
I like you



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
08-27-2020, 12:01 AM

Tamsyn easily followed Resin's lead when the larger woman stood. The kiss alone was enough to make her grin, but just hearing the simple statement of "I'll see you at home then" made an uncontrollable flutter go through her chest. Home. Their home. To live in... together. She felt like a child with how giddy she was with excitement and she didn't know how to contain herself. Resin pressing their foreheads together just about made her melt into a puddle, but she settled for letting her ears fold back and eyes close contently for a moment while her tail wagged so fast it was practically a blur. She loved every single show of affection Resin gave her, it didn't matter how big or how small.

Once Resin slipped away to head back to their den, Tamsyn opened her eyes and watched her go for a moment before turning and rushing back to what would very soon be her old den. For once it seemed like everything was falling into place so perfectly and she still wasn't fully convinced this wasn't all a dream. She got back to the little den that she had built during her first days in the Armada and she actually had a moment as she stood in the middle of it that she wondered how she was even the same wolf that had felt so overwhelmed by the idea that she actually had a real home with wolves that cared for her. Sometimes she still felt that overwhelming thankfulness - especially now as she thought about getting to be with a woman she loved.

Tamsyn collected what few possessions she had and started to bundle them up so she could move them to her new home. She took the bracers Sirius had given her when she became general, the few odds and ends that Resin had gifted to her as a welcoming gift, and a couple pretty rocks and oddities that she had found during her explorations and placed them all in the middle of the fur that Resin had given her. She wrapped them up in a roll of sorts and then picked up the whole bundle and walked out of the den without looking back. That small hole she had dug herself was just a hole now that she had much better things ahead.

When she arrived, she quietly slipped inside and padded into Resin's chamber with her tail wagging gently behind her. She sat down the bundle she had brought with her off to the side. "Honey, I'm home!" she joked with a chuckle. It was only a few things and were definitely things she could unpack and put away later. For now they really didn't matter nearly as much to her as the woman that was just a short distance from her. She walked over to Resin and immediately pressed her nose to her cheek and nuzzled her face into the thick fur on her neck. She didn't have to be shy or reserved with her affections any more and even though it sent her heart into a pounding frenzy she was determined to take full advantage of it.

"Talk" Think



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
08-27-2020, 01:36 AM

Tam's exclamation when she arrived brought a gentle chuckle from the grey woman. She smiled as her new lover entered their shared chamber. Tam sat her items down and Resin found herself a little sad that there hadn't been more things to bring. She should have been giving her gifts this whole time. Well... she would rectify that situation.

The small black wolf came and began to nuzzle into her. Resin returned the gesture, though she went further to wrap one thick leg around Tamsyn to pull her close in an embrace. The larger dame snuffled in the thicker fur at the back of Tam's neck, inhaling her scent. With time together, they would smell like one another. It would be their scent. She liked that idea. Though not as outwardly possessive as others, Sirius for example, Resin wanted all to know that Tamsyn belonged to her, and she to Tamsyn.

After a moment of affection, Resin nodded towards the shelf that she emptied. "Space for your things. You can share my bed if you'd like." She motioned to the raised platform behind her. There was quite a bit of space and it would be more than adequate for the pair of them. If Tamsyn liked sleeping on her own, however, Resin wouldn't hold it against her. After all, they knew nothing of each others sleeping habits.

With the space being explained, Resin fixed her full gaze upon Tamsyn. Leaning in, she gave the woman a slow, meaningful kiss. With their lips still close, she whispered. "This is our home. I want you to make this your home, do you understand?" If Tamsyn wanted to change things, let her change them. If she wanted to dig a new chamber, let her dig it. If she wanted to decorate or do girly things, by all means, she should do them. Even if Resin didn't like them, she would meet the woman half way.

Meadow was out doing whatever Meadow did. They were alone in the chamber with the skin over the door. Gathering Tamsyn against her, she led the woman to the bed. She'd wanted to be this close to her for a long time and she fully intended to take advantage. Even if they just slept curled up in one anothers arms, she would be content.

[Image: GreYdcM.gif]


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
08-28-2020, 09:20 AM

Tamsyn wondered if she'd ever not feel her heart pounding in her chest from every little affection that Resin gave her. She had to assume that at some point it would feel more common and less world turning to have Resin do things like pull her into an embrace and nuzzle into her neck and surround her with her scent. Eventually that wouldn't be quite so staggering, but for now every show of affection was new and wonderful. When Resin pulled back to motion toward the space she had made for Tamsyn's things, Tam nodded in agreement even though her mind was very, very far from thinking about where she was going to store the few things that she owned. She wasn't the kind of wolf to care much about possessions unless they had sentimental value or were useful like her bracers. She still appreciated the fact that Resin had made her a space though and it did make it feel a bit more like her space as well all the same. She looked toward the bed then when Resin mentioned it and she was actually incredibly impressed with the set up that Resin had here. It looked incredibly cozy and she could already picture herself cuddled together with Resin there.

When Resin leaned down to her again, it pulled Tamsyn's eyes up to hers a moment before Resin's lips found hers in another of the kisses that made her feel like she just might melt out of Resin's embrace. It made everything around her feel dull in comparison. As much as she hoped that one day she might be able to not be thrown by every kiss so that she could actually be the instigator in their romance from time to time, she still kind of hoped this amazing spark never faded. It made her so indescribably happy. Her eyes fluttered open when Resin spoke and Tamsyn easily gave her a small nod and a smile in response. "I understand," she replied just as softly. She honestly wasn't sure how she could possibly improve on the den yet, but she appreciated the invitation to do so. This was their home now and with time it would really begin to feel that way. Soon enough her scent would be just as prevalent here as Resin's and she was really looking forward to that day.

Tamsyn very easily let Resin lead her over to the plush pile of furs even though her heart was working over time with the heady mix of emotions that she was feeling. She let Resin climb into the bed first and then she hopped up onto the platform beside her, letting herself settle into the larger curve of Resin's side like a perfect puzzle piece. It reminded her of the day that they had weathered a storm in the hollow of a tree and had ended up laying almost as closely. Tamsyn was pretty sure that was the day that she had really started to like Resin as more than a friend and had started wondering if that sort of thing was possible for them. A lot had changed since then, but the way that Resin made her heart pound and made her ears fold back shyly hadn't. She gave Resin a small grin as she gathered up her courage and leaned forward to give her a small, testing kiss. One quickly led to another and she felt that desire and need for the love and affection she had never received pushing for more even though she had no idea how to get there.

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