


06-01-2014, 10:31 PM

Her head was fuzzy, the words spoken in the chaos around her were like words spoken under water. They made no sense, rather the sounds dully echoed in her brain. Her head throbbed, and she felt so hot. She couldn't even focus on her pathetic state on the ground, ears flattened against her head in an attempt to keep out the annoying buzzing sound. She could feel a strange tingle in her toes, and her head tilted- looking at her feet, with a confused expression. The heat from her fever, pulsed along her body. Her breathing grew shallow, she couldn't catch her breath, and she was only lying down. Rolling slightly, she fell to her side, her sides heaving in an effort to feel less like she was drowning.

She tried to concentrate on what was going on around her, tried to focus on the words that Qanik and the other were saying. Her violet eyes sought out Qanik for a moment, before she shut them, her head flopping to the ground. She couldn't do anything but trust Qanik's judgement and pray that they'd find a cure. Idly, Roman wondered if Elli could do anything for her now, breathing was so hard- so... hard. She whined lightly as a sense of pain radiated around her hips, and she blinked drunkenly. What was happening?

A jolt of electricity shot through her, and she blacked out.

ooc: seizure, roman had a seizure. she's unconscious now. at least she isn't snapping at peoples xD



06-02-2014, 05:05 PM

Walk ? "Talk" ?

The summer child awoke to the request of the lady he had met when he first joined Tortuga, giving a small yawn. For once he was content. He wasn't bleeding, wasn't twitching. Had he reached the heavens? Had this sickness killed him, and corrupt his body? Slowly, he stood on his feet, looking nervously at the lupa as she worked on the young male he had heard of by name, Barristan. Paws would slowly bring the summer child toward the vixen, as she tested an array of herbs on the young male, hopefully finding a cure. Honey gaze was intent, but as it rested upon her, it began again. So he wasn't dead. If he was to die soon, he would try his hardest to help with the epidemic wreaking havoc on Tortuga before he left the terra firma of Alacritia.

"I also volunteer to help with the cure. You should have multiple test subjects for something like this." He was still sleepy from the herbs he had been administered to calm him down, and spoke in a drunken fashion, then lying down, to vomit on the ground as the acidic taste burned at his throat, and the maggots began to pulse again, or in this case, the sickness in his veins. "Good luck, Silenci. If I don't survive this sickness, I'm depending on you to save the Tortugans." He smiled weakly before lying down again, his body twitching and spasming.



5 Years
06-04-2014, 10:06 PM

Crimson tears fell from the girl's bloodshot sapphire eyes, her body hot with a fever. Insanity was striking every bit of her mind, hallucinations flooding her eyesight. The female would blink three times and see her mother and father standing in front of her, bloodied muzzles snapping at the fae. "Get the fuck away!" She would snarl, attempting to sprint away from her insanity.

She would stop after a while of running, worried calls reaching her ears from the wolves in the Tortuga pack. She knew she was in her pack's territory, but where exactly was she? Misha would shake her head, sending bloody tears dripping onto the fresh falling blanket of snow. She would growl and turn her headm=, glancing around. Suddenly she would spot the hazy figure of her old mate Ahote, standing in the snowfall. "Ahote!" She would cry out, running to his figure. But, when she met at his form, his mirage slowly faded into the white background. Scarlet red tears would leave her bloodshot eyes, the fae taking in a deep breath. "I'm going fucking crazy," she would say, her muffled sobs quickly interrupted by her thoughts. Tortuga. Roamer. Qanik. My pack.
She would run her weak form to her pack mates, panting heavily when she arrived, glancing around before collapsing onto the ground from exhaustion.


06-08-2014, 06:35 PM
Ritsuka was glad, so very glad that for now disaster had been averted. Even more so that this healer, obviously a Tortugan, though a newer one, was able to help. The second set of herbs seemed to have a positive effect on Barristan too. He was a bit more at ease, but his gaze didn?t leave the strange striped male. Qanik would take control of the situation, giving orders for Gossamir to run and let their allies know of the situation, to ask for aid and tell what they had learned thus far with the herb combinations they tried. He would start to move towards the male, Faust, and Roman, when their leader began having a seizure, blacking out.

Worry gripped him, but he wasn?t sure what to do as far as aid in that department. He would cautiously approach Faust however, ears flicked back. He wouldn?t hear Misha approach, but that was merely because he was so focused on Faust. The male was in a dangerous state, the most violent at the moment of the ill, and restraining him was definitely needed. He was approaching from the side, hopefully the other would still be too distracted by Qanik to pay him any mind. When he got close enough Ritsuka would make a jump, aiming to grab the other by the scruff and hold on so he wouldn?t be able to go after any of the other pack members.



06-09-2014, 09:42 PM
Quote:Their languages are all foreign to him, the blood oozing down his face only furthering the intimidating look of the Germanic warrior. He cannot understand these vile creatures who seek to harm his Queen, and thus he stands guard. Alas spots begin to fill his vision as the bleeding from his eyes intensifies, his massive limbs wavering. He has good enough sense to move away from the woman he protects before he collapses.
Massive skull slams the ground with a loud noise, consciousness evading him despite how much he fights. Faust doesn?t know how to fight sickness; he fights with tooth and claw, with the grit of his will and the iron of his muscles. He knows not how to face a disease; torn muscles and tendons are one thing, but invisible enemies that tear him apart from the inside are another. ?exit via unconsciousness-


06-10-2014, 01:45 PM

When everything descended into chaos all at once, Shay just took a few steps back and sat down, head tilting curiously as he attempted to watch everyone at once with just one eye and one working ear. He only moved once, to open his mouth with the intention of answering Ritsuka that yes, he was a healer actually, but before he could make even a sound he was cut off by another wolf, and he obligingly just shut his mouth and stayed out of the way even as the scene degenerated more and more. After all, what could he possibly do? There was no real order to what was happening, no one was issuing any sort of command except the other healer, and she'd immediately run off anyway, so really, staying put would just be the best course of action. Kept him out of the way when all he'd really be doing if he moved would be adding to the confusion.

He did watch with interest as a darker gray wolf dosed one of the sick wolves with something. Wolfsbane? He made a mental note to seek her out later and find out everything he could from her, as she must have been some sort of healer. Now probably wasn't a good time though, he decided when another wolf attacked her and immediately everyone went to her rescue. Maybe a bit later would be better.

The other healer had returned by then with some herbs that she began dosing another sick wolf with, and Shay's attention turned to her. Boneset, Earth Smoke, and Eldarberry was what the woman chose to try, and Shay took careful note of each and the amounts she tried. He watched with little expectation of immediate change. After all, herbs taken by mouth took some time to show effect. But the healer didn't seem to have his patience, for she almost immediately admitted defeat and began preparing a new combination. Alder Buckthorn, Alfalfa, and Horsetail if he recognized them correctly. They did seem to help, but a puzzled look crossed his face. "Why are you giving them to the same patient?" he finally spoke up, greatly curious about her method. "Are you not concerned about the new herbs reacting badly to the first set? Perhaps overdosing? That could kill him, and then that could confuse things a bit I imagine."

The white female who had first been with the sick female finally took charge then, sending the darker young healer off with the combination to their allied packs to see if they had the illness, looking for help, and then she chastised the other healer for experimentation without consulting anyone. But... was there something wrong with experimenting? Hm. He should probably keep that in mind and keep any experimenting he did under wraps if it was considered socially offensive.

His eyes strayed back to the alpha in time to see her suddenly seize up. "Excuse me," he piped up again. "The alpha appears to be having issues. Should I help her? Or someone anyway?" There was that rather large striped behemoth guarding her, after all... it would probably be best if he were to get permission before approaching the beast. Though he could have simply waited, since it appeared he was only moments from blacking out himself. Shay watched with interest as the big wolf simply toppled over like a felled tree, then climbed to his feet and ghosted over to them. Hm, who to look at first? Probably the behemoth, actually, as he had no doubt that the other healer would be all over the alpha shortly, and the behemoth would probably take experimentation a little better at his size than the respectably-sized but much smaller female.

He poked and prodded at the unconscious beast, uncaring but not unaware of the massive teeth he was getting close to as he checked the various vital signs. Finally he sat back and considered. What did he know that could help... and just as importantly, how best to forcefeed herbs to this monstrosity so he could see what happened?

talk, think



4 Years
06-10-2014, 06:17 PM

[Image: O2SqJTo.png]

She didn't know what had become of her as she so randomly tested herbs on the man. She herself knew them to not cause harm when mixed, she was quite careful with that fact, but Qanik was right to say she shouldn't just guess... then Roman went down and she started to panic. "I apologize for my methods but I can assure you the mixtures I have given Barristan will not harm him. I am more careful than that even in this frantic state. As for discussing it with other healers, I had the impression I was the only one because I have met no others and you even stated when I joined that there was a lack of healing knowledge. I'll discuss it with them if they come forth and they are not sick." She acknowledged as she rushed over to Roman. How the hell was she supposed to figure it out?

[Image: p6FO9J3.png]