
A grand future ahead

Pack meeting!



Master Fighter (340)

Master Hunter (330)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022Double MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
01-09-2024, 01:51 AM

Kotori’s gaze turned as Ochi joined him, a warm small given to her. Kotori’s gaze swept to the family that was the first to show up. Whatever magic gave those two children had certainly thrown the Sumatar for a loop. There were strict wolves on asking for permission to have children but he couldn’t blame the pair for unplanned children. It was nice to see how fast they were able to round up the children and get settled. The pups were acting their age and Kotori’s attention swept to the other wolves as they showed up.

After a time almost every wolf in the pack was here. Kotori took note of the few who had not answered Kotori’s call. That would be dealt with on another day. Today was for good news and updates. Kotori did another fast run-through in his head of everything he would speak of today.

“Thank you all for coming,” Kotori spoke, making sure his voice carried for those sitting farther to the back to still easily hear. “Much has changed as of late, all for the better.” Starting with a pinnacle detail his gaze moved to Ochi for a moment then back to the pack, “I have once again taken over the role of Sumatar for Valta and with me is Ochitsuki, my mate, and holds the role of Yleva. She has the authority to make decisions for the pack, and is to be given the same respect you give to me.” It seemed an obvious matter to Kotori but in stating it no one could portray ignorance.

“As most of you probably know we have other new members of the pack. Mojito and Nao have graced Valta with a litter of pups. Children are the future of a pack. When the pups find where their interests lay of future goals I hope to see wolves step up to assist in training them.” The pups had grown from when he had first see them when they were…found?

“To that end, I also want to see each of you work on improving your own skills. The pack has grown greatly in size the last few seasons but I would say the strength of the pack has not changed much. As a pack grows it's only natural it should get stronger as well. We need to work harder at improving ourselves. Each wolf should take initative on their own to improve. There are many wolves who will be willing to help you on improving your skills. I do not need every wolf to be a warrior but I will not have any wolf in this pack who does not do their share of the work and have some talent to offer the pack. If you are unsure of how to help come see me.”

Kotori wasn’t done yet. “In regards to the growth of the pack, we are running low on space. It’s time we enlarge our space. I intend for us to expand into the Redbud Nook. There will be lot of work ahead. We need to kill off predators that still roam there. We need to study the land, and determine what all it has to offer of both gains and any risks. Bowen has joined the pack as a guest of honor. She is a master in the arts of navigation and will be assisting in looking over the land. I expect to see every one of you stepping up to help in the land expansion.” He ws grateful both to Bowen and for the Hallows for granting this assistance.

“Lastly, I will be speaking with a few of you in regards to possible promotions in the ranks. There is a lot of work to do and so I suggest to all of you that if you have hopes of future promotion that you show me now why you deserve a higher status. I’ll be watching everyone closely. Questions? Thoughts?” It was a lot to take in, but he was willing to go over any questions to clarify.

"Kotori Fatalis"

[Image: HMmbDEu.png]

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