
Introducing Mr. and Mrs. Carpathius

Open Wedding Reception!



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
05-19-2022, 07:58 PM
Manea was quite pleased to have received an invitation to Artorias and Briar's celebration. After the evening they had shared during their last visit she had felt like it was a toss up whether the Auster dwelling couple would enjoy their company once more or would avoid them entirely. It seemed that they hadn't scared off the young wolves after all and for that she was very glad. Alastor collected quite some nice gifts to offer the couple, but when Avacyn and Saracyn had decided to come along her clever daughter had wanted to add her own gift so Manea helped her daughter prepare something that she thought would fit the Carpathius wolves. She had a hard time being away from their little Fia so soon, but it would only be for a couple of days and she more than trusted Irilyth to be her care taker.

They walked into the castle together and she chuckled as Saracyn attempted to dart off toward the feast table, letting Alastor reign in their rowdy son at least long enough to say their congratulations to their hosts. Alastor with his charismatic charm greeted the pair as they approached the alpha's table, dropping the pelts, metals, and gemstones on the table with the other gifts. A smirk tugged at her lips at her husband's thinly veiled comments, leaning into his side a bit with a warning swat of her tail across his hip. After Alastor presented his half of the gifts she waved Avacyn forward, adding, "I can't take all of the credit for this part of your gifts. My daughter is quite the crafter and wanted to make something for you."

Avacyn politely placed the small bag made of soft leather on the table in front of the Hallows leaders, giving them her congratulations as well before she slipped away to follow Saracyn into the feast. Manea pulled the string on the bag and it fell away from the gift inside, revealing the carved piece of crystal that had been shaped to look like the castle which Manea had described for her talented daughter. It glimmered in the light that filtered in through the windows, but she told them, "It's quite stunning in direct sunlight. Perhaps sitting on a window sill or on a balcony." With that she stepped back as well, adding, "Congratulations again, you two. I'm looking forward to seeing what your marriage will bring into the world." She pulled Alastor away, finding a place among the crowd to enjoy in the festivities and the feast.

"Manea Mendacium"


High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
05-19-2022, 09:43 PM (This post was last modified: 05-19-2022, 11:15 PM by Rudyard. Edited 1 time in total.)

Rudyardhad lingered after the wedding for a bit with others of the family for a more personalized time with them before eventually heading out with Fern into the reception area.  There was so much joy at the wedding, and everyone’s good emotions seemed to vibrate in the air itself, one person’s joy carrying on to the next, at least for the most part.  

Rudy was in his element of good cheer and was happy to chat with anyone who approached with a few jovial words.  Rudy leaves Fern’s side for a moment, coming back with a plate of stew and a few sweet candies put on the side.  “Calm on Fern,” Rudy said with a bit of laugh, “No rush, enjoy yourself.”  She seemed stuck into timing things perfectly.  

She decided there was a good chance to go see Art and Briar and Rudy shrugged, scooping up a blanket wrapped around an object he had made of his own.  Let their main gift be what Fern had so thoughtfully made.  Still, he had something for Art though he thought Briar might just be interested in it, maybe. As he listened to Fern explain the gift she got them Rudy acknowledged again she had a great way with words for expression.  Rudy used words to convince and draw people in but Fern had a way with words for lifting someone up.

When she was done showing off what she got, Rudy put down his own present.  His version of a wrapped gift was a blanket tossed over the item.  It was a sword rack, made for two swords to rest in velvet and hung on a wall.  One spot was made for Embershard, the name of the sword etched into the dark wood.  Below it was a spot for a much smaller sword if one could call it that.  In that spot of velvet was a simple stick.  Rudy had spent a good bit of time finding a stick that resembled the one Art and he had gone out to find in the willow trees.  

There was no name for the stick but instead an extravagant picture of the weeping woods.  Rudy had described the spot best as he could do to the artist.  Where had the tree’s been next to each other and the water flowed?  It was a rendition of where Art had first met Briar and found his stick.  

“My version of a bit of the past and now the future.  You two remember that spot I imagine?” Of course, they would remember first meeting up but funny how some times being asked a question made it snap into place all the more.  Rudy put his focus then on Briar, “I’m sorry for whenever my brother gets to be a bit too much of a workaholic.  Sometimes he’s a real bore and overly serious.  He forgets how to laugh and have fun.” The words started off sounding formal but there was a wicked teasing grin on his face towards the end as Artorias got to listen to his faults, at least by Rudy’s view.

Rudyard Carpathius


The Hallows

Expert Intellectual (165)

Master Navigator (255)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

9 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantPride - DemisexualChristmas 2019
05-23-2022, 02:34 PM

Living in The Hallows had helped Sota come out of his reclusive little shell, but he still didn't feel quite cut out for celebrations of this magnitude. To be frank it was overwhelming, though likewise he was overcome with joy for the newlyweds. Their union was definitely a reason to celebrate, and he intended to make his presence known even if he didn't go quite as wild as some wolves no doubt would tonight. He lingered near the edges of the crowds, having already given his gift to the couple - a carefully arranged bouquet of flowers, which he'd tied carefully together with dried plant fibers. It was a simple gift but one typical of him. He let out a happy sigh as he hunkered down near a table full of food, content to sit on his own and observe the interactions between packmates and strangers alike for now.

Sota has a male bamboo lemur companion named Kaito, he's sometimes nearby but usually only if stated!



Master Fighter (245)

Expert Intellectual (191)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantLoser
05-26-2022, 11:06 AM
Normally Ciná probably wouldn't have come to a big event like this and once he got here he most certainly felt out of place, but he had been on the island for so long now that he was starting to get antsy and wanted to go stretch his legs for a bit. Since Chimera and Aliana were coming he figured he might as well go too even though he didn't really know the newly married couple. He mostly just wanted an excuse to take part in whatever feast they were going to have and get a peek at the castle that he had seen from a distance multiple times before. Walking into the big hall where most of the wolves had congregated he took a look around, wondering if there would be anyone he recognized. With any luck no one from his family or former pack would show up. He didn't know what they were up to these days and he really didn't care. He kept mostly to the fringes, slipping toward the tables just long enough to grab some food and wine before backing out to a less populated portion of the castle.



"I will shield you from the darkness"

The Hallows
Lord of Cinder

Master Fighter (877)

Master Navigator (1030)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Running on EmptyRapid Poster - SilverBest BudsSocialiteOverachiever
Auster ExplorerPride - BisexualFestival OrganizerDream WeaverLoserGlobetrotter
UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyWealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
Critical Dodge!Ooh La LaLegendaryExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
WinnerVengeanceSnake EyesDouble MasterMammoth HunterCritical Hit!
05-27-2022, 01:59 AM

After getting seated and comfortable, Artorias took a moment to admire his bride's radiant beauty up close. Briar was always beautiful to him on any given day, but today, dressed in her breathtaking attire with her feather crown atop her head and positively glowing with joy and love, she was more beautiful than he'd ever seen her before! The Aegis was positively smitten with his Queen, and it was written all over his face with the way he looked at her like she was the only wolf in the room. To his surprise, when he made a comment about not getting drunk, Briar retorted with a sultry whisper and sly smirk that he was a lot of fun after a couple of drinks. Amber eyes blinked in surprise, a wolfish grin creeping over his face as understanding dawned across him. "Oh really? Well, I think I can manage moderation for the benefit of my queen," he quipped back with a sly wink of his own and a husky chuckle. No doubt that their night would be quite active with celebrations of their own once the festivities had died down.

The first guests to approach them were Chimera and Aliana. Artorias' face illuminated with delight to see his friend and ally, immediately rising to greet his peer with a respectful nod of his head. "Chimera, Aliana, thank you both for coming!" Chimera and Aliana made their introductions to Briar, and then Chi gestured a paw over the finely crafted wooden box set on their table. With a curious look exchanged to Briar, Artorias watched with keen interest while Briar opened and unwrapped the contents within. The two golden crowns were stunning, their finely polished surfaces glistening in the light and reflecting the stunned stares of their owners. "Thank you, Chimera! This is much too generous. We will be sure to take great care with them." After Chimera and Aliana issued their congratulations with the mottled gray fae wishing them many happy and healthy pups, Artorias exchanged a slightly embarrassed grin with his new wife. Briar had no idea how much weight or implication Aliana's well wishes brought, since Chimera had a small army of children with most of them birthed by the clouded queen. Another sheepish look was exchanged when Briar gave him an amused glance as Chimera wandered off with his paw on his mate's rump for all to see. "Chimera's a very... free spirit," he tried to explain as tactfully and tastefully as he could. Perhaps later in private he'd explain in more detail, if she wished to know.

Briar's brother came next, offering some scented oils to the couple. Artorias dipped his head graciously to the Fatalis brute. Though he didn't know Kotori well, he knew enough of the young man and clearly liked his family. "Thank you, Kotori. We're both happy you could share this day with us," he said to the spotted wolf, then broke into a chuckle with an amused grin as Kotori subtly cautioned him. "I promise I will. I know how special she is." Art turned to smile at Briar as a punctuation to his statement. Yes, he knew that she would be the best thing to ever happen to him, and he would treasure her forever.

Up next, two very familiar figures approached, and Artorias' smile grew wider. Ikigai spoke first, congratulating them and presenting them with a fine blanket crafted of soft ermine pelts. Venom echoed her daughter's sentiments and presented them with a gilded cage with two snow white doves within and instructions to release them together at dawn for luck in their union. "I remember you, Princess Ikigai, from your family's tournament," the Aegis said, giving the young girl a lopsided smile and dip of his head. "Thank you for celebrating with us, and for your lovely gift. I'm sure you make your mother very proud." A knowing smile was turned Venom's way as he spoke, regarding the Empress and his fellow alpha with all the dignity and respect she deserved. "Your daughter speaks very well for herself, and for Ashen. You must be the proudest mother in Boreas." Though a superstition it may be, Artorias was touched to be included in a part of Ashen's culture. He grinned at the doves, then passed them to Briar to care for. He didn't trust himself to not accidentally knock over the cage or something. "Thank you, Venom! Your presence means more than you know, and we're thrilled to have you here. Please, enjoy your stay!" As she left the table, Artorias made a mental note to find a time to discuss finalizing an alliance between their packs as soon as possible. He respected Venom greatly, and their packs would both mutually benefit from tightening the ties between them. It had been a work in progress, but now it felt like it was the inevitable next step for their friendship.

The next wolf to pay their respects was a kindly face Artorias was fast becoming familiar with. "Theory! Welcome back, I'm glad you made it!" he greeted the Abaven alphess with a bright smile and wagging tail. The Headmistress dropped off her gifts, was given the gratitude of the Aegis and Queen, and then went to join the rest of the revelry. "Theory has started a school in Abaven recently, and I offered some of our brightest to help teach lessons," he explained to Briar. It only made sense to keep his Queen abreast of the interpack relations he'd cultivated along the way. Thankfully, Theory's cousin didn't seem to be amongst the mix at the reception. Perhaps this would be a peaceful affair after all... A peculiar wolf-dog he didn't recognize dropped off a gift as well and received a grateful nod and smile from the Aegis. He didn't know the man, but perhaps Briar did.

Eligos came to the table next, an air of severity about him as he offered his gifts to the newlyweds. Artorias raised a brow, beyond surprised to see Aerie's alpha amongst the revelers. He'd only met the dark-furred man once before in his life, during the tense and terse meeting of the alphas at the onset of the Long Night. Since then, he'd heard nothing of Aerie, nor seen hide nor hair of any of their members or their enigmatic alpha. Eligos presented his gifts and congratulated them on their union, wishing them many children in their lifetimeIn a bizarre and yet quintessentially Eligos fashion. "Thank you for the gift and well wishes, Eligos," Artorias said in measured yet gracious tones, dipping his head to show respect to his peer. "It's good to see you again. Please, enjoy the party." While it was indeed good to see he hadn't succumbed to the horrors of the Long Night, Artorias couldn't help but feel a bit creeped out by the Aerie wolf's general demeanor. Still, he had been civil and cordial and was observing his pack's laws, and so Art would match his decorum.

A pink wolf approached them next, and Artorias was surprised to find she bore the scent of Tojo-kai. Though he had sent ravens with open invites to every pack, he truly did not believe a single wolf of Hattori's would show up at the reception. Yet here she was, this nameless wolf offering them cougar pelts and well wishes. Although he was generally distrustful of Tojo-kai given their leader and history, they had been civil and reclusive thus far, and had not made themselves an enemy of the Hallows. She would be welcomed here, as was everyone. "Thank you kindly, miss. Please, enjoy the food and wine." Once she had stepped away, Artorias whistled to catch the attention of Romulus on the other side of the room, then gestured for him to keep an eye on the Tojo-kai wolf. If she behaved, there would be no reason for any of them to worry.

The next guests they saw were a very familiar couple and who Artorias assumed were their children, as they both matched their parents almost to a tee. Alastor stopped his son from running off, then presented them with several snow leopard pelts and a sack filled with raw metals and gemstones. Then Alastor gave them his well wishes and blessing for many healthy and copious litters, punctuated with a double entendre and a sly grin that made Artorias squirm a bit in his seat while he exchanged a sheepish grin with Briar and the Mendacium pair. He vividly remembered their interactions with the Elysium alphas, and from the flush he saw on Briar's cheeks and her grin, he knew she did as well. The Elysian pair presented them with gifts of snow leopard pelts, precious metals from the northern caves, as well as a beautiful crystal sculpture of their castle home crafted by the talented daughter. "Manea, Alastor, this is far too generous! Thank you!" he said with a beaming smile, then turned to give Avacyn a heartfelt smile, emotion welling behind softening eyes. "You're incredibly talented. Your mother must be so proud. Thank you very much."

Shortly after came the two wolves he had been expecting to see in due time. Artorias greeted both Rudyard and Fern with a warm familial smile. "I haven't made too much of a fool of myself with all my sappy speeches and vows yet, have I?" he asked his brother with a joking wink. Fern gave her well wishes of good fortune to them, then placed two matching boxes before the pair. Artorias raised a curious brow and lifted the lid, gawking in awe at the ivory statue within. It was carved to intricate detail and looked exactly like Briar, as Briar's had been carved to be his alabaster doppelgänger. Fern explained how on their own they were beautiful, then proceeded to slot them neatly together to demonstrate how to display them. Connected, the two ivory wolves interlocked in a snuggle, and the half arch formed the arbor they'd had at their wedding. Artorias' heart felt light and airy with the emotion as he gazed at the splendor of her gift. Rudy was quick to follow up with his own gift, and as the weight of it slammed to the table, Art began to wonder just what the hell his brother had come up with for him? That curiosity was quickly satisfied when Rudy revealed the sword rack beneath, carved from fine dark mahogany with velvet to support the weapons it housed. Artorias studied it with wide eyes, his paw tracing the etching of Embershard's name, then the willow tree, which bore a willow branch. Memories immediately flooded back to the Aegis of a time long ago, when they were all pups living by the falls. Artorias chuckled, then he laughed, and then he was nearly crying while laughing, shooting his brother a wicked grin. Oh, he remembered their childhood fights with his sticks and the adventures in the willow groves without their parents' permission! "Rudy, Fern... I have no words. These are incredible, and you're both far too generous." Artorias rose and moved around the table to embrace Rudyard first, then Fern. "Thank you, both of you, from the bottom of my heart. Thank you." With another chuckle, he shot the other couple a roguish grin as he returned to his seat. "I suppose the next wedding we'll be having around here will be yours—once Fern gets off her butt and proposes to you, that is!" He gave Fern a knowing smirk and his brother a teasing wink, knowing of the bet they had made and who the winner had been in that contest.

Laeta approached then, and as he usually did, Artorias rose to greet the older wolf who had cheated Death and defied all odds with recent respect. She was the medical miracle of the Hallows, and every day she spent amongst them, he considered himself in blessed company. "Laeta and Mel! I'm so glad you both came!" he exclaimed with a wide, earnest smile. Laeta presented them with a beautiful bouquet of preserved wildflowers and the florals from the Hallows' own gardens. It was gorgeous and made with such precision and intricacy that, while simple, was quintessentially Laeta. It was personal and heartfelt, and Artorias loved it. He handled the blooms as carefully as if they were made of sand, showing them off to Briar. "Thank you, Laeta! I know exactly where to display these in our chambers," Artorias said with a smile to the gaunt wolf and her decorous companion. "Please, enjoy the feast! Once you've gotten your strength back, I'd like to run some scouting trips with you." He hadn't forgotten of the woman's love of travel and exploration that she had told him about when she first joined the Hallows. Artorias truly considered every wolf in the pack a part of his family, and remembering their passions was a simple way to show he cared.

The last wolf to approach for some time was little Sota. Artorias greeted the pack's most precious member with a beaming smile and wagging tail. The flowers he presented were beautiful and so carefully and thoughtfully arranged in their bouquet. The attention to detail screamed Sota, another thoughtful and personal gift from one of the wolves he was honored to call his family. Before Sota could fully retreat, Artorias stood and called to him. "Sota." He'd wait until the other wolf looked back before adding, "Thank you, truly. When we can, I'd like to go see more lands with you, like the creek." He knew Sota would remember. A part of Artorias worried that he didn't spend nearly enough time with all of his wolves as he did with others. That would be rectified immediately, and he would share in the skills and passions of his family.

"Artorias & Briar Carpathius"

One big happy family

Artorias has two ravens named Corbin and Eira and a fox named Argent. Assume they are within calling distance at all times.
As his mate, Briar may enter Artorias' threads unless marked Private.



Advanced Intellectual (60)

Advanced Healer (60)

6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Pride - PansexualPride - Demisexual
05-27-2022, 08:54 PM

Emile knew he was expected to show his face at the wedding reception, it felt... Awkward, more so than usual. He wasn't really sure what he even wanted to do anymore. His father had left, Ezra was still technically around but he was often away, Lilith had left and it was really only him, Jane and Serenity left of his family. Some part of Emile wondered if he might do well out in the wider world, he'd never considered leaving before. His family was here but it seemed that was true less and less, but while he was still stewing on that thought he would at least make a point to show his face at the reception. He would offer the happy couple a polite nod as they rejoined the pack but Emile wasn't particularly close to either, leaving him feeling too anxious to do more than that.

Emile picked a quieter space on the first floor, and tucked in on himself, hiding his scar and just listening, watching and thinking.


Art by ChatonMignon31
[Image: 6UZMUzp.png]

Art by Sigath

Warning: Emile's threads may be potentially triggering as he is suffering from extreme mental duress, his threads may include themes of suicidal ideation and physical and emotional self harm. Please take care of yourself and thread at your own discretion.
Emile has a ring of jagged scars around his right eye from the events of the ooze, most of his art do not show this. His profile has been updated to reflect this.

Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.


The Hallows
Expert Physician

Master Healer (240)

Expert Navigator (140)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11KPride - Bisexual
05-29-2022, 10:56 PM
Syanna didn't really want to be here. Truth be told, she didn't really want to be anywhere. She simply wanted to cease existing, to become nothing and forget about the trauma and the turmoil she was now in. But she did this because she didn't want Ezra to be stuck and dragged down with her. Her lovely boyfriend, he had been so devoted and diligent in his caring for her after her attack. She didn't deserve his love or kindness. Still, he was singular minded, and were it not at her insistence, he would have abandoned all his duties and responsibilities to be by her side. So she came, if for no other reason than to force Ezra to return to normal life. She knew he wanted to participate in the fighting tournament, so she would stay long enough to give her well wishes to the bride and groom, let her partner fight, and then she'd run back off to hide and continue wishing her assailant had just killed her instead of leaving her in this living hell.


As her mate, Ezra may enter her threads not marked as Private.