
The strength of the pack



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Hunter (155)

9 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterPride - BisexualBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019Promptober 2019
03-02-2019, 03:53 PM
It wasn't long before others started to funnel in, first Cael bounding in with more energy than he could imagine dredging up currently. Either way, he swiveled his head around to grin at her as she wandered up. The expression faltered at Rhea's question and he shook his head, agreeing that he didn't really know them either.  "I know Ignis. He's really cool," he said quietly, gesturing to the red male and offering his friend a slight smile, if he was paying attention. It was hard to ignore his cousin's awkward arrival, noting she seemed uncomfortable - quite unlike herself - and she didn't even bother to come sit with him. He quirked a brow but said nothing, turning to watch Shaye as she spoke up and the meeting began.

He listened carefully, noting various promotions that Shaye issued. He grinned at his sister at her own promotion, and nudged Caelestis lightly at the mention of hers. His eyes widened slightly at the news of him and Peggy, and Ignis, getting promotions as well. Sweet. He was glad his motivation toward training was paying off and being noticed, even if he didn't feel terribly accomplished himself. He wasn't quite sure about competing for another rank, at least not yet, so he was quiet as he glanced over to his cousin - wondering if she would take the initiative. Why wasn't she sitting with him again? Weird.



6 Years
03-02-2019, 09:42 PM


No sooner had he settled down on the outskirts than a truly titanic male appeared, trailed by two rambunctious fox kits. Seeing them skittering about at his heels made the delicate male nervous, tattered ears pressed tightly to his skull. He prayed they didn't come too close. He ended up sat beside the girl who had come before him, shoulders brushing affectionately. Following after the giant, was the tiny form of the woman he'd encountered at his first arrival. She was no longer heavily pregnant, but smelled rather strongly of milk and pups. Oh, she'd given birth as well! The blind woman settled herself near the fringes as well without a word. Next was Miss Vail, who cast a smile to Miss Shaye before she settled down as well. He wondered if he could spend more time with the pale female, and learn some of her trade. It would be good to know how to help, instead of hurting.

A male appeared next, alabaster marked with burnt gold. He was wholly unfamiliar, and settled himself a fair distance from where Epitaph was. Odysseus came next, and part of the waif felt soothed to know that another familiar face was present. Sure, the giant male still scared the crap out of him when he got too close, but he was beginning to realize the male wasn't here to cause harm. When he settled a few feet away, the male's verdant gaze tentatively sought to meet with Odysseus' and offer a tiny smile. He'd been trying to make friends, but he wasn't doing the best so far. Then, a young female marked in shades of brown arrived and settled into the throng wordlessly. She still bore the scent of a loner, faintly.

Spider arrived, the male who had tried to help him in the beginning of his stay. His heart stuttered with excitement, hoping the familiar male would come closer. He was eager to thank him further for his help, and perhaps try to make friends. He'd been so kind, it would be foolish not to attempt to repay him in some way. A trio of brown tinted youths skittered in jovially, not too far apart. They chattered amongst one another as they settled in. Next came an unfamiliar, dark pelted male who was completely unfamiliar. He was completely forgotten as a behemoth of a male entered, coloured like blood spattered snow. The sight of him pulled a whine from Epitaph's throat, though he tried to suppress it. When the male joined with the massive pale beast and the female from Miss Shaye's birth, the distance between them became an assurance. The last straggler came in the form of a pale female, marked with familiar shades of gold that he'd seen similarly on the male earlier. Were they related? She settled down near Odysseus as well, on his other side.

“Thank you all for coming, Winter hasn’t been an easy season, but I have seen many wolves stepping up to face its challenges. It has been decided that there will be a great few changes in Abaven today. Tana, Epitaph and Spider. Today, you will be moving upwards to join the ranks of Ranked healers. It will be your duty to answer calls of aid within Abaven, to practice your craft, and to spread that knowledge to any in Abaven who wish to learn. In lieu of a new one, your rank'll keep the name of Tansy, and the names for apprentices will become Saplings. Congratulations” and just like that, the ebony male was left reeling. Him, a healer? It was unprecedented, really. He wasn't sure what to do with this newfound rank, and worried that he wasn't worthy. Was this no more than pity from Miss Shaye, after he'd spent so long roaming about aimlessly? A reward, perhaps, for caring for the children? “There is still room to grow, and those that wish to move higher in the ranks of healers, speak with me after the meeting” He knew he wasn't ready for such a promotion, but part of him made a mental note to ask about it later on. He did live in her den, after all. For now.

"Thank you," he stammered, desperately trying to conjure up a smile to cover up his deer-in-the-headlights expression. His brain was whirring like the fan of an overheated laptop. Then again, could that simply be her way of telling him to move on? That she wanted her own space, and was sick of caring for him? He was in fair health now, and perhaps had worn out his welcome by this point. The rest of her speech was lost as his brain bounced from possibility to possibility, and dreamed up explanations for her decision.


avatar lines courtesy of trask-klng on dA



2 Years

Treat 2019
03-07-2019, 04:39 PM
The meeting was, to Peggy's surprise and delight, to promote the apprentices to full ranks. She sat up straighter when Shaye spoke her name, and sent a delighted glance over to where her friends were as their names were also called - though she was abruptly reminded of why she had sat away from them when her gaze struck her cousin's face and so quickly returned it it to her paws. She chewed her lip uncertainly when she realized then, that Shaye had made no effort to introduce the news of her pups to the pack. Shouldn't that have been the first thing she had mentioned? Instead she was already moving on to ask for anyone who wished to challenge for the Firethorn rank to step forward, which would surely disrupt the meeting and make any further announcements go unnoticed. Was that the point? To make everyone so distracted that they didn't think to wonder that she hadn't said anything.

Arpeggio raised her head slowly, and her expression hardened into determination as no one else stepped forward to seek the rank. She remembered the conversation she and Corvus had where they had sworn to never again allow their training to be neglected because of someone else, and glanced around at all the other wolves, young wolves like her who's training had been neglected through two alphas, and barely touched with a third. She thought of the two litters of pups in the pack who would need training, and her determination turned to steel.

She marched forward, head and tail high and jaw set. "I would like to challenge for Firethorn. I am young, I know, and I just got my full warrior rank, but maybe a young wolf's energy is what the pack needs right now."



7 Years
Athena I

Samhain 20221K
03-07-2019, 08:12 PM

As the rest filed in, the meeting began and Shaye had a lot to say. He wasn't expecting all the mentions and promotions, but hearing her promoting him made him smile, his tail wagging a bit. He was in a regular hunter rank, but she spoke of a higher rank that was available. He had been doing a lot of work and he felt he should step up more. He was enjoying Abaven and didn't think there would be any change in the future to make him move away. This was after all a pack founded by relatives.

He nodded with a bright smile in thank you to Shaye, but his plans were to stay after and speak with her. To see what he needed to do to get himself into a higher rank. Hunting is where he wanted to stay and he felt he could really do a good job. He wouldn't mind teaching the younger wolves how to hunt and even organizing pack hunts to keep the kill pile filled.




6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
03-07-2019, 08:32 PM

She would every now and then look at the others as they came to the meeting, taking in the faces and taking count of how many would attend. She truly didn't know how big the pack was and she was curious. Uncle arrived shortly after her and she smiled at him as he sat on her right side. Brushing shoulders with her and then nuzzling her gently. Actaea's tail wagged and her smile remained on her face at the greeting. Then once he was settled, her eyes wondered again as more came in. The more that showed up, the more she became uncomfortable. Not used to being around so many wolves and suddenly she was beginning to feel like they were all to close to her. She gave up on watching others filter in, instead looking at her paws. Trying to compose herself and to not focus on everyone who was here. She closed her eyes and kept them that way into the form of her brother gently pressed against her left side.

Then she felt the security being mushed between the two males was all to familiar and was welcome. Eyes opened as she looked to Ignis trying to read what he was feeling. She gently leaned into him more before nudging her nose into his neck. It made her feel a lot better that he was now here. She didn't know the inner turmoil he was suffering, but hopefully it would help ease him. Then the meeting began and her attention turned to Shaye who began speaking. Giving out promotions and opportunities to advance to higher ranks. Shaye singled her out at one point and Actaea's attention was fully on her as she promoted her making her smile and dip her head in a quiet thank you. She also announced that Ignis got a promotion and she looked over to him bumped him lightly with a smile, proud that he to was promoted for all his work.

Then Shaye had finished what needed to be said, but one of the younger wolves spoke out that they wanted to challenge for the second Firethorn spot, working along side Ace.


Boris the Boar and Lorenzo the opossum are assumed to be with her at all times.

Note: I do not have a reference of her scars yet, please refer to her appearance section of profile to read about them



7 Years
03-07-2019, 08:56 PM
Corvus leaned in to tell her he knew at least one of the new wolves, pointing out a boy called Ignis. Oh hey, hadn't she heard that name? Before she could contemplate further, the meeting was underway and she turned to listen as Shaye spoke. A bunch of wolves got promotions, herself included! Wow, Rhea didn't really expect that. She wasn't sure she was the best hunter yet, but she was glad that her efforts were being recognized. Smiling and quietly congratulating Corvus and Caelestis, she felt pretty happy with the direction the meeting had gone so far. True to form, Rhea didn't really feel like trying for a higher rank yet - she hadn't even settled into this one after all - and so would wait quietly while others either spoke up or remained silent.

Peggy, interestingly enough, piped up about challenging for the rank of Firethorn. After a moment's thought, Rhea decided she might do well. Sure, Peggy didn't have the most experience a wolf could have, but she was feisty and passionate from what Rhea has seen of her and that seemed like enough to get her started. Glancing around, the girl wondered who else was going to express interest or stay after.



2 Years
Extra large
03-07-2019, 11:13 PM
Only half listening as Rhea and Corvus talked quietly, Cael was all to eager to listen to Shaye as the meeting got underway, and she wasn't disappointed by the content of the meeting that unfolded. They were overdue for some promotions, and Caelestis beamed her congratulations to her friends, as well as accepting the gentle nudge from Corvus when she received her own promotion. Aweesome! This was so cool, she was like, the only actual, full-fledged navigator now. It took all her self-control not to look just a pinch smug at this realization.

Shaye continued, saying that she was looking for someone to be a Firethorn alongside Acere. Well, well well. Things got even more interesting when Peggy stepped forward. Ambitious! Which got Caelestis thinking... worth a shot, right? Stepping forward, she lifted her head and spoke up with a grin, "I'm going for Firethorn too." A rather confident statement, but she didn't bother to qualify it with any further justification. She was wanting to try and go for a higher rank anyway, so when she discussed it with Shaye, she'd just see if they could work out a rank up if this didn't pan out. Either way, Caelestis just felt particularly ambitious today and nothing was going to be lost by trying, so why not?
[Image: TSMb2UQ.png?1]
Cael has facial scars not seen in all of her art yet!


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
03-07-2019, 11:18 PM

The rest of the pack showed up, and when the meeting started, he remained quiet. Shaye was promoting the apprentices among some other members. Actaea and Ignis were promoted, and he could feel his chest puffing with pride as he glanced at his niece and nephew. He was proud of them. And he knew they were proud of themselves. They had worked their tails off since coming to Abaven and had been doing a good job in their chosen ranks. The option for others to pursue higher ranks was thrown out there, including the rank of Firethorn for someone to work alongside him. He quietly studied the crowd, wondering if anyone would take up that opportunity. She even presented the opportunity for a competition for another high rank, though so far, nobody seemed interested in stepping up. He waited to see if more would be said. Perhaps the introduction of the new pups, but...that announcement never came. Brows knit together in confusion. Shouldn't that have been something important to announce? He glanced around, noting at least one other member seemed as confused as him.

Turning his gaze back to Shaye, he held a guarded look of a question as he eyed the two alphas. There was no doubt about it now...perhaps they chose not to announce it to keep them in the dark about it. Everyone knew Shaye didn't have a it was likely that they stuck to the promotions to keep the rest of the pack distracted about that fact. He didn't very much like secrecy. Didn't think an alpha should keep secrets from the rest of the pack. But who was he to put anyone on blast? He respected Rhyme and Shaye for what they did to help them. But...he couldn't look past the secrecy anymore. Instead of saying anything, he remained quiet and waited for dismissal.

speech action


"You become the monster you fear the most"


Master Fighter (635)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

9 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

UnderachieverLegendarySnake EyesLoserOoh La LaWinner
Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipOverachieverSocialiteCritical Observation!Critical Attack!
Ooh La LaScarredCritical Block!Dream WeaverAll Oozed OutDouble Master
Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31KVolcanoValentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019
03-08-2019, 12:23 AM
"Talk" Walk

The rest of the pack showed up, but Ignis hardly paid any mind to them. The most he did was stare blankly at the faces, most of which he didn't recognize. When his gaze found Corvus sitting with who he assumed was some of his family, he caught the smile that his friend sent his way. Ignis returned it, forcing the smile to seem genuine as opposed to forced, even tacking on a small wag of his tail at the gesture before they each returned their attention to the meeting as it started. Shaye started off by promoting a bunch of wolves. He tried to put names to faces, but to be honest, his mind wasn't all there to be able to pay attention enough. It wasn't until his sister nudged him that he looked up again, realizing that Shaye had promoted him and his sister along with the other apprentices. Huh...he hadn't expected that. He had been working hard, but he really didn't expect to be promoted until later on. A smile slowly started to spread as he wagged his tail.

She went on to say that higher positions were available. Ranks like Firethorn, which meant the ability to work alongside his uncle. He glanced at his uncle and thought about it for a moment, then returned his attention to Shaye. "I'd like to try out, too!" Maybe this was what he needed to distract himself. Of course, he was also just kinda doing it to see if he even could. Sure he was young as heck, but he was ambitious. Why not give the others a run for their money?

Ignis has a pair of Sika Deer antlers that are not depicted in his artwork (yet).
Ignis is unpredictable and may become violent with little or no provocation due to his "demon" schizophrenia inherited in his bloodline! Consider this your warning!
*Ignis' tail is docked, and his left ear has been torn away and now resembles a Battle crop style.

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
03-08-2019, 12:29 AM

She could see the pride in her pack as they heard of their promotions. Congratulations went around, and she nodded to any wolf who caught her eye, her own pride for them there in her smile. She was curious who would stay back to seek information in gaining a higher rank - it would be to see Abaven grow, and to succeed. She cleared her throat when a few wolves stepped forward to put their name into the competition, the gesture asking for quiet from her pack. She waited a moment to let the noise die down before speaking.

“Thank you, Apreggo, Caelestis and Ignis” she said to the three that stepped forward. Caelestis’s voice had surprised her, but she was happy the girl would rise to the challenge, and had left the competition open to all ranks, if they wished a change. Excitement glinted in her eyes as she surveyed them. “We will begin a tournament in a few days time, which will be co-judged by Acere and Rhyme” she glanced up at her lead warrior as she said this, knowing by the steady presence and quick action he had shown so far that he would be happy to do so. Besides, his and Rhyme’s judgements on the fighters where the most important in the pack.

“Those that wish to speak about ranks, or if you three desire further information, hang back and I will take a moment to speak with all of you. Once i’m done here-” a cheeky expression washed over her face “I would like each member of the pack to trickle towards my den, so I can introduce you all to the newest faces of the pack. Motif and Poem, my children, which quite a few of you know about already. In a few days time, they will become ‘Seedlings’, and are going to begin venturing out into the pack, I would like them to know each of you by sight and scent. If anybody wants to try and sell their ranks as the best path to my malleable children, your welcome to try” she chuckled softly ”I will leave the choice and method of introducing Tana’s new children to you all, to her. Everyone dismissed, i’ll be here for an hour or so yet to speak to any who wish it.”

"Talk" "Listen" Think


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.