
Let's Start A Riot! [Raid meeting]



7 Years
06-28-2017, 01:11 AM
Sterling sat quietly and listened as the meeting commenced, finally getting the chance to catch her breath. As Dragon mentioned the lack of drinking water and herbs,
she found herself nodding in agreement. After spending just a short time in Boreas, traipsing through the snow and enduring the cold, she'd forgotten how hot and dry it was here. It was the complete opposite, and the packs of the other continent certainly had resources that they could use. Her throat was dry from her run here, and it was apparent by Dragon's tone that it wouldn't be easy to just find a drink and continue on with the day. They were reaching a point of desperation in Talis. Thus came talk of the raid that was imminent, and the scouting missions that had proceeded since the last meeting.

That was when Sterling really perked up and paid attention. She had literally just arrived back, and she had things to share with Dragon. She wished she'd been back a little sooner - was she going to have to talk in front of all these wolves? - but she supposed she'd have to just deal with the situation as it was, as the Alpha was wasting no time. Ears flicking as she listened in, she was surprised to hear that Armai had been met with hostility as she'd scouted the other pack in the west. She herself had met someone from that pack, and he'd actually taught her a small bit about herbs, well, more than she had known before anyways, which was nothing. She wondered who Armai had come across. Perhaps that pack was very protective of their borders. It made Sterling wonder if it would be a good idea to face a pack that was so strongly protective. But then again, was a raid of any sort going to to be without risk? She shook her head to her own question, letting any doubts be replaced by ambition - this raid was going to offer so many possibilities. The risk would be worth it.

As Armai finished speaking, Sterling realized it would be her turn to speak next, and she felt the spotlight as Dragon turned his attention to her. Suddenly overly aware of her youth and inexperience, she felt nervous to give forth any information that may influence the decision of the pack. She swallowed with some difficulty as she stood and looked to Dragon. "I came across Lirim in the west also," she said, trying to keep her voice smooth and stop herself from stammering,
"They didn't seem overly hostile, and... I could smell water, so much water. There were so many trees and other plants. I bet there's so much prey there. Maybe herbs as well. They don't seem to be lacking anything." She took a deep breath as she finished speaking, blinking emerald eyes as she took a step back and seated herself, not allowing herself to look around. Had she brought back enough information, or were they expecting more?

Luckily, Dragon took over the meeting once more before her mind could go racing. He addressed the pack, asking the other wolves if they had any information on the other packs, so they would have options to choose from. It was up to the rest of Talis now to decide upon what they wanted to do,
with the information they had so far. Sterling would remain silent, waiting to hear the comments and opinions from the rest of the wolves.



8 Years

Trick 2019
06-28-2017, 02:07 AM (This post was last modified: 06-28-2017, 02:16 AM by Tealah.)
Dragon and Avalon seemed to be pretending that the meeting with Lykos had never happened - or at least, neither his brother nor his mother seemed to be acting as though anything had changed between then. Strange... to Gryphon, it seemed as though everything had changed. He eyed them both impassively a moment before turning his attention to the rest of the pack. Several were strangers, including one strangely-colored and -marked male that drew his curious attention. They all seemed to be anticipating something with various degrees of excitement or dread, and Gryphon felt a shiver of apprehension. What did they know that he didn't? What had he missed at the last meeting?

It seemed to take entirely too long to find out, as the pack trickled in so, so slowly to take their seats. But finally the meeting began, and Gryphon found himself staring at Dragon with an expression gone completely neutral with incredulity. He held his peace through the presentations of the two apparent scouts, though, turning that same impassive gaze to both a stranger and one of Esa's pups in turn as they spoke, but finally Sterling concluded and he could stay silent no longer.

"Let me see if I have this right," he began with only a dry tone to his voice. "We live on a continent with more plant life than the northern continent will ever see and multiple forests and water sources much nearer to us than the western packs, and you want everyone to risk their lives raiding packs in Boreas for herbs and water?" Towards the end the neutrality cracked and his incredulity snapped through his voice. "Its the middle of winter up there. They will have less herbs than we do! At least we still have herbs in the forests, they don't even have that. And their water is going to be as hard to find up there as it is here if not more so. Everything is frozen. There's snow everywhere. The pack is already going to be tired from a long journey anyway but trudging through snow the whole way is going to be even worse, and then you want them to fight after that? So you will drag the pack up there only to not find the resources you claim we need. We'll be dead tired, fighting in cold weather aren't used to against fresh wolves who are used to the cold. Wolves will get hurt, maybe maimed, maybe killed, fighting another pack for nothing. Are we going to climb down into their dens to take their stored herbs? Because that would be suicide," he added. "Neither of these packs has done anything to us, have they? except one who chose to defend themselves from our trespassing. And as soon as we raid one of them we make a possibly dangerous enemy. Hell can you really honestly claim that someone would have gotten off easier trespassing here? They would be chased off with tooth and claw, or captured, not just shown hosility. Trespassing, Dragon! You sent an untrained yearling and a blind woman to antagonize other packs to see what would happen and you are surprised when one doesn't send you flowers? Someone could have been killed." Incredulity, and now a healthy dose of disappointment in tone and expression.

This was what had changed in him that day, when he had challenged to take control of the family from Avalon. No more was he willing to sit back and accept things just because a family member said that was the way it would be. He would work to protect them from a continuation of the bad decisions and unsound thinking that had plagued their leadership since they had left Imperium. This was a bad idea, wolves he cared about would be hurt, and he wasn't going to just sit there like a good little child and hope someone else had the courage to say something. Yes, Dragon was alpha, but Gryphon would be damned if he didn't call him out on one of his idiot schemes. He'd be damned if he would sit there without questioning an obviously flawed decision just because Avalon had decided the pack should be run by an irresponsible boy without experience. If no one attempted to rein him in now who knew what would happen once Dragon got the bit in his teeth? Yeah, maybe Dragon would be embarrassed and pissed that he would call him out in front of the rest of the pack, but he kept his black-and-golden head high, meeting Dragon's gaze challengingly. Obviously someone in their family needed to.



5 Years
06-28-2017, 03:05 AM (This post was last modified: 06-28-2017, 03:14 AM by Shrapnel.)
Rated M for lots of cussing

Kharn sat quietly until Dragon started the meeting. Naturally it was about the raid and he listened as his sibling spoke. Eyes gazed briefly over the blind healer Dragon had accompanied to one of the packs as he told the pack of how they'd threatened her. Kharn wasn't even that much of a dick to beat up somebody that couldn't see, but she had trespassed so he shrugged it off. She wasn't harmed, she looked perfectly fine, and that was the end of that. The only useful information she provided was that they had herbs and it sounded like the pack, except for the one rude ass kid, was just a bunch of lazy fucks who couldn't be bothered to deal with a trespasser. Sounded pretty easy to him.

The male's ears then flicked towards Sterling as she added in the details from her part of the scouting mission. Their pack had plenty of food, herbs, and water and wasn't overly hostile. She'd been met by multiple wolves and just because they hadn't been hostile didn't mean they were lazy like the other pack. They'd at least made the effort to show up and Sterling hadn't even crossed their borders. So which pack to vote for? Lirim sounded like it had more than enough to share, but the other pack sounded easy.

His thoughts were interrupted as the last wolf he expected to speak broke the silence. The dry tone to his voice wasn't a good indicator and his muzzle wrinkled in distaste as he waited to see where his other sibling was headed. He never knew how to feel about Gryphon. The most time they'd ever spent together was when they were both sick and he didn't call that brotherly bonding at all. Then Gryphon had always appeared to be all buddy buddy with Lykos which didn't help his case at all so Kharn had never much tried to fill the distance. Either way he suspected whatever the other male had to say wouldn't help their relationship any.

And he was right.

As Gryphon finished his little seen a loud growl rumbled from his chest and escaped into the air. Brother or not Kharnage didn't right much care. It was one thing to get his point across but being an insufferable, know-it-all, prick about it wasn't helping get his point across at all. He hadn't even shown up at the last meeting!

"You know, maybe if you'd fucking shown up to the meeting previous to this one you'd be less out of the loop but let me just go right ahead and educate you." He growled. "For one that blind woman" he pointed to Armai for emphasis "volunteered to go. She knew what she was signing up for and she had plenty of times to back out. She has a fucking leopard as a friend for fucks sake. I'm sure she can handle herself just fine and Dragon went with her. I'm convinced she has more balls than you at this point." He paused for only a second to let the insult sink in. "Second, if you've ever been in the western part of that continent, not all the water sources are frozen, dumbass. There's these magical things called rivers and then there's a whole fucking desert next to their nice and pretty little territories so it's not as cold as where we used to live. So sorry you took after our piece of shit father, obviously, in the fur department but I highly doubt everyone is gonna fucking freeze to death over a couple inches of damn snow." He wasn't sitting any more as he stared his sibling down with a challenging glare. "And on that topic, spring is right around the damn corner. It's obvious snow would be fucking awful to fight in so we just leave then. We wait in a loner territory while everyone recuperates, and then attack once everyone is well rested. And it's not like were fucking taking their homeland from them in a damn siege, we're just raiding them for supplies." He was determined to poke holes in every one if Gryphon's pansy little issues. "And are you really just fucking content sitting here getting fat and lazy and just doing nothing down here? You know what's gonna happen. We're gonna get lazy and comfortable, we're gonna get fat and expect no one to bother us, but the world isn't like that Gryphon. Eventually someone is gonna come along to fuck that all up, so you know what? I think the raid is a good thing. It keeps us fit and on our toes and it's a good pack exercise. I highly doubt one of the squishy little packs in the north is gonna straight up kill any one of us and if anybody can't take a few fucking cuts and bruises then they can go cry about it in some place other than Talis cause this isn't a freeloader pack. So yeah I say we take what we want and you can go be the damn coward that you are and scout Auster's loner territories for herbs while we go take what we want. And if you don't like the way Dragon leads or the ideas he proposes then you can fuck off with wherever Lykos' fucking ass disappeared to and just stay fucking gone cause I think it's about time wolves around here stop thinking they can just say and do whatever the fucking hell they want. Both you and Lykos talk to Dragon like he's some fucking little kid and not an alpha of a pack and then you sit here and undermine him in front of an entire pack. An entire pack.. If I was in charge I'd have your tongue ripped from your fucking skull and chased from the pack territory, family or not." He paused to then look at Dragon. He was probably about to be that devil on Dragon's shoulder than pushed him to be far harsher than he was originally, but Kharnage didn't care. He was on a roll now. "That's the second family member that has just straight up just barreled over you like you're not an alpha of a pack, Dragon. How many more family members talking to you like you're shit is it gonna take the rest of the pack members think your incompetent or just think they can talk to you like that? Fuck if he's family or not, it's about time someone is made an example of before you look like a goddamned pushover." It was about time everybody started learning their place. No one else had spoken to Dragon like Gryphon just had yet, but if Gryphon got away with it how long before other wolves thought they could as well?

Walk, "Talk" Think

Warning: Most of Kharnage's posts are rated M for mature language.
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[Image: 0GsPiXm.png]



5 Years
06-28-2017, 03:47 AM

Well, it seemed like Dragon was pleased to at least see her around, which was nice if she had to be honest with herself. After their short greeting she made note of who would follow after her suit. That brightly colored brute, a brown male she had never seen before, and a few wolves she had seen at the first Talis meeting that she had joined.

After them, a familiar face came up to her and she smiled as he sat next to her. Flicking her tail slightly to show that she was happy to see him, “Hey Kharnage,” she said, “I’m doing pretty good,” she said, and she would have asked how he was doing as well but she felt like it wasn’t quite time to start a conversation now. This was just before a meeting and though small talk would be nice right now, she didn’t want to be disruptive or anything either. She could tell that Dragon wanted to speak about something important, so any conversation she wished for would have to be afterwards. Which of course, she didn’t mind because part of her was a bit eager to know what was going to go down.

Dragon first greeted the entirety of the pack and then first began his message, noting that herbs were dried up and water sources were disturbingly low. That she could agree with, as all the valuable herbs in the plains were pretty much dry and dead. There was no nearby water in the castle nor the plains and so Talis wolves would have to travel if they wanted a nice cool drink to try and defeat the rising temperatures of the weather here in Auster. He also went on to explain how the scouting had gone, how he had gone with a woman by the name of Armai and how Kharnage had gone with a youngster by the name of Sterling. She had meant to ask the ashen brute about how the scouting went but had never really gotten the chance. The alpha noted that the pack they had visited had threatened a blind healer, ah, so Armai was blind. Even Faine herself got a little irritated by that, and she was not one to get too angry about things. Dragon continued to allow Armai say anything else she wanted and then asked Sterling about their mission. He then explained how the pack was now going to vote on who to raid.

For now, Faine kept quiet because if she had to be honest with herself, she didn’t know too much about raiding or in fact any packs in the Boreas region. She listened as Armai noted that whoever had threatened her was not the Alpha, which Faine thought confusing as though she was still new to the pack aspect, she would think that it would be the Alpha’s duty to at least deal with trespassers. Sterling reported her trip, Faine took note that they were not hostile and it seemed as if they had many resources. However, Faine found herself being a bit apprehensive due to the fact that the female spoke as if she was not incredibly sure there was more resources there, the use of the words “I bet” and “maybe” didn’t reassure the ruby sylph too much. Not that she held anything against the younger wolf though, maybe she would just have to check in with Kharnage about it later.

Suddenly though, the brown brute spoke up and he ears pricked. She knew that he wasn’t at the meeting last time, so she was unsure if he even had any authority at all. Then again, she had no authority but Dragon did ask for the pack’s opinion. Perhaps she should just keep her mouth shut and listen, and so she did. A few points he made, she could sort of see were slightly true perhaps. The fact that these packs had not outwardly done anything and making an enemy out of them, when perhaps maybe they just needed to take a closer look at the lands before them first… It made sense, but she didn’t want to say anything because what if he was just sorely wrong?

But then suddenly she could hear a growl erupt from the brute next to her. Yes, Kharnage just growled. Her carmine gaze snapped onto his form and she took a deep breath. A mixture of emotions rushed through her veins as she heard Kharnage snap back at the brown brute. Well, there were a few things she could now make note of him. He sure knew how to make use of the word fuck a lot. He definitely sided with Dragon and definitely wanted the raid to go through and to fight, yes he thought it was a good idea. Then there was something about Lykos whom she didn’t really know, and that brutes name was Gryphon… And Kharnage definitely did not like Gryphon, no, he was telling Gryphon to go and to go join wherever Lykos was.

The fae had never really seen anybody that angry before, in fact Kharn wasn’t even sitting next to her but was standing now. As if he was going to do something. She quickly took another deep breath and tried to process what was happening right beside her. She was honestly just very confused at this point because Kharnage just seemed really nice and pleasant around her, how he just changed in mere seconds. She didn’t know how to feel about it but she too stood up and looked at Dragon almost helplessly, she felt like she needed to say something. “If anything, Kharnage and I can go around Auster to see if we can scout out any resources to see if this raid is even worth it.” she finally said, “There would be no promises, but I agree with Kharnage that if spring is approaching in Boreas that we would have more of a chance finding resources than during this season. There would probably be more resources if we went during the spring than the winter, and they’d be much more valuable too. Herb wise, the plants will be newly grown so they’d be stronger and more potent, better than harvested in any other season.” she explained, “If we go through with this raid, I’d gladly be able to help. I’m just a healer, but I can heal the wounded and help look for the best possible medicines. And I can navigate around pretty well too. As for which pack to raid… Perhaps the pack who didn’t have an Alpha answering to a trespasser and then a member threatening a blind woman would be a better shot.” she said, she looked at Kharnage. She didn’t want to barge in no, she just hoped that she could possibly try and somewhat diffuse whatever anger he was feeling. She did just kill two birds with one stone because hopefully, he still wished to go on that trip with her to go scouting and exploring. She just hoped that maybe with her input she would be somewhat useful, but at the same time not seem as if she wanted to become too controlling. If she had to be honest with herself, she was having a hard time even dealing with whatever had just happened, but she was determined to work around it and help out.

Walk, "Talk" Think

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06-29-2017, 10:43 AM
Fern had been sitting in the back, listening quietly, when a few wolves erupted. One male, seeming to be family to Dragon by his scent, burst out and scolded the alpha. Fern rose to her feet during the middle of his little speech, barely hiding the snarl that transformed her features. Family or not, no pack wolf should ever scold their own alpha. This male had quite a few lessons to learn, and she'd be more than happy to teach him. Fern raised her head and looked Dragon in the eye, silently asking what he was going to do. Sure Fern was a new member, but that did not mean her alliegiance was any less pledged. She belonged to Talis, was no more than a tool for her leader to wield. This was all shown in her blazing gold eyes. She wanted to hurt this wolf. He should be punished for being as rude as he was.
Subconsciously, Fern ranked the male below her. She had near zero respect for him.
Every movement of the wolf's jaw set her fur on end, and when he finished, Fer opened her mouth, ready to fire back, when a low growl caught her attention. A dark wolf with crushing blue eyes began to speak.
Every word out of his maw was fire. He was a being of energy and flame and in this instance, hatred.
Fern relished in it.
Every point he made, she felt her entire being agree. She wanted this raid, not just for the joy it gave her, but for Talis' well being. She felt a grin spread across her face, replacing the snarl that had twisted her featured moments before. She sat back down, and met dragon's green eyes once more, showing her agreement and approval. Bowing to either wolf's will would be a sign of weakness, she knew that, so he'd have to find a way to compromise.
When the dark wolf was done speaking, Fern nearly applauded. She opened her mouth again, about to speak, when a crimson wolf-- Faine?-- beat her to it. In all honesty, Fern thought her speech was a tad dull, but she did think that the hostile pack would be the best choice, as Faine did.
Ah yes, finally it was her turn.
Fern stood, hoping the motion would draw attention to her in the back.
"I agree wholly and completely with the past two wolves who have spoken. First off, you there," at this she indicated the insolent male, "should never speak to a higher-up that way. Alphas should never be disrespected by those below them, nor should they stand for it." She looked at Dragon. "And I agree with you," a tail gesture to Dark Wolf, "that we definitely should continue our plans with the raid. The hostile pack seems like the easiest one to raid, as they haven't shown any power or unity. They may have good fighters, but will they be able to work together as a pack? A unit? They haven't shown us any proof they will. The other pack was able to bring a patrol to the border at the scent of a stranger near it. Not a single youngling, but a whole patrol. I'm getting the sense they were very professional about it as well. They may be a tough opponent.
"If I may, I also have some suggestions on how we should go about the raid. I say bring many of our pack, leaving only a few behind to watch for a counterattack. Most wolves will be fighters, but perhaps some, such as myself, who are out of shape, can be something else. Perhaps we can sneak down into their dens after the fighters draw them out, grab what we can, and leave. There could be a deposit spot a mile or so away, out of range of detection, where we set everything down. A guard could be there, ready to howl if the opponent finds it. The thieves would then return to the enemy's territory and basically repeat the process."
Fern finished with a swish of her tail, eyes gleaming with intelligence. It was a genius plan, she thought. Now to see what the others would say.

OOC// Is this strategy allowed in raids? I read the raid section and the fighting guide and it didn't really specify, but I figured it was worth a shot to post.
Okay it did actually specify, but agh I've already posted so I'll just roll with what I said.



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
07-06-2017, 12:51 AM

She knew what the meeting was about. And of course, someone had to speak out. Not just someone, but Gryphon. And of course, he was berating and disrespecting Dragon. A low growl erupted in her throat. So he was still going to be a jerk about things? Regardless of whether it was a family matter or not (which it wasn't), it was a pack matter, and had he been at the previous meeting, he would have known about it. But no, it seemed he simply showed up to stir trouble. She wouldn't get in the middle of it, however. She let Kharnage and the others handle it, and all she'd do for now is confirm that she would go. "Celestial is closer in the west, and there are some wolves we know. Creed lives there, though seeing as how this is simply a raid for supplies and not a siege doesn't matter. I'm going." She said simply. It was about time the pack did something. They didn't want to do anything when she was running it, but it seemed Dragon wouldn't be the pushover that she had been at one point. She listened to one of the newer members (Fern), nodding in agreement. "That's not a bad idea. Perhaps the healers or those unfit to fight who wish to follow can stay in the next territory over to treat those who get wounded, and can help carry back supplies. I'm for it." There. That was all she had to say.

"Talk" "You" Think


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
07-06-2017, 01:10 AM (This post was last modified: 07-06-2017, 03:43 PM by Dragon.)

He waited and listened as the scouts spoke, nodding and thinking. While Celestial hadn't really had anyone to back up the one little punk, Lirim had a full patrol come out when Sterling went to investigate. Sterling however, believed there was more in Lirim for them, and his mind was leaning towards that. But of course, it would slip his mind when Gryphon spoke. Of all wolves, it had to be him. Of course. His brother seemed to love to start shit just like Lykos. They were both such a joy. As Gryphon verbally assaulted him, tried to make him seem like a fool, Dragon found his fur bristling and a snarl appearing, though before he could do or say anything, Kharnage leaped up to his defense. Green eyes never left Gryphon as Kharn laid it out on him, and sadly Dragon had to agree. Gryph hadn't shown up to the last meeting. So it wasn't Dragon's fault nor anyone else's but his own that he was out of the loop. Everything Kharn said was right, and Dragon couldn't have said it better himself. When he finished, Faine and Fern spoke up, the alpha taking into account what Faine said, though he'd dismiss it for now. Fern seemed as adamant as Kharnage, and after his mother, Dragon took the opportunity to speak.

Kharnage was right. Just because they were family, didn't mean he was going to keep taking Gryphon's bullshit. "Kharnage is right. Had you cared enough to be here at the last meeting, you would have known what was going on. I didn't force anyone to risk their lives, they volunteered. But you know what? I don't have to explain shit to you. I'm not going to stand here and let you do what you're doing, so from here on out, you're demoted to Omega." He snarled, tail lashing. While it was hard to make such decisions, Gryphon made it too easy. He didn't think his brother could be like this, but maybe Lykos had put him up to that he thought about it, that sounded logical. His eyes burned with ferocity. Lykos would pay for this shit too, maybe not right now, but he would. For now, he'd deal with Gryphon.

"On top of being insubordinate to your superiors, you've been shirking your duties more often than the pack needs, and haven't been training your apprentice, so thank to you, Sterling is behind on her training. I hope you're proud of yourself." He hissed. Without looking away, he added, "Those who are going to raid, we leave in the spring time. If you're going, speak now. If you're staying or wish to be part of the second party, tell me now. I don't have time to continue with this bullshit," His gaze went back to the crowd then, "Are we going to show our strength as a pack? Or sit here like lazy asses and wait for others to get us first? Because the way I see it, we're a fat rabbit waiting for someone to find us. Now nobody is getting killed, it's a raid for supplies, not a goddamned siege for a homeland. You're going to get a few cuts and bruises, but that's life. So what is it? Live to benefit yourself? Your family? Your home? Or let others walk all over you until there's nothing left?" He of course, wasn't going to wait. So they either chose now, or continued to do nothing. If they chose the latter, it wouldn't be pretty. "Remember, those who go may find themselves in a higher rank. I'd like for you all to start getting up there instead of sitting in the lower ranks forever..." He added that, wondering if that'd pique anyone's ambitious side enough, if at all.

OOC// there will be one more thread after this to gather those who are actually going to participate in the raid. basically a roll call, just a heads up <3


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



4 Years
07-06-2017, 02:35 PM
Ramsay noticed when his brother arrived, and watched with some disappointment as Greed seated himself amongst the others, ignoring him entirely. Then again, he shouldn't be surprised. There was still tension between them, and it was going to take a lot to break it. Black-rimmed ears flicked forward as he moved his gaze over to the Alpha, only glancing around occasionally to watch as the rest of the pack poured into the meeting. At last, things began, and the scouts that had been sent after the last meeting spoke up about their experiences. Ramsay perked with interest, hearing promise in both packs. He wondered which pack they would attack and steal from. Either way, it didn't really matter to him - he was just excited to work his muscles while digging his claws and fangs into the flesh of his enemies.

Suddenly there was a disruption as Dragon's own brother spoke up with a very, very strong opinion, which flew in the face of the Alpha's orders, not to mention the desires of the rest of the pack. He clenched his teeth, muscles tensing and hackles rising as he listened to Gryphon, lips pulling back in a snarl. Was he actually trying to stop Talis from going through with this raid? "If you want to stay home and hide, feel free, coward!" Ramsay threw his voice out amongst the chaos, not knowing if he would be heard, "The rest of us will go fight for the things we need!" The pack wouldn't have considered this raid if they didn't want to do it; they recognized the need for supplies that they were really running low on, and many craved to test their strength against another pack. Had Gryphon spent all of his time inside the borders, blind to the outside? The lands beyond their home had dried up, and the relentless heat had allowed fires to grow far out of control, consuming forests and valuable land where they might have otherwise found herbs or water. Even in areas that hadn't been destroyed by fire, it wasn't safe to travel to if one didn't know their way around well - if one were to become lost in unfamiliar territory, they may find themselves too close to fast-moving fire.

As the arguing was momentarily halted, and Dragon continued on with his plans, Ramsay rose to his paws, feeling more connected with the wolves around him now that they would go through with this raid, squashing the words and opinions of the naysayers. They were not a bunch of slackers and softies just sitting around waiting for things to fall into their lap. They would take what they needed, and they would make their presence known. "I'm going!" he barked, not wanting to be left out of the action. He wasn't going to let anything stop him.
All of Ramsay's siblings are allowed to enter any of his threads, regardless of whether the thread is private or not!



6 Years

07-06-2017, 03:28 PM

Esarosa waited nervously for the meeting to begin, and she noticed her daughter arrived just before Dragon began. News was shared about the scouting missions, Dragon having accompanied Armai on her journey. So, it seemed Celestial was a little hostile. Her nose twitched slightly, not surprised. Her least favourite wolf of all time had lived there, and there were very few wolves that Esa didn't get along with. In fact, Varda might have been the only one. Shoving her personal thoughts aside, she perked up as Sterling said her part; despite being against this whole raid thing, the mother felt a sense of pride. Her daughter had done it - had explored across the lands and come back with knowledge for the pack, and she had done so without being harmed. Maybe she had been wrong to doubt the girl, to doubt this whole raid thing. As she continued to listen, and the wolves around her began to get excited, offering their voices and opinions, Esa began to think that perhaps this raid would be good for all of Talis, particularly the youngsters that would gain experience from this.

And then Gryphon spoke up, and all of her original thoughts and worries were brought up, confirmed by the man's speech. She didn't have time to let her thoughts take hold though, as the meeting suddenly diverged into chaos, the three siblings lashing out at each other, and other wolves speaking up. Her emerald eyes shifted to each wolf in turn, glancing at Dragon as she wondered what the young Alpha would do or say. She didn't like to see such disarray, making her uncertain of who to side with, although it was obvious that no one was siding with Gryphon currently. She looked toward Avalon when the woman spoke up, someone she really respected. Her opinion was clear, and it gave Esarosa another surge of confidence that this raid would be good for the pack. And if Avalon had the courage to go and fight, then she would, too. She was not a fighter by nature, but she wouldn't let Talis down, and if it meant being closer to her daughters, then she would definitely take part. The larger the raiding party, the better chance they stood.

She stood, her tail brushing against Steel as she stepped forward slightly. "I'll go, I'll fight for Talis," she said, looking to Dragon to make sure he'd heard her, before looking back to Steel. Would he be okay with her decision? Would he join the raiding party, as well? She hoped that she had made the right choice, but deep inside she felt she had and she didn't want to feel any doubts about it.

"Speak" "Listen" Think
[Image: JA7MsGH.png]



8 Years
07-07-2017, 12:52 AM

Tensions were running high, and after all was said and done he sat there and watched chaos unfold. His eldest siblings were fighting among each other, the younger boy frowning at it all. He knew two of them didn't like him and the others very much, but he stopped caring about that. He hadn't done anything to wrong them except living, he supposed. So when Dragon made his decisions and asked them again, Arke waited patiently for his turn to speak. Golden eyes watched as his mom spoke, saying she was going, as well as a few others. He peered at Okami, his larger sister apprehensive at the arguing that was going on, though she was standing strong. She had doubted her ability to do much, but last he spoke with her a few days ago, she had said she wanted to try and prove herself. And the way he saw it, if she could do it, he could do it too! "I'm in!" He stated simply, hoping his brother heard him through all the hubbub.



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



5 Years
07-07-2017, 05:39 PM
A few wolves spoke up and she listened to them, keeping quiet for now and noting how Dragon had simply put the brute to omega. She knew not to piss off the Alpha, and it’s not like she ever planned to anyways. “I’ll go,” she said finally, “I can be one of the healer’s who stays back nearby to help the wounded and such,” she said and sat back down. Taking a deep breath, there was tensions in the air but she could deal with it. She would have to mentally prepare for this, and just in case, she would have to prepare or a battle if it came her way.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: hQBYkJZ.png]
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9 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantPride - LesbianCritical Hit!Treat 2019Promptober 2019
07-07-2017, 06:13 PM

Valdís thought she was going to die of embarrassment when she eyed the position of the sun in the sky. Some how she'd missed Dragon's call. She'd been so preoccupied in getting herself settled in that she missed the howl by a good amount of time. Dragon had given her time to get herself settled in so she knew he wasn't going to be mad at her and he already knew she was interested in going on the raid but even so… Valdís had made it a personal challenge to get her den dug and to get to the meeting on time. She failed at that and it made her furious. She made note to train later to work off steam and to make up for this slight in her own goals.

Racing quickly through the castle grounds Valdís expertly picked her way to the meeting. After living in Fenrir's Maw this place was a peace of cake. She saw the group of wolves and slid to a screeching halt, kicking up dust, her claws raking on stone as she cried out. "I'm going!" She was a Crusader, one of the few in the pack and she was going to help in this raid! Suddenly, feeling a bit sheepish she coughed lightly. "Um… hi, I'm Valdís Thyre. New Crusader."

"Talk" "You" Think


07-08-2017, 12:30 AM
Fern had trouble holding back a grin as Dragon did exactly as she'd wanted-- he'd told the insolent fool off. Not only that, but demoted him to Omega status. A new wave of loyalty surged in Fern's very being. Yes, Dragon was younger than her, but he definitely knew what he was doing. He was a good leader. After multiple wolves called out to join the raid, Fern realized that there was no way she could stay behind and be part of the second party. It had been a long, long time since she'd felt the rip and tear of flesh under her teeth. Her decision was rock-solid even before Dragon hinted at promotions. This was her chance. The way things were going, she was going to outrank Gryphon (temporarily, but no matter) and many other wolves if she fought in the raid, and fought hard. Yes, she was going.
"I'm in. I want to be in the first party. Enemies beware." She added that last bit with a crooked grin and an unsettling glint in her eye. She knew her eyes were blazing gold with excitement, and was aware of every move she and the others made. Excitement, pride, and adrenaline were coursing through her veins.
Oh, she was going to make it known to Talis what she was.



6 Years

07-10-2017, 07:33 AM

The only solace he felt was the presence of his mate and daughter - he leaned more heavily than he meant to against Esarosa, his gaze searching the group quietly as he waited. He felt both happy and sad when Sterling finally arrived, for on one hand he always wanted her around, but on the other he'd hoped she might lose interest in this impending raid. It seemed not, though - she moved toward the front of the group, and his hopes faded as she settled down and watched Dragon with obvious interest.

Dragon described what he intended, and what had been done. Sterling had already been scouting? His nose wrinkled, but he remained silent. Potentially raiding the resources of a dangerous pack didn't appeal to him in the slightest, and his stomach twisted with discomfort. His gaze followed those that spoke, resting for a moment longer on Sterling. He was surprised when some wolves, mostly ones he didn't know well - but that was almost everyone - began to openly bicker.

He eyed Esarosa, noting she seemed uncertain too, but she surprised him by offering to go too. His frown deepened. He wouldn't let her, and possibly their daughters go while he sat back and did nothing. "I'll go as well," he spoke, his voice loud but far from certain. He lacked the pride and sureness that was audible in the voices that spoke assent. Some wolves seemed eager to join, but Steel felt nothing but dread - but he would do it for his family, and nothing more.



5 Years
07-10-2017, 08:50 AM

He waited, his body tense, for Gryphon to spout back at him. His fur was bristling and if he had to be honest he was egging for a fight. He hadn't gotten to rip Lykos a new one, but Gryphon would certainly do for now. And then Faine began to speak and his attention diverted to her after a long moment. He was still irritated but his fur began to lie flat once more and he moved back into a seated position as he listened to Faine give her suggestion. They'd planned on exploring anyways so he supposed looking for resources wasn't going to be that big of a deal. At the very least, when they didn't find anything, he'd have fun throwing it back in Gryphon's face.

Others spoke and he listened absentmindedly until Dragon spoke up. He suppressed the smug grin when Dragon told him he was right. Ha! And then more smugness as Dragon demoted him to Omega, just like Lykos. Honestly he'd never minded Gryphon. He'd never felt particularly close to him like he had with Dragon, but he'd never hated him like he hated Lykos. Now? Now it just seemed he was taking the exact same path their brother was.

"Hell yeah I'm going." He finally spoke up after everyone had finished. Even some female he hadn't seen before, but he shrugged it off. Dragon must have accepted her recently, but he appreciated her enthusiasm nonetheless.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Warning: Most of Kharnage's posts are rated M for mature language.
[Image: pQOAuA2.png]
[Image: 0GsPiXm.png]



2 Years
07-10-2017, 09:12 AM
Jade was glad that her mother joined them, then Sterling not long after. Where had Cobalt been, though? The yearling wrinkled her nose in distaste as she watched the wolves trickle in, hoping she'd see her brother among the last to arrive, but she only found disappointment at his lack of presence. Such a bummer. She hoped he was well, wherever he was now, or whatever he was doing. She'd have to ask her parents if they'd heard from him in awhile.

Her attention was quickly captured by Dragon as he began to speak, explaining more about the raid and what they'd have to do. It did sound pretty interesting, and it seemed Sterling was all in. She watched as her sister's ears perked attentively, and finally she joined in to explain what she'd seen. Oh, she definitely wanted to go, now! Even though she wasn't entirely sure what her duties would consist of. She also didn't know what kind of skills she had that might contribute, but she sure was fast.. she could use that in some way, right?

Her focus wavered as some wolves stated to fight among themselves. Jade Aegir had never had much patience for quarreling and she found herself eyeing her parents from the side as they both mulled over everything. It was hard to ignore their discomfort, but she was surprised when they both said they'd join the raid. And, well, if her whole family was participating, she wasn't going to be left out! "I'd like to join, then, too," she spoke out, after clearing her throat, her tail wagging as she looked to both Steel and then Esarosa for approval.

Walk, "Talk" Think



8 Years

Trick 2019
07-10-2017, 01:07 PM (This post was last modified: 07-10-2017, 02:31 PM by Tealah.)
Gryphon did not shift his gaze from Dragon even when Kharnage began his tirade, though his ears laid back and his expression made no attempt to hide his distaste and revulsion at the words. When had his brothers become so... bloodthirsty? So uncaring? They has both always been selfish creatures, but to become... this? They cared so little about anything except their own desires that they would lead innocent wolves into battle for nothing. And then Dragon jumped in, and a hint of a snarl wrinkled the edges of Gryphon's muzzle. Demoted to omega? And what the hell was this about having an apprentice? Dragon had never bothered to inform him of that, though he had been back from the north for a season now. Well, he was sure Dragon would jump right on the opportunity to assign the girl to a mentor who would never ever disagree with Dragon's opinions. Indoctrinate them young, throw any opposition in chains. Surely this would turn out SO WELL for the pack.

"You are so blind, Dragon," he said in a quiet rumble. "I thought it was just that you and Lykos couldn't get along, but now I see this is just the way you are. These wolves TRUST you, and you are willing to lead them into danger for NO reason. By the time you go in the spring, the rains will have already come down here, and there will be water and herbs again. So tell me, Dragon, why are you REALLY so obsessed with raiding this pack? What are you REALLY gaining except enemies who now have a reason to retaliate against the pack? You are a fool, and when you come running home with your tail between your legs and your pack mangled for your PRIDE, you have no one to blame but yourself."

He cast one anguished, pitying glance at the innocents who were putting themselves forward to be injured and maimed because they TRUSTED his family, and turned his back very deliberately to pad away. But at the edge of the group he stopped and speared a hot glare at Kharnage, who had actually advocated RIPPING HIS TONGUE OUT, which was way over the line to psychotic. "You are welcome to try any time. See how far you get. You and anyone else who thinks they can," he added with an unusually cold tone to his snarl, and he continued on his way.

He had lied though; even though he knew it wasn't rational, wasn't logical, deep in his soul he KNEW that the responsibility for what would happen when Talis raided lay with him, not solely with Dragon. They were his family, he should have seen these changes coming and stopped them before it got to this point, but he had been too wrapped up in his blissful fantasy of his that he had missed all the signs. Was it the way they were raised, or bad blood from their ne'er-do-well father that seemed to cause this darkness that lay over them all? Though since Avalon approved so much of Dragon and his leadership, maybe Gryphon couldn't lay all the blame on their absent father, as much as he desperately wanted to do so. But he couldn't deny that this was a direction that Avalon had led them to, and as her son he would have to take the responsibility for what she and her children wrought. Just because Dragon and Kharnage had clearly lost their minds and no longer put the pack's well-being first didn't mean he was going to do the same. He had a job to do, regardless of what rank Dragon tried to shove him into, and he was going back to doing it.



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Expert Hunter (120)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

13 Years
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
07-19-2017, 11:59 PM

Chaos had erupted soon after the meeting started, a brother of the alpha speaking out his contempt for what was coming. The boys lip curled, though he said nothing as the spat went on, others said their piece, and then the male left. Cold blue eyes shifted to those who had spoken, then looked to those who had not before finally resting on his alpha. He was all for this, mostly because he just wanted to fight and release the pent up anger and frustration he had inside. And to prove himself to the pack. "I'm going. I don't care who it is, but I'm going." He sat tall and proud, eager to get started. His gaze would momentarily find his brother. Ramsay had said he was going, so maybe this would be an opportunity for some...bonding. If there was one thing they had in common, it was their desire to fight and prove their strength, and Greed would unleash hell if he was allowed.


Art||Plot with me!

If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
07-21-2017, 02:07 PM

Others chimed in to speak, willing to go on this mission. Before he could acknowledge anyone else, Gryphon spoke again and Dragon simply looked at him with a hardened gaze. "If we come out empty handed then so be it. At least we tried." He'd say simply. Why was his brother so adamant about making him look like he was in the wrong for making decisions with the pack? He had asked them the last meeting, and he wasn't forcing them. Was that all that Gryphon saw? Did he only see what he did when Dragon had been in the presence of Lykos? Sure, he had pride. But he wasn't stupid. The pack was willing to try this, maybe not all of them, but that was okay. He watched the exchange between his two brothers before Gryphon took off, and suddenly this whole spat between he and his brothers was starting to leave a bad taste in his mouth. He hated the distance between them all, but...he had no clue how to fix it and was too proud to ask. Who would he seek help from, anyway? His mother? Lykos and Gryphon already thought her choices were just as wrong as his were, and she had tried so hard to give them a good life...he was sick of it all.

This raid would be something he could vent. Otherwise he'd end up snapping. As others said their piece and their willingness to go, he looked at them all. There were so many, but he'd make it work some how. Before he spoke again, Valdis came crashing into the meeting. He wasn't going to be mad at her, she had recently joined and had probably gotten lost in the castle or something which in turn, made her late. He chuckled at her hasty introduction. "Glad you could join us, Valdis." He looked out over the crowd, "Valdis is indeed, Talis' only Crusader. She'll be leading the raiding party with me, so those who will be in the first party will follow her lead as well."

He fell silent for a moment, assessing each and every member that had expressed their wanting to go. Since there were so many, he'd have to choose who would stay home. "I know there's a lot of you who wish to join in the fighting, but...some of you will have to stay home. I'm sorry." Clearing his throat he added, "Faine, Esarosa, three can lead the second party. I know there's not much, but take what supplies you can and be ready to treat the wounded, if any, and wait in a nearby territory. Sorry Esa, I think you should be with the healers for now, they need an experienced leader to guide them." He winked at her, and knew that the second party were in good paws. He hated that he had to disappoint her, but they had more than enough fighters willing to go, and he wanted to give the apprentices a chance.

"Alright, I think that's it..." He took a deep breath, feeling his heart race with excitement and nervousness and a whole bunch of other things. "Be ready guys, summon those chosen to go when the time comes. You're all dismissed."

ooc//nobody else has to post anymore unless you absolutely want to lol


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.