
This Is Your Time, You Better Take It [Meeting]


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Expert Hunter (120)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

13 Years
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
05-03-2017, 12:21 AM

He was just as late as his former alphess and the other yearling, the dual toned male trailed behind the other two as his blue eyes narrowed. Of all the times a meeting was called, he wasn't very close by. Though he supposed he didn't care too much, he was out training. Which he was glad for, his own mentor hadn't done squat with him yet and he was pretty upset about it, though he should have expected as much anyway. He was alone in the pack, his family had taken off and scattered according to his sister. It would make sense that he'd be the black sheep of this pack...why did he stay though? That thought crossed his mind often, though he never really had an answer. Maybe it was the fact that he didn't know anyone else outside of his birth pack...and despite his keeping the pack at arms length, he couldn't find the will to leave. He was born here, he didn't know anything else.

As the trio drew closer to the meeting place, Greed's eyes had remained on the ground, the boy already set on sitting on the outside of the group until a particular scent caught his attention. His head snapped up, pace slowing as Avalon and Arke went off in their own directions. Blue eyes spotted a familiar form...Ramsay! What the hell was he doing back!? His lip curled slightly, eyes narrowing as he fought to keep his hackles down. The last thing he wanted to do was cause a scene at a pack meeting, though it was obvious on his face that he was feeling...pissed. Maybe not even that alone, but surprised, too, and he was struggling to pinpoint what he was feeling in general. Ramsay had left to follow Liar, and Greed had been left on his own. But according to Ash, Liar failed to do what he promised and vanished. That thought brought his lip to curl in a sort of snarling grin of satisfaction. Ramsay had left for nothing, and now he had come crawling back. Eyes never left his brothers form, the slate blue and white male going to sit on the outside edge somewhat close to where Ramsay and Kharnage sat.


Art||Plot with me!

If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
05-03-2017, 04:48 AM

The fae responded, and Dragon would dip his head in proper greeting to her as she introduced herself as Faine. He was surprised that she said that she had come thanks to Kharnage's influence. He turned to look at his brother, a grin showing as his tail wagged a bit. Turning back to Faine, he looked her over a moment before seemingly approving her. "Welcome to Talis, glad you could join us. The meeting will start momentarily." He turned away to head back to his previous position before another wolf appeared, this one another female who by the sound of her voice, was the one who called at the borders. He stopped before her, ears flicking as she spoke. So she too came to join? Must have been his lucky day! He nodded a greeting to her, green eyes watching her. "Seems we're quite lucky today. My name is Dragon, and you've made it in time for our pack meeting." He allowed a few moments for her to introduce herself before continuing, "Welcome to Talis, sit tight, we're about to start." He offered a smile to Fern before returning to his place at the head of the group, the male plopping beside his brother and...Ramsay? He peered over at the young male, a small smile showing. So it seemed the boy had decided to come after all, "Just visiting? Or you here to stay?" He asked, he allowed a moment for Ramsay to respond as well, though if he didn't want to then that was fine. The last few stragglers arrived, and while they were late, he didn't really care right now. He was more focused on the newcomers, and would address the late parties later. He did notice, however, that Gryphon had not come and wondered where his brother was. Maybe he didn't want to come...and if that was the case, then Dragon would seek him out later.

Green gaze looked out over the gathered crowd, the male sitting straight and tall. There were lots of things he wanted to discuss, and wanted the pack to be fully involved in this meeting. He wanted every bit of attention and input, wanted their voices to be heard and the like. He waited for things to quiet down, and once he had everyone's attention, he began. "Thanks for coming everyone, we have a lot of things to discuss today and I need your full attention, and would like your input on things as well. This is a pretty important meeting, so let's get started, shall we?" He scanned the crowd, gaze falling on the two females and then glancing briefly at Ramsay, "First off, as you can see, we have two new members joining Talis today, Fern and Faine, and one potential returning member who I'm sure you all remember." He let the two females' names sink in, and left the floor open in case they wanted to introduce themselves, then he continued on, "You two have the option to choose what fields you'd like to pursue, and we can discuss that later in private if you wish." Perhaps that would be easier so he could talk to them about the packs ranks and such. "I'm sure most of you have also noticed a couple of other new faces among us, so I'd like to introduce Ankaios and Armai along with her companion, Nox, our healers and mentors to those who wish to pursue that field as well." He nodded in the direction of them both as he said their names so that the others could put a name to a face.

Now that introductions were made and done, he pondered what to bring up next. Since there were a few things he wanted to touch on, he'd go down the list he supposed. "Since the packs move and transition from Ivalice to Talis, I've given plenty of time for everyone to get used to the new lands and the way the pack runs now. Although it is different than what my mother had initially, we still hold many of the same values. I'd like to express my displeasure at the lack of training among mentors and apprentices, and this cannot and will not continue. Apprentices should be graduating by the time they reach their second birthday, provided they have had the proper training to rank up. However, I haven't heard very many calls nor have I seen much training among you. This might cause a delay for promotions, and I will not stand for that!" His voice carried a sort of reprimanding tone, obviously unhappy about this. Green eyes hardened as he looked over the group, "From now on, I want every mentor to step up and train their apprentices, and I mean train. I don't want things to be delayed, this is crucial! Those who still have not trained their apprentices by the time they turn two, will be demoted and will have to start over in order to return to your previous ranks. I do not want to have to demote any of you, but if it's a measure I have to take then I will." There, maybe that would get everyone's butts into gear.

He let that sink in a moment, taking a deep breath to calm himself before he got too riled and upset about it. "The pack has been pretty quiet, so I want each rank to start doing things. Fangs, I want you all to hold a hunt, each. Hunt whatever you want, wherever you want, as long as you do it. Apprentices, you are to attend each one. As well as any other members who wish to participate. Mages, I want each of you to hold a training as well, in whatever way you wish. Be it teaching, identifying, or whatever. As long as it's done. Fighting ranks, I want each of you to hold some form of fight training or spars, or anything that pertains to you be it offensive, defensive, lecture, whatever. Just get it done. Apprentices, you're to attend all fight training and at least two basic healer lessons so you have some knowledge of what to do in the event you're on your own and something happens, this goes for the rest of you as well, so I want at least two group healing lessons. Maybe one by Ankaios, and one by Armai." He paused a moment to let it all sink in, and if anyone had questions or concerns, he'd give them time to ask as well. "I know it may seem like a lot for you Fledglings, but if you want to be promoted in time, then it'll be worth it. I want you all to have the proper training to succeed." He wondered how well he was doing, though that thought was fleeting. He'd been an alpha for a year now, and felt confident enough for all of this.

"This should be common knowledge, but if anyone needs help with something or wants to learn something, don't hesitate to approach me, or a fellow pack member who specializes in that field. Most of us have been together for a while now, so there's no reason to avoid one another let alone not knowing each other. As a pack, we're a family, a unit. And we have to start acting like one. I'll do what it takes to keep this pack going strong, and I can't do that alone. So I need you to help and support one another, it's not that hard. If you feel that you don't want to, or that you don't care to, then please, see me after to talk about your leave." Was that harsh? Maybe. Did he mean it? one hundred percent. He would demote and keep to his promises of issuing punishments and consequences for those who continued to do nothing. He wasn't his mother. Was he nice? Yeah, he was nice as fuck! But he wouldn't be walked all over like a door mat. His mother had made that mistake, and he wouldn't make it.

He let everything he said to be processed by everyone before he would continue. There was still something he wanted to talk about, and was perhaps was the most important. The thought had lingered in his mind for weeks, and it excited him. He wasn't sure how the others would react to it, but he wouldn't know until he put it out there. "I have one other important thing I'd like to talk about with everyone, and as I said before, everyone's input is needed." He cleared his throat as he glanced at Kharnage before standing, mostly because he was sitting pretty close and was seeking a bit of reassurance, or encouragement...either or both was good. "I want to talk about a possible raid. We've been around for quite a while, and although we probably don't need much at this time thanks to the good season we're having, I think it would be a good chance to test our skills and see what we can do. I propose trying for a hunt, but if anyone else has a better idea then please, speak." The idea of a potential raid clearly excited him, because he saw it as an opportunity to see how they might do, and maybe even get some recognition. "As it stands now, Talis is the only pack in Auster. There are several packs in Boreas, though I'm not sure exactly where they are. I would prefer to try against a pack closer to us, but I suppose it all comes down to what we're trying to take. For that, I want two volunteers to go and scout out the other packs, find out their locations, any potential resources, or anything else of value. The pair must do so quickly and discreetly, and report back to me, then we'll go from there. After that, we'll discuss more of an action plan. For now, I need two volunteers to take on this task, and I'd also like to see who would like to participate. I'd also like to throw out there, that participants have the potential to be promoted. And there are plenty of higher ranks looking to be filled."

Unless of course, they all wanted to remain in their current ranks. But who wanted that? If there was an opportunity to rise, why not take it? At least, that's how he saw it, anyway. Throughout the meeting, he left plenty of opportunity for others to speak, and he was ready to listen to them. He stood there, scanning the crowd as he waited to see what they had to say. Hopefully, they would take all of this seriously, because he was done playing around.


OOC// Alright, so sorry for the major delay guys! I know this is late AF! Second round posts & responses are required! PM me or Skype me if there are any questions and stuff. Dragon will most likely respond when needed to each member so there won't be a posting order. Stacked posts are okay too, (ie Kharnage asks something, then dragon responds, then kharn posts again) it's all good, let's get this going yeah? It could be fun! Posts due by 2nd round posts due by May 17th!
Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



6 Years
05-08-2017, 01:17 AM
the colors of my life
are painted in black and white

She sat quietly and ears perked as Dragon greeted her. She turned her head in what she hoped was his direction and smiled. "I'm glad I can be here." She told him with a slight wag of her tail. She still felt awkward being surrounded by strangers. This was the second time she'd had to do this even though, for now, it was temporary. She wasn't sure if she'd stay here, but she was appreciative of the chance to stay here for a little while. The plains were more abundant than she could have imagined and the chance to work with so many herbs in one place was amazing.

Other's filtered in and she listened idly as they greeted one another. Finally it seemed like everyone that was coming was here already. She sniffed around and was surprised by the amount of scents that surrounded her. It seemed as though Dragon had a large pack. The meeting finally started and her ears flicked forward as she listened intently. She would have greeted the two new wolves who had literally just joined, but she couldn't pick them out from the rest and so she sat quietly instead. Then he introduced a male named Ankaios and then herself. She felt the heat rise to her cheeks. It faded quickly as Nox bumped her. These would be her pack mates for now so she'd have to get over it. At least they wouldn't question her presence now in the pack like she'd worried about.

Then he moved on, talking about training and things she hadn't been here for, so she didn't concern herself with it. She was here to train some apprentices, but she made a mental note not to disappoint him. The fact he was putting so much responsibility on her shoulders made her feel like there was no other option. His pack needed healers and she found herself agreeing with him. Even though it may not be the subject they wanted to learn at the very least first aid was important.

She almost thought the meeting was over after that, but then Dragon started talking about one other thing. The mention of a raid caused her ears to flick back nervously as she thought about it. What had she gotten herself in to? Dragon seemed fairly nice, but as he talked she became more open to the idea. Resources were a need and practice was as well. It wasn't like they were gong to go destroy a pack just because they could. And then he asked for volunteers to go scout out the packs. She wasn't sure what possessed her to do it, but she opened her mouth. Once the words started spilling out there was no stopping.

"I could go scout out one of the packs in the southern half of Boreas. I passed one on my way here and I smelled a good variation of herbs in their lands. Prey too if a hunt is what you're after. I doubt anyone would cause me any trouble." After all, who would bother a blind woman? She could at least somewhat defend herself too after Xephyris had the fight training that one time and her fight with Nixie hadn't turned out terrible either.

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Armai has a female snow leopard companion that goes by the name of Nox. It can be assumed that she is always with Armai unless otherwise stated.



5 Years
05-08-2017, 01:37 AM

As Kharnage sat next to Dragon, his brother insisted the meeting would be a good one and Kharn grinned toothily at him. If he said it would be good he believed it and he couldn't wait to get started. Afrit arrived, and then a silver woman he'd never seen before. He glanced to his sibling before studying her and, most importantly, the cat at her side. It was similar to Dragon's except closer to the woman's color and a lot more fluffy than Dragon's friend. He spared them one more glance before watching as others filtered in.

His attention flitted to Faine as she arrived and surprise took over as he stared at the woman. He hadn't expected her to be here, but a part of him was glad she was. He flashed her a welcoming grin before letting Dragon take over and do all that boring alpha greeting stuff that he was obligated to do. He didn't envy Dragon's job one bit - it seemed tasking, but he was glad Faine was here.

In the mean time another familiar face had arrived and yet it was one he hadn't expected to see. He spotted Ramsay, one of Liar's children, as he came and sat near him. Was he joining them again? Kharn had no objections so he flashed the kid a welcoming look. "Hey kid, good to see you around again." Not that he was really a kid anymore, but it was a friendly greeting nonetheless, at least in his eyes.

He missed Greed as he came over to sit too and instead focused on Dragon and Faine again as he heard his name. Charcoal colored ears flicked forward with interest as he eavesdropped. Was it really eavesdropping? He grinned back at Dragon as he turned around to look at him. His eyebrows waggled jokingly. He wasn't so useless. Yeah he hadn't been around the pack much, but he'd at least been successful with recruiting so he felt like that partially made up for it.

Finally the meeting started and he introduced the new members, including the woman with the cat. His gaze fell on the star colored wolf first, the male, and he studied him. So he was a healer too? He observed the silver woman before his attention turned back to Dragon. Seemed like they were having a good season with new members. And then there was the complaining about mentors. He knew he was a part of the blame in this. He spared a glance at Greed and inwardly cringed. He'd almost forgotten that he was supposed to train the younger male - whoops. He was apologetic at least as he looked back at Dragon - it seemed as though he'd be sticking around for a while to make up for it.

And then lastly the exciting thing his brother had mentioned. He grinned again as he mentioned a raid and his tail thumped excitedly. Now that's what they needed - a little bit of chaos. There were a few packs they could go after and, even though they didn't need resources right now, you never knew what could happen in the future. Dragon left the floor open for others to volunteer to scout and his head turned as a wolf he least expected to offer volunteered. He was surprised, but he could see how she'd be useful. She was small and judging from the way he noticed she didn't focus on any one thing he had a feeling she had eyesight problems. Maybe like Okami, or maybe she was completely blind? Either way she'd be a good candidate so long as she could pull it off. he could scout as well, but he had a feeling his temper would get him in trouble.

"I'm probably the wrong wolf to go scout, I might piss someone off, but I could go anyways. If not I'm more than happy to participate in the raid at least."

Walk, "Talk" Think

Warning: Most of Kharnage's posts are rated M for mature language.
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4 Years
05-08-2017, 01:45 AM

Afrit sat quietly by the new wolf until Okami came and sat with them. She offered a happy grin to her sister as she came and sat near Ankaios. It seemed as though she already knew the star-man. She then watched as others filtered in. There were at least four new wolves total, one with a pretty cat similar to Dragon's, and then some old faces returning. Finally Arke appeared, running rather later with her mother and Greed, and he flashed him a smile too as he came to sit next to her.He seemed guilty, but he was lucky. Nothing had started yet.

"No you're good, the meeting hasn't started yet. It's good to see you Arke."

Finally the meeting started and she listened to everything Dragon had to talk about. Between the mentors and the new people it seemed exciting. Then he mentioned a raid and she couldn't help but get excited. She didn't know a whole lot about fighting, but this would be a good way to test her skills and see what else she could learn later on down the road, right?

"I'd like to participate in the raid too if that's okay!" She offered after the new woman and Kharnage had spoken.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: JQXUdOq.png]



8 Years
05-10-2017, 12:57 PM
So there were even more wolves joining them, Oracle realized. She looked towards each individual as they were mentioned, many of them wolves she hadn’t interacted with at all. At the mention of training she frowned, glancing down at Bubo. Surely she could have been helping with that, right? Yet she hadn’t been… Oracle frowned, ears twitching as she glanced back to Dragon with uncertainty. Another thing she had noticed was that Gala wasn’t here… and that worried her. When had he slipped away from the rest of them? How long had he been missing?

Her mind trailed off after that, guilt eating at her. Had she been so oblivious to how the pack had been that she lost track of her brother once more? She sighed heavily, slowly lifting her gaze as Dragon said the pack had to start acting like a family unit. There was even talk of wolves potentially leaving the pack… and Oracle furrowed her brow at this. Had that been what happened with her brother? Something more? She fidgeted a little bit, listening on.

A raid… She wasn’t entirely sure how she felt about that, but she knew in her heart that wolves were bound to take resources from one another. Glancing at Bubo she saw a bright look in the owls eyes and gave a small nod. So be it.

“I’ll participate in a raid.” She said, speaking up. “…though I’d recommend going against any larger packs if we can. Talis is relatively small… and there are a lot of youths among us. Whoever scouts will need to get a good idea of the number of able bodied warriors these other packs have.”



7 Years
05-12-2017, 12:03 AM
Emerald green eyes gazed around at all the wolves gathered, as it seemed Dragon was busy for the moment going to greet some newcomers. There were so many different wolves, and so many faces that she recognized, but didn't know. For some, she couldn't even put a name to a face, nevermind say she knew anything about them. Boy, she really needed to get out and about... but she loved exploring on her own, too. Her eyes came upon a fascinating, starry wolf. She eyed him for a few moments, before looking around to some of Avalon's kids, and then noticing a female wolf sitting with a fairly large feline. How interesting, she'd never seen that before. She glanced to her mom as she finally arrived, and she peeked her head around Steel to look at Esarosa. "About time, mom!" the girl teased, pressing against her father. The young woman turned her head as she noticed Dragon return to his position at the head of the pack, and it seemed he was finally ready to start the meeting.

Of course, as the meeting began, it happened to be about some boring stuff she wasn't really interested in. At least she understood more of it, not like the last meeting she'd been to where things just went right over her head. Still, it wasn't as exciting as she thought it'd be. Until he mentioned apprentices, and she sat up to attention. As he began to address the mentors, she looked around for her own, ears folding back when she realized Gryphon wasn't even here. Did he not want to be part of this pack? Who was going to teach her if he wasn't around? But Dragon began making some pretty serious demands on his pack members, to ensure that training took off more seriously, and also making sure that apprentices did their job to educate themselves by attending all pack gatherings. Her teeth clenched, and she absently nodded her head as she listened to Dragon speak. It was about time she got serious about training, instead of just goofing off and exploring. It was fun, but it wasn't what she really needed to be focusing on.

Lastly, Dragon started to talk about a pack raid, and the need to scout out other packs and get information. Sterling blinked, thinking it over in her mind. As she listened to the others agree to a raid, she felt an excitement stir within her. Oh, she definitely wanted to participate in a raid,
even if it was new to her. But what about that scouting thing? She really enjoyed traveling and exploring. It would be perfect for her! She stayed quiet only a moment longer as she looked at the woman with the feline companion offer to go scouting, and then Dragon's brother Kharnage put up an offer. "I'll go!" she suddenly called out, bouncing to her paws and stepping forward, "I can spy on other packs, and see what they have that we need. And I'm really good at remembering landscapes and other details." She looked to Dragon, her eyes brimming with excitement. Would it be okay for her to go, or would they think she was too young?



6 Years

05-12-2017, 12:18 AM (This post was last modified: 05-12-2017, 12:19 AM by Esarosa.)

As Esarosa seated herself, she glanced to Sterling with a smirk as the girl teased her. Okay, so she was a little behind everyone else. But at least she was here! She looked around the pack, realizing how much she'd been missing out on. She hardly recognized anyone. Normally she was one to host pack hunts, and she got to know faces very well. Right now, she felt so out of the loop. Well, it was time to fix that and get back to normal. Her eyes caught sight of a starry-coated wolf, and it threw her off for a minute. He kinda looked like Mithras, but it definitely wasn't the same wolf. How odd that yet another wolf had that intriguing starry coat. She wondered if they were somehow related. Her tail flicked, curving around her body as she watched Dragon stand in front of them all, and start the meeting. Her eyes moved around to each wolf as the Alpha introduced newcomers, and one possibly returning wolf - she eyed the young male, remembering seeing him around when he'd been younger. She wasn't sure what had happened to him and his family, but she supposed it was good that he'd returned and hadn't simply gone missing.

Then Dragon spoke of apprentices and mentors, and Esarosa nearly shrank where she sat. She hadn't been doing her part as a proper mentor, and she felt terribly. She would really have to step it up after this meeting. She should be training her own daughter, Jade, but she had a duty to the other youths in the pack as well. She nodded to herself as she briefly began to think about where she would hold her next hunt - where had she seen suitable prey last? That would be her next duty after today. Also, she needed to attend training for fighting and healing, as she had very, very little knowledge in either.

Next to come up was the topic of a possible raid. She perked, interested by the idea, but not sure if she was suited to participate in such a thing. She'd always been a hunter, never a fighter. Would she be of any use, or would she just make it harder on her packmates? While she didn't oppose the idea of a raid, she couldn't see herself being useful in it. Perhaps she would be one to stay behind and keep an eye on their borders while the raiders went out. Then Dragon mentioned that he needed wolves to scout the other lands, so they knew what they were getting into. Again, she didn't see herself suited to such a task. Besides, she didn't want to spend time away from the pack now when she really needed to focus herself. She also needed to be with her family more. When Sterling stepped forward to offer herself for scouting, Esarosa was taken aback. Surely she was too young and inexperienced to be considered for such a daunting task. What would happen if the scouting wolves were caught by other packs? "Sterling, please..." she whispered to her daughter, although it seemed the excited girl wasn't hearing her - she glanced to Steel, "This isn't a good idea.." Was she just being too worried? But she couldn't help it. She didn't think this was the right thing for Sterling to do.

"Speak" "Listen" Think
[Image: JA7MsGH.png]



4 Years
05-12-2017, 01:00 AM

He'd been a little overly self-conscious while walking into a meeting that he didn't necessarily belong at. However, he wanted to be here, and with all the familiar faces gathered around, it almost felt like he'd never left. In fact, after his father had disappeared on him, he couldn't really remember much of anything beyond that point; after all, he'd spent most of his time seeking out mind-altering herbs, keeping himself numb and terribly pre-occupied so he didn't have to think about all of the untruths and failures in his life. Now that he was here, he could hardly remember being anywhere else. When Kharnage greeted him, as much as he didn't like to be called a kid, he couldn't help but to sit up a little taller, even if he did offer a really toothy grin, one that almost bordered on a snarl. It was a rather proud, egotistical look, but it also reflected his appreciation of being recognized, not only that, but welcomed as well.

That was when he noticed his own brother arrive, and his eyes locked with Greed's. He noticed the snarl upon his brother's face, and the way that the boy's eyes never left him. Clearly, he'd been noticed. His black-rimmed ears folded back, unsure of what Greed thought about him returning like this. Did Greed hate him? Was he pissed? But why? Ramsay's brow furrowed and his tail flicked, feeling the urge to pull back his lips and flash his fangs at his brother. Wait a minute, why would his brother be mad at him? What had he done? Was Greed actually mad because he'd chosen to stay with the pack when his whole family gone elsewhere? Ramsay refused to be under fire for such a thing. He glared one more time at Greed, noticing that smug, toothy grin that his brother bore... before looking to the Alpha as he approached and started the meeting. He and Greed could talk after this.

Ramsay was surprised when Dragon addressed him, asking if he was just visiting. So he sat up straight and puffed himself up, his black paws drawn tightly in toward his hay-colored body. "Here to stay," he replied proudly. Then he fell silent as the rest of the meeting pursued, the usual boring stuff, but some more interesting things too. Although he had just returned, and hadn't even been sure of himself when he'd first crossed the borders, he found himself wanting to participate. He wasn't sure where he would fall as far as apprentices, but he certainly didn't want to be deadweight. No matter his place in the pack, he would go to any training sessions and make himself useful, just like he'd always imagined. And he didn't want to just be useful. He wanted to be admired. He wasn't going to get to that point if he just sat around doing nothing. So he made not to himself to pay attention to anyone who called for training... and maybe he'd initiate some things on his own.

His head tilted, and an intrigued grin spread across his maw when Dragon spoke of raiding. Oh, he was definitely interested. He wasn't sure about spying. He'd stand out too much. Too many wolves knew his father now after the challenge he'd made toward Celestial, and he looked just like his father besides the wild patterns. But a raid, he could definitely participate. "I'm all for a raid!" he called out, glancing around at his packmates, and he found himself glad to be part of this group again.


All of Ramsay's siblings are allowed to enter any of his threads, regardless of whether the thread is private or not!



5 Years
05-15-2017, 11:06 PM

Her carmine eyes found the face of Kharnage again as Dragon spoke to her, watching as he flashed her a rather welcoming grin and she smiled back at him in a friendly gesture. It seemed that the Alpha was rather pleased that his brother had brought in a new recruit, that new recruit being her. The brown male greeted the other fae who had appeared and then he decided it was time to start the meeting. She sat still and her gaze followed the male, keeping close attention to his words as the meeting would begin. Things seemed to be going well in this pack from what she heard, this was the only pack on Auster and therefore there were no close enemies. As Dragon spoke, she noted everything down in her mind. Talis had been quiet, too quiet for his liking and he wished for more training and spoke about how duties needed to be fulfilled. She wanted to do that, she wished to work hard for this pack and make everybody proud, she wanted to make a name for herself. The brute had introduced the other female named Fern and herself, and she nodded in acknowledgment to his words. She would speak with him privately about her rank, how she would do as a healer for the pack. She continued to listen and noted how he wanted to conduct a raid on one of the packs in Boreas. A female with a feline companion volunteered to scout out one of the lands, as well as Kharnage. Faine flicked her tail, "Though a new member, I'd like to somehow participate or give my aid in this raid." she said finally, perhaps she would not do much in a battle but she would help those who would become wounded if that made any difference.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: hQBYkJZ.png]
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10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
05-21-2017, 04:03 AM
It didn't take long for some of them to respond, but he was very surprised when Armai was the first to speak. He looked at her as she offered to scout out one of the southern packs, though he had no idea what packs those were, he nodded. Oh wait...she couldn't see, that's right. He needed to remember that..."Thanks Armai, lemme think about that for a minute." He replied, and think on it he would. Next, Kharnage and Afrit would speak up, and Dragon's tail wagged at the enthusiasm from them both. He knew Kharnage was pretty headstrong and always looking to stir things up, so he chuckled when he offered himself as a scout but also at the fact that more than likely he probably would piss someone off. "Kharn, we'll save you for the actual raid part, year?" He stuck his tongue out, then turned his attention to Afrit. "Afrit, if you want to participate, then I don't see why not. You're old enough now, and you could use the experience." He mused. They all could, though his other siblings seemed a bit uncertain. They hadn't spoken up yet, so perhaps they were simply waiting to see who else would go along. Next, his aunt had spoken, advising about going against larger packs. He nodded in thought, of course! He wouldn't put them all at risk by going against a pack that would easily overpower them, "Don't worry, that's why we're scouting them out first. I don't know what packs are out there, so we'll be doing some investigating before we make a move." He was glad she had advice, and also glad she was willing to participate. And it seemed, so did Ramsay and Sterling. He looked at Ramsay first, nodding and grinning before his attention turned to Sterling who offered to scout as well, even though her mother didn't seem too happy about it. "Thank you Sterling," He looked at Esarosa then, an understanding look in his eyes. "Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to her, I'm sure she can handle things pretty easily." He winked, though now that he got an idea of the amount of willing participants, he started to get an idea.

Before he said anything though, Faine spoke up. He was impressed that one of the newer members wanted to be a part of it, "I appreciate it, Faine, we'll speak after this meeting in private so we can figure out what you'd like to do." He still didn't know quite yet what position she'd like, especially since he didn't know if she was looking to be a fighter or something else. "Alright, I've got a plan so far. Armai, you'll go to the first pack and I'm going to follow you as back up in case something happens," He instructed, then he turned to Sterling, "Sterling, you will go to the next pack. I'll have Kharnage follow you." He looked at his brother then, a knowing look in his eyes, "Kharn, tail her from behind and stay out of sight. Don't start anything unless she gets into trouble." He doubted that she would simply because she was young, but one never knew...He waited to see if there were any protests about this, or if anyone else wanted to participate. "If anyone else wants to participate, speak up so we can go on with our day. If there's enough numbers, then I'll call another meeting once our scouts come back."
Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
05-27-2017, 03:25 AM

Everyone came. Almost, everyone. She noticed Gryphon was not among them, and wondered where on earth he was. It wasn't like him to miss a meeting, but before she could dwell on it longer, it had begun. She listened quietly to her son, and an approving smile showed as he took charge of the meeting like a leader should. For his first meeting, she was impressed, though felt bad when he made mention of the lack of training among them. She knew she was at fault for that too, and had to step up her game to get Afrit promoted in time. She glanced at her daughter, an apologetic look in her eyes before turning her attention back to Dragon. He spoke about several things, though the tail end of it when he talked about a raid was intriguing. When she first talked about it back in Ivalice, there was hardly interest. Then again, she didn't have many fighters. Most of them were too young and inexperienced, but now? It seemed the majority wanted to try their paw at it, and it made her proud. Kharnage and Afrit were among the first to speak up, and she grew worried. What if something happened to them? She almost spoke against them going, but her mouth closed. No, they were old enough, and she couldn't keep them from doing what they wanted to do forever. It was their choice, though she would protect her babies as best as she could. "I will join as well. I'm not the best fighter, but I do hold years of experience." She nodded firmly, sure in her decision. "However, I think we should wait until the next season comes. Prepare ourselves before anything."

"Talk" "You" Think


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