
Unity in the Long Night

Hallows Feast of Unity


The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
11-04-2021, 11:35 PM

At first when word got sent to him from Artorias that the feast was going to be happening the next day with an invitation to come home for it he had wondered if he should. After all, he was technically on duty and he'd have to leave his post to do it. But then he thought about what Syanna's face would look like when she saw him there and he just couldn't resist that. He told Chimera where he would be and that he would return as soon as the feast was over and then he took off to the other side of Auster so he could return home at his best friend's invitation. He was eager to be home and even more eager to see Syanna and that kept him moving quickly across the few terrains that separated the two packs.

He was just crossing over the border at the edge of the plains when Artorias' call rang out, his ears perking at the sound and making him lope across the grounds to reach the castle before the festivities began. Ezra just barely made it, slipping in after Gwynevere and his pale blue eyes scanned the room until he spotted the vibrantly colored fur he missed so dearly. A grin crossed his face when he saw that she was facing away from him and he snuck as quietly as his large paws would allow till he was right behind her. Luckily the chatter and clatter of the other wolves around them covered up his approach and he was able to lean around her chair to sneak a kiss onto her cheek with a bright grin. "Miss me?" he asked with a chuckle, climbing into the chair beside her and catching her lips with a quick kiss.

Ezra Adravendi



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
11-05-2021, 12:09 AM
One by one the rest of the pack filed in after Artorias called for them, first being his daughter. He offered Jane a grin before looking up at the door to see the others as they entered. A woman he wasn't familiar with followed by Serenity, Rudyard, Bowen, and then the woman he was the most eager to see. He grinned as she came to sit beside him and he was more than happy to have her lean into him, returning the kiss she gave his chin with one of his own to the top of her head. He glanced up at Artorias when Eska asked him if he was ready and without hesitation he nodded. "He's ready. He's more ready than I ever was at even four times his age," he said with a chuckle, looking back down at his mate. "He needs to find the confidence in his own abilities, but he has them. No doubt about that." But he wouldn't just abandon Artorias now that Art was officially taking the title. He would stand at Art's side at least until the summer and whenever he was needed he would be there.

Several more walked in to join them while he was talking with Eska and when he looked up again he saw Avantika and Tamsyn up at the head table, though Tamsyn didn't stay there long in favor of going to sit with Kane, and he saw Lilith enter with Romulus, the pair sitting at the table near him, Jane, and Serenity. He caught the sad look on his daughters face and he tried to catch her eye to give her an encouraging smile. Another young woman he didn't recognize joined them and he watched her go up to greet Avantika and he smiled at the sight. There was nothing quite like young love in his eyes. A boy entered and darted right toward Bowen and he realized a beat later this was the boy she had been keeping around. Then came Deion who looked humorously befuddled by the chairs he encountered and shortly after Syanna and Sota.

He almost missed Emile entering entirely, the troubled boy keeping to the shadows around the edge of the room and Ulric frowned a bit as he considered going over to him to see if he could get him to join the rest of them family at the table, but decided against it. He felt like he'd just draw more attention to the boy in the process and make things worse. Gwyn slipped in and went up to join her family and he thought maybe that would round out the wolves they were expecting with the exception of Dunkan, but just as he was getting up to address the crowd he saw his son slip in at the last second, chuckling to himself as he watched Ezra surprise Syanna. Those two had been all over each other since the day Syanna came to live with them and he was happy to see that Ezra was able to make it back from his assignment in Fenmyre in time for the feast if for no other reason than to be with her.

Ulric stood then, standing near the base of the platform where the Carpathius family had sat around Artorias and he waved a paw to get everyone's attention. He waited till the chatter died down and then began, "Thank you for coming everyone. It's a pleasure to be holding the Feast of Unity here again to celebrate a year of The Hallows calling this castle home." He gave a glance back toward Artorias with a grin before looking back to the crowd as he said, "That isn't the only thing we are celebrating tonight. Tonight we celebrate Artorias officially taking over the title of Aegis and becoming the alpha of The Hallows. He has been working and preparing for this for a long time, but I feel that he's more than ready. I will stay as his second in command until the summer, but please, I would love for everyone to join me in welcoming Artorias as our new Aegis!" He hit his paw against the table, leading the others in a round of applause of sorts, handing the festivities over to Art.

Ulric Adravendi


"I will shield you from the darkness"

The Hallows
Lord of Cinder

Master Fighter (877)

Master Navigator (1030)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Running on EmptyRapid Poster - SilverBest BudsSocialiteOverachiever
Auster ExplorerPride - BisexualFestival OrganizerDream WeaverLoserGlobetrotter
UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyWealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
Critical Dodge!Ooh La LaLegendaryExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
WinnerVengeanceSnake EyesDouble MasterMammoth HunterCritical Hit!
11-05-2021, 06:54 PM

From his seat at the Aegis' table, Artorias watched as wolf after wolf came into the hall to answer his call. A smile touched his face as he welcomed each with warm eyes, founding members and newcomers alike. Rudy came waltzing up to the table and took a seat beside him, flashing all his teeth in a wide grin. Rudy's indomitable spirit helped to lighten Art's spirits, unable to resist chuckling at his brother's sass. "I'm certainly going to try," he remarked to Rudy's mention of giving a speech. "If I start making a complete fool of myself, yank on my tail and I'll sit back down." As he grinned, his eyes found the copper and cream form of Bowen entering, his gaze lingering on his sister with a unique warmth in those fiery eyes. Their eyes met, she winked, and Art's tail wagged gently behind him while he cast her a knowing grin. But as much as he wanted her to join the rest of the family on the Aegis' dais, she instead sat off to the side, avoiding the crowds.

Tika sat a chair down from him, and then Tamsyn came up to show her love to each of them. Artorias watched his mother with a loving smile, and when she came to him, it was impossible to keep the big toothy grin off his face. He was happy to see her so happy. This was a difficult time for them all, the pain of Resin's loss still feeling so fresh in their hearts—but they made do. Artorias wrapped a strong foreleg around his mother when she hugged him around his neck, embracing her with all the love she gave him, having to crane his neck down a bit to nuzzle her cheek. Tamsyn's comment about Resin being proud of him brought small tears to the edges of his eyes; all he'd ever wanted in his life was to make his parents proud and bring honor to his family. Hearing Tam say that she was proud of him was the greatest honor he could receive. "Thanks, Mom. That means more than you know," he spoke softly back, giving a small nod to her. "I love you."

Once Tam had stepped down to go join Kane, Artorias watched the rest of the wolves filter into the hall. There was quite a dynamic to the mood in the hall: somber, excited, afraid, loving. He watched Audra go to Avantika with a smile, and then he watched Haiku wander off to surround Bowen with an impassive expression. He was going to need a lot of wine to get through tonight. Each wolf that joined he greeted with a smile of appreciation and camaraderie. Deion, Sota, Syanna, Emile... Gwyenevre slunk in a few moments later, and Artorias' eyes lit up to see his sister, waving her up to join the family. She thankfully took the other empty seat beside him, and Artorias was grateful that he wouldn't have to have a space next to him and be reminded of Briar's absence. He leaned against Gwynevere and gave her a reassuring nudge with a smile, showing his appreciation for her coming. Above them, Corbin and Eilwen had taken roost in the rafters, a perfect black and white pair of ravens looking over the Carpathians.

Finally, once everyone who was coming had shown up, Ulric commenced the feast. Artorias returned Ulric's smile, sitting quietly while the Adravendi patriarch announced the transition of power from himself to Artorias, officially naming him the Aegis of the Hallows. A flush of embarrassment touched his face all the while Ulric praised him and especially when the applause began, ears flicking back, but the smile on his face couldn't be bigger. Artorias waited for the noise to quiet down before he rose to his paws to address the pack—his pack. "Thank you, everyone. It's the greatest honor of my life to be able to be where I am, surrounded by wolves who I know trust me and love me. Each and every single one of you is a part of my family, by blood..." He glanced to his family beside him at the table, and across the room to Tamsyn and Bowen. "...or by choice. Your faith in the Hallows, in my mother's ideals, in the belief of doing good and leaving the world a better place, it's what unites us and it's what will continue to keep us a family, no matter how dark the nights get. I know many of us are afraid of the changes we've faced. We have endured so much over the past year... We've seen danger, we've suffered loss, heartbreak, uncertainty... and each time I've watched us rise stronger. No matter what we face, the Hallows will never fall, and it's thanks to the strength of spirit of every one of you. Hallowed wolves, one and all. I love you all, and there aren't enough words to say how much I appreciate your faith in me and your faith in our pack. I promise to do all I can to make the Hallows the place my mother dreamed of and a pack you are all proud to be a part of."

"I want to thank Ulric, who led the Hallows with dignity and strength after my mother's passing. He led us through some of the most difficult and dark times our pack has faced, and not once did he ever show a lack of commitment or faith to any of us." Artorias paused long enough to allow the applause for Ulric, then filled a silver goblet on the table from a carafe of sweet red wine. He passed it down the table to each of his family, then took the goblet's stem between two digits on his paw to lift it. "I know you're all as hungry as I am, so I won't keep us from this delicious feast much longer! But first, a toast! To the wolves we've loved and lost, to the wolves at our sides tonight, and to the wolves yet to join us. To being the light in the darkness, the shelter in the storm, the fire in the cold. To the Hallows!" Artorias raised the goblet high, then brought it to his lips and swallowed a deep swig of the wine. "Let the Feast of Unity begin! Eat, drink, and have fun!"

Artorias sat back down in his chair, watching his pack and his family with a bright smile on his face. He brought the goblet back to his mouth and downed the rest of the wine in a long chug, setting it down with a content sigh and looked to Rudy with a smirk. "So how was that? As terrible as it went in my mind?" he asked with a chuckle.

"Artorias Carpathius"

One big happy family

Artorias has two ravens named Corbin and Eira and a fox named Argent. Assume they are within calling distance at all times.
As his mate, Briar may enter Artorias' threads unless marked Private.


"I Will Make You Proud"


Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

3 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Double MasterSnake Eyes
Mammoth HunterCritical Fail!Pride - Lesbian1K
11-06-2021, 09:51 AM

Avantika watched as Tamsyn greeted each of her children, and she smiled when she turned to her, congratulating her on becoming a Templar. "Thank you, Mom." She settled back down again before bobbing her head right back up when Audra approached. She looked as beautiful as always, sitting down in the chair right next to her. She couldn't help but smile broadly. "Yeah," she replied, a touch of familial pride entering her voice.

Her smile wavered as she saw Kane with Tamsyn. She couldn't begrudge her remaining mother for finding solace in another lover, but her heart still wanted Resin to be there instead.

There were many couples there, including Syanna and Ezra, who was back from Fenmyre now, I guess. Avantika wondered what he had experienced there. Maybe she would work up the courage to ask once she had some wine in her. He kissed Syanna quickly, and she glanced at Audra, wondering if she wanted to kiss, too. They had only once before, and it was suddenly not nearly enough. They could think about that later.

Ulric began speaking, announcing Art's promotion to Aegis. Avantika thumped her paw against the table along with everyone else. She trusted her brother to serve the pack with everything he had, and she would be right beside him if ever he needed her. Her eyes shone with emotion as he spoke of hope, ideals, and family. Everything that made the Hallows so deeply meaningful to her. She raised her goblet to his toast and drank deeply.

Art was the king of inspiring speeches.


Avantika is prone to panic attacks. Keep in mind when roleplaying with her.
Her companions, a female sharp-shinned hawk named Kaata and a black-thighed falconet named Kit can be assumed to always be close by unless otherwise stated.


The Hallows

Master Navigator (240)

Master Fighter (265)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
11-25-2021, 05:39 PM

As Bowen sat at the back of the gathering away from the crowds of wolves, she didn't feel disconnected from her family. They were there just as she was there. She didn't need to be right up with them to feel included and she hoped that they didn't feel put out by her absence in return. The slender fae just wasn't comfortable in such a social scene and the strong walls of the keep made her feel stronger in turn.

Tamsyn came forward and kissed her cheek, bringing a smile to Bowen's face. She nuzzled beneath her mother's chin, wrapping one foreleg around her in a gentle, loving embrace before allowing the black wolf to move on to her other siblings. Her gaze followed the form of her mother as she greeted each sibling, then moved to sit beside her new lover. Bowen wasn't entirely sure how she felt about that, but she knew one thing: she wanted her mother to be happy. She deserved it. If this man made her happy, then Bowen would accept him. It might never feel as right as seeing her mother's together, but she would accept him.

Haiku came next, sprawling out protectively around her like some big, chocolate bulwark. The copper and cream woman pressed her belly up against his side, leaning her upper half forward and draping her sable clad legs over his wide back. She nuzzled into the back of his head, bestowing a soft kiss just under his ear. Then her attention was pulled to the front as Ulric and Artorias began to speak. She was so very proud of her brother and she hoped that this pride showed in her vibrant, gleaming emerald pools. She was unable to look away and the fae's soft smile lifted the corners of her maw. When the pack began to applaud, Bowen raised her muzzle and released an ululating call of camaraderie, unity and pride.


[Image: gSBkYSG.gif]Bowen Arrow Carpathius [Image: 2cnsALh.png]



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
11-25-2021, 05:45 PM

Ulric shared his beliefs that Artorias was ready and Eska accepted those words with a nod. She trusted her mate's word and if he believed that Art was ready, then she believed that he was as well. Ulric pulled away from her side and began to speak to the hall and, while he did that, she moved slowly away so as not to draw attention to herself. There was one other here that she believed needed her. This was a feast of unity, after all.

Eska moved to Emile's side, seating herself at the boy's hip. "This is for all of us," she spoke softly, just so he could hear. "I'll stay with you, if you'd like." The silvered woman shot the boy one of her bare smiles, so reminiscent of her mother, before sliding down to lay on her pale belly on the stone. She wanted to be here with the boy. Speaking to Ulric and others, she knew that he was broken, but she didn't want that for him. Perhaps it would take time, but Emile had everything that he needed here to form a good life if he could only get out of his own head for a while.

Once the speeches were given and the hall had erupted into cheers, the wolves of The Hallows moved on to begin the feast. Eska cast a sidelong glance at the striped lad. "Would you like anything to eat? I could bring something back for you and we could eat together there," The fae motioned to a little windowed alcove out of the way where they would be away from the crowd if he wished to be.




Master Healer (315)

Master Navigator (495)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

Samhain 2022Derby Winner1KPride - BisexualDouble MasterAll Oozed Out
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Wordy
12-03-2021, 04:37 PM

Wolves filtered in one after the other as they took their places respectively. Audra watched in silent awe at the large group that gathered. It was wonderful being in a place with so many that cared for each other. Her smile never faltered, even as Avantika glanced over at her. There was something in her gaze that made Audra's heart skip a beat. The temptation to kiss her was overwhelming, but she didn't want to ruin the moment for Tika.

Listening to the murmur die down as Artorias took a stand at the head of the head, Audra's honey gaze swept over to him. His speech was inspiring and heartfelt. In unison with the others, Audra thumped her own paw gently against the table in applause as Artorias' speech ended and the feast commenced. Eyeing the spread of food and drink surrounding them, she could feel her mouth begin to salivate. "Where do we begin?" She whispered quietly to Avantika.

audra's companions are to be assumed next to her unless stated otherwise