
The Sleep Of The Innocent



8 Years
Extra large
04-20-2014, 01:21 PM

Upon looking to Themisto, it would make him happy to see the man lighten up, and even accept his apology, they were good. Deviant's head nodded to this, a good thing, it would have been a bit of trouble should the man not accept and went on to hold a small grudge against him, he couldn't blame him, after all, Dev had charged into him. Silently he watched Themisto look towards the unconscious body, ears perking up as he asked what they do with him now before welcoming Deviant into the pack.

Attention would shift, focusing on Erani, waiting for an answer, the man was curious as to what would be done with the dark male in the grass. They were to take him prisoner, barracade him in an unused den away from children and females, male guards preferred, keep him drugged, feed him only enough to remain alive till trial. He took it all in, storing it, making sure he would not lose one detail about it. Head raised when she turned to him, he would be one of the appointed males to guard the wolf, save any pain he wanted to inflict for the punishment, and let it be as painful and long as can be. He nodded with a slight, twisted grin, he would do exactly that. The man wanted the fool to feel everything for as long as possible, give him the same pain his daughter had to go through and carry.

As quickly as the grin had formed, it would fade away as he watched the Alphess go on to bury the child. Heart clenched, a light sigh escaping his lips, having to look away when she lifted the pup and set it gently into the hole. Done burying the girl, Erani addressed Deviant and Themisto, he nodded his head, turning away once the woman took her leave. Now he would go to the spot Erani had buried the child, setting a paw gently atop and closing his eyes. ?I'm sorry little one, this should not have been your fate... may you rest in piece, my grand-daughter. I will bring you flowers once I deal with this criminal.? Words were soft, and gentle to the sleeping child.

Taking in a deep breath he now turned away and stepped towards the unconscious wolf, looking over towards Themisto. Ready. ?Any places in mind??

-exit deviant-
