



10 Years
Athena I
04-28-2014, 10:19 PM

The russet woman didn't know how to describe the feeling that came over her when he spoke. It was almost hard for her to understand the selflessness this man showed and that was apparent in the brief touch of confusion that crossed her gaze. Why in the world would he go through that again for anyone, much less her, someone he barely knew? She might have understood it had she been his sister or perhaps his mate or pup, but no, she was just a stranger that he had just met on the beach. He seemed like an enigma to her.

Her silver gaze traced over the bloody lines that marred his face and again she wished there was something she could do for him. She desperately reached back into her memories, wishing she had paid more attention to the few healing lessons she had been given. She vaguely remembered a reedy, green plant she had been taught to use to close wounds, but there was no way she could remember the name. But maybe if she saw it...

She glanced around, praying that maybe her one stray memory would pay off. Suddenly she spotted just was she was looking for a little ways off by a shallow pond. A grin broke across her face and she looked back at him with a quick, "Hang on, don't move." Phoebe jumped up, rushing over to the plants and plucking off several of them before running back. She flopped down in front of him again, quickly explaining, "I remember learning this when I was younger. We were never taught a lot of healing things, but this was helpful for when we were hurt during our training and things so they thought it was a good one to know." She took one of the long pieces of the plant into her mouth, breaking it into smaller pieces and chewing it into a paste.

Once she was done she looked at him apologetically, mumbling around the paste in her mouth, "I'm not very good at this, but maybe it will help." She would give him a moment to protest if he didn't want her to try and apply the herb, but if he had no objections she could stand to get a better angle to the wounds on his face and begin to gently press the paste into the reopened scars. She tried to be as gentle and neat as she could, but it was more than obvious she was no trained healer. Once that was done she turned her attention to the blood that had run down his cheeks and muzzle, gently lapping it away to try and clean him up a bit now that the wounds there were no longer freely bleeding. When she was satisfied, Phoebe's gaze found his again and her shoulders relaxed just a bit. "Better than nothing I hope."




4 Years
Extra large
04-28-2014, 10:58 PM

He would watch her quietly, noticing how her silver gaze would run over the gashes that crisscrossed his frame and face. He could sense the unease about her and he could only assume it was because of his injuries. He had practically no knowledge when it came to healing, so it wasn't like he could patch himself up. The most he could do was go and cleanse his wounds in running water, but that was about it. He wasn't of much help to ease her worry about his wounds, so all he could do was sit there until the pain dulled enough to where he could stand. And he wasn't sure how long that was going to take.

He was readying himself to settle in for a wait when he noticed Phoebe looking around, as if she were looking for something. Did she sense someone else coming to bring harm to them? Conan's ruby gaze would reflexively scan the area around them, his senses trying to detect any threats, but it wasn't until he saw her get up to grab some plants that he realized she hadn't been looking for threats. She would tell him to sit tight and he would do as he was told, waiting expectantly for her to return, curiosity claiming his features as she returned to lie before him. I remember learning this when I was younger. We were never taught a lot of healing things, but this was helpful for when we were hurt during our training and things so they thought it was a good one to know. He would nod quietly, watching as she ground up the plant in her jaws until it became a green paste, looking particularly unappetizing. I'm not very good at this, but maybe it will help. Conan would gaze at her with gratitude in his eyes, nodding silently as a quiet confirmation for her to proceed.

The behemoth would incline his head down as the russet woman stood over him, eyes falling closed as he allowed her to apply the paste to his wounds. He would grimace slightly at each touch, feeling the rawness of his wounds each time she pressed the paste on them. He had expected her to leave at that, so he thoroughly surprised to feel her beginning to lick at his cheeks, wiping the blood from sooty fur. Very unlike him, a hot blush would creep beneath his sooty fur at her touch. No woman since that particular one had dared touch him like was a strange...but in a good way...Better than nothing I hope. Her comment would break his thoughts, an amused chuckle bursting from his jaws. Certainly a lot better than I could do. Thank you. He would reach over and gently lick the bottom of her jaws, a rare token of gratitude that no one ever got to receive, yet Phoebe was deserving of that and so much more.

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10 Years
Athena I
04-29-2014, 06:07 AM

The corners of her mouth curled up in a smile at his words, the sound of his chuckle heartening. It eased her worries quite a bit to hear him speak, much less speak. He would lean in and give her jaw a grateful lick, making the Olympian blush lightly under her russet fur. Her silver gaze shone happily, simply happy to have been able to at least partially repay the favor of saving her life. If there was one thing she didn't like it was leaving debts unsettled.

Her gaze would drift down toward the rest of his body, her ears flicking when she saw the blood clinging to the rest of his fur as well. She didn't think any of the wounds were as serious as the ones on his face and it was very possible that some of it was blood from the feline, but none of the less the joy in her gaze was still subdued by the time her sliver eyes found his red ones.

"I don't understand why you would risk yourself for me like this," she said softly, her ears folding back. "I'm not entirely sure some of my own family members would have tried this hard to protect me, much less not scold me for not jumping into the fight myself. In fact, depending on who it was, I probably would have been ridiculed for not fighting."

She was still standing over him, but with his height he didn't have to lean down much to gently brush her muzzle against his cheek, whispering, I'm not trying to sound ungrateful, because I am... I'm just trying to understand... I've never felt so... concerned for anyone before." All of her emotions felt raw and volatile. Even once when her brother had gotten a nasty wound she hadn't felt this worried. Her eyes found his once again, searching his ruby gaze for some sort of answer.




4 Years
Extra large
04-29-2014, 02:40 PM

It gave the behemoth a peace of mind to see Phoebe no longer as worried about him as she'd been before she'd done her mini healing session. He could see her already beginning to let go of the worry, the smile on her lips a testament to that, bringing the behemoth's own half grimace to his bloodied lips. He was at complete ease around the russet woman and that was something that he hadn't felt in quite some time. I don't understand why you would risk yourself for me like this. I'm not entirely sure some of my own family members would have tried this hard to protect me, much less not scold me for not jumping into the fight myself. In fact, depending on who it was, I probably would have been ridiculed for not fighting.

A frown would crease his brow as he looked up at her, feeling that it would've been quite unnecessary for her family to have chastised her like that had they been here. She very well could've joined the fight, but the ending result probably would've been a lot more disastrous than it turned out to be. It had been better that she hadn't joined the fray; he wasn't sure what he would've done if she'd gotten hurt because of him. Almost naturally she would lean down to rub her muzzle against his cheek, Conan reflexively closing his eyes at her touch, relishing in the soothing nature of it. I'm not trying to sound ungrateful, because I am... I'm just trying to understand... I've never felt so... concerned for anyone before. Her last words would bring his ruby gaze back into view, a warm affectionate look in his eyes as he leaned forward to bury his face in her chest, not at all bashful about the fact that they were still practically strangers.

I'm a protector. he would rumble into her fur, enjoying her touch way too much to want to pull away. I protect those who can not protect themselves, though that by any means does not mean that I imply you can not handle your own. I'm pretty sure you can, but in that moment I didn't think, I just reacted. The predator was coming to you and I couldn't let it harm you, not while I could do something about it. It was instinctual, reflexive, almost a natural thing to protect you. Almost as I'd been doing it already for a while. I'm protective towards those close to me and yet I have no family or real friends to speak of...until maybe now... He would bury his face further in her russet chest, unable to pull back to see the look in her eyes. The things churning inside of him for this woman didn't make any logical sense. They were confusing and strange and he wasn't exactly sure how to handle them.

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10 Years
Athena I
04-29-2014, 03:07 PM

Phoebe would blink with surprise as Conan leaned forward to bury his face into the fur on her chest, tipping her head to look down at him. His touch made that warm blush come back to her face, which in itself was confusing enough. She was no stranger to men's touch, but it was a whole new experience with him and she couldn't figure out why. Then he began to speak and she listened closely, her ears pointed forward to catch every word. Her expression softened as he spoke, each word touching something inside her, but she didn't know how to react.

I'm protective towards those close to me and yet I have no family or real friends to speak of...until maybe now... A small smile smile tugged at her muzzle and she curved her neck to gently lick the top of his head. "You're a good wolf, Conan. Much better than myself," she replied softly, her voice hoarse with tears she didn't realize were forming in the corners of her eyes. "You don't want to be my friend. I'm selfish and vain and honestly wouldn't have dared to do what you just did for me..." Her eyes squeezed shut, the tears there running down her cheeks as rough, terrifying emotions welled up in her. It took all of her willpower to keep from trembling. Phoebe had never dared go beneath the very top layer of her emotions and how that she had she was terrified. "I'm not someone you want in your life, Conan." her voice was barely a whisper, still keeping her eyes closed so she wouldn't have to see his reaction.




4 Years
Extra large
04-29-2014, 05:24 PM

The longer he sat in Phoebe's embrace, the more he began to mull over the feelings that were bubbling inside of him. Upon closer inspection he would realize that he had seen these feelings before, with that woman back in his homeland all that time ago. But that had been years ago and he had moved on; so had she. She had wanted to stay in her birthland and the behemoth couldn't bring himself to tear her away from the one thing that she knew, so he'd left her there. There was a chance of him returning, but she knew it was slight. He didn't ask her to wait for him nor did she volunteer to wait for him, which was just fine with him. He hadn't expected to find another woman after her, and yet here he was with Phoebe, those same feelings knocking at his door. Sure, he had run into plenty of women since arriving in Alacritis and he would've done the same for them had they been here instead of Phoebe, but there was more with her than just his duty to protect those that couldn't. What it was he didn't know if he knew exactly.

His tiny speech would be rewarded with a lick to his skull and the beast would rumble with approval, liking any touch that Phoebe provided him with. You're a good wolf, Conan. Much better than myself. You don't want to be my friend. I'm selfish and vain and honestly wouldn't have dared to do what you just did for me...I'm not someone you want in your life, Conan. The thickness of her voice surprised him and he would pull back from her, skull tipping upwards so his ruby gaze could meet her silver one, though he came to notice that they were closed, tears silently running down her cheeks. Phoebe...look at me please... He would gently bump her chin, encouraging her to open her eyes and really look at him.

He would wait until her silver eyes came back into view before continuing, his gaze holding hers so that she couldn't look away. You have no idea who I do or don't want in my life, so there is no need to start throwing out assumptions. So what if you're selfish and vain? Everyone is selfish in their own way as well as vain. We wouldn't be wolves if we weren't vain. He hoped his weak attempt at humor might bring that smile back, hating to see her so torn up about nothing really. But none of that means that you're bad. Not everyone is selfless, not everyone is selfish. Everyone has their good and bad qualities about them, even myself. ANd they're qualities no one should ever see. But that doesn't stop me from trying to get out there and meet others. Had I given into my fear of my own bad qualities, I would've never approached you and we would've never met and that would've been the biggest shame in my life. I can tell you with certainty Phoebe that I do want you in my life, whether as a friend or more we will have to see, but I'm not going anywhere anytime soon...Unless of course you me to leave you alone... His voice would become quiet towards the end as he remembered the woman from his homelands, hoping that Phoebe wouldn't ask him to go away either.

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10 Years
Athena I
04-29-2014, 10:38 PM

Only at his prompting would she open her eyes, her shining silver gaze meeting his hesitantly. His attempt at a joke wouldn't go unnoticed, a weak smile coming to her muzzle and a quiet chuckle escaping her lips. She wasn't sure she believed that all wolves were vain, but it helped lighten her mood a bit at least. She listened to everything he said, that small touch of a smile never leaving her lips. At the end of his speech she immediately shook her head. "No... I don't want you to leave." Her voice was soft and sincere. She pressed her cheek against his, her eyes closing contently as she enjoyed his touch once more. "I'm not sure what you see in me, I probably never will, but if you really want me in your life then who am I to say no?" she whispered against his fur, only opening her eyes a sliver to tip up her muzzle a bit to place a lick by his ear.

She let her legs fold under her once more so they were both laying on the ground, still laying nose. She shifted closer to him so she could press her face into his chest much like he had hers, letting herself enjoy his warmth and the feelings that flared up inside her whenever they touched. She was beyond confused by this whole situation, but somehow she was still happier than she had been in a long time. She didn't understand the emotions she had when she looked at him and somehow even though they had just met she felt more at ease with him than she did anyone else, even her own brother. She never thought she would meet a brute that didn't simply want to chase after her for one physical purpose. Instead, he seemed to be drawn to her in the same way she was drawn to him.




4 Years
Extra large
04-29-2014, 11:00 PM

As his words echoed back to him, he would immediately regret the last words he said. He didn't want the idea of asking him to leave ever be a possibility in her mind, but it was much too late now to take it back. Would she entertain the idea? Was she too scared to let him in when she was supposedly such a horrid person? He sincerely hoped not because he wanted to show her just how good of a woman she really was. His pathetic attempt at humor did the trick, bringing a smile, though small it was a still a smile, to her lips as she chuckled. That was the Phoebe that he liked, not the worried and sad one. No... I don't want you to leave. I'm not sure what you see in me, I probably never will, but if you really want me in your life then who am I to say no? She would press her cheek to his again and Conan almost sighed out loud with relief. Her touch was so comforting, so soothing that he had almost forgotten that he'd gotten in a fight with a feline and was pretty banged up.

But even her touch couldn't hide the...relief? No, that wasn't the right word. The...excitement that he felt at having heard that she didn't want him to leave. She wanted him to stay in her life just as he wanted her to stay in his. Practical strangers but to anyone to would see them from afar would think that they had been together for quite some time and it was almost like they had been. He probably shouldn't be saying anything, but he couldn't help but interject. He didn't want her thinking that he was going to force her to do anything she didn't want to. I'm glad you don't want me to leave because I would find it rather difficult to do so...but you do have every right to shut me out at any point if you ever feel so inclined to. Just because I want you in my life doesn't mean that you have to be. he was probably sounding like some babbling idiot, but just didn't want her to feel pressured into doing anything. If she wanted to be in his life, it was because of her own free will, because she wanted to, not because she felt like she had to for his sake.

He would sight quietly, hoping that he hadn't ruined everything with his sudden urge to explain himself, burying his face in her neck as he curled his own against her nape. Being affectionate with the russet woman was the most natural thing in the world, second only to fighting and killing, but they were in completely separate categories. She far outweighed fighting by a long shot, there was absolutely no comparing. A total stranger and yet she didn't feel like one...what were the odds...

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10 Years
Athena I
04-30-2014, 01:02 PM

Phoebe couldn't help but chuckle softly at his words. "Oh hush. If I wanted you gone, you'd be gone," she mumbled jokingly into his fur. She curled up her body so that once he had draped his neck around the top of her neck, she could curve her body to have the side of her face pressed to his chest and her body making a semicircle under his neck. He was so much larger than her that it was easy to curl up against him without even trying and she loved it. Next to him, even at thirty-six inches tall, she felt dainty and small.

It felt like they were closed off from the outside world on this island and Phoebe had completely lost all track of time. It wasn't until she opened one of her eyes that she noticed the sun beginning to sink toward the skyline, lighting up the sky with oranges and reds, the colors sparkling on the points of the distant waves. As much as she wished she could simply lay cuddled up in Conan's embrace, she knew they should find somewhere to spend the night. With a sigh she unfurled herself, gently slipping out from under his neck and rising to her paws.

Her gaze ran over him once again, reminding her that there were plenty more wounds from his fight than just the ones on his face. "Maybe we should find a den or something to stay the night in. How are you feeling? Do you want me to try patching up some more of those wounds?" she asked, concern touching her tone, prepared to go get more of the reeds she had used before if need be.




4 Years
Extra large
04-30-2014, 01:18 PM

Oh hush. If I wanted you gone, you'd be gone. This time relief really did wash over him, glad that his babbling hadn't convinced her that she really should send him away. He would clamp his jaws together, nodding quietly in silent acknowledgement of her wish, a smile cracking his mockingly serious expression. Silence would stretch out between them as she repositioned herself beneath him, curving her body so that it was nearly enveloped in his embrace. He would've pulled her against him to cocoon her, but he wasn't sure about the extent of his injuries, plus he didn't want to end up getting some of his blood or the feline's blood all over her coat. That was not attractive on any level, unless of course someone were into that kind of that, but he hadn't met anyone who was.

He would relax against her, lids falling to half mast as he rested his skull against her nape, completely content with dozing here for the rest of the night of however long she wanted to. He was partially oblivious to their surroundings, not really concerned with what time of day it was, though he was very much still alert for any dangers that could decide to pop up again. And then Phoebe was pulling herself away from him, bringing herself to her paws and a confused look crossed Conan's features, not quite following what she was doing. Maybe we should find a den or something to stay the night in. How are you feeling? Do you want me to try patching up some more of those wounds? Understanding dawned on his face as he would gingerly readjust himself, feeling his entire body protest in response. Everything hurts, but the pain is a dull ache now. And yes, that would probably be a good idea before we head out in search of a den. I'm not very fond of infections.

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10 Years
Athena I
04-30-2014, 01:35 PM

A small smile would cross her muzzle and she would nod in understanding at his response. She was kind of glad that he agreed to her offer, seeing as how if he got an infection under her watch she would never forgive herself. Phoebe turned and trotted toward the spot she had found the plant before, her tail waving gently behind her. It was no problem for her to find it once again and soon she returned with several pieces of the plant in her jaws. Settling down on her haunches beside him so that she was facing his right shoulder, she took one of the pieces of the plant into her maw and began the process of chewing it again. Slowly she worked her way around his body, covering the larger of the cuts and bites as well as she could. Her work was slow and meticulous and she was silent throughout the process since she had to focus so closely. She made a mental note to find a proper healer to teach her when she got home.

Once she was satisfied that she had gotten the worst of them she stood back to admire her work and make sure that she hadn't missed a spot. He certainly got quite bangged up in the fight and she was just impressed that he was able to handle the pain that must have come with it.

Coming back around to face him again she smiled, her gaze warm as she looked down into his. "There. Maybe that will help fend off those infections." She gently brushed her muzzle against his cheek, her eyes closing and smile widening just from the simple touch. "Shall we go look for a den now?" she whispered against his cheek, reluctant to pull away from him. Thanks to her slow working on patching him up, the sun had almost sunk below the horizon, just sitting on the skyline in a bright half-circle.




4 Years
Extra large
05-01-2014, 11:51 PM

Falling into her little medic zone again, Phoebe would return to the little stock of plants that she had found, gathering more as she prepared to treat the rest of his injuries. As she sat down and began to prepare the paste, part of him wanted to ask how bad the extent of his injuries were, but he didn't really want to know. With how sharp the cat's teeth and claws were, he could only assume that anywhere it had managed to nail him was pretty torn up. It wasn't like he hadn't been banged up before. He just didn't want to bring more attention to them than they already have, especially around Phoebe.

Like the good patient that he was, the behemoth would lie quietly as the russet woman would make her rounds all along his body, the occasional grimace the only sign of his discomfort. Several minutes would pass by before she would end up lying before him again, her cheek pressed up against him as she asked whether they should seek out shelter. He would not, pressing his cheek back against hers in return, tongue gently swiping against her muzzle in a soft kiss before he would pull away to stand. Jaws would clench together in quiet pain as he slowly unfurled his limbs from beneath him, his breath coming out as a hiss as he worked to get himself to stand. His body would tremble as he got all four legs beneath him, but he was successful in keeping himself up, his battered legs holding up well. Shall we? he would murmur, extending a paw out as a signal for her to take the lead.

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10 Years
Athena I
05-02-2014, 09:00 AM

Phoebe would taking a step back to let Conan have room to stand when she saw him beginning to move. Her ears folded back as she watched him struggle a bit to stand, the pain it caused him was obvious. But, none of the less, he got to his paws and stayed standing, making the corners of her mouth turn up in a small smile. At his gesture she would move to stand beside him, looking up at him with a smile as she gave his neck a lick before heading forward, walking shoulder to shoulder with him and being sure to match his pace so they wouldn't move any faster than he felt comfortable to.

They padded along in silence, but that was fine with her. It was rare that the russet Olympian wouldn't have something to say, but this was one of those times. Instead, she had her attention focused on Conan, trying to make sure he was doing okay, and on the forest around her, determined to be prepared should something else jump out at them. Luckily, it didn't seem like that was necessary. She didn't hear anything around them except for the low hum of bugs buzzing and birds in the trees moving and chirping. All this wildlife and greenery was great to be around considering the colder weather that was setting in on the mainland.

It took a good bit of walking till Phoebe's silver gaze spotted a dip in the ground that was covered by a fallen tree that was leaning against another large tree. It formed a natural lean-to and vegetation had grown up around it to form a nice sized, covered area. She smiled and padded forward, moving ahead of Conan to check for any scents that would show that the makeshift den was already taken. Not finding any, she turned around to face him, her tail wagging. "How about this? Not a real den, but it'll do I think."

Normally she was so picky about everything in her life. Her coat, who she was around, where she lived... everything. But something was different now. Maybe it was because she knew how badly Conan was hurt or maybe it was just something about Conan in general, but it calmed her down and made to reevaluate her priorities.




4 Years
Extra large
05-05-2014, 08:20 PM

Though he was very capable of handling himself as he had just proven with getting himself to his paws, but it seemed that Phoebe wasn't about to let up. She would to his side, pressing her shoulder against his in support, licking his neck before she would press forward, Conan following suit. The pair would move quietly through the island foliage, both on their guard and watching their surroundings. Their pace was slow, the gargantuan moving with an obvious limp. He favored none of his legs, but it just hurt to walk in general. By tomorrow he would hope to be feeling better, though he knew he soreness and stiffness would be in his future.

And then Phoebe was moving ahead of him, her attention having been caught by what looked to be like a pretty decent shelter. She would scope it out, making sure that was truly unoccupied and that they wouldn't have any unwanted visitors during the night. Once cleared she would turns towards him, asking if he would approve of the little shelter. He would hobble over to her, bumping her gently with his massive skull, a grateful grin twisting his sooty lips as he walked past her to the little shelter, his massive body collapsing in a heap. This will do perfectly. he would murmur, patting the ground before him with a paw, his ruby gaze glued to her silver one as he waited for her to join him.

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10 Years
Athena I
05-05-2014, 08:55 PM (This post was last modified: 05-05-2014, 08:55 PM by Phoebe.)

Phoebe giggled softly as Conan bumped her with his large head before heading into the den and quickly making himself comfortable. She turned her body to face him, looking into the den and watching him patting the ground near him as an invitation to join him. A sly smirk crossed her muzzle and a curious gleam touched her gaze. Had this been under different circumstances, Phoebe wouldn't have hesitated to join him in a completely different way, but here they were with him covered in wounds given to him by a wild cat that had tried to kill her. Part of her, the part of her that usually got her into trouble, deeply wished that wasn't the case.

She padded forward with a flick of her tail before leaning down toward him, brushing her muzzle against his cheek and whispering by his ear, "It's really a shame you're injured..." She would let him put together the pieces of what she meant. He wasn't a pup and she was sure he wasn't a stranger to the thoughts she was having, so she left it at that. She would place a kiss gently just under his ear before leaning back from him again, the smirk still present on her muzzle. She knew that maybe she was being too forward, but nothing had stopped Phoebe from speaking her mind before and it certainly wouldn't stop her now.

The russet woman would move around to lay down beside him, being sure not to let their sides touch unless he wanted them to. She didn't want to risk rubbing one of his many cuts and bites and hurting him. If he wanted to curl up with her she certainly wouldn't object, but she would let that be his decision. Her forelegs were parallel to his and she put her head down on her legs, looking up at him from the corner of her eyes to see if he would follow her lead or if he would change their position at all.




4 Years
Extra large
05-06-2014, 01:30 PM (This post was last modified: 05-06-2014, 01:30 PM by Conan.)

Conan was a gentleman by nature. His rather had raised him to value women, to respect them and to never push them towards anything that they didn't want. That was probably why a lot of women were drawn to him, since he probably was a lot different in his mannerisms that some of the men they came across. All of the men from his pack had been raised with the same beliefs. Women from his birthlands were mothers as well as warriors, so there was no questioning that they deserved their place beside their husbands and brothers as respected members of the community. Without their women, the pack probably wouldn't have survived for so long. So it was normal for any thoughts that pertained to physical relationships with a woman to always be kept suppressed. Since the woman from his home, he had found none that had interested him in that way and he respected too much to see them as mere objects of physical pleasure.

But as he lied in the makeshift den, Phoebe meandering up beside him her voice a soft whisper in his hear with devious intentions, Conan suddenly found his mind wandering elsewhere. She would kiss the bottom of his ear before settling herself down beside him, making sure that their bodies weren't touching but were close to touch were one of them to initiate the contact. She would rest her head against her paws, her silver eyes watching him, waiting to see what he would do. His ruby gaze would stare right back at her, realizing that the longer he stared at her the more acutely aware he became of his body and how certain parts were reacting to her insinuating. He would reach out with a giant paw, draping it over her shoulder as he pulled, rolling her over onto her back as the distance between their bodies disappeared. Being hurt injured doesn't mean that I'm crippled... He rumble huskily against her own ear, a chuckle following his words. The gargantuan had never flirted with a woman before so this was a rather interesting turn of events.

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10 Years
Athena I
05-06-2014, 02:34 PM

Phoebe had at most expected maybe a chuckle and a sly comment from him at most before he laid down to sleep, but that was far from the truth. Her ears perked up as she noticed his weight shifting and suddenly his leg was across her shoulders, his large limb easily rolling her over onto her back and pulling her closer to him, their sides now touching. She didn't fight him at all, instead willingly laying on her back beside him, a grin on her muzzle and a sly look in her eyes. Her forelegs were tucked up against her chest, but the rest of her body naturally stretched out lazily.

"Oh, is that so? You don't think you should take it easy?" she replied just as huskily, her tone teasing and light. She nipped lightly at his ear and chuckled, adding, "Felines might not be the only dangerous thing in this jungle..." She let her head rest back on the ground, looking up at him curiously. This was certainly a turn of events, but one that Phoebe would welcome. She was no stranger to brutes of course, but something felt different with Conan. She trusted him completely, which was something she didn't usually feel around other wolves that weren't her family, and of course she felt respected for the first time in a long time.




4 Years
Extra large
05-14-2014, 02:02 PM

Oh, is that so? You don't think you should take it easy? Felines might not be the only dangerous thing in this jungle.. Conan would chuckle at Phoebe's teasing, his eyesbrow raising mockingly as she nipped his ear. Is that right? What else could be more dangerous than a raging hungry feline, mm? He already had an inkling of what she was hinting at, but he wanted her to say it for herself. It was fun to relax in their makeshift den with her, playfully joking with each other about things they would probably not do any time soon. But it was all good fun. Conan enjoyed being around the russet woman and from what he could gather, she seemed to enjoy his presence as well. It was a win-win situation and he hoped that there would be more situations like this in the future, except where he wasn't battling ferocious felines off of course.

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10 Years
Athena I
05-17-2014, 09:09 PM

Phoebe chuckled at his next question, her eyes glittering dangerously. "A raging, hungry fea," she teased, giggling again as she leaned up briefly to place a lick on his muzzle. As she rested her head back on the ground she smiled and sighed contently, smirking up at him as her gaze softened. Part of her wished they would follow through with their playful teasing, but she knew he was beat up pretty badly and he was probably too much of a gentleman to do it anyway. Maybe, one day, she would get her wish if they got to have a few more of these little meetings.

She looked up at him curiously, her mind working over how to form her question. After hesitating for a moment she asked, I'm part of a pack not too fat from here. Their territory isn't far off of the main shore. Most of my family lives there. Actually, the pack is named after my family... But, anyway, um... If you wanted to you could come live there with me. We need more wolves and I know Virgil would jump at the chance to have a warrior as strong as you with us, especially if I vouch for you." Her tail wagged, brushing against the ground as she looked up at him hopefully. "You can think about it if you want, but I'd really like it if you did."
