
We'll Go Up In Flames, And Down In History

Pack Meeting



5 Years
Extra large
Athena I

05-16-2021, 03:27 PM
Casso listened as Ignis explained his intentions and his goals, a bit uncertain about the warring path that Ignis intended to take. He gave no reaction, though he did shift a bit closer to Yurei as his natural protectiveness of her flared, his tail curling around her hip. The whole reason he had stayed was to support his brother and keep her safe, but if supporting him put her in danger then the wasn't sure he could follow up with his desire to do both. The contradictory nature of his statements between not being a tyrant and having a way of life that he demanded they follow - a way of life that seemed to be leaning more violent - didn't slip past him. It made him wonder what Ignis thought other packs were like when he brought up how it wasn't different from how other packs lived. After having lived with the nomadic band through his younger years and knowing how Valhalla operated from staying there briefly he knew that wasn't the case.

His two toned gaze shifted down to the pups that sat around him as they were introduced, looking at the younglings that were surprisingly his nieces and nephews. He couldn't help but wonder where they came from, where their mother was, but those weren't questions they were going to get the answer to it seemed. He moved on to congratulating a couple of the pack members on expecting children of their own and then opened the floor for them to speak with a shrug. Casso's ear flicked uncertainly, wondering to himself how seriously Ignis was taking this. He had snatched the pack away from Winter, possibly ruined any chance of a relationship with their uncle, and now he just seemed so flippant about things...

Casso pushed that aside though, understanding that there was little he could do without putting Yurei at risk so he kept quiet, listening instead as Song spoke and very eloquently put how he would fight for survival, not for glory. Kirsi echoed those thoughts with a mention of how her children would be raised in the north where strength was bred. It appreciated their viewpoints and appreciated the levelheaded take on things. Something that he thought perhaps his brother could learn from. He glanced back to Ignis, finding his voice as he reluctantly told him, "You know that my loyalty has always been to family and that hasn't changed... I will stand with you, I only hope that you don't take that trust for granted. I also have no interest in shedding blood for glory alone. I will protect what is mine and nothing more."

"Casso" | "Boris" | thoughts



3 Years

Pride - Demisexual
05-16-2021, 03:36 PM
Chrys gave Claire a glance as she came over to sit beside her, returning her sister's smile. She hadn't gotten to connect with any of her siblings other than Ocean in such a long time, but she hoped that would change soon. Taking care of their brother had really put things into perspective for her. Soon enough Ocean appeared at her side as well and she offered him a smile, knowing that he probably wouldn't be able to return it. Her heart ached for him and as he settled down at her paws she shifted closer into his side, draping a paw around his large shoulders. All through the meeting she kept close to him while they listened to their new alpha give a lengthy speech about his intentions for the pack, how he wanted them to live, the new pack ranks and laws, some mentions of his children... She had a hard time focusing on it all, but she more or less got the gist. It didn't really matter to her what he wanted to do. There was no where else for them to go and she certainly didn't have the physical strength to try to leave even if she wanted to. She would be wherever her siblings were and if they were here then so would she. A few wolves spoke, but she didn't feel the need to, instead just looking down at Ocean and gently scratching the spot between his shoulders, getting his attention so they could start making their way away from the meeting.




Master Fighter (245)

Expert Intellectual (191)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantLoser
05-16-2021, 03:49 PM
Ciná sat proudly by his father and siblings while his father addressed the pack, looking around at all the other wolves in front of them with a cocky grin on his lips. Why did they all look so bothered? Weren't they excited about all the fun things that their father had planned? He couldn't wait to get big enough to get to do all the raiding and stuff that Ignis talked about and he was just excited that they got to sit up here at the front. That obviously meant they were important so they got to make all the decisions. Well, their father would make the decisions, but they were kind of part of it too. At least in his mind.

There was an awful lot of talking through and Ciná zoned out at some point when there was some talk about ranks or laws or something less exciting. Whenever other wolves in the audience started talking though he snapped back to attention, the grin that had slipped off of his lips returning in an instant. He mostly paid attention for the man that he thought was his uncle saying something about not shedding blood for glory and Ciná scoffed softly, glancing at one of his siblings beside him with a smirk. Wasn't protecting each other and fighting for things they wanted the same thing as glory? He didn't get what the big deal was, but he'd sit back and let the adults talk... for now.


Cinder I


05-16-2021, 04:09 PM

Cinder pretty much tuned the whole meeting out. The droll of pack business was... well it was boring. God, was that what leading was like? She thought it would be more exciting than this. She hadn't realized that meetings were about the worst thing in existence to sit through. She was lost in her own head until Ignis introduced them. She said just a little bit taller and paid the slightest bit more attention. Her pride was too high for her to be caught slipping when the attention was on them. She waited until Ignis was done speaking and then her pale gold gaze flicked to the pack members as they all spoke words that meant nothing to her. Ugh, adults were so boring. She glanced towards Cinaed and rolled her eyes so only he could see as if to say "kill me now" before she looked up at Ignis to see if they were going to be ready to go soon. She wanted to go do something fun!

Walk, "Talk" Think


The Hallows

Advanced Fighter (75)

Expert Intellectual (150)

7 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod
05-27-2021, 07:27 PM (This post was last modified: 05-27-2021, 07:28 PM by Claire. Edited 1 time in total.)

It wasn't long before the meeting began, and although she listened, she just wasn't completely in it. Like Chrystelle, she didn't particularly care where she was as long as she was with her siblings. They were all they had left, though she was unaware of her brothers heart break...unlike him, she had yet to leave the pack to find someone she could connect with, and the realization of that hit her hard like a sack full of stones. She pursed her lips as she leaned into her sister...had she just wasted her life up till now grieving and doing nothing to better herself or show that she cared? She did care about her siblings, but deep down...she knew she hadn't been showing that. She had made no effort to find friends or someone she could talk to. Not her siblings, nor her pack mates, nor even an outsider. She had been leading a pretty sad life now that she thought about it...but she had no idea how to let go of the grief she had for her deceased parents nor how to reconnect with her siblings...

She turned her attention to the alpha then as she tried to focus on what he said as well as those that spoke after him. She didn't have much to say if she was honest, she hadn't done anything...but...she did want to learn. Maybe he could assign them tasks or something...keep her busy and perhaps she could learn things in the process. Hesitant, she would ask. "Um...I was wondering...I know we have our basic duties around the pack but...there is much more I would like to learn...some of us never got a mentor or anything, so would it be possible to...I don't know...maybe shadow someone or something along those lines so we could learn in what we're interested in?" She swallowed, ears flattening to her head as she warily glanced around. It sounded stupid she felt, but she had been so wrapped up in her own grieving mind that she had also realized she had learned absolutely nothing since her mother passed away...granted, Greed had been teaching her (and she assumed her siblings, too), but she couldn't even remember any of his lessons because her heart and mind just hadn't been anywhere else for a long time.
