
On Earth as it is in Heaven [CHALLENGE]



13+ Years

Treat 2019
02-16-2019, 09:06 AM (This post was last modified: 02-16-2019, 02:24 PM by Rhyme I.)

Rhythm hadn’t had a lot of excitement in her life recently, though she was excited about her new grandbabies life was quiet. Now the old healer couldn’t say she didn’t like quiet. She was getting older and she’d been through a lot over the last few years. Relaxing in the quiet was nice. However, when the call for a challenge rang out Rhythm thought she could do for a bit of drama that didn’t involve her at all. Valentine and Chaos had both forged ahead, but the slow blind woman was able to follow their scent trails with ease.

By the time she arrived at the battlefield it seemed to be at bursting point with activity. She tried to make out familiar scents, most of them being legion members. She picked her way over to where Valentine sat, wondering if he might give her a verbal play-by-play when the action started. As she sat down her heart started to race. A familiar scent had wafted to her nose, her daughter Eulogy. Her chocolate ears fell to her skull, the girl wasn’t here but she knew someone had been with her recently. She tried not to let the realization effect her overly much. Did Rhyme know where she’d escaped to?

She aimed to lean in to Valentine for comfort, she didn’t want to show how much the scent had rattled her. "You’ll tell me the good parts right?" She asked him softly as her sightless gaze stared off at the horizon.

Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!
02-16-2019, 10:28 AM
Malleus strode onto the field with all the sobriety of a man to the gallows. Archon had gotten word to him of his plans and while Malleus wasn't quite pleased with what was happening he would be remiss if he wasn't in attendance for the fight. He needed to keep abreast of the state of things and if Archon was going to be stirring up a pack Malleus wanted to have an eye witness account and not whatever watered down, chest beating version made it to his doorstep later.

Pascal rode high on his shoulders as Malleus zeroed in on Archon's group. The godling ghosted up behind Circe and Adeline, clearly making his support (though inwardly begrudgingly) with them. He seated himself without a word, his expression hawkish and so, so very serious compared to what looked to be the norm among the raucous crowd.

Malleus has a barbary macaque companion named Pascal. Unless he is mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Malleus.



3 Years
Extra large
02-16-2019, 10:43 AM

Miach had been roaming the north while he awaited the summons of his dear brother. Thus, as an unfamiliar call fell into his crimson ears the beast was struck with curiosity. As it were the Adravendi male was rather close to the Battlefield but he took his time arriving. In no way was he to answer this call of dominance thus he wouldn't dare be the first to show. As he neared a while after the howl, a multitude of scents filled his ebon nose. A braw raised as most of them were deemed foreign. Some were slightly familiar but not enough to truly perk his interest.

The crimson behemoth moved in towards the gathering with blood red eyes sweeping across the backs of numerous Wolves. So many different shapes and colors it was quite the show. He moved to take a seat slightly away from every one else behind the albino, but quite far back. He was to be but a simple witness to be unseen by the others. He began to scan the faces of other Wolves and non really called to him. With a simple shrug the male remained silent as he observed what seemed to be challenge of sorts.



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
02-16-2019, 11:02 AM (This post was last modified: 02-16-2019, 11:03 AM by Ashiel.)
You Wash Your Hands, You Come Home Clean...

Ashiel followed Malleus to the battlefield. He'd been informed of Archon's intent and he didn't know much what to think of it. His own visage was somber and concerned. Both he and Malleus had pups to consider and Ashiel didn't want to go poking bears until a few more of them reached a year. There was much work to be done, pruning, and tending to the shoots that were in their care. To make matters worse he hadn't been sleeping well. Not because of visions, he hoped not, but nightmares. Nightmares featuring his uncle and frightening portents. They didn't feel quite like usual nightmares, but then they were not as stark and surreal as his earlier visions. He just didn't know. Ashiel hoped to speak with Serene but she'd been terribly busy and he didn't wish to disturb her.  

A large gathering of wolves was already present and he spied his mother talking to a pair of loners. He cocked his head as he glanced at her questioningly. What was she up to? He moved to sit next to Malleus. His companion Griff, settled in next to him after deciding there was no good place to perch and watch the fight with the swarm of wolves gathered around them.


-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.



3 Years
Extra large
02-16-2019, 11:21 AM
So maybe Asha was a little too keen to get in on other people's business, but hearing her cousin call out for a challenge was a sure ringer to grab her attention. Having been in Boreas already, it was a quick jaunt to see what the hell was up. She knew that he was off on some sort of quest of religious glory and she could respect that, wished him luck and all, but it was strange for her to pair his image now with the younger male who used to watch after them years ago. She shrugged, and made towards them at a quick pace.

She had not expected the waiting crowd, however. If her interest was piqued before, all sirens were blazing now. What the hell had Archon gotten himself into? He was challenging another male for his honor by the sounds of it. Well, woe unto whoever had tried to step into the Fallen God's path, she intoned somewhat dramatically to herself. She may not have the same religious tenacity as others in her family, but she would damn sure always be ready to stand with them when they did. It was no surprise to see her brother, mother and- she doubletook. Cael?

Well, this could be interesting. At least there was plenty by way of distraction. It didn't look like Archon's challenge would be the only scuffle they got to witness that day. She trotted over and nudged her head against her brother's shoulder, settling in. There was enough going on that she didn't feel all too compelled to add to the clamor, so she would settling for watching... for now.

"Talk" "Listen" Think

Asharya is chaotic and occasionally hotheaded. Thread at your own risk!

Come Plot with Fox



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
02-16-2019, 01:37 PM (This post was last modified: 02-16-2019, 03:24 PM by Kai.)
Despite his intentions, Kai hadn't stayed in the north as long as he had expected. The whole growing tusks thing had put a bit of a damper on his plans, and for the sake of his own worsening mood he'd headed back toward central Boreas. At the very least he hoped to reconnect with Tyranis and see for himself the pack he'd created. He'd never asked if visiting would be alright but he couldn't help but hope it might be.

What he hadn't expected to hear, once he headed away from Mount Volkan, was a battle cry meant for none other than Tyranis himself. Huh - how interesting. His curiosity was almost instantly piqued, and he made his way across the lands, ending up in the Battlefield. It wasn't a place he'd ever explored before, but any thoughts of getting acquainted with this terrain were pretty much lost when he realized just what he was wandering toward.

A huge group had already gathered, most of which were strangers. His gaze immediately met Kanja, and a wide smile parted his features. Had she heard the call too? His eyes were wide, gaze animated as he let out a chuckle, ambling over to her. There was a palpable tension in the air that fueled his spirits, his face growing more animated as he moved toward Kanja and offered her a gentle nudge, careful to not snag his small tusks on any part of her. They were still so goddamn sore and he longed for the day they'd stop growing and stop bothering him all the time.

One thing he also noticed was that just about half the wolves here were gorgeous. No, like actually gorgeous. Shame this seemed to be a place of battle rather than carnal pleasure; the latter definitely sounded more fun to him. His gaze lingered on a younger male with a blue coat and he felt his jaw unhinge slightly, appreciating him openly. The brute that had called the challenge, who seemed to be warranting most of the attention here, was also quite the looker.. shit, was he drooling? Kai turned to his cousin and chuckled, the sound low. "The hell is happening here?" He asked conversationally, obviously pleased by the crowd and the certain chaos that would surely erupt.

But wait, where was Ty? Kai squinted, looking around for the other male. He hated the thought of seeing harm come to him but it wasn't his place to interfere with the fight and he had no desire to. Still, his gaze was expectant as he looked around and surveyed the group, nearly quivering with excitement.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
02-16-2019, 01:47 PM (This post was last modified: 02-16-2019, 03:38 PM by Rhyme I.)

Rhyme was feeling rather chipper that day, more so than he’d felt in a few weeks. He’d slumped into a funk and not even the bright cheery faces of his children were able to fully pull him from his funk. He’d done his best to take his father’s words to heart, he had to press on through the dark thoughts so that he could enjoy what really mattered. His kids held him up when he desperately wished just to sink. The sound of a challenge in the battlefield perked his curiosity though, and he welcomed the distraction.

The Imperialis usually kept himself to himself, but the call had been from Archon, the one who had previously held Abaven in his grip and he sought out Tyranis, the newer alpha he hadn’t spoken to since the man had claimed his title.

Pale paws carried the slate alpha to the battlefield, and while he took his time he had imagined the fight would be well underway by the time he arrived. He had been mistaken though, and felt himself in slight shock at the crowd that had gathered. His mother, father, a couple siblings, and nics and nephews had already set up camp. Loping up and coming to a place close to his mother he too caught a familiar scent that didn’t belong. With a quick scan of the area he was sure that Eulogy was not present here.

He looked suspiciously at the pibald man that appeared, he smelled of Erovare and Eulogy. Rhyme’s heart sank with his haunches as he lowered himself beside his aging mother. Offering her a quick nuzzle as his blue and lavender gaze remained on Hannibal. He might have noticed Circe as well if he were not so distracted.



8 Years
02-16-2019, 09:26 PM

More and more Wolves entered the battlefield and not one of them was Tyranis. Hannibal was surrounded by foreign beings and many of them seemed to be on Archon's side of the ring. The first to show from his alignment was Jekyll, which was a complete shocker, but did nothing but annoy him even more. The words of his pestering litter mate filled his pale ears. Jek stood at his side and the male's very presence sent a shiver of anger down Hannibal's spine. As he listened to the sputtering of negativity the Taskmaster flashed a seething glance his way, "This is not the time, brother." It was a respectful way of telling his kin to 'be gone.' He knew the fellow piebald wouldn't take the dismissal easily but it was very obvious this was not the time nor place for familia discussions.

Scents filled the air as the numbers grew. The taste of Nephthys filled his senses and Hannibal tossed a quick glance in her direction. She was the only one he could trust and that was saying a lot. The bitch was a serpent but also the mother of his offspring. Though, despite all of the odds stacked against him the phantom seemed to keep his cool. As it were was was surrounded by drama hungry monsters and one sign of weakness would only egg them on. it was the first time he could really get a good look at all the Wolves they resided within the surrounding packs. Most were good looking and some even fantastical. But, sadly the vain male couldn't dwell on the pretties for it seemed things were going to make a significant turn for the worse.

Everyone including himself was getting rather impatient for it seems Tyranis was not going to answer the call. An alpha not responding to his own challenge. Cowardice filled the air like a noxious gas and it only fueled Hannibal's annoyance. All eyes were on him and sadly that included Archon. The dire Wolf began speaking and the 'worse case scenario' came to light. Due to the fact that Tyranis decided not to show face at his challenge Archon was going to attempt to force claim Hannibal. The slaver being claimed.. how horribly sickening. A simple look of agitation washed over the pale beast's features as it all sunk in. In those moments Tyranis had dug his own grave. Hannibal poured his blood sweat and tears into Erovrare and what did it lead him to? Being force claimed by some sort of religious nut-brain and his band of holy rollers. All while his mighty leader hid in the safety of his den. Hannibal did more then anyone in the pack and here he was getting the shit end of the stick with not one other high ranking Erovrare wolf in sight. No Praetor nor wreckage, just the Kleins. Which is nothing but foreshadowing for what is to come no matter what came of the oncoming fight.

"I haven't a clue what you speak of." Archon's vague explanation was nothing more then fuel to the fire. Of course more then the obvious reasons Tyranis had caused this commotion due to his stubborn attitude. As an alpha of a darker aligned pack with a rather stubborn viewpoint on many matters one must be able to fight ones battles. It seemed the Praetor 'King' was nothing more then talk. "Mm, seems due to the absence of Tyranis I have been nominated to clean up his mess." He narrated the situation to verbalize the downfall of his alpha. Perhaps this was the lurking consequence of joining a pack rather then forming his own. Maybe Hannibal should have just waited for his family to follow him to Boreas and rebuild the Empire with time. Though, if it weren't for the chain of events Hannibal wouldn't have his beloved offspring. The thought of the power he has gained while residing within Erovrare settled his mind a tad bit. This was just the shove he needed to take hold of his future and take the next steps to rip the crown from those undeserving. Yet, this all depended on what the outcome of this fight would be.

As Archon readied his defenses Hannibal allowed his gaze to sweep over those around him. "Let it be known I, Hannibal Iber Klein, stand where Tyranis Praetor should. I fight while the alpha of Erovrare hides from the promise of bloodshed." Perhaps the surrounding strangers didn't care but his words would go down in history. Despite the outcome of the fight it would be known to everyone that Hannibal had the balls fight a battle that was not his.

Hannibal then hunkered down to secure his defenses. Pink lips curled upward to expose menacing ivories. His slender head tilted downward in order to protect his sensitive neck region. Pale eyes were narrowed in case dust and dirt kicked up as well as the beaming sun. Ears flattened against Hannibal's skull to make them much less of a target. His head lowered in order to aligned with his spine. Hannibal's legs bent to lower the entirety of his form towards the earth to increase stability. Legs were evenly placed and weight distributed among them for balance. Toes were splayed ever so slightly to grip the earth with pink toe beans. A black and white tail was aligned with his spine as well for balance in movement to come. Last but not least Hannibal's hackles were raised and bunched to protect his scabby back and to further intimidate. The Klein was ready for the fight and breathed confidence despite the size difference. "On your move."

Hannibal vs Archon for FORCE CLAIM (freedom)
Round: 0/3
Height: 35"
Build: Medium


This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



5 Years
Extra small
02-16-2019, 09:32 PM
...the fuck?

"Tyranis! Where the fuck is he?" Lips curl over her teeth as she spits the question into the air, the air that's so thick with the mingling scents of wolves all around that it nearly chokes her. Perhaps she is late to the party because she'd taken precaution with her litter and had covered them in leaves and blocked the den's opening in case there was a siege. After all, the motive behind the challenging call is still unclear to her.

Hackles raise tall along her spine and nape, and she flattens her ears as she curls into the scene. She growls as she joins those of Erövrare, Hannibal seemingly the one all the attention is on. Upon spotting Nephthys, Leera slips over to her side, but not before nodding gently to Thora. "Nephthys... he should be here. Fucking coward. I thank the gods for Klein." There's an edge to her voice, a hushed urgency. War is war, but it's different now that she's got an entire newborn litter to protect. And not only that, but they are the king's children. The heirs and heiresses of the very pack whose fate is undetermined at this very moment.

Hannibal speaks and his voice booms with bravery. He speaks of the alpha's absense, his cowardice and his hiding from battle. Leera agrees, and she flattens her ears and snarls at those who have gathered to destroy what she has worked so hard to uphold. It's up to Hannibal, now, not Tyranis, and as the battle begins Leera keeps her defenses up at all times, watching with fiery eyes.
Leera is a mature character.
Force/violence is permitted within reason.
Plot with us here!

Ezio I


4 Years
Dire wolf
02-16-2019, 11:41 PM
There was commotion nearby and it didn't go unnoticed by Ezio, especially as he would trot in its direction. His eyes could see the gathering of multiple wolves, it could only be a fight going on as he hadn't quite seen so many in one place. Long and strong limbs carried the man's hulking body, it wasn't long until he found himself slowing down. Cold gaze sauntered over the unfamiliar faces until he saw Leera and Nephthys where he would make his way over to them, a curious hum emitted from him as he would take a seat beside two familiar women. Glancing at the two wolves who seemed to be initiating a fight, he recognised Hannibal, but not the other male. He didn't exactly know what the cause of this was but it definitely got many of this land's residents out to see, yet he didn't see the High Lord anywhere amongst these unknown faces.

Ezio's attention then went to the females he was sitting next to, he was somewhat surprised that they were here. He noticed that their stomachs weren't rounded anymore and he would look at them both. "Where are your children?" he questioned in a low voice so he couldn't be overheard, there was the slightest concern in his tone. It seemed a risk and vulnerability that two new mothers were out here and their offspring left at pack lands. Unless there was a caretaker of the youth or other adults to ensure their safety, especially if this was something more than just a fight happening here. His eyes diverted back to the duo in conflict, but he would wait and see if Leera and Nephthys responded to his inquiry.
Ezio can be a mature and unpredictable character sometimes.


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
02-16-2019, 11:47 PM (This post was last modified: 02-17-2019, 12:04 AM by Acere.)

He heard the call for a challenge. And though the challenging caller was unknown to him, he knew who the call was for. Pulling himself away from his border patrol, he headed towards the battlefield like a bat out of hell, his companion foxes racing behind him as they tried to keep up. He had passed Ignis on the way, the alabaster man not daring to stop for fear of missing the start of the fight. There was no way in Hell he was going to miss this. He had declared Elias an enemy, and that same day, Tyranis and his pack had become enemies as well. The day he met the boys mother also stuck in his mind. Tyranis had abandoned the Wreckage name in favor of the Praetor blood, though the way Tyranis went about rankled him. He abandoned his mother in favor of a no-good piece of shit father that had not raised the tyrant. Instead, his head had been filled with promises and lies. Elias had raped Storm and many others, and the fact that Tyranis didn't see anything wrong with it filled him with anger. While he wanted to be the one to rip them apart, he at least knew someone else would. No doubt his ex-nephew had made more enemies.

He arrived on the scene to a gathering he had not expected. Many wolves were there, including Rhyme and Odysseus and countless others. It seemed the whole of Boreas and Auster were here to watch the spectacle, and as his gaze searched the crowd, he was dismayed. Instead of Tyranis facing down the challenger, it was Hannibal. The albino male he had met some time ago. Near him were two other women he had met as well, and his crimson gaze narrowed. He was a little disheartened that the two women had chosen to join Tyranis, but having gotten a glimpse of what they were like, it didn't surprise him. He saw a couple others from Ty's pack...but Tyranis himself was not present. He had, however, arrived just in time to hear Hannibal's words and his head rose in agreement. Tyranis was a coward. He was no king. He didn't deserve such a title if he avoided answering a challenge that had initially been made for him. And now, Hannibal would be fighting for his freedom. Very well. Acere's gaze returned to the two Erovrare women, the cogs turning in his mind. Tyranis deserved every ill fate that knocked on the door, and Ace decided then.

He would add insult to injury upon the coward king.

He pushed through the crowd, towering over some and matching the height of others. He made his way forward, some distance away from Hannibal and his challenger so as not to get in the way. His gaze zeroed in on Leera, a woman he had not only met but sparred with before. At the time, she had been pregnant. And now? It seemed her pups had been born. While he wasn't one to tear mother from child, he didn't have any qualm about doing it today. Leera was a pawn used in Tyranis' game, and unfortunately for her, her alliance with him would be her downfall. With a voice void of emotion, he stood several feet in front of the puny woman. "It is unfortunate that your king has decided not to show his face and fight for one of his own...including you." He stood there unmoving, a statue against the backdrop of spectators. He held no malice for the woman, however. His goal was to show the child king that Ace had meant when he said they were enemies.

He knew Shaye wouldn't be happy about this. But he had no intent on keeping Leera as a slave. He would face whatever consequences the Abaven alpha's deemed fit, but for now, he was going rogue in a war that was his own.

Acere vs Leera for Force Claim of her & her puppies
Round: 0/?
Height: 45"
Build: Heavy

ooc//Edit of challenge overseen by laz!




7 Years
02-17-2019, 01:40 AM
Deep into that darkness peering,
long I stood there, wondering, fearing...

Voluptuous hips, each curve and indent brimmed with femininity that stems so far as the feathered plummage, dancing as the ember flames of hell would as the woman moves a step closer to her dearest friend for whom anger consumed her. The vitgal liquid was boiling within her own veins, fiery orange orbs observing even more individuals decided to join their unwanted gathering and all their eyes was on the ivory king. The autumn babe could not help but notice the confidence her King spoke with, Tyranis might have been their High Lord but Hannibal will always remain her King and she his Queen.

The confidence with which Hannibal spoke with was the confidence of the phoenix, of one who has suffered into ash, reborn in the flames of hot pain and commanded to sing. That was confidence hard-won yet deep, anchored in the true battle and hardships. You can get out the way you got in before it is too late. word dippsed in venom where hissed at the challenging man. Black disks that swam in the pools of crystalline oragne hues, dilated. Her face, though seemingly stoic, began to show signs of bubbling agitation. How dare someone treat them with such actions! And, to make things worse, for no reason! Her ears were quick to shoot back against her bristled nape, as she lowered her head upon rolled shoulders. Her eyes slowly began to dwindle in circumference. Nephthys spread her legs apart and bent them at the elbows and knees slightly, for optimal balance. Her jaws would finally part, as she craned her head to protect her throat. Her tail though wanting to stand proudly above her back, would force itself to remain frigid behind her ankles.

The slave is watching over them she whispered towards the ebon man, Ezio, as he approached the two women. The concern that poured from his tones appreciated. Thick claws dug into the soft terrain from beneath her teeth, her muscles remained tensed and glued to the spot, there was no need to make a bigger mess than Tyranis already did however it seems that someone had other plans. Acere. when the male voiced his motives she gritted her murderous canined from effort to remain silent, her hunched form exuded an animosity that was like acid - burning, slicing, potent. Every word only fueling the fire that burned inside of me. But she knew better than anyone that it is not the loudest individual they should be scared of but by the calmest and in these moments the autumn babe decided to stop and analyze. Registering each and every word within her mind, repeating it for herself over and over again as it washed over her in waves. Both of them recently gave birth to their spawns and they had to protect them. That was their priority not anger, not pride, that was a battle for another day. Her rigid form turned to the ashen queen, parting her lips to let words that only she could hear, Kiss the paws if it means you get to stick a claw in his throat later. she whispered softly towards her, pheripheral vision watching the mane, A beautiful loss is still a loss, and an ugly win is still a win. Be smart. she encouraged her most trusted friend before her attention returned towards Acere, her ebon, full lips peeling in order to expose her ivories.

html by castlegraphics; art by sevil-s
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together


"You become the monster you fear the most"


Master Fighter (635)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

9 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

UnderachieverLegendarySnake EyesLoserOoh La LaWinner
Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipOverachieverSocialiteCritical Observation!Critical Attack!
Ooh La LaScarredCritical Block!Dream WeaverAll Oozed OutDouble Master
Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31KVolcanoValentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019
02-17-2019, 02:46 AM
"Talk" Walk

He'd been minding his own business with his Wolverine companion, lounging around in the thicket as they talked. But then Ignis heard a howl in the winds, though he had no idea who the call was from or who it was for. He sat up as he stared in the direction where it had come from, and initially, he shrugged it off. As he settled back down on the ground, his uncle swept past without a word, heading straight for wherever the call had come from. Ignis' gaze followed him for a moment, brows furrowed as he wondered what was happening that his uncle felt the need to go. That answer would come soon enough, however, when his newest companion came flying towards him. "Oi! a scrap's about ta break out in the bloody battle field! some nut is challengin' fawr somethin' awr othah but the bloody alphah 'asn't shown his face yet! Fahkin' bloody oath mate." The obsidian cockatoo landed heavily on the ground as he looked at him. "Well? aah we goin' awr wat? Fair dinkum cobber."

The cockatoo flew off again, heading straight back towards the battle field leaving Ignis and his other companion to glance at each other for a moment. He was curious, of course. And if his uncle was going, then no way in hell was Ignis going to miss whatever was going on. He got up and bounded across the territory, barking out and repeating what his companion had told him. "Hey! A fight against another pack is breakin' out!" His voice was excitedly loud as he raced through Abaven. No doubt his sister heard him, and wondered if she would join him. Then he wondered if Corvus would go, too. If he wasn't already there. This was perhaps one of the most exciting thing in his life right now, and he didn't want to miss it.

He went as fast as he could, showing up just in time to hear his uncle issue a challenge of his own. He gazed around at the faces of those gathered, none of them recognizable save for Rhyme and Ody. He carefully pushed through the crowd in an attempt to get a front row seat as he continued to look around. He saw who he figured was the challenger and the challenged. They smelled like a pack he didn't know, but he recognized the hint of his older half-brother's scent. His ears flattened then as his gaze quickly returned to his uncle. "Rip 'em apart!" He encouraged both parties. While he was generally more laid back, the fact that this was an enemy pack brought about a darker side to him. His father had abandoned him and his sister, after all. And had chosen to favor one of his older children for reasons that were still unclear to him...

Ignis has a pair of Sika Deer antlers that are not depicted in his artwork (yet).
Ignis is unpredictable and may become violent with little or no provocation due to his "demon" schizophrenia inherited in his bloodline! Consider this your warning!
*Ignis' tail is docked, and his left ear has been torn away and now resembles a Battle crop style.



Expert Fighter (175)

Novice Intellectual (15)

10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11KValentines 2020
Treat 2019
02-17-2019, 02:55 AM

She followed Malleus to the mainland, a place she had never been to before. Wide blue eyes took in the scenery on the way, but she didn't dare stop to investigate anything. She knew where they were headed and the reason why. And when they arrived, the tension around them was nearly palpable. She had never met Archon before, but she knew he was a cousin of hers. She had lots of family she had yet to meet, and it seemed like quite a few of them had shown up in support of Archon. She sat by Malleus in silence, her attention, however, was pulled to those around her. Wolves were gathering, and by the scent of it, from all over. Rogues and pack wolves alike had all come to see the fight, though why she wasn't sure. It wasn't a pack challenge or anything incredibly serious, though if they all felt like she had been lately, it was likely due to boredom. But it wasn't just boredom that brought her here, no. She was learning from Malleus, from her family. Today would be a learning opportunity, she was sure. She could study the mortals that gathered around them. Observe not only Archon's fight but another fight that had been issued just moments ago. One thing she did notice, however, was that the one Archon had initially summoned to fight had yet to show...and she wondered if it was a mortal thing. Were they always late?



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
02-17-2019, 02:57 PM

The scent of Eulogy was strong on the piebald and another woman who lingered on Erovare’s side. Was she being kept against her will there, or had she joined the fledgling pack? From what Vladimir had mentioned to him about her the slate alpha couldn’t imagine that she had chosen to reside there over a pack where her family took up residence. He knew vaguely about Acere’s nephew and the darker alignment his pack had steered towards, there were no doubts in his mind that his sister had no choice.

The pale Firethorn had appeared shortly after himself, and after only a few moments on the battlefield he had taken it upon himself to begin reigning terror down on the members of Erovare. While he wasn’t sure how he felt about Acere’s actions it did solidify the idea that had formed in his mind.

Rhyme stood, pulling away from his mother and the observing crowd. His tail lashed behind him in irritability as his blue and lavender gaze scanned the gathered wolves of what might become an enemy pack. One young woman stood out to him, she sat away from the main gathering of her packmates. With his brows knit he turned his attention towards her, surely she would make the perfect pawn.

He felt his hackles raise as he tucked his chin and rolled his shoulders forward. Rhyme distributed his weight evenly between his four paws as he pulled back his lips and narrowed his gaze. A low growl bubbled forth from his chest. He started, looking directly at the girl as both of his ravens appeared in the air above him. "You." He addressed the young woman with no explanation, she didn’t deserve it and he didn’t have time for it.

Rhyme v Thora for Force Claim
Round 0/?(i prefer two or three)(also I am so okay with lenient deadlines)
Height: 42” Build: Medium

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
02-17-2019, 03:11 PM (This post was last modified: 02-17-2019, 03:12 PM by Shaye I.)

The howl for dominance was absolutely unexpected, and raised a few interesting questions about what was going on in the outside world. She was tempted to bring along Actaea to learn about the politics of such a setting, but knew what a shit show they could collapse into, and decided not to bring the girl with her.

Instead, as she moved through the territory, she would catch the scents of a few of her members who had already headed in that direction. She picked up her pace, and made her way as quickly as she could to the battlefield.

When she got there, she was beyond shocked at what she saw. Was that.. Was that Ace, attacking a woman who smelt of pregnancy? And then Rhyme, she got there in time to see him direct his gaze at another young woman, and she could. Not. believe. Her. eyes. “ACERE, RHYME, WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING?” she growled.
“Fighting innocents? We are a pack that protects innocents. If the two of you are so damn certain you want to rip this pack apart, go after those that can damn well stand up for themselves. Drop your fights, and take up worthy ones, or so help me god, neither of you are welcome to return home.”

"Talk" "You" Think


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



Expert Fighter (190)

Advanced Intellectual (70)

5 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!Treat 2019
02-17-2019, 04:52 PM
Artur was dangerously bored and restless, confined to the lands nearest the pack. His mother had promised to bring them on a tour of Boreas, learning the scents and locations of the other packs and going to the Battlefield to learn the etiquette of fighting there, but between her injuries and her illness they had never gone. No one in the pack cared to bring them, and Aurielle seemed to barely care about running her pack let alone helping the near-yearlings, and Amos had jumped ship. Paladin cared as little about the pups as Justice did, and Regulus and his mate and other pup never interacted with the pack at all. In fact, many of the more boring tasks in the pack fell on the pups, like sentry duty. They had all of the responsibilities of adulthood, and none of the perks.

Artur was tired of it. Tired and chafing under the restrictions placed on him, he'd decided it was time to break those rules and do for himself what the pack's adults were either unwilling or unable to do for them. To that end he'd bullied and harrassed his younger siblings into agreeing to go on their own tour of Boreas. The first stop was, of course, the battlefield, partly because he was wary of going to pack borders and having them decide that the pups needed to be escorted back to Celestial. Caelia was wary of breaking the rules, but she'd been intrigued at the idea of getting out of pack lands and had agreed. Viviane had caved quickly under pressure. Geo had taken more bullying than the others, and had spent the trip reminding them that if there were any guts he would barf, after which Artur had darkly pointed out that he wanted to be a healer and he'd bet people's guts fell out all the time at fights and if Geo was going to be a healer he'd be expected to put them back in so he'd better get used to it now. Cairo hadn't been invited, and Artur had forbidden any of the siblings to even mention it around him. Cairo would tattle.

He was hoping to get a fight while they were there, but as the gaggle of pups straggled into the battlefield in various states of excitement or dread, he spotted a huge group of wolves surrounding something and his interest was piqued. Bullying his siblings into coming along he'd pushed and squirmed his way to the front.

From the words that were yelled back and forth between the multitude he quickly got the impression that one guy had challenged another, who wasn't there yet, and because he wasn't there yet the guy had decided to challenge a different guy instead, one smaller than not-quite-yearling Artur with sunburn scabs marching down his back under his pale fur. At least, he hoped the were sunburn scabs. The challenger was a scruffy leader of a rogue band, barely better than a loner, and Artur frowned in disapproval. It was inconceivable that they be allowed to harass packs with impunity, and if he were an alpha, regardless of if the pale scabby wolf was a member of his pack or not, he'd have stepped in to put a stop to the challenger's delusions of grandeur. It was disgraceful.

A pack wolf had stepped forward to seek to try to claim woman with hanging teats, packmate to the pale wolf, and Artur's youthful frown deepened, and when that man's packmate stepped up to seek to claim a quiet-looking yearling from the first pack as well, Artur's hackles raised. Not out of protectiveness for the woman and the yearling, but out of pure disgust. Could the two burly looking males not have chosen more worthy foes than a woman and a child? There were far more better to choose from among the gathered wolves. It was a disgrace to their pack, that they were so unskilled they must pick at weaker opponents. A woman from their own pack apparently agreed, because she pushed her way forward to shout angrily at the two males and threaten them if they did not step down from their battles.

"This is utterly ridiculous. When will there be blood?" he complained loudly to his siblings. "All this talk and threats. I thought this was a battlefield. I came to see guts spilled, not talking."

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
02-17-2019, 04:52 PM
Rhyme felt his hackles lower as he heard Shaye’s voice over the sound of the crowd. As much as he wished to continue with hiss endeavor Shaye’s threat was too much for him to ignore. No matter how much he wished to continue on his own he was part of a team. Shaye wasn’t privy to the information he held within, and her words were true. He growled again, but turned away from the girl and back to his alpha partner.

While he could have argued the she wolf was not so innocent if she was within Erovare, her guilt by association would hardly convince the enraged alpha. With one last look he made his way back to Shaye’s side, fully prepared to make his case against her wishes. Despite all of his instincts insisting he go forward, his form was brought back to the crowd.

Imperia and Solitude landed on his shoulders and hips respectively as he offered a sour glance in Shaye’s direction. ”I’ve found Eulogy.” He muttered, hesitantly returning his haunches to the ground. They have her. I had fully planned on taking the woman as a pawn for trade.” He hated to admit how rash the decision was, but he had acted in anger and frustration.

Astraios I


2 Years
02-17-2019, 04:52 PM
The howl of challenge was unexpected, and shocking. A growl slipped past his throat, anger at any who dared to challenge his father. He pulled himself from his den, and made his way through the territory. He was unfamiliar with the battlefield, but managed to find his way there. He entered to see the sheer mass of wolves, many leaning back, enjoying the show, and others taking on challenges of their own. He could see the main challenger had changed his focus from Ty, to one of his fathers high ranking wolves.

He saw that other members, who held scents he did not recognise, where threatening members of his pack. He saw one of them back down at the behest of another wolf, and turned his attention to the other challenge that still remained. Heart beating heavily in his chest, the young boy stepped up, putting himself between the white man and Leera. “Challenging for a mother and her children? Your a piece of shit, you know that?” he growled, not yet engaging in battle, just putting himself into the white man’s line of sight, hackles raised, as he put himself defensively between the two. “Your babysitter is calling you away” he added, putting two and two together and assuming the female who had backed down one member was also speaking to this white devil in her rant.


Astraios is broken, mostly mute, with a death wish



Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantValentines 2020
02-17-2019, 04:59 PM
Viviane bounced along with her siblings, keeping Geoffrey company as their older brother ranged ahead in his determination to get to the battlefield. She'd been reluctant to go, and aghast at the idea of breaking the rules, but now that they were on their adventure she couldn't help but be excited. Because adventures were exciting! Though the constant talk of guts was concerning. She had deliberately blocked out their destination because she didn't want to think about it. But when they got there, and the sickly scent of old blood hit them, her paws slowed a bit and Artur had to bully her along to get her to follow him into the big group of wolves. Wide-eyed she had no choice but to follow him, but while he shoved his way through she made her way more daintily, carefully apologizing to everyone they'd jostled and politely saying 'excuse me' as she made her own way through to the front. And wide-eyed she stared back and forth as challenges flew and people argued, and her head bobbed back and forth between them as though she watched a tennis match. A lot of people were saying naughty words and her mouth was rounded in a constant o of surprise at the words.