
Sokee Litter #2


01-28-2014, 10:18 PM
(I hope this is still open?)

#3 or #4
Name: Lullaby Destruction [F]

Appearance: Lullaby had a black coat base with a stunning ivory stripe running across the top of her muzzle. The stripe expands turning the top of her head and the topside of her back a glorious white. She has eyes of light gray that highlight her overall appearance. The princess would stand a proud 31 inches when fully grown, making her around the same size as her graceful mother. She weighs around 90 pounds when fully grown and is always holding a smile to her. The cunning girl is elegantly built with muscular legs to highlight the overall hunters build that she contains.

Personality: Courageous and independent in nature since birth, Lullaby would grow to be a wolf proud of everything she believes in. Her will would pull her to help those in need and keep justice as a priority when thinking about what needs to be done and what is the right thing to do. Lullaby would be more of the silent type who doesn't do much speaking unless it is required of her. When she does speak, she might have a hard time getting her words out and develop a slight stutter. She would love to make friends and would probably be the first one to greet a newcomer to the pack. Overall however, Lullaby is cunning and a fast mouth.



02-03-2014, 12:31 PM
-is caving- D:

b]Name:[/b] Requiem Destruction
Appearance: 8; back up is 12
Personality: Humble is a quick and sufficient way of describing Requiem. His main aims are to help those around him by whatever means necessary, though always with a conscious morality and rigid sense of right and wrong. In no way does he long for leadership or roles of importance that place him at the pinnacle of some hierarchy, though neither is he one to shy from it should it be handed to him. But only with the respect and support of others could he consider taking on such a role.

His interest and growing curiosity in the divine power that his mother has communication with draws him willingly and wholly into her practices, placing the otherworldly influence toward the center of his focus in his desire to possess the same level of closeness that she does. Likely other aspects of life will fall to the wayside in his eagerness to learn, but in his mind it is all a small price to pay to receive the guidance and reassurance of the divine power.


02-05-2014, 12:03 PM
Name: Descant Destruction
Appearance: 9 - white with orange eyes. (Second pick: 13 - cream with heteochromia.)
Personality Prior to IC Influences:

Introspective - a daydreamer
It isn't so much that Descant minds talking to others. He just happens to like wandering around in his own thoughts a little more... he comes off as brooding as he daydreams at times, imagining his life in other ways and situations than what it actually is. Just because it's brooding doesn't always mean it's dark, however! As a result, he can come off as oblivious at times.

Descant is confident in himself and his abilities to do things. He's usually right too. As a result he can come off as the ace - the show-off and that "one annoying kid" who has to do everything better than everyone else. He'll one-up you if he can... but usually without the malicious intent. He doesn't mean to be a jerk, but definitely can be.

Needs to be Needed 'cause I can't think of another word for it right now.
Descant wants to be useful. He wants to be a part of the pack that makes a difference. He doesn't mind how, but he will realize eventually that to really do that he may need to rank up a bit more. This can conflict with his tendency to daydream and therefore lack the attention span needed for lessons. (As a plot point, I could see him feeling like he's not needed, and that will cause him issues... like running away.)

Descant - a high-pitched harmony accompanying the main melody. Being first is nice, but he would rather be a compliment to a greater story than be the main attraction, in spite of his show-off tendencies.



02-19-2014, 08:55 PM
After much thought, time and consideration Wolf and I have come to an agreement on the players of the second litter of Song and Cherokee.?

The first free pup will be awarded to Eldarwen with her pup Dutiron who will be of Eld's own design.?

The second free pup goes to Amritha with Descant - design number 9

The third pup, who's pass will be paid for by myself is Rina with Sound - design 13

Now the last two pups are up for grabs if these next two winners wish to pay for a pass. If they decline then the next runners up will be allowed to purchase a pass.?

Number four is Mouse with Requiem - design 8
Number five is Fox with Encore - design 3

The three runners up in order are: Nyx, Ely, and Tealah. If either Fox or Mouse decline their winnings the slot will be offered in order to these three players.?

Also if the currently chosen players feel they have become inactive (or Kat or Wolf think you're too inactive) there is a possibility of your pup being put back up for adoption.?

Thank you everyone for showing so much interest in these babies! There will be more litters but if you are still interested in having a Destruction hop over to Story's adoption thread! He needs a player too <3?