Kakashi was his name, if she remembered correctly. She smiled at the slightly older male, her tail gently wagging behind her in greeting.

"Good Afternoon" she greeted.

She hadn't noticed Quake's arrival mostly because she stayed towards the edge of the group and her scent had not drifted towards Storm's nose. She then heard someone sit beside her and Storm turned her head and let her nose take in the other's scent. She quickly recognized it as another healer, the one who helped her during her birth. Vali asked her how she was doing.

"Vary well thank you for asking, though I'm glad for the extra help because they are getting to be a handful" she said with a soft chuckle.

She then turned her attention back to Bass as he began to speak and she settled her attention back to him. Things started out simple thanking everyone for showing up. When he welcomed the pups Storm could feel the motherly pride bubbling within her, happy to see her kids growing so much already. He also had mentioned about the pups needed to start thinking about what they wanted to learn and she took mental note that way she could start helping them out and be able to let Bass know what they would decide.

He went on to talk about wolves who were willing to step up into the ranks which had perked her interest. It had been an original thought of hers upon joining Abaven to put her skills to the best use she could. The past few healer meetings she had called had done okay, but perhaps a higher rank, members would be more inclined to show. With being blind and the pups almost at the age to start training she would be gaining more free time on her hands and as of now she felt her future wouldn't hold any more pups. She was getting up there in age whether she wanted to admit it or not. So would this be the time to offer stepping up? But what of Vali? She was another healer who had been here before and returned to the pack. Would she want the position also? She wasn't sure and she hesitated when Bass said those who are willing to step forward.

Though she didn't long and the silver women stood from her spot and gently moved around her children to step forward. Dipping her head in respect to Bass.

"I would" she calmly spoke up.

She was sure she wouldn't need to say the Rank she was hoping to fill, Bass and the rest of the pack should be aware. She would do her best and with her getting older it would be so great for her to just be able to pass her knowledge to others in the pack. She stood quietly waiting and listening to the rest of Bass' words, she wasn't sure if he would want to meet after the meeting or what the next step would be so she waited for the Primo's words.

"Talk" & 'Think"

[Image: pV7voRu.png]
[Image: 6qyNX6O.png]
Storm is completely blind
Storm's Companion Eli (Wolverine) is assumed to be with her at all times



8 Years

04-09-2017, 11:16 AM
More wolves showed, even though Vali had thought herself late. That in itself was a reassuring factor; even if not all the pack was present, most showed. A few even plopped down next to her, and Vali turned her head to grin at Finch, the shy girl whom Vali had not had much interactions with. It seemed as if Finch was a little bit less shy than she was; Vali remembered the young girl always scuttling to her siblings, and not really always being open with the other members of the pack... and boy was the woman happy to see that change.

Speaking of boys... Vali couldn't help but burst into laughter at the sight of Finch's younger brother, Merlin, flipping an hare and then flopping it over at Finch. The boy - or young man, really - was still most definitely a child at heart, but in a way that was... good. And hell, it was dreadfully cute to see him snuggle up to his older sister.

The smile on her face remained as she turned back to Storm, chuckling softly once more. "Perhaps I could help out with that," she suggested quietly, a mixture of excitement and some... unidentifiable longing in her heart. Thankfully, she didn't have to dwell on it for too long, because Bass started speaking, and she started paying attention to his words. She hummed thoughtfully at the thought of the higher-up positions; she was still a field medic, though she was leaning more towards healing now. At the same time, she wanted to help Bass. It made her wonder if she should step up for the head field medic; after all, she had all sorts of ideas running through her head. The field medics, after all, were more of the battle-wound and grave-wound healers, and they jumped into the fray with the sole purpose of helping their classmates. They knew how to fight if they had to fight, but the primary focus was definitely on making sure the wolves who were badly wounded lived. And battlefield healing, was, after all, Vali's specialty.

She was distracted by her musings when Storm stepped up, and a wide grin appeared on Vali's face. Hmm, she figured the young woman would be rather good for the job; she seemed dedicated and knowledgeable, and Vali most definitely had no complaints about that.

Her mind made up, Vali stood as well, taking a step to stand next to Storm. "The position of Primo Medico not only supports you, but it also supports the Primo Guarire and the Primo Guardia. I am interested in it." After all; she wanted to help, and ease the burden of all those she could in the pack. This would be an opportune way to do so.

"Speech" "You" Think

art by kanvos
[Image: aGjjkVy.png]



4 Years
04-09-2017, 11:42 AM

He giggled as his mother brushed against him, the façade of mentally mature pup fading as he saw the red woman he had seen in the Thicket. His tail wagged as he gave a short bark in her direction. He had been scared when he first saw her, and had mistaken her for a male, but once he learned she belonged to Abaven he had melted into the cheerful pup he was…Around adults anyway. One of the stragglers had caught his eye; what was it? It most definitely wasn’t a wolf with its bright orange fur and long legs but what else could it be if it was part of the pack?

Bass spoke and it broke his fascinated hold on the creature, his chest swelling with pride as he was formally introduced. Bass told them to start thinking about what they wanted to become and to him the answer was immediate. He waited for the leader to finish his announcements before he spoke, loudly and clearly for all of Abaven to know: “I already know what I wasn’t to be Bass!” He said excitedly, his eyes wide and tail wagging feverishly. “I’m going to be Primo, just like you!” He declared. When he was Primo he would get to boss around everyone, and they would have to do what he said because otherwise they would be traitors. Most of all, he would finally get rid of his stupid sisters, and they would never make their mother worry again.

No one knew his true intentions, for now it was nothing but the brave declaration of an over-zealous pup with great aspirations, but one day it would no doubt come to haunt them all.


Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  


04-09-2017, 02:15 PM
Pyrrhus gave a weak smile to Asha as the other femme appeared. “Not too much I’m afraid.” Her gaze trailed back to Bass slowly, a frown on her face. Her brow furrowed when he mentioned high ranks, ranks she didn’t feel necessary ready to fill, but hell, if he’d give her a shot the young woman was more than willing to give it a go. “Bass, I’d like to give it a go for the Prima Guardia.” Pyrrhus rose to her paws, gaze sliding to the young pup who had spoken up. Now there was determination. She let out a laugh, twitching her ears. “Or perhaps I could just nab that lad there as an apprentice! Goodness such an aspiration~” Truthfully any of the children as an apprentice could do. She felt a little better… perhaps the children could be what she needed to break out of this spell. Something… something had to change. She’d fight for that change and bring about her own happiness.



6 Years
04-09-2017, 03:06 PM

Corentine's tail wagged back and forth looking at all the wolves who had already gathered for the meeting. The only thing that stole her attention away was her sister's excited whisper and she looked back to Aella with a large smile her tail wagging faster.

"Hi!" she whispered back excitement also in her voice.

Corentine leaned back against Aella slightly so that the two of them balanced each other as they sat. Her other siblings seemed to lack the desire to be with family that Corentine felt so strong. She desired to be with her family and to explore all at once. She watched as the remaining members showed up before Bass began to speak, her attention then went to him. He introduced her and her siblings and when her name was called she stood, then sat back down to lean slightly into Aella. She listened intently to his words trying her best to soak them in. There was a lot of words that she didn't understand and she also didn't understand what he meant by Path to fallow and wasn't sure what she was just instructed to do.

Three of it's members so called passed? They were now a full part of their rank which she also didn't understand. What were ranks? The only name she knew was Primo which was Bass. She was sure though it would be explained to them in more detail at some point. She also didn't understand what her mother was stepping forward for, but again she was sure it would be explained.

"Talk" & 'Think"

Brandr, Lucine, & Halation is allowed in any of her threads regardless of the tag



7 Years
Extra large

04-27-2017, 09:18 AM
No drama, he reminded himself plainly, more wishful thinking than anything else. Lark never really created drama, not that he thought.. But drama sure as hell seemed to flock to him without him intending it. He felt his spirits lift a bit more when Sparrow was next to reach his side, and gently he turned to press his nose to her neck in quiet greeting. It really was sweltering out lately, and judging by her panting she was feeling the summer’s effects as well as he was.

It wasn’t surprising when Lillianna arrived, and even less surprising that she too sat next to him; on his other side, of course. His head tilted in her direction, smiling faintly at her too in greeting. From the corner of his eye he saw others trailing in - most noteworthy was Sandpiper and Finch and Merlin, to him - and watched as they settled in for the meeting.

He wasn’t sure whether to be relieved or not when his father started speaking, relinquishing him of the choice of whether to focus his attention on Sparrow or Lillie or - god forbid, both at the same time. It lulled the group into still silence, and his ears twitched as he focused on his father’s words. He introduced the new wolves to the group, and expressed that ranks needed to be claimed.

Pyrrhus expressed interest in the position of Prima Guardia, which had caught his attention. He thought back to the talks he’d had with his father. Abaven could be his someday, he’d been told - he wasn’t sure if that was still a possibility. There were wolves here that had worked harder than he had, he knew that was irrefutable truth. Perhaps now was the time to step up a bit? When there was finally a moment of silence, and he had time to collect his thoughts, he cleared his throat to speak. ”I’d.. Be interested in the Prima Guardian position, too,” he admitted, his gaze averting slightly away from his father. He didn’t want to overstep, either, and was prepared if his father denied his request. He eyed Pyrrhus now too, curious. ”We could, I don’t know, fight for it or something?” Lark offered an uncertain shrug, hoping he'd said the right things.

Sparrow I


7 Years
04-28-2017, 10:59 PM
Sparrow leaned into her brother, waiting for the meeting to start. As Lillianna passed by, Sparrow pressed harder into Lark's side, her own paws slipping from under her slightly. She panted lightly, her tongue lolling out over her slightly smiling lips.

The meeting went well enough, and her father asked people to speak up if they wanted a higher rank. Since she had been hanging out in the pack so much recently, the small girl wondered if she should try to take more responsibility in the pack. When Lark spoke, his voice rumbled through Sparrow's ears. If he wanted to try, she wanted to as well.

Shifting slightly, Sparrow leaned off of her brother, "Maybe I could try... Prima Guarire? Or maybe that should be an eventual goal... Maybe Prima Medico? I'm not sure who else is practicing healing besides Aunt Harmony and I, but I would be willing to... be tested?"

Sparrow wasn't sure how she could be tested so she simply shrugged and flopped softly back onto her brother. She didn't want to seem over-eager, but she didn't want to seem like she didn't care either. Half hiding her face in her brother's fur seemed like a good in-between.



9 Years
05-13-2017, 12:43 AM

Everyone had arrived. Well, almost everyone. And the meeting started. He listened quietly, intently, smiling when Bass introduced the new kids and he was excited to see them here. He loved kids, and although he didn't have any of his own, he always loved them and loved to spend time with them. They were such innocent creatures, small and fluffy little balls of fluff that were curious about the world. He would be sure to check these ones out and play with them if their mother was alright with it, but with all thoughts of cute pups aside, he perked up when Bass talked about higher positions. Dart had never really been the ambitious type, and was usually content to just go with the flow of things. But he figured Bass was mentioning these things for a reason, and of course, it was stated soon after. He bore a thoughtful look for a moment, crimson eyes following each speaker until it got quiet again. Since it seemed no one else would speak up, he decided to pipe up. "I'd like to try for Prima Pattuglia! Might as well, right?" He gave Bass a wide grin, the idea exciting him! He didn't know how he'd do, but since he was getting older, he might as well go ahead and try to help out the younger generation.