
A Call to Arms [Abraxas War Meeting]



6 Years
11-25-2017, 12:39 AM

Andras greeted her and she plastered on a sickly sweet smile at his words. "I'm sure you have brother." She purred quietly, but beneath that smile she was quite angry. Abyzou was a mistake, a stain, that had tarnished her reputation. Of course Andras could have possibly heard other things, but Ana's assumptions didn't feel wrong in the slightest. It was a thought that made her blood boil. She didn't handle looking like a fool very well. She was intelligent and bright - she had the sharpest wits in her opinion and she'd been played like a fool when she'd brought Aby into the fold. She'd been tricked by a mortal when she'd believed that the child was a godling. She wouldn't be making that mistake ever again. "Later then." She murmured.

She listened as Amon spoke and Andras placed his tail on top of hers. She gave him a sidelong glance and his actions reminded her of Adra. Her nose wrinkled as she thought of their wayward brother before her attention moved back to Amon. She had not yet come across any of the mortals from the northern packs and she found herself quite attached to the mortal from the southern lands. She had coerced him into things before so there was a slim chance he could be persuaded into bowing to their whims.

She remained silent for a minute to see if anyone else had any options to weigh in. Pyralis spoke first, which wasn't very surprising, and her companion spoke as well. At least she had some valuable information to bring to the table. It made Ana regret that she hadn't been exploring Boreas more. Her lip curled instinctively as the young upstart spoke up next and Ana couldn't help the thoughts that ran through her head. This kid was a baby by all means. Their family was anything but subtle and the thought that they should be subtle cause her nose to wrinkle in disgust. They wouldn't get anything by playing nice and being careful. They deserved these lands and everything they had to offer. The mortals would fall to their knees and the Abraxas would force them. It was that or the mortals could die. Failure was not an option.

The midget weighed in next and Ana listened to his words with far less malicious thoughts. What the brute lacked in size he made up for with his sharp wit and it was something the albino woman enjoyed. The last to speak was one who also seemed rather intelligent, though she couldn't help but wonder if it was necessary. When they'd first come together it seemed as though it had been an unspoken agreement that Amon would lead them, but perhaps it was a necessary evil with more of their clan appearing.

"I have no qualms with Amon leading as head of the family." She said rather dismissively as that was not what she'd wanted to say right off the bat. Either way it was good to get her opinion out in the open so there would be no future complications with others wondering where her loyalties lie. "I believe we should conquer one of the packs in the lower lands of Boreas. There will be very little snow, if not then none, to deal with. It'll make more of an impact among the mortals. I believe we should make a show of force so we can make the largest impact on the mortals. That way there will be no surprise when we come for the rest of them. Maybe they'll get smart and submit without a fight if they have a healthy dose of fear after we've knocked out two or three of the other packs." She said with a wicked grin on her face. "As for the pack in Auster, I do believe their alpha can be persuaded. I say we save him and if you'd like I can try and coerce him into bowing to our cause. If not we can crush him and his entire family."

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: wVgAb8H.png]



5 Years
Extra large
11-25-2017, 02:42 AM
Razi listened carefully to the input of the others, filing away the different opinions. Taking talis still didn't sound like the ideal option to her, it just didn't ring strength and power the way knocking down one of the larger packs up north and crushing them like rubble beneath their paws would. No one would contest their overwhelming power then. And of course, if they wanted to make a name for themselves they'd be better off hitting hard in a place where the news would spread quickly. Talis wasn't going anywhere; they could hit it later after making their presence known. She would admit though that Skia's words resonated with her a bit. They should indeed be tactful in their approach to beginning this potentially long war on the world.

Taking in Apollo's comments Razi awaited her opportunity before taking the same position as Ana, "I agree that Amon should be the one to become our official leader, after all, I don't think any of us had intentions of following anyone else, unless I'm mistaken?" In a group of wild cards it wouldn't be too surprising to have someone step up to oppose Amon's seemingly rightful place as the head of the family, especially with more recent arrivals. Something in the woman figured this wouldn't be the case, however.

"I'd personally like to maintain my position and suggest we look to the north. Attacking there makes the biggest impact, and the biggest name for us in these lands where we remain a rumor. Surely, we must be sure that every action is well thought out. To take the whole of both continents will be an intricate game. Shows of force and good planning will both be necessary..." Pausing, she collected her thoughts and then offered her final concrete suggestion, "There's a pack in boreas that screams weakness to me. Eliminating them would more than likely send a message that we do not tolerate such pathetic creatures in our domain. Even if they are not our first target, and we hit another first on the way, they should be looked at. It's name is Abaven, and their 'Alpha' is small and weak looking."


12-02-2017, 01:55 PM

The titan stalked quietly towards the land bridge. She'd barely been back in Auster, a day at most, and yet she had still been surprised when the call came from where she'd been not even a day ago. She'd been content with heading back towards the canyon where her father had his womb donor birth their litter of her newest siblings, but it seemed as though Amon had different plans. It also seemed as though her own plans would be changing as well. Naturally she had no idea what he was calling for, but it was obvious he was gathering the family once more.

She walked with a fair amount of pride and with a vague sense of worry of how she'd be welcomed back. She'd left without saying barely a word to anyone. She'd felt small and insignificant at one point. Amon's very large paw steps were a lot to fill and so she'd left to learn more on how to improve herself. She wanted to be better than her siblings and far better than those that came before her. She aimed to be an impressive force of nature that would rip through mortals with ease. She wanted to be remembered as something other than just one of Amon's kids and leaving, she felt, had done just that.

She arrived rather late to find most of the family had gathered with quite a few new faces since the last time she'd seen them. She'd managed to arrive just in time to hear the tail end of Amon's conversation, but rather than interrupt she lurked at the fringe of the group and just listen. Needless to say, the Abraxas were going to war and she'd arrived just in time to participate in something she wouldn't miss for the world.

Walk, "Talk" Think