
stuck in colder weather



3 Years
04-15-2014, 02:34 AM

The meeting seemed mainly to be to promote a better attitude within the pack. Talvi could admit that her own efforts were likely perceived as rather weak, though she was far from having one of the mentioned egos, a rather lost young girl still trying to find her way in the pack not to mention her family. And though she waited, there was still no sign of any of them.

That there would be a turning point for her, here was part of the pack gathered, far larger than Talvi could have really imagined to be honest. She hadn't really been ambitious prior to this point, though her eagerness to learn and prove herself now was starting to spark, even more so after Sendoa's warning for members to step up. She had to stop waiting for her family to show their faces and focus upon herself it seemed and the ones that showed any care to her.

After finishing with her warnings and promotions, Sendoa would dismiss them or welcome any of them to speak. Talvi, having nothing else to say would break away from the back of the group, silently taking her leave.


04-17-2014, 07:57 PM

Arietta had expected the answer, but to be on the safe side she would ask her mate's permission just to confirm that was what he wanted. If the Queen would truly allow her to leave in peace then it would be a better situation. A flash of worry did pop into her mind though. Isardis. What if the man tried to force her to come back to the pack again? She wasn't sure why he would -- her hunting skills were poor and she had yet to develop any other sort of skill. She was useless to them for anything but bearing children... and when that time came it was Sin who was to decide that, not them.

The small brown fae would come into the area, light blue eyes shifting to the queen as she lowered her head respectfully. "My Queen I too would like to request to leave." Though with Sin still technically in Glaciem would that be... odd? The fear that they might try and force her to stay here did worry Arietta some. But they had no reason to do so... did they? She would wait quietly, not wanting to give more information than was needed about her decision.

Speech, Thought


04-18-2014, 12:08 AM

She watched as more and more members lumbered forward, and as their king graced them with his presence. At his state she took a sharp intake of breath, she knew he wasn't doing well, any wolf with a half bit of sense could see that. She made a note to check on his being later. He mentioned something about her and another, Liberty and her ears flicked with interest. What was going on? Sendoa would speak again, promoting her to the rank of an Overseer and Eris was silent in shock for several moments. Never, had she expected.. this. While she found her words, she heard Liberty thank the queen, and she would stand, even though she was merely twenty three inches, she stood at the front of the group so she could be seen by the queen. "Thank you Sendoa, I will do my best to serve Glaciem." She spoke sincerely, trying to appear confident.

Settling back on her haunches she looked at Vereux as he spoke, declaring that he wished to train under her. She felt a prickle of pride, and nodded her approval towards Sendoa, not that the queen needed it. Even if she hadn't approved whole-heartedly with the boys decision Sendoa could have merely ordered the training. "I look forward to working with you Vereux." She said softly, but loud enough she knew the boy would hear her. He had chosen a unique path, and she felt little doubt that he couldn't fulfill it. At least he had chosen. She noted that Narsha would request her leave, and Eris wondered about the woman. She hadn't seen her excluding meetings since her birth. Another spoke, Arietta and Eris glanced at her, wondering why the small woman was requesting to leave the pack. Never the less, she waited to be dismissed by the Queen, all the while watching the rest of the proceedings.



04-18-2014, 09:12 PM

Another came, requesting to leave the ranks of Glaciem and set off on her own. No matter how foolish Sendoa thought this choice to be, she would not deny her the right to do so. Besides, if her loyalty was not here, she should not be either. ?Your request is permitted.? With a nod of her head she dismissed the woman - whom she only vaguely knew anyhow, and glanced to those still in attendance. ?It seems more than a few will be leaving us in the near future. I would recommend those loyal to this kingdom go out and recruit able bodied wolves for our cause. Females need not worry about being bred for quite some time, so there should be less resistance to joining. Those who manage to bring wolves into the fold will be justly rewarded for their efforts.? There was an urgency to her tone, and a certain amount of sincerity. She would reward those who worked to aide Glaciem in this way.
