
Burn, or freeze? - Adoptions



8 Years
11-29-2018, 05:50 PM (This post was last modified: 01-03-2019, 02:47 PM by Hannibal.)
OOC Name: Karabearrr
Character Name: Niklaus
Design: (i added some scars)
Appearance: This icy feign stands at a tall 36 inches with an incredibly heavy build. Rigid muscle and thick fur covers this beast. Niklaus is a dense creature made of pure muscle and healthy fat. His form is that of a fighter that uses pure strength rather then swiftness. Though, if need be due to his stamina he could endure cardio just not had high speeds. He is the Wolf you want waiting at a bottle neck for a surprise attack, not chasing the prey. His heft is not the only remarkable feature of this canine. His pelt is a result of long term exposure to radiation and evolution through generations. The base coloration being a midnight black with a wash of a very deep blue. Wisps of a much more lighter blue resembling ice itself sweep across the sides of his form. Along his hackles, ribcage, and even lingering along the face of his front legs. The frosty blue also shows up just below his light blue eyes and giving the illusion of him crying frozen tears.

Niklaus is adorned with numerous scars from his time in the pits. An X on his left rear hip, a scar to represent his affiliation with the gladiator way of life. The rest are scars from battle, scratches on his hackles, legs, and three smaller claw marks on the left side of his muzzle.

Personality: With an upbringing filled of constant rage and bloodshed he has learned to turn off his emotions and become a stone cold beast. When he was an undefeated gladiator in his prime this male was pumped and ready to slaughter at a moments notice. The only form of survival for him was to kill or to be killed. When everyone fled their homeland he was suddenly free of the chains he once bore. Unfortunately years and years of bloodshed, death, and cruelty cannot just disappear at the drop of a dime. The images of the other Wolves he ripped to shreds in the pits haunt him. Every evening when this monster goes to bed the screams and pleas of his victims flicker through his mind. The disgusting chanting of the crowds and their eagerness to see blood spilt sickened him to this day.

Released of his terrible obligations the male is much different. Formerly he was constantly enraged, pumped, and ready to kill. Now, Niklaus is much more neutral in nature. A nameless mutant following his sister and her drama into a new world. The beast is quiet, cynical, and cold to say the least. There is a severe lack of joy within this monster's heart. Riddled with ptsd and continuously fighting the urge to lash out so freely as he once did. This new Niklaus listens and thinks before he acts. He attempts to understand others and perhaps even enjoy conversation. It is hard and visibly so. Humor, joy, and love are very out of reach for Niklaus and he works every day to get closer to at least a sliver of what others feel.

There is a bloodlust that has been drilled into Niklaus' heart that will likely dwell there forever. If someone were to threaten, harm, or attempt to harm one of his family members or pack members he will respond with hostility. The beast will fight the need to rip someone to shreds, but if egged on enough he will try to. It is a constant battle for this haunted Wolf and it only takes one disrespectful being to flip his switch.

Alignment: Somewhere between True Neutral and Lawful Evil. Hes not /evil/ he just had anger issues.
Pack position: Gladiator
History: Niklaus was born into a commoner family in the lesser regions of the North. The Northern Kingdom is usually a rather pleasant place if you could handle the freezing temperature but growing up as a commoner having next to nothing to your name was not. In the very beginning he was forced to fend for himself. He stole from the rich, manipulated his way into getting free hand outs, and delved into the underbelly of crime. Even as a yearling others often noted this male's size for being large. He was tall for a Wolf but also built broad and muscular. One day a grizzled older Wolf offered Niklaus a proposition. If he were to fight in the 'underground' gladiator pits then he would have endless food, shelter, and pleasure. Obviously, he took the offer. What young and homeless boy wouldn't? Thus, he began fighting in the lower level battles. At first he was middle of the road, but as he got better the stakes went up. Soon, he was roped into death matches with no way out. If he fled the city these cruel criminals would send assassins, thus it was either kill or be killed for Niklaus. Every week he would win against other hired gladiators. Terrorized beasts were his toys and his mind was formed into that of a cold blooded killer.

Niklaus was finally set free of this horrid lifestyle when everyone fled the radiated lands. He followed his sister from the North to Boreas to maybe have a normal life for once.
RP Sample: "Niklaus, come check this out!" A beautiful babe called forth to the beast as she trotted towards the tip of the Cathedral Point. For a long few moments the midnight beast remained still, squinting as he watched her white pelt blend into the thick blanket of snow she walked through. The sun shined bright upon them and the freshly fallen snow reflected it in such a way it was almost hard for the mutant to see. His icy blue eyes strained but before this female could get any further he began to follow. His steps were sturdy and his form pristine. Niklaus was weary of what may lie beneath this bed of snow. Dips, cracks, and crevices he was unaware of. His dark pelt was peppered with white as the wind blew strong. Tendrils of his blue fur dances as he walked against the gusts. Due to the terrain of his homeland the beast was very much use to this weather but it got the better of anyone if not careful enough.

Soon he reached the point and moved to stand shoulder to shoulder with his new found companion. It was a female who seemed to take an interest to this odd looking beast. Niklaus had no clue what to make of it and was completely unable to reciprocate her interest in the slightest. The only thing he ever saw in the opposite sex was the opportunity to let off steam in a much less violent way. Thus as she looked to him with this twinkling eyes he ripped his gaze from hers. Not from embarrassment but out of uncertainty. His eyes moved towards the vast ocean before him. Below was a significant drop that would easily bring death to anyone who fell. The scent of the salt water was strong and made his eyes nearly water with it's sting. "Isn't it great?!" With a wagging tail the alabaster femme chirped and he reluctantly looked over to her once again. "Be careful, this is a deadly drop." He was unable to return her glee but was able to care just enough to give a gentle warning. Accidents happened and with how hyper this babe was he feared for her safety while being so high up.
Plots: Despite not being very close when growing up he will follow Kirsi to Boreas and aim to protect her in these new lands. He will not approve of the drama she has 'caused' and will likely place himself into Fyri just to have a home and a sense of self worth. Niklaus will be neutral and make himself busy trying to explore, patrol, and train. Perhaps he and other pack members can do some spars, fighting skill prompts, etc.
Goals: Id like him to be a Gladiator in the pack, get some good fight training in, as well as other useful skills. He could be a good Wolf to rely on for dirty jobs such as chasing out predators and such. Hes honestly free for anything. I really just want him to be a great 'legendary' warrior.
This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



6 Years
Extra large
01-03-2019, 05:05 PM
Ayyyyy Kara, Niklaus is accepted!