
Light a Fire in Your Souls [Pack Meeting/Raid Meeting!]

Deadline is the 15th

Cairo II


Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (295)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

9 Years

Halloween 2020 - Witches HutValentines 2020
02-19-2021, 01:06 AM (This post was last modified: 02-19-2021, 01:09 AM by Cairo II.)

Cai watched as the pack filed in, giving each face that arrived a smile or grin, though in his chest there were butterflies at what he knew Aurielle would be announcing today. Not just the raid, but his promotion. He’d made it. Before the age of four, no less. His eyes found Caelia, and he sought a long look in them.

There were several faces he’d yet to meet directly, Elizabeth among them. He glanced over her, seeing some of the family similarities in her, but definitely more of the gentleness of Viviane, who, he noted, looked sad—and he knew when she was actually happy. He’d been working a lot, and he made a note to himself that he’d drag her off to have some sibling time soon after the meeting.

His sisters were the only siblings that remained in Valhalla. Artur’s surly, coldly discontented presence was notably absent… A part of him was relieved, and the other, ashamed at the feeling.

As the last wolves trickled in, he scanned the gathering as well, noting the missing faces. Aurielle waited, but then, she began speaking. He listened, grinning as she recounted the good news, and then felt his features fall as she was forced to address the bad.

He hadn’t met her mother, or her brother, though he’d known their loss and absence was a wound on her heart. He’d heard the story before. But next was Nolan’s announcement, and his eyes sought Caelia again, knowing she’d begun to found a friendship with Nolan. She’d certainly been more distant since the news.

He was glad for the brief moment of silence Aurielle gave the pack—he’d had to bite back the cry that wanted to keen from his jaws. Why was it so much easier to say goodbye to mother? Was it because they’d at least known it was coming?

He closed his eyes hard, then opened them again as Aurielle spoke once more, though his heart was still raw.

He smiled at the wolves Aurielle named that had joined and stayed with them, mouthing ‘Welcome’ to them with a grin, then looked up as Aurielle singled him out to come up beside her. Oh gods, here it came.

He bounded to the top of the boulder and took a seat beside the glowing, brilliantly white Spirit, nerves, pride and abject terror banging around in his chest, though he sat straight and tall on the stone, listening as Aurielle commended him and spoke of his dedication. His eyes snuck to Justice, wondering if she’d accept the change of rank or be annoyed as hell. He knew Aurielle had discussed it with the woman long before now, but still.

He gazed at the faces, noting that Amory and Lee had slipped in, and listened to the lengthy, detailed announcements of new Circles, planned Circles, as well as what amounted to the daily news for the past year and some that had been missed. Maybe there’d be something in there for everyone to enjoy working on in those new Circles.

He straightened, ears perking, head cocking slightly to watch the Spirit as she turned the pack’s attention to the plans to raid Aerie. He glanced to the pack, wondering how they’d take the news before Aurielle continued the announcement.

At her query to the pack at large, he knew he needed to get a few official things out there, that lined up directly with his duties as Sentinel, and he hummed, wondering if he should let the pack ask their own questions if any, but Aurielle heard him and locked onto him as she stepped aside to give him the stand.

He paused slightly, gathered his thoughts, and stepped forward. Just a few simple announcements, that was it. Think of it as planning a hunt.

He cleared his throat, then called out, “I’d like to make it known that I will be calling a gathering for the pack to take up shifts of patrol and sentry duty. Listen for me tomorrow, as I’ll be calling you here for sign ups. You aren’t absolutely required to take on any duties, but I’d be happy to see you here. I will also be making the rounds and testing each of your fighting levels, as Justice did in her term, so be aware of that.”

His eyes tracked over the hunters of the pack as he added, “I’d also like to plan a few bison and moose hunts. This winter has been colder than normal, and our stocks could use replenishing. Thank you.”

He glanced to Aurielle with a nod and stepped back, taking a seat once more, to the side and slightly behind, his piece said, though he was wondering internally of there was anything else he should have said.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



3 Years
02-19-2021, 02:03 AM
Tonights the night
The young healer was caught up with her alpha's words. Something about it gave strength to each and every one of them and to Liz that was something of a miracle. She remembered her father standing where Aurielle was, giving another announcement to the births and the deaths of the pack. The mentioning of Aurielle's own litter made her tail wag, though shame tugged at her pelt at the thought that she had not been there to better support her relative. Something in her paws tingled, an itch she couldn't scratch because she wanted to be more involved in the lives of her packmates. There was love, loss, and Elizabeth felt like she had not been a part of it. She had come to Valhalla recently, though she thouroughly enjoyed Kati's company as well as the rest of them.

She vowed then in her mind silently, she was going to devote more of her time and energy into her home and with her packmates. The healer could only assume Paladin as well as Aurielle had set up a camp for the healers. Healing was important in times of raids and war. Something that she was actually well versed in, preperation was important and she was happy to see that the leaders of this pack knew that as well. She set her sights on the cure rank, but for now she might have to aim low. Glancing around she stayed put, waiting to see if there was anything else she needed to know, like who planned on participating.




9 Years

The Ooze ParticipantDouble Master
02-19-2021, 04:38 PM

Dómari smiled and nodded at Ardyn. One by one the wolves of Valhalla trickled in until it was time for the meeting to actually start. They started first with formalities and the introduction of the new litters. He fidgeted a bit as the name's of Justice's litter were announced. He hadn't really decided how to feel about the litter but he was trying to be happy for her and hoped to meet the pups at some point but it hadn't worked out so far. He'd had his own issues to deal with first.

The pack news moved on to losses and he turned his head away at the name of Nolan. That had been such a sudden and tragic loss. The new members were announced and new positions given. Dómari felt his mind starting to wander until the topic of conversation turned to a winter raid against Aerie. "I wish to attend this raid and might I suggest that instead of a flag we raid for a kill? Each pack can make a kill ahead of time and the winner of the raid gets the other packs kill?" He found food more of a motivation than something like a flag.




6 Years

Double Master
02-19-2021, 04:45 PM

Káti turned as he heard his name spoken. An older man name Paladin introduced himself. Káti smiled. "Yes, that sounds good." When Aurielle started to speak he turned his attention back to the meeting and did his best to pay attention. He tried to take in the names of those given though likely he'd need to be reintroduced again. He and a few other new members were singled out for introduction and a tally of losses was gone over as well. There was a promotion and then onto the topic of a raid. Káti listened and nodded. He wasn't sure if it was expected that everyone at the meeting would be attending the raid or if they should state whether or not they intended to go. He heard another man speak and followed suit. "I will go as well." He planned to engage as a warrior and use his healing abilities on the battlefield.

"Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-19-2021, 05:10 PM
Paladin 'Knight' Ancora

Paladin grinned to Kati as the man accepted the offer, and watched as the rest of the pack began to arrive, horse and all. He smiled to the horse, wondering if the stallion would take part in Aurielle’s planned raid.

As Justice arrived, he smiled at her, glancing at her son as the boy slipped in and tucked himself close to her. Where were the other two? He’d been a bad uncle, he had to admit. He’d have to get to know his niblings between duties, that was for sure.

As all were gathered, he noted that there were still some missing faces, and he sought out Baine’s pale frame, concern lighting in his gut. She was elderly, ailing, and had lost her only son… perhaps she’d chosen to remain in her alcove?

Aurielle began to speak, and Paladin listened, spotting her two daughters slipping in amid the speech. He listened to the announcements of Solveiga’s and Nolan’s deaths, chest tightening. He knew the feeling of a mother wasting away, and nothing seeming to stop it. At least their mothers were no longer in pain.

His head bowed, a swallow forcing through his throat. It never got easier to lose a member of the pack—of the family.

He glanced to the newest packmates, gathering himself to smile as they were announced, nodding to each. Cairo was officially elevated to Sentinel, and he grinned with genuine warmth.

And then it was time, after many more announcements, for the raid announcements. He already knew the details, had already been preparing. As Cairo’s announcements finished, Domari stepped up with his enrollment to the raid and a suggestion for an alternate resource. It was a good one, and he figured that it was something Aurielle would likely put on the table should a further contract be arranged between Aerie and Valhalla for more practice.

He knew Aurielle would answer each wolf in her response, so he cleared his throat once Kati had added his desire to join in the raid, and stepped forward, padding to the boulder and, once Aurielle nodded to him, leapt to stand on the boulder to give his announcement.

“I will be setting up the Healer’s camp on the edge of the moor, at one of the passages in the wall. We will have tents this time, as opposed to the open-air camp we had when defending against Talis. Any healers not fighting will be needed there when the time comes. I can teach each of you how to set up the tents quickly. As well, I will welcome any help in making salves, poultices, pain relievers, splints and bandages ahead of time. I’ve had a head start, but the work’s even more fun with many paws and company.”

He smiled at the pack, nodding to Aurielle as he retreated from the boulder and moved to sit on Justice’s other side, glancing around her front to smile at Fidelias before he leaned to nudge his sister’s shoulder with his own with a whisper of, “Gonna help me make stuff, sis?”

Paladin has a thick, Educated Irish Brogue type accent. It's understandable.



Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
02-19-2021, 05:36 PM
Ardyn Cadeyrn Aodhán Phoenix Adravendi

Ardyn had sat attentively through everyone’s gathering, giving Aoife and Coran a grin and nudging Aoife, leaning to whisper, “Did you know you have a leaf stuck to your quills?”

She didn’t actually have one stuck, but he smirked almost wickedly at the words. Amory and Lee didn’t make it until their mother had started speaking, and he listened through the announcements, though he felt the pangs of the deaths. He’d not had a chance to really get to know Nolan beyond living in the same cave system and in passing, but he felt the loss just as badly as those who’d known him.

And of course, he’d never met his grandmother, or his uncle. Quietly, he leaned into each of the nearest siblings, glad for their presence.

He sat up straighter, smiling at the wolves singled out, and the horse, Taliesyn, welcoming them with his eyes. And then it was Cairo’s turn, and he twisted around to watch the man be officially recognized, tail torching in approval.

There were many more announcements, news, notes of promotions, and more, and then, it came to the big announcement. His pelt rippled, black fur glowing with embers of excitement as his mother’s challenging words rippled out over his ears to the pack. He was fairly vibrating, and as some spoke, and Paladin finished speaking, Ardyn added, “I’d like to go with the raiding party.” He was old enough, and his mother felt him to be experienced enough – just – to fight in this practice raid, but he glanced up at her to be sure.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Labhair an Sean-Teanga." ---- "Hear" ---- Think

Ardyn's family (Red, Aurielle, Siblings, Valhalla) are allowed to crash threads, regardless of private tags.

Ardyn at first glance is as black as can be imagined with a raven sheen.

Closer inspection proves that he shimmers in fire tones in every hair on his hide right down to his lashes.

More obviously, he glows like a bed of coals and flames with every movement and brush of fur. His tail is usually wagging, so blazes like a torch.

His adult teeth are in and his saber canines have grown to their full length (see profile). His mane and tail hair have grown to full length, as well as being lightweight and easily buffeted by breezes.

A look at his front paws will give the impression of hands, with his dew claw dropped low and lengthened into a functioning thumb, and his toes elongated into fingers. He has retractable, solid black cat-like claws on every paw.

Ardyn has developed a glowing mast of intricate markings in fire and ice colors over his face, symmetrical over the last seasons of Year 17 (see profile for details). During hunts or raids/sieges, he will smudge them out with black soot to cover the glow, otherwise, they are bright enough to note at first direct glance at his face. Not all his artwork currently portrays the mask markings.

He is also often bedecked in beads, small bells, feathers in blues, ribbons and braids thanks to the Ooze Event of Halloween 2021, and the Coathanger item that he got. The accessories generally are seen most in his mane and tail hair. He removes the brighter items and bells for hunts or battle.



Master Fighter (240)

Intermediate Intellectual (45)

13 Years
Large species

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
02-19-2021, 06:02 PM

The stallion stood, hoof resting as the pack filtered in. He was the only non-wolf there that wasn’t a companion, and he watched with interest, ears flicking, nostrils flaring to take in the scents of the wolves around him, memorizing them, putting faces to the smells he’d been studying on the border.

Aurielle began speaking, though he’d noticed that she’d seemed to be waiting for more that didn’t arrive, and caught sight of two pups that slipped in and sat with Ardyn and his two siblings. That must have been Amorielle and Laoise.

He listened with rapt attention as the Spirit spoke, tail flicking at the occasional stray snowflake as the clouds rolled in. Wangui listened as well, hands toying with his mane, while Isolde perched on his crest, large eye cocked toward the wolf.

Loss wasn’t an unfamiliar thing to him. He’d lost mares and foals to death, bad foalings, predators… and lost mares to other stallions. He could at least comfort himself with knowing that at least those mares would be alive. His head bowed in respect for the lost, as he absorbed the stories and the love in the Spirit’s voice as she spoke of the wolves that had passed.

Was Obsidian alright out there? His dam would be proud to know he’d joined the pack that had been her home in the past.

Cairo was promoted to Sentinel, and the stallion pricked his ears in thought. Perhaps he, himself, though a horse, could work his way up to a high rank here?

And then, as the announcements ran on, with him absorbing it all with interest and consideration, Aurielle’s next words were an announcement of a raid. It was an odd concept to a horse, but he remembered his mother’s stories of the siege against Valhalla of Old.

His eyes flicked to each wolf that spoke, noting Cairo’s sign-ups tomorrow. But one thing was for certain. He smiled faintly as he spotted Ardyn’s black coat starting to kindle before the boy called out.

“I would like to fight in the raid. It’s an unusual concept to a horse, but stallions have been known to raid other bands for mares instead of resources.”

His voice rumbled with a steady surety, neck arching slightly as the excitement of an impending battle kindled in his veins. Though raiding was new in the wolf sense of things, battle was something he knew well.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



12 Years
Extra large
02-19-2021, 06:28 PM (This post was last modified: 02-19-2021, 06:28 PM by Regulus.)
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

He was an old hand at meetings, though he’d stood at the head of them more often than he'd been the audience. He listened and watched as the pack trickled in, Aurielle spoke, and closed his eyes as she spoke of the deaths. He, more than anyone here beside Aurielle herself, felt the first loss deeply. Solveiga had been his wife, his light, the mother of his twins. His son was missing – he knew in his heart that Aramis was alive, at least – and all he had left was Aurielle, Red, their children, Baine, and Aslaug.

His eyes opened, lifting to the greying skies as intermittent snowflakes drifted to the earth, though his gaze sought higher. One day, he would be up there, looking down as life went on without him. It could even be sooner, rather than later. He was old, his time nearly run its course. Having seen his daughter married to a good mate, and become a mother, he could welcome the final sleep when it came, like his grandmother had done.

He listened as his daughter announced in detail all that had transpired, the new circles, and the ones still being planned, and then his ears perked more attentively as she announced the raid. He almost wished he could race into battle behind her, but; his head cocked, eyes flicking toward his bad leg. His years of hard fighting were over. He was old and creaky, and his leg was a hinderance in a real scrap, especially with old age having injected arthritis into his hips for an added dose of spice to his life.

He eyed Ardyn, noting the boy’s excitement as he spoke up among others that announced their desire to fight. The boy had already fought off more bears than his mother had done at a year old, and he wasn’t even a yearling yet. He could handle it. No doubt Coran and Aoife would be piping up soon, wanting to join in.

Aoife was tiny, but mighty, and he looked forward to hearing how she did if she joined in. Coran was dedicated to his brother—and if he worked hard and stayed serious about his intentions, he’d likely be Valhalla’s secondary alpha during Ardyn’s reign.

As Taliesyn finished speaking, Regulus caught his daughter’s eye and stood to face the pack.

“I am old, and my fighting days are over. However, I will be among those who stand guard at the Healer’s camp. As this is a practice raid, I’d hope that Aerie will keep to their side of the border, especially since they’ll be defending it, but it never hurts to add an extra precaution. Any of the fighters who will not be in the direct fighting, or hunters that want to be useful or help guard, I’d encourage you to assist at the camp.

Also, while I am an old man, I am more than willing to offer my experience in training our younger fighters between now and the raid, as well as after.”

He scanned the faces before taking a seat, ears perked and fathomless sapphire eyes watching to see who else would opt to join the fighting. Maybe he’d try his paw at helping make salves.

[Image: T8yHvja.png]



2 Years

BeeventGold Medal 2020
02-19-2021, 07:21 PM


Aslaug sat patiently, eyes staved into the Alpha but keeping an ears switched to acknowledge who else was joining or whatever they would say. She wouldn't speak until she saw was the moment for inputs. Besides Aslaug wasnt that good with talking before crowds were many would look at her upon speaking but she had to get over it, at this rank she knew someday she would have to train or organize hunts, just like Cairo did. She saw him as a model, as someone she admired and wished to be as he was, in terms of being a hardworking wolf, she also worked her way here. Training, and gaining experience by hunting with all types of wolves.

“And this year, we lost one who had so much more to give, enjoy, and see of this world. He leaves behind his mother, Baine, my Aunt. His name was Nolan, and he was a pure, genuine soul, eager to learn and work hard, always with a smile or a kind word."

Ears pinned and soon her eyes took a bitter color, feeling how a heavy mass of sadness felt over her heart, over her shoulders. Nolan even though she never got to know him that much he was still family and now she had lost so much, so many had be gone from her life.

“Valhalla, though suffering its losses, has seen a growth in numbers, and not just because of our children. Over the past years and more, there have been those who joined Valhalla’s ranks. Among them there were Daelos, Ochre, and their daughters Elba and Aslaug. While the former three have gone on their own paths, Aslaug has remained, and stands among the ranks of our hunters. Among us also now stand Kati, Taliesyn, Rhaegara, and Drachen, who have joined our ranks. I welcome you, all four of you.”

This only added more salt to the healing wound of seeing her family depart to the unknown, with a high chance of never seeing them again. She sighed looking away for a moment, trying to scare away the pain, the sorrow that was left. But well, she was here now, standing tall and hard on the track she had chosen. She will be the best hunter she could be, the best Valhalla would ever seen and like that she wanted to also be a good asset to Valhalla.

Tha raid came later, one of just practice. She wasnt a fighter so all she could do was bringing in more food. "Alright, If that's okay I could organize a few major hunts for bison and more large game. To keep the stocks full."

Art by CloudyNight



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
02-20-2021, 02:18 PM
More and more wolves started to pile in and Drachen's deep blue eyes scanned over each one as they filed in, nodding in greeting to the few who glanced his way. He waited patiently for Aurielle to start the meeting but it was obvious she was waiting for a few others to join them and his eyes drifted over the plains to see if he could catch sight of any light stranglers. Soon it came apparent that no one else would be joining them so Drachen flicked an ear and returned his attention to the Spirit as she filled in the pack on recent news, the black and tan filing the information away for future use. His ears flattened to his skull as the news of those that had recently passed and he could almost feel the change in the air as pain filled those that were in attendance. Drachen did not know them personally but he could tell they were loved and deeply missed.

He released a subtle breath as the meeting moved on again to the new members, glad that the air had shifted from deep sadness to excitement. He smiled at Cairo as he caught the man's mouth move in a silent welcome and he dipped his dark face in a silent thanks to the Sentinel. Or rather the freshly names sentinel as Aurielle called the dark man to the front. Drachen beamed at the dark brown male as he was officially named his new rank in front of the pack. Drachen had not known the man for very long, but Drachen enjoyed the man's company and was truly happy for Cairo. He wanted to yip in congratulations for Cairo but held his jaws closed, when no one else rose their voice, though his tail thumped rather loudly in the ground as he looked up at the man.

Once again the meeting moved on to the raid that had been planned with another pack, the idea of a planned raid was something that struck the Vaekhal male as odd but he did not voice his opinion about it. Who was he to challenge their way of life? It soon might even be his own way of life should he stay. Aurielle then asked if there were any questions or suggestions and Drachen remained silent until a large brilliant red old wolf spoke up saying he would guard the healers and young. So far the old red male was the only one to offer to guard the healers while the others wanted to join in the raid. Perhaps a more glory driven wolf would have begged to be in with the raiders but Drachen was not a glory driven wolf and he spoke up, his soft toned voice loud enough to reach Aurielle "I wish to help guard the healers if you will allow it Spirit...." Maybe some would think him a coward for not wanting to be on the front lines but Drachen knew better than anyone that the Healers were just as important, if not more valuable, as the warriors.
Drachen has a female Red-Tailed Hawk companion named Enzi that is always with him unless otherwise stated



Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

5 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-27-2021, 10:18 PM (This post was last modified: 02-27-2021, 10:23 PM by Laoise.)
Apparently running late was starting to become a habit of hers and she tossed her sister a worried glance as they hurried to make it to the meeting. She knew they should have just left the porcupine alone but Laoise wanted to try and make some weird pokey armor from its quills. Well... Of course that didn't work out, the creature put up much more of a fight than its lumbering walk suggested and the stinging small cut on her leg where the sharp quill had gotten her, was a painful reminder that next time she needed to be more careful. Laoise wished she had time to put some salve on it but they would have been even later and even more trouble if she had. Laoise tossed her mother an apologetic smile as she heard the Spirit call out their names, the girl almost flinching at the sound of her name being spoken, expecting to be scolded. Quickly, she found her place beside her brothers, blowing a breath on Ardyn's ear playfully as she seated herself and softly giggling when the fur torched up with the disturbance. "We almost got a porcupine." she whispered to her eldest brother before finally settling down and listening to the rest of the meeting, looking at the newcomers as they where announced, her sapphire and icy blue eyes settling on the massive stallion for a long moment before looking away when she realized she was being rude with burning tawny cheeks. Her heart picked up the pace when Aurielle announced the raid, both excitement and concern filling her. She, of course, would be with the other healers but Ardyn and their mother would be out in the battle. I hope they don't get hurt... she thought to herself as she looked at her russet paws before sneaking a glance at Ardyn beside her and then looking up at her mother. It's just a practice raid. she reminded herself and released a soft breath, then lifted her head once more as the meeting continued. At least the meeting kept her mind off of the stinging prick on her leg... at least for the most part.



Expert Navigator (200)

Master Fighter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Unarmed Unarmed

5 Years
Extra large

Critical Attack!OverachieverSamhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipUnderachieverAll Oozed Out
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Lighting McQueen1KPride - Pansexual
02-28-2021, 10:04 AM
Oh crap. Kaija was late to the meeting. Like, really, really late. Of course she'd heard Aurielle's call and intended to promptly answer it, but she'd been distracted by... something. A particularly fat hare had crossed her path and Kaija was hellbent on tracking it down. After some unknown amount of time it became obvious the hare was out of her reach - not only that but she was really late now and really far from the meeting spot. Crap! Hearing her mother's call only further incited panic within her. Oh no, Kaija thought to herself. Mom's gonna be mad. Like.. real mad.

Kaija scrambled across the plains as fast as her growing legs would carry her, and by the time she arrived she was breathing loudly in an effort to catch her breath. Instantly she found one of her siblings, Fidelias, and moved next to him. For perhaps once she was silent and mostly still, worried about her mom being upset with how ridiculously late she was. Everyone else was here, except for Arne, but she figured he probably had a good reason, unlike Kaija. She grimaced a bit, sitting and catching the tail end of what was going on. She'd have to ask Fidelias about the rest after.